1 00:00:10,718 --> 00:00:15,062 In 1 Corinthians 14:34-36, 2 00:00:15,062 --> 00:00:18,162 does it mean that women should not be pastors 3 00:00:18,162 --> 00:00:20,447 or leaders in a church? 4 00:00:20,447 --> 00:00:25,849 Or assume roles of teaching the Gospel? 5 00:00:25,849 --> 00:00:40,561 Let's everybody turn to that passage. 1 Corinthians 14. 6 00:00:40,561 --> 00:00:45,602 1 Corinthians 14:27 is where I want to pick up reading. 7 00:00:45,602 --> 00:00:49,708 I want you to see something very interesting here. 8 00:00:49,708 --> 00:00:57,929 "If any speak in a tongue, let there be only two or three, 9 00:00:57,929 --> 00:01:01,982 or at most three, and each in turn, 10 00:01:01,982 --> 00:01:05,227 and let someone interpret." 11 00:01:05,227 --> 00:01:09,318 And listen to this: this is critical, verse 28, 12 00:01:09,318 --> 00:01:12,417 "But if there is no one to interpret, 13 00:01:12,417 --> 00:01:15,917 let each of them keep silent in church, 14 00:01:15,917 --> 00:01:19,872 and speak to himself and to God." 15 00:01:19,872 --> 00:01:22,673 Now, here's the first thing I want you to see. 16 00:01:22,673 --> 00:01:29,519 Women are not the only ones told to keep silent here. 17 00:01:29,519 --> 00:01:32,716 You have those that speak in tongues. 18 00:01:32,716 --> 00:01:35,448 If there is no interpreter, 19 00:01:35,448 --> 00:01:39,578 they are told the exact same thing. 20 00:01:39,578 --> 00:01:43,603 "Keep silent in church." 21 00:01:43,603 --> 00:01:46,310 Ok, let me ask you this: 22 00:01:46,310 --> 00:01:51,545 Does Paul mean that if you have a gift of tongues, 23 00:01:51,545 --> 00:01:55,671 let's say you're a man, let's say you're a pastor in the church. 24 00:01:55,671 --> 00:01:58,944 Let's say you're not only a pastor, you're a prophet. 25 00:01:58,944 --> 00:02:03,769 You have prophetic gifts, you have pastoral gifts, 26 00:02:03,769 --> 00:02:06,171 and you have tongue gifts. 27 00:02:06,171 --> 00:02:09,093 Which all of those were gifts that are 28 00:02:09,093 --> 00:02:11,146 identified in the Scriptures. 29 00:02:11,146 --> 00:02:13,138 Let's say you had all of those. 30 00:02:13,138 --> 00:02:15,485 And you show up at church one day, 31 00:02:15,485 --> 00:02:19,483 and it happens that the guy with the gift of interpretation 32 00:02:19,483 --> 00:02:21,268 was sick that day. 33 00:02:21,268 --> 00:02:22,813 He's not there. 34 00:02:22,813 --> 00:02:25,403 And God doesn't supernaturally give it to somebody else. 35 00:02:25,403 --> 00:02:29,406 Does Paul mean that because there's no interpreter there, 36 00:02:29,406 --> 00:02:32,639 and you are the guy that has tongues gifts, 37 00:02:32,639 --> 00:02:35,721 that you're to be absolutely silent, can't sing, 38 00:02:35,721 --> 00:02:39,494 can't use your pastoral gifts, can't use your prophetic gifts? 39 00:02:39,494 --> 00:02:41,686 Do you believe that's what he means? 40 00:02:41,686 --> 00:02:45,335 He says, "keep silent in church." 41 00:02:45,335 --> 00:02:47,481 Is that a blanket statement that you need to just 42 00:02:47,481 --> 00:02:52,245 shut your mouth the whole time? 43 00:02:52,245 --> 00:02:56,371 It has context. What's the context? 44 00:02:56,371 --> 00:03:00,260 The context has to do specifically with speaking in tongues. 45 00:03:00,260 --> 00:03:02,416 When he says be silent, you look at the context 46 00:03:02,416 --> 00:03:06,353 and you realize, oh, he doesn't mean totally. 47 00:03:06,353 --> 00:03:13,034 It's not like, hey, why isn't James talking today? 48 00:03:13,034 --> 00:03:16,855 Well, he's been silent in church because he has the gift of tongues 49 00:03:16,855 --> 00:03:20,507 and the interpreter's not here today. 50 00:03:20,507 --> 00:03:24,849 No, you're all laughing - that's ridiculous. 51 00:03:24,849 --> 00:03:27,454 Well, let's move forward now, 52 00:03:27,454 --> 00:03:29,642 Verse 29, let two or three prophets, 53 00:03:29,642 --> 00:03:32,878 now notice, Paul's shifted from speaking 54 00:03:32,878 --> 00:03:36,496 about tongues and interpretation, 55 00:03:36,496 --> 00:03:41,566 now he's moving to prophecy. 56 00:03:41,566 --> 00:03:45,787 Verse 29, "let two or three prophets speak, 57 00:03:45,787 --> 00:03:47,968 and let the others weigh what is said." 58 00:03:47,968 --> 00:03:52,964 Now notice this: he's not only speaking about prophecy, 59 00:03:52,964 --> 00:03:58,623 he's speaking about weighing those prophecies. 60 00:03:58,623 --> 00:04:04,137 Biblically examining the prophecies. 61 00:04:04,137 --> 00:04:07,255 "If a revelation is made to another sitting there, 62 00:04:07,255 --> 00:04:09,600 let the first be silent. 63 00:04:09,600 --> 00:04:12,380 For you can all prophesy one by one, 64 00:04:12,380 --> 00:04:14,906 so that all may learn and all be encouraged, 65 00:04:14,906 --> 00:04:18,030 and the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets." 66 00:04:18,030 --> 00:04:22,921 Now notice what's happening: they're weighing prophecies, 67 00:04:22,921 --> 00:04:26,491 the prophets are being subject to the prophets, 68 00:04:26,491 --> 00:04:28,475 for God is not a God of confusion, but of peace as in 69 00:04:28,475 --> 00:04:30,675 all the churches of the saints." 70 00:04:30,675 --> 00:04:35,813 Now, look: when he says the women should keep silent, 71 00:04:35,813 --> 00:04:43,443 it's in the immediate context of weighing the prophecies, 72 00:04:43,443 --> 00:04:48,720 and the prophets being subject to the prophets. 73 00:04:48,720 --> 00:04:54,107 In other words, if the women have some question 74 00:04:54,107 --> 00:04:57,978 about the prophecy, they are not to be in a place 75 00:04:57,978 --> 00:05:01,813 where they are putting the men in check. 76 00:05:01,813 --> 00:05:03,946 They are not in a place where they are to be 77 00:05:03,946 --> 00:05:05,754 weighing these out and to be taking 78 00:05:05,754 --> 00:05:08,450 an authoritative role in that. 79 00:05:08,450 --> 00:05:14,478 Now look: all you have to do is turn back to 1 Corinthians 11, 80 00:05:14,478 --> 00:05:17,678 go back there. 81 00:05:17,678 --> 00:05:23,124 And verse 5, do you see what's said there? 82 00:05:23,124 --> 00:05:29,935 "Every wife who prays or prophesies..." 83 00:05:29,935 --> 00:05:36,768 Guess what? Paul is allowing women to pray and prophesy. 84 00:05:36,768 --> 00:05:38,771 They can even prophesy. 85 00:05:38,771 --> 00:05:41,095 What they can't do and where they need to 86 00:05:41,095 --> 00:05:45,199 keep their mouths shut concerning, 87 00:05:45,199 --> 00:05:49,171 is when a prophecy comes up for examination, 88 00:05:49,171 --> 00:05:52,318 they're not to be in that position. 89 00:05:52,318 --> 00:05:56,795 Just like 1 Timothy 2 says, a woman is not to be 90 00:05:56,795 --> 00:06:03,783 in the place of teaching or exerting authority over men. 91 00:06:03,783 --> 00:06:05,653 Now that's key. 92 00:06:05,653 --> 00:06:09,957 And as Michelle in this question asks, 93 00:06:09,957 --> 00:06:15,098 "does this have to do with women being in pastoral roles 94 00:06:15,098 --> 00:06:17,151 or leaders in the church?" 95 00:06:17,151 --> 00:06:19,974 Absolutely. They're forbidden from that. 96 00:06:19,974 --> 00:06:24,198 "We find in 1 Timothy 2:11-12, 'let a woman 97 00:06:24,198 --> 00:06:26,478 learn quietly with all submissiveness. 98 00:06:26,478 --> 00:06:28,047 I do not permit a woman 99 00:06:28,047 --> 00:06:31,180 to teach or to exercise authority over a man. 100 00:06:31,180 --> 00:06:34,597 Rather she is to remain quiet.'" 101 00:06:34,597 --> 00:06:37,255 And the whole thing is, 102 00:06:37,255 --> 00:06:40,695 Can women have prophetic gifts? Yes. 103 00:06:40,695 --> 00:06:42,683 Can they have gifts of discernment? Yes. 104 00:06:42,683 --> 00:06:51,436 Can they have gifts that lend themselves to leadership? Yes. 105 00:06:51,436 --> 00:06:55,698 Can they have speaking gifts? Yes. 106 00:06:55,698 --> 00:06:58,239 But women in the Scriptures are told 107 00:06:58,239 --> 00:07:02,835 that there are certain roles 108 00:07:02,835 --> 00:07:07,055 that are suitable only for men. 109 00:07:07,055 --> 00:07:11,822 The pastor. The elder. The overseer role, 110 00:07:11,822 --> 00:07:19,218 is one role that is exclusively for men. 111 00:07:19,218 --> 00:07:22,555 That doesn't mean that some of the gifts that men 112 00:07:22,555 --> 00:07:28,602 in that position have, that women can't also have those gifts. 113 00:07:28,602 --> 00:07:31,727 They just have to use them in the context 114 00:07:31,727 --> 00:07:37,354 and in the roles that God allows for women. 115 00:07:37,354 --> 00:07:40,100 Men must use their gifts in the context 116 00:07:40,100 --> 00:07:42,963 and in the roles that God has designated for men; 117 00:07:42,963 --> 00:07:46,182 women use those gifts in the context of roles that 118 00:07:46,182 --> 00:07:51,024 God has designated for women. 119 00:07:51,024 --> 00:07:52,884 Everybody follow that?