Title: Do Not Faint Meta: Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. - Isaiah 40:28 Tags: Isaiah 40,weary,fainthearted,depressed,strength,weak 1 00:00:00,690 --> 00:00:11,656 Well, let's turn in God's Word to Isaiah chapter 40. 2 00:00:11,662 --> 00:00:17,446 I have been tired lately and that's what I am going to preach on. 3 00:00:17,452 --> 00:00:32,006 Isaiah 40 verses 28 through 31. 4 00:00:32,012 --> 00:00:43,352 Isaiah 40 verse 28, the prophet says, "Have you not known? Have you not heard? 5 00:00:43,358 --> 00:00:49,882 The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. 6 00:00:49,888 --> 00:00:58,143 He does not faint or grow weary; His understanding is unsearchable. 7 00:00:58,149 --> 00:01:07,579 He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might He increases strength. 8 00:01:07,585 --> 00:01:12,927 Even youths, even the young ones shall faint and be weary, 9 00:01:12,933 --> 00:01:16,601 and young men shall fall exhausted; 10 00:01:16,607 --> 00:01:26,285 but they who wait for the Lord (or wait upon the Lord) shall renew their strength. 11 00:01:26,291 --> 00:01:32,078 They shall mount up with wings like eagles; 12 00:01:32,084 --> 00:01:40,143 they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. 13 00:01:40,149 --> 00:01:44,161 I am going to speak on that last phrase in this passage. 14 00:01:44,167 --> 00:01:51,948 Speaking about the Christian, "They shall walk and not faint." 15 00:01:51,954 --> 00:01:58,840 Isaiah 40 is a majestic chapter about our majestic God. 16 00:01:58,846 --> 00:02:05,149 And it gives some of the biggest glimpses of great truths like, 17 00:02:05,155 --> 00:02:08,966 "The glory of the Lord shall be revealed," 18 00:02:08,972 --> 00:02:15,982 and like Isaiah's cry, "Behold your God," 19 00:02:15,988 --> 00:02:22,387 and when he says, "All nations are as nothing before Him." 20 00:02:22,393 --> 00:02:28,411 Tell that to the United Nations on Monday morning. 21 00:02:28,417 --> 00:02:33,621 And he says, "To whom will you liken God?" 22 00:02:33,627 --> 00:02:46,431 One of the glories of this chapter 40 is that Isaiah shows the great gulf 23 00:02:46,437 --> 00:02:49,404 from the highest truth to the most intimate; 24 00:02:49,410 --> 00:02:59,173 from God's sovereignty controlling the stars, the universe, the nations, 25 00:02:59,179 --> 00:03:07,324 right down to Him caring about the personal weariness of each of His children. 26 00:03:07,330 --> 00:03:10,829 That's an amazing thing to think about. 27 00:03:10,835 --> 00:03:19,004 There are so many different challenges and difficulties and obstacles in the Christian life. 28 00:03:19,010 --> 00:03:26,064 I read this week in the book of Acts when Paul was stoned at Lystra. 29 00:03:26,070 --> 00:03:28,169 And what did he do? 30 00:03:28,175 --> 00:03:35,693 It immediately says that he went and encouraged the various churches to continue in the faith. 31 00:03:35,699 --> 00:03:43,153 Imagine what it would look like when he stood up in those churches - bruises, scathes. 32 00:03:43,159 --> 00:03:45,825 He went and encouraged them to continue in the faith, 33 00:03:45,831 --> 00:03:52,926 saying that we must through much tribulation enter the kingdom. 34 00:03:52,932 --> 00:03:57,088 What kind of difficulties? All kinds, the Christian faces. 35 00:03:57,094 --> 00:04:02,227 Discouragement, loneliness, 36 00:04:02,233 --> 00:04:09,781 confusion at times about what is going on in your life where you do not have a clue, 37 00:04:09,787 --> 00:04:18,423 unbelief creeps in, doubt, mental and emotional anguish, physical tiredness, 38 00:04:18,428 --> 00:04:24,969 emotional weariness, opposition of others, criticism by others, disappointments, 39 00:04:24,975 --> 00:04:30,849 betrayal by people that you thought loved you and that you love, 40 00:04:30,855 --> 00:04:37,145 failures of others, chronic sickness, chronic problems. 41 00:04:37,151 --> 00:04:40,850 If it's not one thing, it's another. 42 00:04:40,856 --> 00:04:45,777 Yet there is one challenge the Bible speaks about so many times, 43 00:04:45,783 --> 00:04:47,560 and that's our message tonight. 44 00:04:47,566 --> 00:04:55,574 In these brief four verses, fainting is mentioned four times. 45 00:04:55,580 --> 00:04:59,009 Seven times if you include the word 'weary'. 46 00:04:59,015 --> 00:05:02,866 Fainting; weary. 47 00:05:02,872 --> 00:05:08,370 Spiritual weariness and fainting is a common experience among God's people. 48 00:05:08,376 --> 00:05:12,568 No one is exempt. 49 00:05:12,574 --> 00:05:16,608 Some of you have come here this weekend in that condition. 50 00:05:16,614 --> 00:05:22,381 It was all you could do to drag yourself here in the weariness you've battled, 51 00:05:22,387 --> 00:05:26,784 and then the long journey; I spoke to one brother at noon today. 52 00:05:26,790 --> 00:05:28,216 I said you just drove in here? 53 00:05:28,222 --> 00:05:28,994 He said, "Yes." 54 00:05:29,000 --> 00:05:34,198 I said from where? He said, "Edmunton, Canada." 55 00:05:34,204 --> 00:05:40,224 That's a journey - Denver; long distances. 56 00:05:40,230 --> 00:05:46,005 And so, weariness, none of us are exempt from it. 57 00:05:46,011 --> 00:05:51,333 It can overtake any Christian and when it does, it's like being under a cloud. 58 00:05:51,339 --> 00:05:56,457 It's like you can't escape it and you can't throw a switch to change it. 59 00:05:56,463 --> 00:06:00,513 You're just weary. You're exhausted. You're worn. 60 00:06:00,519 --> 00:06:06,558 What does the Bible mean when it speaks of this reality of fainting? 61 00:06:06,564 --> 00:06:11,489 Well, the word 'faint' and the word 'weary' mean simply the loss of strength. 62 00:06:11,495 --> 00:06:16,088 You come to the place where there is a loss of strength, mentally maybe or physically. 63 00:06:16,094 --> 00:06:21,157 Fatigue, spiritual or mental, physical or emotional exhaustion. 64 00:06:21,163 --> 00:06:25,982 Your supply is depleted. 65 00:06:25,988 --> 00:06:36,147 Your ability to keep on and go on seems gone due to the hardness of life; due to the demands. 66 00:06:36,153 --> 00:06:45,263 Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, in the last few months of his life, "I am tired of responsibilities." 67 00:06:45,269 --> 00:06:51,051 And due to the hardness of life, and due to the nature of the Christian life 68 00:06:51,057 --> 00:06:59,565 And all that the Christian life in service brings, spiritual weariness sets in often. 69 00:06:59,571 --> 00:07:02,612 As Solomon said about losing heart, 70 00:07:02,618 --> 00:07:09,919 "If you faint in the day of adversity, then your strength is small." 71 00:07:09,925 --> 00:07:14,612 Strength gone; faith failing; spiritually weak; discouragement; 72 00:07:14,618 --> 00:07:18,145 you begin to lose your heart. 73 00:07:18,151 --> 00:07:19,735 The Bible is full of examples. 74 00:07:19,741 --> 00:07:21,480 Remember Gideon. 75 00:07:21,486 --> 00:07:28,424 Gideon and his 300 men, the Bible says, came and crossed over the Jordan, 76 00:07:28,430 --> 00:07:34,743 and it says, "faint yet pursuing." 77 00:07:34,749 --> 00:07:40,172 It was under Saul's reign in the day of battle that Scripture comments on the Israelites, 78 00:07:40,178 --> 00:07:46,795 and it says this little commentary, "And the people were very weary." 79 00:07:46,801 --> 00:07:52,042 Once, David had 600 men with him and they were pursuing the Amalekites, 80 00:07:52,048 --> 00:07:56,532 but 200 of his men remained behind. They just stopped. 81 00:07:56,538 --> 00:07:57,538 You know why? 82 00:07:57,544 --> 00:08:02,919 Because the Bible says they were fainting and too exhausted to go on. 83 00:08:02,925 --> 00:08:11,191 Twice the Bible specifically shows that David needed the help of his brothers. 84 00:08:11,197 --> 00:08:16,825 He was fainting and he was weary, and the Bible says, "But Abisha helped him." 85 00:08:16,831 --> 00:08:19,510 Later Jonathan went to David, and the Bible says, 86 00:08:19,516 --> 00:08:23,600 "Jonathan strengthened David's hands in God." 87 00:08:23,606 --> 00:08:24,876 David needed that. 88 00:08:24,882 --> 00:08:29,555 We are reminded of David's classic statement in Psalm 27, remember what he says there? 89 00:08:29,561 --> 00:08:35,927 "I would have fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." 90 00:08:35,933 --> 00:08:39,052 I would have fainted. 91 00:08:39,058 --> 00:08:44,760 Jeremiah at one time was so discouraged and so sorrowful, 92 00:08:44,766 --> 00:08:52,719 he said in chapter 8, "My sorrow is beyond healing and my heart is faint within me." 93 00:08:52,725 --> 00:08:58,031 Our hearts can feel exactly that way sometimes. 94 00:08:58,037 --> 00:09:03,288 "My sorrow is beyond healing, I won't get over this, I can't get over this. 95 00:09:03,294 --> 00:09:09,659 This is too deep. I'm too weary from this. I am so faint, I am so tired." 96 00:09:09,665 --> 00:09:12,803 Faint from sorrow and heaviness of spirit. 97 00:09:12,809 --> 00:09:17,223 Jeremiah cried, "Woe is me; for the Lord has added sorrow to my pain 98 00:09:17,229 --> 00:09:20,625 and I am weary with my groaning." 99 00:09:20,631 --> 00:09:28,858 But Isaiah who knew his share of sorrow and weariness, remember how he ended up dying? 100 00:09:28,864 --> 00:09:37,877 Tradition says that he was sawed in half and met his death that way. 101 00:09:37,883 --> 00:09:42,176 Isaiah was the prophet of good tidings here in chapter 40 102 00:09:42,182 --> 00:09:46,831 because here he gives us a remedy for fainting. 103 00:09:46,837 --> 00:09:52,447 Here, he gives promises to those who are fainting and weary. 104 00:09:52,453 --> 00:09:57,837 What does Isaiah 40 tell us about this reality of spiritual fainting? 105 00:09:57,843 --> 00:09:59,285 Well, let's go back and look at it. 106 00:09:59,291 --> 00:10:04,934 First of all, we see in verse 28, he says this, 107 00:10:04,940 --> 00:10:09,482 "The everlasting God fainteth not; neither is weary. 108 00:10:09,488 --> 00:10:15,431 The first thing we see here is God never becomes weary. 109 00:10:15,437 --> 00:10:19,192 He is never in need, like us, of recharging. 110 00:10:19,198 --> 00:10:22,189 He is never in need of sleep. 111 00:10:22,195 --> 00:10:28,439 All life is in Him, and all life and strength and energy flows from Him. 112 00:10:28,445 --> 00:10:31,704 He doesn't need rest, sleep or renewed strength. 113 00:10:31,710 --> 00:10:35,710 He is immutable, unchanging, unwearied, unaffected. 114 00:10:35,716 --> 00:10:42,685 The Bible says in the Psalms, "He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep." 115 00:10:42,691 --> 00:10:45,495 It is an amazing thought to think; 116 00:10:45,501 --> 00:10:51,808 we were praying last night for a revival, and even this afternoon; 117 00:10:51,814 --> 00:10:55,157 and I have often thought this thought, you know, 118 00:10:55,163 --> 00:10:59,725 the Holy Spirit could be poured out on New York city or Chicago or San Antonio 119 00:10:59,731 --> 00:11:02,314 and save everybody in the town, 120 00:11:02,320 --> 00:11:11,535 and the Lord will not lack one less ounce of power than before He saved all of them. 121 00:11:11,541 --> 00:11:14,490 His strength doesn't lessen. 122 00:11:14,496 --> 00:11:18,684 There is no change ever in His inner resources. 123 00:11:18,690 --> 00:11:22,515 Life isn't hard for Jehovah. 124 00:11:22,521 --> 00:11:27,133 It is hard for you sometimes. It is never hard for Him. 125 00:11:27,141 --> 00:11:29,170 He doesn't get tired, He doesn't get weary. 126 00:11:29,176 --> 00:11:31,253 His strength never lessens. 127 00:11:31,259 --> 00:11:39,152 Rather, He shares out of His infinite supply of unending grace 128 00:11:39,158 --> 00:11:44,567 and provides for the weary one an antidote - a spiritual antibiotic; 129 00:11:44,573 --> 00:11:52,731 a healing renewing balm to help the fainting, weak one. 130 00:11:52,737 --> 00:11:56,637 So, God never grows weary. 131 00:11:56,643 --> 00:11:59,240 But look at verse 30. 132 00:11:59,246 --> 00:12:02,959 Next, you notice this second truth, and that is this: 133 00:12:02,965 --> 00:12:07,563 Spiritual fainting affects every age group. 134 00:12:07,569 --> 00:12:13,781 Verse 30, "Even the youths (even the young ones) shall faint and be weary. 135 00:12:13,787 --> 00:12:20,055 If you're a young person here or if you're a new Christian, 136 00:12:20,061 --> 00:12:26,401 spiritual weariness may not be real to you yet, but it will be. 137 00:12:26,407 --> 00:12:30,921 Probably sooner than you realize; sooner than you think. 138 00:12:30,927 --> 00:12:35,625 The longer you walk with God, the more you'll experience, at times, weariness 139 00:12:35,631 --> 00:12:38,964 and be really tempted to faint and give up. 140 00:12:38,970 --> 00:12:43,103 "I am too tired to go to prayer meeting, I've worked too hard. 141 00:12:43,109 --> 00:12:46,648 I am too tired to go to accountability group." 142 00:12:46,654 --> 00:12:50,019 And so, you begin to faint, you begin to drop your guard. 143 00:12:50,025 --> 00:12:55,097 You grow weary in the battle and you lessen your choices. 144 00:12:55,103 --> 00:12:58,644 "Even the young ones will be faint and grow weary 145 00:12:58,650 --> 00:13:02,977 and young men, the Bible here says, will utterly fall. 146 00:13:02,983 --> 00:13:04,618 The longer you are in the Christian walk, 147 00:13:04,624 --> 00:13:09,553 the more you will face tiredness and heartaches and disappointments, 148 00:13:09,559 --> 00:13:14,040 and every conceivable thing that will begin to drain your strength 149 00:13:14,046 --> 00:13:19,565 and produce in you weariness and the temptation to faint. 150 00:13:19,571 --> 00:13:21,347 Spiritual warfare does that. 151 00:13:21,353 --> 00:13:22,895 Being hurt by others. 152 00:13:22,901 --> 00:13:26,469 Real disappointments in those closest to you. 153 00:13:26,475 --> 00:13:28,083 Deep testings of faith. 154 00:13:28,089 --> 00:13:37,616 Chronic pain; physical pain day after day, week after week can just zap it out of you; 155 00:13:37,622 --> 00:13:39,346 can make you want to quit and give up. 156 00:13:39,352 --> 00:13:41,742 Family trials. 157 00:13:41,748 --> 00:13:45,813 Hardest things can come. Personal tragedy. 158 00:13:45,819 --> 00:13:48,892 Grief and difficulties with children. 159 00:13:48,898 --> 00:13:51,519 Things beyond your control. 160 00:13:51,525 --> 00:13:59,392 Draining demands, unending demands of work and ministry that never stops without enough breaks. 161 00:13:59,398 --> 00:14:01,548 And the months wear you down. 162 00:14:01,554 --> 00:14:07,050 And you aren't Superman, you're a weak man. 163 00:14:07,056 --> 00:14:09,102 And you're weak and weary and worn. 164 00:14:09,108 --> 00:14:16,237 And then big discouragements hit you because you're weary and tired. 165 00:14:16,243 --> 00:14:22,121 Like a mother's conversation with her son when he didn't want to keep going to church cos people had hurt him. 166 00:14:22,127 --> 00:14:25,063 He said, "Mum, people are mean there. They talk about me. 167 00:14:25,069 --> 00:14:28,359 They make me feel bad so I am not going back." 168 00:14:28,365 --> 00:14:31,256 She said, "Son, I have two reasons you're going back. 169 00:14:31,262 --> 00:14:39,122 No 1. You're 40 years old. No 2. You're the pastor of the church. 170 00:14:39,128 --> 00:14:46,264 Being hurt by others can tempt you to faint, right? 171 00:14:46,270 --> 00:14:49,498 It can. 172 00:14:49,504 --> 00:14:52,093 It's very real. 173 00:14:52,099 --> 00:14:54,585 Even the youths shall grow weary. 174 00:14:54,591 --> 00:14:59,731 Have you ever seen Christians, new believers that get converted, 175 00:14:59,737 --> 00:15:05,177 and they get excited about the things of God, they get excited about church. 176 00:15:05,183 --> 00:15:12,770 And then a month, 6 months, a year into it, they have their first big wound by other Christians 177 00:15:12,776 --> 00:15:23,221 and they get offended and they draw back and are discouraged, and they stop walking. 178 00:15:23,227 --> 00:15:25,817 Even the young ones shall faint and grow weary. 179 00:15:25,823 --> 00:15:29,080 There is no age group that is exempt from this. 180 00:15:29,086 --> 00:15:31,727 You may be 80, you may be 18. 181 00:15:31,733 --> 00:15:34,245 But spiritual weariness is an enemy. 182 00:15:34,251 --> 00:15:36,827 It is a temptation; it is a battle you're going to face. 183 00:15:36,833 --> 00:15:43,020 And we must learn to deal with it biblically as Isaiah is showing us. 184 00:15:43,026 --> 00:15:48,336 Then verse 31 shows us another truth about this. 185 00:15:48,342 --> 00:15:54,173 Verse 31 shows us the way of renewal and strength for the weary one. 186 00:15:54,179 --> 00:15:57,804 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. 187 00:15:57,810 --> 00:16:00,906 They shall mount up with wings as eagles. 188 00:16:00,912 --> 00:16:03,200 They shall run and not be weary. 189 00:16:03,206 --> 00:16:05,638 They shall walk and not faint." 190 00:16:05,644 --> 00:16:12,055 The way of renewal and strength, God says point blank, "This is the way of renewal. 191 00:16:12,061 --> 00:16:14,540 This is the path to strength. 192 00:16:14,546 --> 00:16:15,789 This is where you get it. 193 00:16:15,795 --> 00:16:20,727 They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength." 194 00:16:20,733 --> 00:16:25,102 Those who learn to wait upon God; the weak then become strong. 195 00:16:25,108 --> 00:16:31,260 The fainting are renewed. The weary do get refreshed. 196 00:16:31,266 --> 00:16:36,466 They are transformed into a strong climber; into a runner who can keep running; 197 00:16:36,472 --> 00:16:41,382 into a walker who can keep going and not quit, and not give up. 198 00:16:41,388 --> 00:16:46,454 Even, Isaiah says, they mount up with wings like eagles and begin to soar. 199 00:16:46,460 --> 00:16:51,635 God does that when He renews your strength because you are waiting upon Him. 200 00:16:51,641 --> 00:16:52,932 They wait upon the Lord. 201 00:16:52,938 --> 00:17:00,010 I remember about 10 years ago, my daily Bible reading had become so inconsistent. 202 00:17:00,016 --> 00:17:03,894 And I was battling it. 203 00:17:03,900 --> 00:17:09,192 Some days I would read a chapter or two, other days I'd get busy and I wouldn't. 204 00:17:09,198 --> 00:17:13,575 Then I'd feel guilty and discouraged and empty, 205 00:17:13,580 --> 00:17:16,589 you know the cycle, you know the routine. 206 00:17:16,595 --> 00:17:20,976 So I got fed up and frustrated. 207 00:17:20,982 --> 00:17:24,463 And I said, "Okay. Enough is enough. 208 00:17:24,469 --> 00:17:29,959 I am not going to try to make promises; I am not going to vow vows; 209 00:17:29,965 --> 00:17:36,581 I am not going to buy a new Bible reading calendar at the Christian bookstore. 210 00:17:36,587 --> 00:17:39,314 What do I do? Lord, help me. 211 00:17:39,320 --> 00:17:46,031 Give me new desire. Give me new hunger for Your Word. 212 00:17:46,037 --> 00:17:48,388 Just give it to me. I know that You will. 213 00:17:48,394 --> 00:17:56,906 I am asking You to change me inside. Make me enjoy it as a feast." 214 00:17:56,912 --> 00:18:01,784 And I began to pray that everyday, and it happened. 215 00:18:01,790 --> 00:18:04,424 And it hasn't stopped. 216 00:18:04,430 --> 00:18:08,215 They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. 217 00:18:08,221 --> 00:18:14,529 In whatever area you wait on Him, God promises this. 218 00:18:14,535 --> 00:18:22,571 Promised help; renewal; new strength; new help; new grace; waiting upon Him. 219 00:18:22,577 --> 00:18:24,561 What does it mean to wait upon the Lord? 220 00:18:24,567 --> 00:18:30,712 It means going back to the place of the Word of God in your life 221 00:18:30,718 --> 00:18:35,740 and being in it and reading it and feasting upon it and praying it 222 00:18:35,746 --> 00:18:40,439 and renewing your mind to it; getting in it. 223 00:18:40,445 --> 00:18:45,053 It means the place of still communion with the Lord in prayer. 224 00:18:45,059 --> 00:18:46,729 Being still before Him. 225 00:18:46,735 --> 00:18:53,758 Neglect breeds leanness of soul. Neglect breeds weakness of mind. 226 00:18:53,764 --> 00:18:56,211 Neglect breeds dryness of heart. 227 00:18:56,217 --> 00:18:59,398 Being still and knowing that He is God. 228 00:18:59,404 --> 00:19:08,790 Entering your closet and your Father who sees in secret and who is in secret will reward you openly. 229 00:19:08,796 --> 00:19:18,220 If you are used to weariness, what would a planned, regular, half-day 230 00:19:18,226 --> 00:19:22,761 (or a whole day of 12 hours) in seclusion in the countryside, 231 00:19:22,767 --> 00:19:29,440 with a chair and your Bible and no phone, what would that do for you? 232 00:19:29,446 --> 00:19:38,049 In the country, a folding chair, your Bible, nobody else, alone, 6 hours, 8 hours, 233 00:19:38,055 --> 00:19:40,593 what would that do for you? 234 00:19:40,599 --> 00:19:43,963 Why did Jesus so regularly withdraw and be alone? 235 00:19:43,969 --> 00:19:46,643 Because He needed to. 236 00:19:46,649 --> 00:19:51,059 To be with the Father, to wait upon His Father, to renew His strength. 237 00:19:51,065 --> 00:19:55,004 They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. 238 00:19:55,010 --> 00:19:56,943 The weak become strong there. 239 00:19:56,949 --> 00:19:59,830 The lame take the prey, Isaiah says. 240 00:19:59,836 --> 00:20:03,292 The Lord visits the weak and helps them with renewing grace. 241 00:20:03,298 --> 00:20:06,029 Ecclesiastes 9:11, I love this: 242 00:20:06,035 --> 00:20:10,213 "The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, 243 00:20:10,219 --> 00:20:15,427 but to the weak who learn to wait upon the Lord." 244 00:20:15,433 --> 00:20:18,258 Now the Bible exhorts us about this. 245 00:20:18,264 --> 00:20:19,192 You know what it says? 246 00:20:19,198 --> 00:20:21,612 Do not faint. 247 00:20:21,618 --> 00:20:25,977 Don't do it. Don't faint, don't give up, don't quit. 248 00:20:25,983 --> 00:20:31,924 Jesus said, "Men ought always to pray and not faint, not grow weary." 249 00:20:31,930 --> 00:20:38,909 Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4, "Since we have received this ministry of the Gospel 250 00:20:38,915 --> 00:20:44,759 (we've received this mercy), we do not faint nor lose heart. 251 00:20:44,765 --> 00:20:53,367 Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for we shall reap if we faint not. 252 00:20:53,373 --> 00:20:57,393 The Lord commended the Ephesians in Revelation 253 00:20:57,399 --> 00:21:02,683 when He says, "I know your deeds and I know your toil and I know your perseverance. 254 00:21:02,689 --> 00:21:08,999 And you have persevered for my sake and have not grown weary. 255 00:21:09,005 --> 00:21:12,176 You don't have to always continually grow weary. 256 00:21:12,182 --> 00:21:14,547 Your strength can be renewed. 257 00:21:14,553 --> 00:21:18,428 So what are we to do, dear ones, what are we to do? 258 00:21:18,434 --> 00:21:22,938 We are not to faint. Do not faint. Do not lose heart. 259 00:21:22,944 --> 00:21:25,517 How do we fight and resist fainting? 260 00:21:25,523 --> 00:21:28,093 Well, first we have to view it biblically. 261 00:21:28,099 --> 00:21:32,801 That is why Isaiah 40:28-31 is here; to view this biblically. 262 00:21:32,807 --> 00:21:41,220 Fainting is a danger when God is disciplining you as a loving Father. 263 00:21:41,226 --> 00:21:45,593 The Bible says, "Do not regard lightly or despise the discipline of the Lord; 264 00:21:45,599 --> 00:21:51,063 neither faint when you are corrected by Him." 265 00:21:51,069 --> 00:21:55,507 All discipline is loving but it's not fun and games. 266 00:21:55,513 --> 00:22:00,246 It's a challenge. It's hard. It can discourage you. 267 00:22:00,252 --> 00:22:02,247 It can be sorrowful. It can be wearisome. 268 00:22:02,253 --> 00:22:08,804 So we are told, "Strengthen those weak hands and those feeble knees, and do not faint." 269 00:22:08,810 --> 00:22:10,463 How do we overcome fainting? 270 00:22:10,469 --> 00:22:13,903 Viewing it through the lens of Jesus Christ. 271 00:22:13,909 --> 00:22:19,756 Hebrews 12:3, "For consider Him who endured the hostility of sinners against Himself, 272 00:22:19,762 --> 00:22:24,933 so that you will not become weary and faint in your mind. 273 00:22:24,939 --> 00:22:29,562 The NASB says, "So that you will not grow weary and lose heart." 274 00:22:29,568 --> 00:22:33,083 Consider Him who endured such. 275 00:22:33,089 --> 00:22:42,628 He endured the things far more than we ever will that would make us weary and want to faint. 276 00:22:42,634 --> 00:22:46,077 Consider Him, Scripture says. 277 00:22:46,083 --> 00:22:47,170 Viewing it rightly. 278 00:22:47,176 --> 00:22:56,245 If we lose sight of God in the battle of faith, we will certainly lose heart to keep fighting. 279 00:22:56,251 --> 00:23:03,125 When we lose sight of Christ as He is, we will certainly lose faith and heart for the battle. 280 00:23:03,131 --> 00:23:06,730 Consider Him in light of your weariness; 281 00:23:06,736 --> 00:23:13,382 in light of your fainting and your tendency to grow weary. 282 00:23:13,388 --> 00:23:17,744 Christ is the remedy for this. 283 00:23:17,750 --> 00:23:26,101 Every translation reads, "Consider Him," in the context of your weariness. 284 00:23:26,107 --> 00:23:32,267 His life and example, His endurance, His tears, His pain, His endurance to the end. 285 00:23:32,273 --> 00:23:39,856 Some of you, so many different things, some specific things 286 00:23:39,862 --> 00:23:46,705 just zap you of your strength and bring you into spiritual weariness. 287 00:23:46,711 --> 00:23:50,309 And this is where God wants to meet you and change that, 288 00:23:50,315 --> 00:23:56,429 and turn that weakness into a strength. 289 00:23:56,435 --> 00:23:59,779 Christ, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, 290 00:23:59,785 --> 00:24:03,184 despising the shame, and is now set down at the right hand of God. 291 00:24:03,190 --> 00:24:06,734 The more Christ is our life, the more He is our focus, 292 00:24:06,740 --> 00:24:11,212 the more He is our lens through which we view weariness, 293 00:24:11,218 --> 00:24:17,839 the less we will have fainting spells and weariness battles. 294 00:24:17,845 --> 00:24:19,283 He ran well. 295 00:24:19,289 --> 00:24:23,487 He endured weariness. He did not faint. 296 00:24:23,493 --> 00:24:25,764 We must look to Him. We must cry out to Him. 297 00:24:25,770 --> 00:24:31,110 Psalm 107 says this, "When their soul was fainting within them, 298 00:24:31,116 --> 00:24:34,427 then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, 299 00:24:34,433 --> 00:24:38,590 and He heard their cry and delivered them. 300 00:24:38,596 --> 00:24:40,306 Hope in His promises. 301 00:24:40,312 --> 00:24:47,717 Face fainting with faith in your great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. 302 00:24:47,723 --> 00:24:53,901 The fainting one who comes to wait on Him, a transformation would happen. 303 00:24:53,907 --> 00:24:58,424 God promises their strength will be renewed. 304 00:24:58,430 --> 00:25:04,861 Look at verses 29 and 31, here is God's promise to the fainting: 305 00:25:04,867 --> 00:25:11,002 "He gives power to those who are fainting." 306 00:25:11,008 --> 00:25:14,788 Who is a candidate for that tonight? 307 00:25:14,794 --> 00:25:16,801 What a wonderful promise. 308 00:25:16,807 --> 00:25:19,468 He will empower the weak and the fainting. 309 00:25:19,474 --> 00:25:25,603 He will strengthen the weary soul whose strength is gone and is poured out. 310 00:25:25,609 --> 00:25:31,095 Like the angels coming to strengthen the weak and weary Jesus 311 00:25:31,101 --> 00:25:37,868 in the wilderness at the beginning of His ministry, and in the garden at the end of His ministry. 312 00:25:37,874 --> 00:25:45,592 The Lord's ministry in His earthly life, the three years of His ministry were bookend by angels 313 00:25:45,598 --> 00:25:49,199 strengthening Him at the beginning and at the end. 314 00:25:49,205 --> 00:25:52,806 In the wilderness and in the garden, they came and strengthened Him. 315 00:25:52,812 --> 00:25:55,940 Jonathan went to David and strengthened his hands in God. 316 00:25:55,946 --> 00:26:00,067 God will do that for you. Trust Him for it. Ask Him for it. 317 00:26:00,073 --> 00:26:03,555 Cast yourself on His promises and on His loving heart. 318 00:26:03,561 --> 00:26:05,535 He gives power to the faint. 319 00:26:05,541 --> 00:26:12,610 He will; and when He does, then verse 31 happens. 320 00:26:12,616 --> 00:26:17,189 Suddenly, renewed strength; rising up. 321 00:26:17,195 --> 00:26:19,449 You find yourself being lifted up. 322 00:26:19,455 --> 00:26:21,836 You find the burden being released. 323 00:26:21,842 --> 00:26:25,608 You find your mind suddenly being encouraged, 324 00:26:25,614 --> 00:26:29,694 and you don't know how it happened because God has come. 325 00:26:29,700 --> 00:26:34,619 He comes and He helps you to run, and your weariness seems gone, 326 00:26:34,625 --> 00:26:39,289 and you're getting your second wind, and you're walking and not fainting. 327 00:26:39,295 --> 00:26:44,968 They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. 328 00:26:44,974 --> 00:26:46,174 What are we to do? 329 00:26:46,180 --> 00:26:49,333 Not try to improve ourselves; not try harder; 330 00:26:49,339 --> 00:26:53,459 not be more sincere; not try to show God we are more committed. 331 00:26:53,465 --> 00:26:58,017 No, your job is weakness and waiting. 332 00:26:58,023 --> 00:27:00,489 That is all you gotta have. 333 00:27:00,495 --> 00:27:02,645 Weakness and then waiting on Him. 334 00:27:02,651 --> 00:27:07,201 Get in the waiting mode as a weakling. 335 00:27:07,207 --> 00:27:12,734 He keeps our soul in famine and has not let our foot slip, Scripture says. 336 00:27:12,740 --> 00:27:15,846 He will keep you in all your ways, Scripture says. 337 00:27:15,852 --> 00:27:20,384 Kept by the power of God through faith. 338 00:27:20,390 --> 00:27:27,190 A certain promise: "You shall run and not be weary; you shall walk and not faint." 339 00:27:27,196 --> 00:27:32,219 Lay hold of that promise weary sister, weary brother. 340 00:27:32,225 --> 00:27:36,761 It is the weak and needy that He helps and that He lifts up. 341 00:27:36,767 --> 00:27:43,348 Our Lord Jesus Christ is so kind and so gracious and so tenderhearted 342 00:27:43,354 --> 00:27:49,572 and so faithful and so willing and so ready and so available and so compassionate. 343 00:27:49,578 --> 00:27:55,646 He will come to you, bringing help with Him when He comes to you. 344 00:27:55,652 --> 00:28:01,070 Though my weary steps may falter and my soul athirst may be; 345 00:28:01,076 --> 00:28:05,957 Gushing from the rock before me, suddenly, 346 00:28:05,963 --> 00:28:11,804 (drudging along, weariness, tired, wanna give up but I am keeping on,) 347 00:28:11,810 --> 00:28:19,401 suddenly, gushing from the rock before me, lo a spring of joy I see. 348 00:28:19,407 --> 00:28:21,352 The Lord just speaks a word. 349 00:28:21,358 --> 00:28:23,863 He just touches you without you realizing it, 350 00:28:23,869 --> 00:28:31,008 and suddenly, weariness is going away, and something is happening. 351 00:28:31,014 --> 00:28:34,323 He has helped me. He has become my salvation. 352 00:28:34,329 --> 00:28:36,865 The Son of righteousness arises with healing in His wings. 353 00:28:36,871 --> 00:28:37,622 He will do this. 354 00:28:37,628 --> 00:28:42,977 "Fear not, He says, I am with you. I will strengthen you. I will help you. 355 00:28:42,983 --> 00:28:48,185 I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." 356 00:28:48,191 --> 00:28:55,236 When you read what the Bible actually says to us about weakness and our limitations, 357 00:28:55,242 --> 00:29:02,087 and what it means to be a clay vessel, you could certainly write a new hymn, 358 00:29:02,093 --> 00:29:06,711 "What a Friend we have in weakness." 359 00:29:06,717 --> 00:29:09,813 "Sweet hour of weakness." 360 00:29:09,819 --> 00:29:15,915 "When we all become weaker, what a day of rejoicing that would be." 361 00:29:15,921 --> 00:29:21,515 For if we ever view weakness from God's point of view, from a biblical perspective, 362 00:29:21,521 --> 00:29:26,751 we will be a lot better off in our walking out the Christian life and in our usefulness. 363 00:29:26,757 --> 00:29:30,664 Weaknesses and limitations, we think they are bad. 364 00:29:30,670 --> 00:29:33,140 God says they are good. 365 00:29:33,146 --> 00:29:38,094 We think they limit us, God says they prosper us onward. 366 00:29:38,100 --> 00:29:42,326 We think they hinder us, God says they help us. 367 00:29:42,332 --> 00:29:46,626 We think our usefulness is lessened by weakness, 368 00:29:46,632 --> 00:29:51,798 God says they humble us and they empower us more. 369 00:29:51,804 --> 00:29:54,499 Our weaknesses; our limitations. 370 00:29:54,505 --> 00:30:02,700 Fainting is rooted in our wrong view of weakness. 371 00:30:02,706 --> 00:30:10,651 God says, "My power is perfected in your weakness." 372 00:30:10,657 --> 00:30:14,684 So Paul says, "Therefore," - think of what Paul says about this, it's amazing - 373 00:30:14,690 --> 00:30:19,789 "Therefore, I would boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses. 374 00:30:19,795 --> 00:30:24,319 (For the sake of Christ, I am content with weaknesses.)" 375 00:30:24,325 --> 00:30:28,212 I am not yet. 376 00:30:28,218 --> 00:30:32,351 "For when I am weak, then am I strong." 377 00:30:32,357 --> 00:30:39,977 Meaning when I am experiencing weakness and I do wait upon Him and I view this biblically, 378 00:30:39,983 --> 00:30:45,739 that's when the power of Christ will help me to be strengthened 379 00:30:45,745 --> 00:30:49,844 so that I will know His power in my weakness. 380 00:30:49,850 --> 00:30:53,183 Weakness is not a disadvantage, it's an advantage. 381 00:30:53,189 --> 00:31:02,715 It is not a liability, it's an asset; because it brings Christ's power to you 382 00:31:02,721 --> 00:31:10,502 that won't be there when you are self-sufficient and you got it all together. 383 00:31:10,508 --> 00:31:15,656 Christian usefulness is not found in our having it all together, 384 00:31:15,662 --> 00:31:19,720 or trying to make others think we have it all together. 385 00:31:19,726 --> 00:31:24,493 No one has it all together. 386 00:31:24,499 --> 00:31:28,559 Every Christian has weakness; every Christian has weariness at times. 387 00:31:28,565 --> 00:31:32,167 We must know, by experience, what God promises. 388 00:31:32,173 --> 00:31:36,726 "My power," He says to us, "Will be perfected in your weakness. 389 00:31:36,732 --> 00:31:38,639 So will you embrace your weakness? 390 00:31:38,645 --> 00:31:40,678 Will you be transparent with Me about it? 391 00:31:40,684 --> 00:31:44,800 And will you learn to wait on Me with that weakness 392 00:31:44,806 --> 00:31:50,268 so that I can strengthen you in that weakness. 393 00:31:50,274 --> 00:31:59,405 Spiritual power is attractive. Weakness is not attractive to us. 394 00:31:59,411 --> 00:32:02,332 But there's only one path to knowing God's power; 395 00:32:02,338 --> 00:32:06,741 and that is going through weakening times. 396 00:32:06,747 --> 00:32:12,584 When it can experientially be less of you so that it can be more of Christ. 397 00:32:12,590 --> 00:32:18,962 Better to have weakness and God's empowering than no weakness and no power. 398 00:32:18,968 --> 00:32:25,337 The weakness of self strength or divine strength in your weakness. 399 00:32:25,343 --> 00:32:32,082 Christ will, He promises, strengthen you and make you endure to the end; 400 00:32:32,088 --> 00:32:36,275 make you strong out of weakness. 401 00:32:36,281 --> 00:32:38,612 He is able to make all grace abound toward you; 402 00:32:38,618 --> 00:32:44,885 that you having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work. 403 00:32:44,891 --> 00:32:47,974 Our sufficiency is of God. 404 00:32:47,980 --> 00:32:54,189 One of those little remembered triumphs of faith in Hebrews 11, think of this, 405 00:32:54,195 --> 00:33:01,687 verse 34, "Who through faith were made strong out of weakness." 406 00:33:01,693 --> 00:33:03,655 That's an amazing thing. 407 00:33:03,661 --> 00:33:08,795 Or, it could read, "Who through faith, from weakness were made strong 408 00:33:08,801 --> 00:33:13,137 (or out of weakness were made strong, through faith.) 409 00:33:13,143 --> 00:33:20,909 Faith conquers weariness. Faith wins over fainting every time. 410 00:33:20,915 --> 00:33:24,822 Now the last truth on this: 411 00:33:24,828 --> 00:33:31,333 Every Christian is to have a ministry to the fainting weary ones around them. 412 00:33:31,339 --> 00:33:35,186 You have this ministry, if you're a Christian, that has been given to you. 413 00:33:35,192 --> 00:33:40,386 We like to hang around the strong ones, don't we? 414 00:33:40,392 --> 00:33:43,649 The New Testament tells us to hang around the weak ones. 415 00:33:43,655 --> 00:33:45,617 To have a heart for them. 416 00:33:45,623 --> 00:33:47,627 You have this ministry given to you if you're a Christian. 417 00:33:47,633 --> 00:33:52,210 This is body ministry at its best, at its finest, at its most important. 418 00:33:52,216 --> 00:33:56,899 "Lord, when did we visit you?" 419 00:33:56,905 --> 00:34:00,806 "When you did it to the needy and sick; to the least of these, you did it to Me." 420 00:34:00,812 --> 00:34:04,212 Isaiah 35:3 says, "Strengthen those weak hands." 421 00:34:04,218 --> 00:34:06,668 It's not talking about yours, it's talking about others. 422 00:34:06,674 --> 00:34:10,591 "Strengthen those weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees." 423 00:34:10,597 --> 00:34:18,927 1st Thessalonians 5:14, Paul closing that book, says these two little exhortations 424 00:34:18,933 --> 00:34:23,235 that we can just read over because we are getting out of the end of the book. 425 00:34:23,242 --> 00:34:31,560 He says this, "Encourage the fainthearted and help the weak." 426 00:34:31,565 --> 00:34:34,772 How often do you do that? 427 00:34:34,777 --> 00:34:41,764 Every one of us, help the fainthearted, brother. 428 00:34:41,770 --> 00:34:46,364 Help the weakened sisters, sister. 429 00:34:46,371 --> 00:34:49,572 Here is a ministry to those fainting ones around you. 430 00:34:49,578 --> 00:34:54,929 When was the last time in your church that you saw a fainting brother or a weary sister, 431 00:34:54,936 --> 00:34:58,569 and it was you who strengthened them? 432 00:34:58,575 --> 00:35:01,458 Encourage the weak-minded; help the weary. 433 00:35:01,464 --> 00:35:04,595 Like Jonathan to David; like angels to the Lord Jesus; 434 00:35:04,601 --> 00:35:07,737 like the Philippian church to Paul. 435 00:35:07,743 --> 00:35:14,306 You to others who are too tired to go on. 436 00:35:14,312 --> 00:35:19,994 Be a help to those while you're on the road to Zion 437 00:35:20,000 --> 00:35:23,611 to strengthen all those who need you. 438 00:35:23,617 --> 00:35:29,224 Do not faint. Wait on the Lord. 439 00:35:29,230 --> 00:35:32,850 Isn't it a marvelous thing that the rest of your Christian life, 440 00:35:32,856 --> 00:35:36,686 as you face bouts of fainting and weariness and tiredness, 441 00:35:36,692 --> 00:35:44,873 there's this remedy: "They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. 442 00:35:44,879 --> 00:35:47,289 They are going to mount up with wings like eagles. 443 00:35:47,295 --> 00:35:51,430 They are going to learn to run and not grow weary. 444 00:35:51,436 --> 00:35:57,425 They are going to learn to walk and not faint." 445 00:35:57,431 --> 00:36:06,287 Amy Carmichael was born in 1867; she went to China in 1893; 446 00:36:06,293 --> 00:36:18,586 she died in 1951 after being in China 58 years with no furlow, she never went home. 447 00:36:18,592 --> 00:36:27,348 But in 1931 at the age of 64, she became a physical invalid for the last 20 years of her life. 448 00:36:27,354 --> 00:36:32,186 She went to examine this property that they were considering buying. 449 00:36:32,192 --> 00:36:35,570 And in the darkness, there was a pit she didn't see, 450 00:36:35,576 --> 00:36:41,205 and she fell into it and fractured her back and several things were broken. 451 00:36:41,211 --> 00:36:48,257 She never recovered and was limited basically to her bedroom in pain. 452 00:36:48,263 --> 00:36:52,295 And what did she do? Instead of self-pity, 453 00:36:52,301 --> 00:37:03,003 she exchanged a very active outward life of rescuing girls in India from temple prostitution. 454 00:37:03,009 --> 00:37:06,580 They kept doing it; down of her fellowship, they continued to do it. 455 00:37:06,586 --> 00:37:10,021 But she was in her room. She was in bed. 456 00:37:10,027 --> 00:37:16,052 She was limited to living in one room, a ministry of prayer, writing letters. 457 00:37:16,058 --> 00:37:19,486 From that point on in her life, 13 more books 458 00:37:19,492 --> 00:37:24,088 and many many preparations of past books to reprint. 459 00:37:24,094 --> 00:37:28,594 And out of her weakness, she was made strong. 460 00:37:28,600 --> 00:37:33,141 And in that weakness, she prayed this, listen to what she prayed: 461 00:37:33,147 --> 00:37:35,983 "Make us thy mountaineers. 462 00:37:35,989 --> 00:37:38,866 We will not linger on the lower slope. 463 00:37:38,872 --> 00:37:41,943 Fill us afresh with hope, O God of hope. 464 00:37:41,949 --> 00:37:47,359 That, undefeated, we may climb the hill, seeing Him who is invisible; 465 00:37:47,365 --> 00:37:53,762 and let us die climbing, not fainting." 466 00:37:53,768 --> 00:37:56,815 Are you going to die climbing, sister, and not fainting? 467 00:37:56,821 --> 00:38:01,906 Are you going to endure to the end, brother, persevering on, 468 00:38:01,912 --> 00:38:05,548 pressing on, being strengthened with the strength that He supplies, 469 00:38:05,554 --> 00:38:08,844 waiting on the Lord and not fainting? 470 00:38:08,850 --> 00:38:14,472 Beloved, do not faint. Christ is with you. 471 00:38:14,478 --> 00:38:17,150 The Holy Spirit is in you if you're His child. 472 00:38:17,156 --> 00:38:20,017 You have the exceeding great and precious promises of God. 473 00:38:20,023 --> 00:38:23,931 There is no excuse for fainting. Learn not to faint. 474 00:38:23,937 --> 00:38:30,945 Learn to wait upon the Lord, and He will keep His promise, as sure as He is true, 475 00:38:30,951 --> 00:38:36,378 to strengthen the weary and the needy one. 476 00:38:36,384 --> 00:38:40,802 Let's pray. 477 00:38:54,755 --> 00:39:11,361 Father would you take Your Word and just apply it and make it real to us. 478 00:39:11,367 --> 00:39:19,031 And let it transform many who this is their very need. 479 00:39:19,037 --> 00:39:25,713 They are fainting from weariness. 480 00:39:27,513 --> 00:39:32,356 Lord, You have strength and renewal for them. 481 00:39:32,362 --> 00:39:36,041 So give us grace to wait upon You and believe Your promises. 482 00:39:36,047 --> 00:39:45,840 To lay hold, Lord; to believe God. 483 00:39:47,541 --> 00:39:55,190 We thank you for the blessed reality of Isaiah chapter 40 484 00:39:55,196 --> 00:39:57,502 and what You say in those last verses. 485 00:39:57,508 --> 00:39:59,619 Lord, make it real to us. 486 00:39:59,625 --> 00:40:01,591 Apply it to our hearts. 487 00:40:01,597 --> 00:40:08,985 And Lord, may many this night, even after long journey to get here, and there's weariness. 488 00:40:08,991 --> 00:40:12,184 Lord, do this for many, we pray. 489 00:40:12,190 --> 00:40:17,267 Do this miracle of renewal and strength and encouragement rising. 490 00:40:17,273 --> 00:40:24,565 Lord, lift some who have been faltering up on wings as eagles. 491 00:40:24,571 --> 00:40:29,674 We thank You in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.