Title: Believer: You're Dead to Sin Meta: In Romans 6:11 Paul teaches us that we must first think right before we can put sin to death. The Bible does not endorse mindless Christianity; if you're going to be holy, you're going to have to use your head. What truth is it that Paul wants us to be gripped by? That we are dead to sin and that in our union with Christ our relationship to sin has been severed, so that it is no longer master over us and we can say “No!” Tags: Romans 6:11,regeneration,power,conversion 1 00:00:00,127 --> 00:00:02,825 Brethren, I don't want to waste any time this morning. 2 00:00:02,831 --> 00:00:04,513 Let's go right to the matter at hand. 3 00:00:04,519 --> 00:00:07,843 Turn in your Bibles to Romans chapter 6. 4 00:00:07,849 --> 00:00:10,900 We are not moving away from our present series, 5 00:00:10,906 --> 00:00:17,960 but we are diving even deeper into it - The Christian's Self-Cleansing. 6 00:00:17,966 --> 00:00:26,441 That terminology comes directly from 1 Corinthians 7 verse 1. 7 00:00:26,447 --> 00:00:29,616 But I want us to leave 1 Corinthians 7 today. 8 00:00:29,622 --> 00:00:32,784 1st week, we basically did an overview of that text. 9 00:00:32,790 --> 00:00:36,054 Last week, we looked at the fact that there is no holiness 10 00:00:36,060 --> 00:00:41,663 unless there is first true conversion; true faith and repentance. 11 00:00:41,669 --> 00:00:45,545 This week, I want to dive into Romans 6 12 00:00:45,551 --> 00:00:49,898 where the apostle Paul likewise is dealing with the same subject, 13 00:00:49,904 --> 00:00:57,801 and he brings forth a principle in this quest for holiness 14 00:00:57,807 --> 00:01:01,785 that I want us to focus our attention on. (P) 15 00:01:01,791 --> 00:01:14,723 So, Romans chapter 6. 16 00:01:14,729 --> 00:01:25,746 Paul's focus here; God's focus; what is God's goal in giving us Romans 6? 17 00:01:25,752 --> 00:01:31,747 Well, we could look right at the beginning of Romans chapter 6 and say this: 18 00:01:31,753 --> 00:01:40,209 When you say to somebody, "You know what? You can be justified by faith in Jesus Christ. 19 00:01:40,215 --> 00:01:53,906 No works, no law-keeping, no effort on your own, not by your goodness. 20 00:01:53,912 --> 00:02:04,359 Unjust, unrighteous, wicked sinners can come to Christ in faith and be counted righteous. 21 00:02:04,365 --> 00:02:06,092 They can be justified." 22 00:02:06,098 --> 00:02:08,336 You know what that produces? 23 00:02:08,342 --> 00:02:10,809 Somebody is going to say, "Well then, 24 00:02:10,815 --> 00:02:15,133 what is to keep us from just sinning all the more?" 25 00:02:15,139 --> 00:02:17,165 What do we say? 26 00:02:17,171 --> 00:02:19,574 Do we continue in sin? 27 00:02:19,580 --> 00:02:24,476 You know what the goal of this chapter is? 28 00:02:24,482 --> 00:02:35,937 It's to say to us, "You can't," and to help explain why we can't. 29 00:02:35,943 --> 00:02:38,465 I mean, answer the question: What's God's goal here? 30 00:02:38,471 --> 00:02:55,414 Look at Romans 6:6, "We know that our old self (or old man) was crucified with Him 31 00:02:55,420 --> 00:03:01,309 in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing." 32 00:03:01,315 --> 00:03:03,069 You know what the body of sin is? 33 00:03:03,075 --> 00:03:10,652 When we get down to verse 12, we'll see it's where sin desires to rule, to reign, 34 00:03:10,658 --> 00:03:15,388 by causing you to obey the passions of your body. 35 00:03:15,394 --> 00:03:21,042 That is how sin seeks to reign in your mortal bodies. (P) 36 00:03:21,048 --> 00:03:22,896 Jesus Christ was crucified. 37 00:03:22,902 --> 00:03:30,586 In Him we are crucified to bring this body to nothing, 38 00:03:30,592 --> 00:03:34,792 so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. 39 00:03:34,798 --> 00:03:37,820 That has got everything to do with this quest for holiness. 40 00:03:37,826 --> 00:03:40,342 That we're no longer enslaved to sin. 41 00:03:40,348 --> 00:03:45,403 That we are, in fact just the opposite, enslaved to righteousness. 42 00:03:45,409 --> 00:03:49,812 Or, Romans 6:12 which I just mentioned. 43 00:03:49,818 --> 00:03:53,251 Look at it, "Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, 44 00:03:53,257 --> 00:03:55,571 to make you obey its passions." 45 00:03:55,577 --> 00:04:01,320 You get an idea about what it is that God's goal is in giving us this? 46 00:04:01,326 --> 00:04:10,680 How about verse 13, "Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, 47 00:04:10,686 --> 00:04:15,384 but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, 48 00:04:15,390 --> 00:04:18,322 and your members to God as instruments for righteousness." 49 00:04:18,327 --> 00:04:23,943 Or how about verse 19, "I am speaking in human terms because of your natural limitations. 50 00:04:23,949 --> 00:04:28,097 For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity 51 00:04:28,103 --> 00:04:30,880 and to lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, 52 00:04:30,886 --> 00:04:37,755 so now present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification."(P) 53 00:04:37,761 --> 00:04:44,679 Now look, I recognize that there are some other things going on in Romans chapter 6. 54 00:04:44,685 --> 00:04:50,643 But would you not agree, one of God's primary purposes in giving us this chapter 55 00:04:50,649 --> 00:04:59,325 is that we might be free from sin and devoted to righteousness. 56 00:05:00,222 --> 00:05:03,298 That seems like what's happening here. 57 00:05:03,304 --> 00:05:07,416 And, brethren, is that not the same message of 1 Corinthians chapter 7? 58 00:05:07,422 --> 00:05:10,766 In 1 Corinthians chapter 7, what are we supposed to do? 59 00:05:10,772 --> 00:05:18,411 We are supposed to cleanse ourselves from all the defilements of body and spirit, 60 00:05:18,417 --> 00:05:22,842 so that we might bring holiness to completion. 61 00:05:22,848 --> 00:05:24,786 That's it here; put sin to death. 62 00:05:24,792 --> 00:05:31,438 What's the defilement? You have no defilement in your life other than sin. 63 00:05:31,444 --> 00:05:35,006 This is the same thing. It's about our sanctification. 64 00:05:35,012 --> 00:05:40,841 That's what's happening here. Self-cleansing. Same message. 65 00:05:40,847 --> 00:05:46,449 Self-cleansing, brethren, not just in the church, 66 00:05:46,455 --> 00:05:49,262 not just in the little religious corner of your life. 67 00:05:49,262 --> 00:05:54,509 Notice what it says in Romans 6:6, 68 00:05:54,515 --> 00:05:59,500 "...the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin." 69 00:05:59,506 --> 00:06:01,039 Do you get the two words there? 70 00:06:01,045 --> 00:06:03,216 No longer. No longer. No longer. (P) 71 00:06:03,222 --> 00:06:07,020 This is not simply about a little church going idea, 72 00:06:07,026 --> 00:06:08,898 "Yeah I got to get my life together when I go to church 73 00:06:08,914 --> 00:06:10,694 and I'm in front of the brethren on Sunday morning." 74 00:06:10,700 --> 00:06:14,313 That's not what this is about. It's about all of your life. 75 00:06:14,319 --> 00:06:18,640 No longer! From this point forward, no longer! 76 00:06:18,646 --> 00:06:19,823 This is about all of life. 77 00:06:19,829 --> 00:06:22,873 This is about when you get up in the morning; this is about when you put your clothes on; 78 00:06:22,879 --> 00:06:24,102 this is about when you brush your teeth; 79 00:06:24,108 --> 00:06:27,622 this is about when you're thinking in your mind about what you'll do throughout the day; 80 00:06:27,628 --> 00:06:28,929 this is how you open your day. 81 00:06:28,935 --> 00:06:31,252 Do you start it in the Word, do you start it in prayer? 82 00:06:31,258 --> 00:06:33,472 This is about driving to work; 83 00:06:33,478 --> 00:06:36,253 this is about when you are at school, when you're at work; 84 00:06:36,259 --> 00:06:41,197 this is about how you interact with your spouse, your children, your friends, your co-workers. 85 00:06:41,203 --> 00:06:43,489 This is about all of life. 86 00:06:43,495 --> 00:06:48,016 This is 'no longer'. This is all of it. All of it. 87 00:06:48,022 --> 00:06:53,218 How you interrelate with authority, how you interrelate with the government, 88 00:06:53,224 --> 00:06:58,748 what we do with a building, brethren, how we walk. 89 00:06:58,754 --> 00:07:00,748 This is about day and night. 90 00:07:00,754 --> 00:07:03,392 This is about whether you're at home or you're abroad. 91 00:07:03,398 --> 00:07:06,352 This is about whether you're doing yard work or mission work. 92 00:07:06,358 --> 00:07:08,420 This is how you conduct yourself. 93 00:07:08,426 --> 00:07:13,372 No longer, brethren, enslaved to sin. 94 00:07:13,378 --> 00:07:17,158 That's what this is about. 95 00:07:17,164 --> 00:07:20,452 It's about eradicating sin in all of your life from now on. 96 00:07:20,458 --> 00:07:23,377 No more. No longer. 97 00:07:23,383 --> 00:07:27,297 That's it. You see it. (P) 98 00:07:27,303 --> 00:07:36,291 Now, look with me in Romans 6:12, "Let not sin" 99 00:07:36,297 --> 00:07:42,176 the 'therefore' connects us backwards and we're going to move backwards, 100 00:07:42,182 --> 00:07:44,598 but here is a command. 101 00:07:44,604 --> 00:07:48,457 We have an imperative mood. 102 00:07:49,924 --> 00:07:54,131 You might just want to take note 103 00:07:54,137 --> 00:08:05,681 that God doesn't give any commandments at all to believers in the book of Romans, 104 00:08:05,687 --> 00:08:09,055 prior to Romans 6. 105 00:08:09,061 --> 00:08:13,734 Romans 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, you know what it is? 106 00:08:13,740 --> 00:08:16,503 Mainly indicative. 107 00:08:16,509 --> 00:08:18,337 Paul is saying how it is. 108 00:08:18,343 --> 00:08:22,330 He is saying how bad man is and he is saying what God has done. 109 00:08:22,336 --> 00:08:27,646 When he gets to 6, he gives us a command. 110 00:08:27,652 --> 00:08:36,549 That's what you have here in verse 12, "Let not sin reign." 111 00:08:36,554 --> 00:08:43,211 God commands us to resist and kill sin, as it tries to get us to obey the passions of our body. 112 00:08:43,217 --> 00:08:47,079 But remember, there's a 'therefore' there, 113 00:08:47,085 --> 00:08:51,452 which means it's based on what was just said. 114 00:08:51,458 --> 00:08:53,990 Go back one verse. 115 00:08:53,996 --> 00:09:01,470 Romans 6:11, "So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin 116 00:09:01,476 --> 00:09:06,857 and alive to God in Christ Jesus." 117 00:09:06,863 --> 00:09:12,592 Brethren, that is an imperative. 118 00:09:12,597 --> 00:09:17,490 That is a commandment of God. 119 00:09:17,496 --> 00:09:30,310 That is the very first commandment of God given to us believers in the book of Romans. (P) 120 00:09:30,316 --> 00:09:36,127 You need to recognize something very important to this quest for holiness. 121 00:09:36,133 --> 00:09:42,171 The very first commandment given in the epistle, 122 00:09:42,177 --> 00:09:43,863 you have to think about this. 123 00:09:43,869 --> 00:09:48,834 The first commandments given in the epistle of Romans 124 00:09:48,840 --> 00:09:52,339 has to do with our battle against sin. 125 00:09:52,345 --> 00:09:58,088 After all the glorious truths that God gives to us in those first five chapters, 126 00:09:58,094 --> 00:10:01,390 when it comes to taking those truths and applying them to the Christian life, 127 00:10:01,396 --> 00:10:07,400 the very first thing God wants you to do is He wants you to go to battle against sin. 128 00:10:07,406 --> 00:10:12,330 But I'll tell you this: Before you resist its reign in your mortal body, He wants you to think. 129 00:10:12,336 --> 00:10:15,608 He wants you to consider yourself to be something. 130 00:10:15,614 --> 00:10:18,337 You have to think. 131 00:10:18,343 --> 00:10:24,757 And it's so important that God commands you to think right, before He commands you to kill sin. 132 00:10:24,763 --> 00:10:27,316 Because if you don't think right, you won't kill sin. 133 00:10:27,322 --> 00:10:30,541 Remember the 'therefore' at the beginning of verse 12. 134 00:10:30,547 --> 00:10:34,685 You have to think right, and once you think right, 135 00:10:34,691 --> 00:10:40,914 then therefore, now, thinking right, put that sin to death. (P) 136 00:10:40,920 --> 00:10:43,669 This is huge. 137 00:10:43,675 --> 00:10:51,029 I don't even think I can express to you how important this reality is. 138 00:10:51,035 --> 00:10:52,873 I am going to try. 139 00:10:52,879 --> 00:10:56,837 But I think it's more important than what you're going to get from the words that I say to you today 140 00:10:56,843 --> 00:11:01,292 just how important verse 11 is. 141 00:11:01,298 --> 00:11:20,371 Brethren, God does not tell us to resist sin until He tells us how to think. 142 00:11:20,377 --> 00:11:24,593 Do you all see that? 143 00:11:26,710 --> 00:11:35,184 You will never fight the battle for holiness until you think right in your head. 144 00:11:35,190 --> 00:11:42,642 Now notice verse 11, the term 'consider'; maybe some of your Bibles say 'reckon'. 145 00:11:42,648 --> 00:11:51,548 Logizomai - It basically has the starting of the word 'logic' 146 00:11:51,554 --> 00:11:55,460 because this word has to do with logic. 147 00:11:55,466 --> 00:11:57,442 What does it mean to consider? 148 00:11:57,448 --> 00:11:59,768 Logizomai - what is that word? 149 00:11:59,774 --> 00:12:01,388 Well, basically it's this: 150 00:12:01,394 --> 00:12:07,501 To think according to logical rules, to reckon, to evaluate, 151 00:12:07,507 --> 00:12:13,506 to keep in mind, to reason, to ponder, to conclude by reasoning. 152 00:12:13,512 --> 00:12:16,854 Brethren, you've got to think right. 153 00:12:16,860 --> 00:12:25,389 Paul does not endorse stupid, mindless Christianity. 154 00:12:25,395 --> 00:12:30,466 The world may think that's what Christians are. 155 00:12:30,472 --> 00:12:38,270 But if we are the kind of Christians God wants us to be, we are not mindless. 156 00:12:38,276 --> 00:12:40,540 We are people who think. 157 00:12:40,546 --> 00:12:42,510 We are people who are rational. 158 00:12:42,516 --> 00:12:48,159 If anybody in this world is rational, the Christian ought to be. 159 00:12:48,165 --> 00:12:53,638 We take truth, and we live our lives based on that truth. (P) 160 00:12:53,644 --> 00:12:59,830 The Christianity of Scripture is truth-driven. 161 00:12:59,836 --> 00:13:06,171 The Christianity of Scripture is a Christianity that we are given massive amounts of doctrine. 162 00:13:06,177 --> 00:13:08,892 You got people out there that say doctrine doesn't matter. 163 00:13:08,898 --> 00:13:13,900 That, brethren, leads people to hell. 164 00:13:13,906 --> 00:13:17,934 Doctrine is nothing other than the teaching. 165 00:13:17,940 --> 00:13:22,085 The early Church gave itself to the apostles' doctrine. 166 00:13:22,091 --> 00:13:25,140 Why? Because in that doctrine is life. 167 00:13:25,146 --> 00:13:30,036 In that doctrine is what we believe unto life. 168 00:13:30,042 --> 00:13:33,964 Brethren, you got to believe right. You've got to think right. 169 00:13:33,970 --> 00:13:35,985 You've got to fill your mind with right thoughts 170 00:13:35,991 --> 00:13:41,570 before you're ever going to be successful in this battle with sin. 171 00:13:41,576 --> 00:13:46,794 If you're going to be holy, you've got to use your heads. 172 00:13:46,800 --> 00:13:50,240 One of the reasons that you may be failing, 173 00:13:50,246 --> 00:13:54,472 it may be the reason we gave last week, you may not know the Lord. 174 00:13:54,478 --> 00:13:56,977 You may not have truly repented and believed. 175 00:13:56,983 --> 00:13:59,070 You may not be trusting the Christ - 176 00:13:59,076 --> 00:14:06,932 the miraculous Christ of Scripture who has the power to free you from the bondage of your sin, 177 00:14:06,938 --> 00:14:10,076 like we are seeing here. 178 00:14:10,082 --> 00:14:13,922 Maybe you are saved and you're floundering, you're backslidden. (P) 179 00:14:13,928 --> 00:14:16,558 Brethren, I'll tell you, what does Scripture do? 180 00:14:16,564 --> 00:14:22,243 Any time you find that the apostles, in writing the epistles of Scripture, 181 00:14:22,249 --> 00:14:27,335 find some Christians that are sliding, slipping away, drifting, 182 00:14:27,341 --> 00:14:29,904 are not healthy, have sin in their midst, 183 00:14:29,910 --> 00:14:31,810 what do they do? 184 00:14:31,816 --> 00:14:33,767 They don't just tell them to get their act together. 185 00:14:33,773 --> 00:14:35,929 You know what they do? They hit them with truth. 186 00:14:35,935 --> 00:14:37,216 You ever notice that? 187 00:14:37,222 --> 00:14:39,653 Lots of truth. 188 00:14:39,659 --> 00:14:42,255 Why? Because truth is the way you set people right. 189 00:14:42,261 --> 00:14:51,262 When you get people thinking right, people's reaction will flow out of that thinking. 190 00:14:51,268 --> 00:14:52,811 You got to use your heads. 191 00:14:52,817 --> 00:14:55,222 The path to holiness is not just feeling. 192 00:14:55,228 --> 00:14:57,717 A lot of people have this idea, "Oh! holiness; 193 00:14:57,723 --> 00:15:01,549 if I am going to be holy, I need another infusion of the Spirit." 194 00:15:01,555 --> 00:15:06,029 Listen, I am not opposed to the falling of the Spirit upon God's people, 195 00:15:06,035 --> 00:15:07,453 or baptisms of the Spirit. 196 00:15:07,459 --> 00:15:10,215 Brethren, I want it. I want more of it. 197 00:15:10,221 --> 00:15:11,823 I want it to happen in our church. 198 00:15:11,829 --> 00:15:14,989 But I believe this: That if the Spirit of God falls on this church, 199 00:15:14,995 --> 00:15:18,126 it will not be just to give you some exciting feeling 200 00:15:18,132 --> 00:15:20,201 whereby you're going to feel this infusion of power 201 00:15:20,207 --> 00:15:24,274 and go out and find that you have more power to kick sin. (P) 202 00:15:24,280 --> 00:15:27,655 Brethren, what happens when the Spirit of God falls is: 203 00:15:27,661 --> 00:15:31,711 The Spirit of God came into this world to glorify Christ. 204 00:15:31,717 --> 00:15:34,027 And when the Spirit falls, you know what happens? 205 00:15:34,033 --> 00:15:35,821 Something happens in the mind. 206 00:15:35,827 --> 00:15:41,434 Suddenly, your mind just breaks forth with glory of the truth. 207 00:15:41,440 --> 00:15:42,375 That's what happens. 208 00:15:42,381 --> 00:15:47,541 The Spirit of God empowers that truth, brings conviction, brings glory. 209 00:15:47,547 --> 00:15:49,123 It's like Jonathan Edwards said, 210 00:15:49,129 --> 00:15:55,988 He's all about having people emotional, and having people experience things, 211 00:15:55,994 --> 00:15:59,936 as long as truth drives those experiences. 212 00:15:59,942 --> 00:16:05,653 Brethren, that's how we have to be. That's not just Jonathan Edwards, that's the apostle Paul 213 00:16:05,659 --> 00:16:08,987 as we plainly see here. 214 00:16:08,993 --> 00:16:12,029 It's not just about some infusion of power, some ecstatic feeling. 215 00:16:12,035 --> 00:16:15,066 Our minds must be gripped by truth. 216 00:16:15,072 --> 00:16:18,440 And the question of the hour is this: 217 00:16:18,446 --> 00:16:21,944 What truth is it that Paul wants us to be gripped by? 218 00:16:21,950 --> 00:16:25,753 Look at verse 11. What is it? 219 00:16:25,759 --> 00:16:27,824 He wants us to be gripped by this truth. 220 00:16:27,830 --> 00:16:29,642 You can see it. 221 00:16:29,648 --> 00:16:31,551 What is it that we are to consider? 222 00:16:31,557 --> 00:16:33,907 Remember this is an imperative. 223 00:16:33,913 --> 00:16:38,377 God requires you to think this way. God requires you to ponder. 224 00:16:38,383 --> 00:16:41,810 God requires you to know this truth. 225 00:16:41,816 --> 00:16:45,773 Isn't that amazing? God comes along and says, "I command you to know this." 226 00:16:45,779 --> 00:16:50,006 Wow! God really is commanding us how to think? 227 00:16:50,012 --> 00:16:53,968 Yes. We need our minds renewed, brethren. 228 00:16:53,974 --> 00:16:59,357 What is it that we need to be convinced of? 229 00:16:59,363 --> 00:17:07,742 That we are dead to sin and alive to God in Christ. (P) 230 00:17:07,748 --> 00:17:13,648 You need to be convinced you are dead to sin. 231 00:17:13,655 --> 00:17:16,266 Are you convinced? 232 00:17:16,271 --> 00:17:18,472 Now that's what's happening here. 233 00:17:18,478 --> 00:17:22,616 If God says that Christians are to consider themselves dead to sin, 234 00:17:22,622 --> 00:17:28,269 then what is the truth? 235 00:17:28,275 --> 00:17:30,437 We are dead to sin. 236 00:17:30,443 --> 00:17:36,062 I mean, you ever notice God doesn't want us to believe things that aren't true? 237 00:17:36,068 --> 00:17:39,668 Brethren, If God says to us, through the apostle Paul, 238 00:17:39,674 --> 00:17:42,646 "Reckon yourselves to be dead to sin," 239 00:17:42,652 --> 00:17:47,160 it's not because it's a fantasy. 240 00:17:47,166 --> 00:17:50,980 It's not because it's folklore or myth. 241 00:17:50,986 --> 00:17:54,264 It's because it is true. 242 00:17:54,270 --> 00:17:59,072 God wants you gripped by this truth: You are dead to sin. 243 00:17:59,078 --> 00:18:12,525 And that reality firmly fixed in the mind is the essential preparation for holiness. 244 00:18:12,531 --> 00:18:23,039 If you've been joined to Christ, if you're a true believer in this room right now, 245 00:18:23,045 --> 00:18:29,458 you are dead to sin. 246 00:18:29,464 --> 00:18:34,359 Brethren, you need to say that to yourself, you need to convince yourself of that. 247 00:18:34,365 --> 00:18:36,936 That is what He wants you to do. 248 00:18:36,942 --> 00:18:39,072 Perhaps, some of you are just sitting there and you're like, 249 00:18:39,078 --> 00:18:41,034 "I am not convinced I am dead to sin." 250 00:18:41,040 --> 00:18:45,802 Well, that's your problem. That is your problem. 251 00:18:45,808 --> 00:18:50,629 And that is why you have not had the victory that you otherwise could have, 252 00:18:50,635 --> 00:18:52,111 because your thinking is not right. 253 00:18:52,117 --> 00:18:55,121 And I'll guarantee you, there are a lot of Christians that run around 254 00:18:55,127 --> 00:19:00,804 that struggle with having the proper mindset here. 255 00:19:00,810 --> 00:19:05,878 And I won't say there isn't some very prevalent error in the reformed circles 256 00:19:05,884 --> 00:19:11,589 that tend to lead people to go wrong even in this mindset. 257 00:19:11,595 --> 00:19:16,039 I'll get to that in a moment. (P) 258 00:19:16,045 --> 00:19:23,072 So obviously the question comes, "Okay. okay. You tell me I am dead to sin. 259 00:19:23,078 --> 00:19:25,437 Scripture says I am dead to sin. God wants me to believe it. 260 00:19:25,443 --> 00:19:27,935 Okay, I am dead to sin. 261 00:19:27,941 --> 00:19:30,381 But what does that mean? 262 00:19:30,387 --> 00:19:34,898 Because if you're telling me that I'm not going to sin anymore, I don't believe it." 263 00:19:34,904 --> 00:19:37,500 Well, that's good you wouldn't believe that. 264 00:19:37,506 --> 00:19:45,289 Listen, brethren we are not left in the dark as to what the meaning of this concept is (dead to sin). 265 00:19:45,295 --> 00:19:50,169 Does it mean no more sin? No, it doesn't mean that. 266 00:19:50,175 --> 00:19:52,091 But it means something. 267 00:19:52,097 --> 00:19:56,520 What does it mean? 268 00:19:56,526 --> 00:20:11,758 Well, brethren, here's a thing about death: when you die, it severs relationships. 269 00:20:11,764 --> 00:20:14,187 That's the truth Paul is hitting on in these verses. 270 00:20:14,193 --> 00:20:16,162 Death severs relationships. 271 00:20:16,168 --> 00:20:23,623 Look at Romans 7:1, "Or do you not know, brothers— 272 00:20:23,629 --> 00:20:27,371 for I am speaking to those who know the law— 273 00:20:27,377 --> 00:20:31,927 that the law is binding on a person only as long as he lives? 274 00:20:31,933 --> 00:20:36,159 For a married woman is bound by law to her husband while he lives." 275 00:20:36,165 --> 00:20:40,318 You see, as long as there is life, there is relationship. 276 00:20:40,324 --> 00:20:45,962 "But if her husband dies she is released from the law of marriage. 277 00:20:45,968 --> 00:20:50,151 Accordingly, she will be called an adulteress if she lives with another man while her husband is alive. 278 00:20:50,157 --> 00:20:53,557 But if her husband dies, she is free from that law, 279 00:20:53,563 --> 00:21:00,538 and if she marries another man she is not an adulteress." 280 00:21:06,237 --> 00:21:09,736 Death severs relationships. That's the idea. (P) 281 00:21:09,742 --> 00:21:18,841 Look at Romans 6:17, 282 00:21:18,847 --> 00:21:22,298 "But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin." 283 00:21:22,304 --> 00:21:25,395 Now did you get that? You were once slaves of sin. 284 00:21:25,401 --> 00:21:26,782 Sin used to be your master. 285 00:21:26,788 --> 00:21:29,316 No longer. Why? You died. 286 00:21:29,321 --> 00:21:30,822 You're dead to sin. 287 00:21:30,828 --> 00:21:33,172 You see the relationship is severed. 288 00:21:33,178 --> 00:21:35,811 It is a past tense reality. 289 00:21:35,817 --> 00:21:37,684 You were once slaves of sin. 290 00:21:37,690 --> 00:21:38,774 What's happened now? 291 00:21:38,780 --> 00:21:41,900 "You have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching - 292 00:21:41,906 --> 00:21:45,796 that's the apostolic teaching, the apostles' doctrine, 293 00:21:45,802 --> 00:21:48,158 that's Scripture, God's Word, Christ's Word - 294 00:21:48,164 --> 00:21:52,950 to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin," 295 00:21:52,956 --> 00:21:55,753 Do you see that? There's freedom from that relationship. 296 00:21:55,759 --> 00:21:58,025 It's been broken. 297 00:21:58,031 --> 00:22:01,193 You're no longer slaves to it. 298 00:22:01,199 --> 00:22:04,398 Once upon a time, sin was your slavemaster. 299 00:22:04,404 --> 00:22:08,175 But the once existing relationship between us and sin, 300 00:22:08,181 --> 00:22:13,087 (by the way, which we held very dear and precious to our hearts, you remember that? 301 00:22:13,093 --> 00:22:18,659 We liked it. We liked sin as a master. 302 00:22:18,665 --> 00:22:20,465 It was desirable to us,) 303 00:22:20,471 --> 00:22:21,878 but that has ended. 304 00:22:21,884 --> 00:22:23,682 You've died to sin. 305 00:22:23,688 --> 00:22:28,527 Therefore, your relationship with sin is forever severed from what it was before. 306 00:22:28,533 --> 00:22:30,595 You can never go back to the way it was before 307 00:22:30,601 --> 00:22:35,101 because you can never go back to it being master. 308 00:22:35,106 --> 00:22:36,355 Ever. (P) 309 00:22:36,361 --> 00:22:39,377 Just like a married woman is bound to her husband until death, 310 00:22:39,383 --> 00:22:44,401 you were bound at one time in an unholy matrimony to sin, but no more. 311 00:22:44,407 --> 00:22:45,892 You have died to it. 312 00:22:45,898 --> 00:22:47,799 It's broken. It's severed. 313 00:22:47,805 --> 00:22:54,442 You were delivered and freed by what? By union with Christ. 314 00:22:54,448 --> 00:22:57,045 You're in Him. You're with Him. 315 00:22:57,050 --> 00:22:59,998 He died, you died. 316 00:23:00,004 --> 00:23:04,923 He died to sin - Romans 6:10, what does that mean? 317 00:23:04,929 --> 00:23:09,159 Not that He was a sinner and He died to it the same way we die to it. 318 00:23:09,165 --> 00:23:11,934 He died to conquer it. 319 00:23:11,940 --> 00:23:15,791 He died to pay for it. He died to free us from it. 320 00:23:15,797 --> 00:23:18,393 We die to what? 321 00:23:18,399 --> 00:23:26,975 Romans 6:14, what does it say? Sin shall no longer have dominion - that's mastery. 322 00:23:26,981 --> 00:23:28,462 That's how you died to it. 323 00:23:28,468 --> 00:23:29,544 Dominion. 324 00:23:29,550 --> 00:23:35,371 Not the presence of it altogether, 325 00:23:35,377 --> 00:23:44,749 but if you are joined to Christ, if you are in union with Christ, you have died to sin. 326 00:23:44,755 --> 00:23:47,661 Which means it's no longer master. 327 00:23:47,667 --> 00:23:52,757 It means you can say to it, "No. No." 328 00:23:52,763 --> 00:23:57,837 It plays on the same bodily passions it did before, but you know what? 329 00:23:57,843 --> 00:24:02,313 Because you are joined with Christ, His fullness flows into you; 330 00:24:02,319 --> 00:24:03,617 there is a power there. 331 00:24:03,623 --> 00:24:08,524 There is a power and a hunger for righteousness, and you can say No. 332 00:24:08,530 --> 00:24:11,898 And in fact, you're commanded to resist its reign. 333 00:24:11,904 --> 00:24:14,230 You're commanded to say No. 334 00:24:14,236 --> 00:24:16,623 Don't let it reign in your mortal bodies. 335 00:24:16,629 --> 00:24:18,389 When you get over to Romans 8:13, 336 00:24:18,395 --> 00:24:23,960 "If by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live." 337 00:24:23,966 --> 00:24:26,012 But brethren, if you're not doing that, 338 00:24:26,018 --> 00:24:29,359 if you're living according to the flesh, you're going to die. 339 00:24:29,365 --> 00:24:32,624 Because if you're joined to Christ, you have the Holy Spirit. (P) 340 00:24:32,630 --> 00:24:38,001 If you have that power within you, that Spirit of God, 341 00:24:38,007 --> 00:24:40,692 He will give you power to overcome. 342 00:24:40,698 --> 00:24:46,879 Not perfection in this lifetime, but you are dead to sin and its dominion is broken. 343 00:24:46,885 --> 00:24:49,852 And that is what He is teaching here. 344 00:24:49,858 --> 00:24:57,293 Notice Romans 6:7, "The one who has died has been set free from sin." 345 00:24:57,299 --> 00:25:03,168 Romans 6:14, "For sin will have no dominion over you." 346 00:25:03,174 --> 00:25:06,221 The absence of dominion, not presence. 347 00:25:06,227 --> 00:25:08,040 But dominion, what does that mean? 348 00:25:08,046 --> 00:25:13,183 Remember when you were lost? You were a slave. 349 00:25:13,189 --> 00:25:14,783 Carlos and I were talking yesterday. 350 00:25:14,789 --> 00:25:16,537 He was talking to me about his lost days, 351 00:25:16,543 --> 00:25:25,182 and about how he just got in trouble for something, and he went right back to it. 352 00:25:25,188 --> 00:25:32,432 I am not boasting this, but brethren, I was a social drug user. 353 00:25:32,438 --> 00:25:37,390 And repeatedly I would make this commitment, 354 00:25:37,396 --> 00:25:40,184 "OK when I get out of high school, I am going to stop." 355 00:25:40,190 --> 00:25:42,166 Did I? 356 00:25:42,172 --> 00:25:44,557 "OK when I get out of college, I am going to stop." 357 00:25:44,563 --> 00:25:47,534 Did I? 358 00:25:47,540 --> 00:25:50,995 No. 359 00:25:51,001 --> 00:25:56,825 I never stopped until Christ came and rescued me. 360 00:25:56,831 --> 00:26:00,556 And you know what? Some people do stop, 361 00:26:00,562 --> 00:26:03,307 but all they do is trade one idol for another. 362 00:26:03,313 --> 00:26:09,220 They are lifted up in pride that they were capable of doing it. (P) 363 00:26:09,226 --> 00:26:15,071 Brethren, we were slaves, and it led us about on a leash. 364 00:26:15,077 --> 00:26:17,360 But you're dead to that. 365 00:26:17,366 --> 00:26:22,807 You can look sin in the eyeballs, and say, "You have nothing on me. 366 00:26:22,813 --> 00:26:25,630 You do not own me anymore. 367 00:26:25,636 --> 00:26:28,040 I am a free man in Christ." 368 00:26:28,046 --> 00:26:31,975 And you can say no, and you can walk away. 369 00:26:31,981 --> 00:26:35,522 Better than that, you can pull out the spiritual dagger 370 00:26:35,528 --> 00:26:39,898 and slide it between the ribs of sin and put it to death. 371 00:26:39,904 --> 00:26:45,579 This is mortification. This isn't just walking away. This is killing. 372 00:26:45,585 --> 00:26:48,592 And that's what Romans 8:13 is all about. 373 00:26:48,598 --> 00:26:51,393 It is battle unto death. 374 00:26:51,399 --> 00:26:56,325 Notice Romans 6:22, "You've been set free from sin." 375 00:26:56,331 --> 00:26:59,594 That's the reality here. 376 00:26:59,600 --> 00:27:05,458 Now why is this so relevant to all of us? Why is it so critical? 377 00:27:05,464 --> 00:27:20,958 Well, for this reason: Because if you are united to Christ by faith, you have died to sin. 378 00:27:20,964 --> 00:27:24,526 If you've died to sin, it no longer has dominion over you. 379 00:27:24,532 --> 00:27:27,175 You have been set free from sin. 380 00:27:27,181 --> 00:27:37,069 If that's true, there is a kind of life that results from that. 381 00:27:37,075 --> 00:27:44,671 And that kind of life that results from being dead to sin 382 00:27:44,677 --> 00:27:49,764 is the only life that leads to eternal life. 383 00:27:49,770 --> 00:27:51,815 You say, "How do you know that?" 384 00:27:51,821 --> 00:28:00,946 Because that's exactly the truth that Paul comes to in Romans 6:22. 385 00:28:00,952 --> 00:28:04,618 That's what is at stake here in Romans 6. (P) 386 00:28:04,624 --> 00:28:08,471 You have been set free from sin. 387 00:28:08,477 --> 00:28:12,299 You're dead to it. 388 00:28:12,304 --> 00:28:16,153 But that's the negative. 389 00:28:16,159 --> 00:28:18,702 You're alive to God. 390 00:28:18,708 --> 00:28:26,992 Or as it says here in verse 22, "You've become slaves of God." 391 00:28:26,998 --> 00:28:30,275 And what happens when you are a slave of God and freed from sin? 392 00:28:30,281 --> 00:28:33,022 There is fruit. 393 00:28:33,027 --> 00:28:35,589 Not bad fruit, it's good fruit. 394 00:28:35,595 --> 00:28:38,456 That's your life. 395 00:28:38,462 --> 00:28:43,410 That's all those aspects of life that I was talking about before. 396 00:28:43,416 --> 00:28:45,279 That you do righteousness in them. 397 00:28:45,285 --> 00:28:46,196 There is fruit. 398 00:28:46,202 --> 00:28:56,185 And notice verse 22, "The fruit leads to sanctification, 399 00:28:56,191 --> 00:29:01,568 and what's the end? It's eternal life." 400 00:29:01,574 --> 00:29:12,039 Anybody ever comes along and tells you, "I can live the old life where sin has power over me, 401 00:29:12,045 --> 00:29:17,423 because I am saved by grace through faith, and I am going to heaven." 402 00:29:17,429 --> 00:29:20,611 You can tell them that is not what Scripture teaches. 403 00:29:20,617 --> 00:29:27,324 Brethren, this series on holiness pertains to all of us. 404 00:29:27,330 --> 00:29:31,590 You may be sitting there, saying, "Well, I am not a Christian, it doesn't pertain to me." 405 00:29:31,596 --> 00:29:37,808 O, you should think about that. 406 00:29:37,814 --> 00:29:44,295 If you don't want to perish, and you want eternal life, it does regard you. 407 00:29:44,301 --> 00:29:47,034 Because this is the life that goes there. 408 00:29:47,040 --> 00:29:53,110 And you're never going to have this life unless you're in union with Christ. 409 00:29:53,116 --> 00:30:00,223 And that happens by the repentance and faith we looked at last week. (P) 410 00:30:00,229 --> 00:30:08,216 The flow of thought throughout Romans chapter 6 is that if you are united to Christ, 411 00:30:08,222 --> 00:30:09,422 you're dead to sin. 412 00:30:09,428 --> 00:30:12,916 If you're dead to sin, you're free from the dominion of sin. 413 00:30:12,922 --> 00:30:15,754 If you're free from the dominion of sin, you're alive to God. 414 00:30:15,760 --> 00:30:17,861 You're servant to God. 415 00:30:17,867 --> 00:30:21,668 If you're alive to God, you produce fruit, and that fruit goes somewhere. 416 00:30:21,674 --> 00:30:23,345 This sanctification, that's holiness. 417 00:30:23,351 --> 00:30:25,929 Remember, you're bringing holiness to completion. 418 00:30:25,935 --> 00:30:28,171 That's what this sanctification is all about. 419 00:30:28,177 --> 00:30:31,086 And the end of that, remember the author of Hebrews, 420 00:30:31,092 --> 00:30:34,092 "Without holiness, no one will see the Lord." 421 00:30:34,098 --> 00:30:39,291 So, what? Strive for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. 422 00:30:39,297 --> 00:30:42,318 We're striving, we're fighting. 423 00:30:42,324 --> 00:30:46,826 How do we do it? By the Spirit you put to death the deeds. 424 00:30:46,832 --> 00:30:50,413 It's not in your own strength, remember, it's union with Christ. 425 00:30:50,419 --> 00:30:55,222 You got to be drawing on his fullness or you can never do this. 426 00:30:55,228 --> 00:30:59,683 But brethren, if you're not capable of doing this, 427 00:30:59,689 --> 00:31:04,253 the reason is that you are not drawing on the resources of Christ. 428 00:31:04,259 --> 00:31:07,298 And if you're not drawing on the resources of Christ, 429 00:31:07,304 --> 00:31:09,713 there's good reason to believe that you're not abiding in Him, 430 00:31:09,719 --> 00:31:12,985 and you're not joined with Him, and you're not with Him and in Him. 431 00:31:12,991 --> 00:31:17,707 There's not union with Him, and if there's not union with Him, you're dead. 432 00:31:17,713 --> 00:31:23,170 Christ is the only Savior. There is no other way. (P) 433 00:31:23,176 --> 00:31:26,152 Now, brethren, do you get it? 434 00:31:26,158 --> 00:31:31,108 You got to be thinking this way. You got to consider. 435 00:31:31,114 --> 00:31:36,551 God commands you to consider yourselves dead to sin. 436 00:31:36,557 --> 00:31:43,193 Now look, nowhere in Scripture does it say because you're dead to sin, 437 00:31:43,193 --> 00:31:45,542 that this thing is easy. 438 00:31:45,548 --> 00:31:50,308 Don't get that idea, "Oh I am dead to sin. Therefore I can just kick back, God's going to do it." 439 00:31:50,314 --> 00:31:51,637 No no no. 440 00:31:51,642 --> 00:31:53,901 Scripture doesn't teach that. 441 00:31:53,907 --> 00:31:54,997 No. 442 00:31:55,003 --> 00:31:58,797 You reckon yourself dead to sin in Rom. 6:11, 443 00:31:58,803 --> 00:32:05,226 and then you do not let sin reign (Rom. 6:12). 444 00:32:05,232 --> 00:32:14,001 Now that's all out battle. It's a vicious battle. Vicious. 445 00:32:14,007 --> 00:32:17,915 Paul is not trying to convince anyone that this battle is easy, 446 00:32:17,921 --> 00:32:20,924 BUT, as we heard in the first hour, 447 00:32:20,930 --> 00:32:26,730 he wants to convince you that in Christ, the battle is won. 448 00:32:26,736 --> 00:32:29,226 Brethren, that makes all the difference. 449 00:32:29,232 --> 00:32:30,636 When you go on into a battle, 450 00:32:30,642 --> 00:32:36,760 and you know this is not going to be easy but I am going to win. 451 00:32:36,766 --> 00:32:40,137 When you are convinced of that - you see, that's the idea - 452 00:32:40,143 --> 00:32:45,402 you've got to be convinced, you've got to reckon, you've got to consider. 453 00:32:45,408 --> 00:32:53,372 When you go into the battle with a victorious mindset, it matters in how you fight. (P) 454 00:32:53,378 --> 00:32:57,722 You get knocked down, you don't pathetically say, "Oh, here I am, knocked down. 455 00:32:57,728 --> 00:32:59,085 I guess I am just defeated." 456 00:32:59,091 --> 00:33:01,084 No, you're like, "Well, what's this? 457 00:33:01,090 --> 00:33:04,444 Scripture talks about the righteous man falling seven times, 458 00:33:04,450 --> 00:33:05,973 but the righteous man gets back up. 459 00:33:05,979 --> 00:33:09,234 And I am joined to Christ, and I am going to win this battle." 460 00:33:09,240 --> 00:33:12,767 So we get up, and we go back in. 461 00:33:12,773 --> 00:33:16,178 Now, I want to shoot straight with you here. 462 00:33:16,184 --> 00:33:26,697 Some of you aren't going to like this, but this is critical. 463 00:33:26,703 --> 00:33:32,334 This is absolutely critical. 464 00:33:32,340 --> 00:33:39,294 We often hear Jeremiah 17:9 quoted. Often. 465 00:33:39,300 --> 00:33:41,371 Don't turn there, but you know the text: 466 00:33:41,377 --> 00:33:51,150 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick." 467 00:33:51,156 --> 00:33:56,826 A lot of people like to apply that to Christians. 468 00:33:56,832 --> 00:33:59,063 But when you go further in Jeremiah, guess what? 469 00:33:59,069 --> 00:34:03,544 It says you get a new heart. 470 00:34:03,550 --> 00:34:10,339 Lot of people like to go over to Romans 7, 471 00:34:10,344 --> 00:34:14,260 and say, "You know what? As Christians, we are wretched men; 472 00:34:14,266 --> 00:34:18,123 we are people who cannot do the good we want to do, 473 00:34:18,130 --> 00:34:26,157 we are miserably stuck in this rot of always doing the evil that we do not want to do." 474 00:34:26,163 --> 00:34:39,726 Beloved, I simply want to say to you this: Beware. Beware. (P) 475 00:34:39,733 --> 00:34:49,058 If you view Jeremiah 17:9, Romans chapter 7, or any other part of Scripture, 476 00:34:49,063 --> 00:34:58,806 in any way whatsoever that leads you to have a mindset that falls short of Romans 6:11, 477 00:34:58,812 --> 00:35:03,300 run from it like the plague. 478 00:35:03,306 --> 00:35:08,040 You need to take this dead seriously. 479 00:35:08,046 --> 00:35:10,590 Because when you basically walk around in life - 480 00:35:10,596 --> 00:35:15,258 I knew a brother who said, "I am a wretched man, 481 00:35:15,264 --> 00:35:20,758 my marriage is miserable, and that's just how it is" - 482 00:35:20,764 --> 00:35:27,868 brethren, when you walk through life with that mindset, you will be defeated. 483 00:35:27,874 --> 00:35:30,756 You want to take this dead serious. 484 00:35:30,762 --> 00:35:37,754 The very first commandment by God in the epistle of Romans to you 485 00:35:37,760 --> 00:35:41,464 is you need to think right, not just about anything, 486 00:35:41,470 --> 00:35:45,932 you need to think right about your position in being joined to Christ, 487 00:35:45,938 --> 00:35:49,908 and what it means with regards to your relationship with sin. 488 00:35:49,914 --> 00:35:54,352 And you need to think right, and God's commanding you to think right. 489 00:35:54,358 --> 00:35:58,162 And people who think they are nothing but miserable men 490 00:35:58,168 --> 00:36:04,060 with these desperately wicked, sick and deceitful hearts, 491 00:36:04,066 --> 00:36:14,693 I'll tell you this, that is exactly the mindset that God is commanding you not to have. (P) 492 00:36:14,699 --> 00:36:16,539 Listen brethren, I'll just tell you. 493 00:36:16,545 --> 00:36:22,862 Yeah; I am, by and large, a product of John MacArthur's mentoring. 494 00:36:22,868 --> 00:36:26,665 Got saved back in 1990, influenced tremendously by him, 495 00:36:26,671 --> 00:36:30,171 came across Romans 7, bought into that view. 496 00:36:30,177 --> 00:36:37,419 Who hasn't, as a Christian, felt, "O, wretched man that I am"? 497 00:36:37,425 --> 00:36:40,791 But I'll tell you, when Charles Leiter really challenged me, 498 00:36:40,797 --> 00:36:45,441 and I preached through Romans the first time, 499 00:36:45,447 --> 00:36:50,724 it wasn't when I got to Romans 7 I recognized I got a problem. 500 00:36:50,730 --> 00:36:58,138 it was when I got to Romans 6 I recognized I had a problem. 501 00:36:58,144 --> 00:37:04,849 Brethren, if Romans 7 sounds to you to be opposite to Romans 6, 502 00:37:04,855 --> 00:37:11,371 you might just want to ask yourself the question, Why is that? 503 00:37:11,377 --> 00:37:17,274 You see, nothing about Romans 7 is in Christ. 504 00:37:17,280 --> 00:37:22,571 Nothing about Romans 7 is with the Spirit. 505 00:37:22,577 --> 00:37:27,637 But guess what happens in Romans 8:1 when you find 'in Christ' again. 506 00:37:27,643 --> 00:37:30,727 What happens? No condemnation. 507 00:37:30,733 --> 00:37:39,737 Verse 2, what happens? We are set free from the law of sin and death. 508 00:37:39,743 --> 00:37:45,387 You see Romans 8:3, God has done what the law couldn't. 509 00:37:45,393 --> 00:37:47,765 You see, that's the real issue with Romans 7. 510 00:37:47,771 --> 00:37:51,082 The guy in Romans 7 has got the law, but he doesn't have the Spirit. (P) 511 00:37:51,088 --> 00:37:53,460 When you have the law, and you run to the law, and you delight in the law, 512 00:37:53,466 --> 00:37:56,135 but you don't have the Spirit, guess what you do: 513 00:37:56,141 --> 00:37:59,459 all it does is arouse sinful passions, and you spiral down, 514 00:37:59,465 --> 00:38:03,442 and you're weak, and you're impotent, and you can't do anything. 515 00:38:03,448 --> 00:38:07,433 But guess what happens when God does by sending His Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, 516 00:38:07,439 --> 00:38:09,540 and for sin, guess what happens then? 517 00:38:09,546 --> 00:38:11,997 Look at Rom. 8:4, 518 00:38:12,003 --> 00:38:14,780 You who walk in the Spirit, now what are you doing? 519 00:38:14,786 --> 00:38:17,038 You are fulfilling the righteous requirement of the law. 520 00:38:17,044 --> 00:38:20,177 Let me tell you, this is not dealing with forensic realities; 521 00:38:20,183 --> 00:38:24,147 this is not dealing with legal realities; this is not dealing with justification. 522 00:38:24,153 --> 00:38:27,310 This is dealing with your walk. 523 00:38:27,316 --> 00:38:29,805 This is what this whole section is about. 524 00:38:29,811 --> 00:38:34,752 Why do Christians not continue in sin? Why? 525 00:38:34,758 --> 00:38:39,499 Because joined with Christ, you walk in newness of life. 526 00:38:39,505 --> 00:38:43,790 That's the reality. That's what's being taught here. (P) 527 00:38:43,796 --> 00:38:47,564 Brethren, I just want to challenge you. 528 00:38:47,570 --> 00:38:50,181 This is no small matter. 529 00:38:50,187 --> 00:38:52,486 Dead to sin. 530 00:38:52,492 --> 00:38:55,788 Not alive to sin and living in it, 531 00:38:55,794 --> 00:39:04,823 and totally and perpetually and miserably failing, like Romans 7:19. 532 00:39:04,829 --> 00:39:09,296 You're dead to sin, which means what? 533 00:39:09,302 --> 00:39:13,325 Romans 6:14 - no dominion. 534 00:39:13,331 --> 00:39:17,083 Romans 6:17 - obedient from the heart. 535 00:39:17,089 --> 00:39:25,694 Romans 6:22 - in this line of progression, dead to sin, servant to God, 536 00:39:25,700 --> 00:39:33,509 fruit leading to holiness, and its end, eternal life. 537 00:39:33,515 --> 00:39:43,302 Brethren, fight to have the right mindset with regards to sin. 538 00:39:43,308 --> 00:39:46,248 Fight for it, brethren, fight for it! 539 00:39:46,254 --> 00:39:55,152 You may not agree with me on Romans 7, but whatever you do with it, 540 00:39:55,158 --> 00:40:01,558 you better not let it cause you to disobey God in Romans 6:11. 541 00:40:01,564 --> 00:40:03,184 You better not. 542 00:40:03,190 --> 00:40:09,831 Because if you do, you will fail at Rom. 6:12. 543 00:40:09,837 --> 00:40:13,911 And be careful, if you fail too much, 544 00:40:13,917 --> 00:40:19,117 you go down to Rom. 6:22 and you recognize there's no eternal life at the end. 545 00:40:19,123 --> 00:40:21,525 You say, "What are you talking about? Losing salvation?" 546 00:40:21,531 --> 00:40:25,685 No, I'm talking about genuine salvation. 547 00:40:25,691 --> 00:40:31,650 And I'm talking about what God does in the minds of His people 548 00:40:31,656 --> 00:40:39,416 that gives them the right mindset to go after sin in the way it needs to be gone after. (P) 549 00:40:39,422 --> 00:40:41,426 Brethren, I want a holy church, 550 00:40:41,432 --> 00:40:46,902 but I recognize from this chapter of Scripture that if our mindset is not right, 551 00:40:46,908 --> 00:40:50,412 we are not going to fight this battle right. 552 00:40:50,418 --> 00:40:52,807 This is battle. 553 00:40:52,813 --> 00:40:59,105 In Christ, you are dead to sin. 554 00:40:59,111 --> 00:41:03,193 Say that to yourselves. Meditate on that. 555 00:41:03,199 --> 00:41:09,124 Take that forth for the rest of your life. 556 00:41:09,130 --> 00:41:12,380 We need to know this. We need to be certain. 557 00:41:12,386 --> 00:41:16,872 God commands us to know and believe and consider it to be so. 558 00:41:16,878 --> 00:41:20,395 This is where the battle begins. 559 00:41:20,401 --> 00:41:26,054 You, Christian, need to know with all certainty what you are in Christ. 560 00:41:26,060 --> 00:41:29,547 And you are dead to sin. 561 00:41:29,553 --> 00:41:30,457 You know what? 562 00:41:30,463 --> 00:41:36,345 When you know that, walk like you know that. 563 00:41:36,351 --> 00:41:44,244 My brothers and sisters, you are dead to sin and alive to Christ. 564 00:41:44,250 --> 00:41:47,633 You need to know that you are. 565 00:41:47,639 --> 00:41:52,520 You need to be convinced that you are. 566 00:41:52,526 --> 00:41:57,533 Christian, in Christ, you died to sin. You have died. (P) 567 00:41:57,539 --> 00:42:02,174 Perhaps you're saying, "If I am dead to sin, why is there any battle at all?" 568 00:42:02,180 --> 00:42:07,016 I'll tell you this: Because the Christian life is a life of progression. 569 00:42:07,022 --> 00:42:11,483 "Well, why is that?" Because God designed it that way. 570 00:42:11,489 --> 00:42:14,134 "Why did He do that?" I don't know the mind of God, 571 00:42:14,140 --> 00:42:17,755 but I can tell you this: God does what He does to glorify Himself. 572 00:42:17,761 --> 00:42:22,791 And I just have to believe that He takes great delight 573 00:42:22,797 --> 00:42:28,224 in taking weak pathetic instruments like us, 574 00:42:28,230 --> 00:42:35,953 and squaring us off against the mighty power of sin, 575 00:42:35,959 --> 00:42:40,480 the passions that seek to wreck our souls, 576 00:42:40,486 --> 00:42:44,280 the world, and the devil himself; 577 00:42:44,286 --> 00:42:48,534 and throw us in there to do battle, and we actually win. 578 00:42:48,540 --> 00:42:51,252 But not because of our own strength, 579 00:42:51,258 --> 00:42:56,094 because He gets the victory working through us and in us. 580 00:42:56,100 --> 00:42:58,595 He takes delight in that. 581 00:42:58,601 --> 00:43:03,469 But I guarantee He is going to see that it comes to pass, and that it happens. (P) 582 00:43:03,475 --> 00:43:10,363 Brethren, you're dead to sin, but that doesn't mean it's easy. 583 00:43:10,369 --> 00:43:15,064 It doesn't mean we go to sleep, or sit back and relax. 584 00:43:15,070 --> 00:43:17,929 God does make us dead to sin, that's true. 585 00:43:17,935 --> 00:43:27,300 But He means to demonstrate that reality by exerting His own power upon us, and in us, 586 00:43:27,306 --> 00:43:36,181 to create within us - what? - a militancy to fight sin and mortify sin and put it to death. 587 00:43:36,187 --> 00:43:39,979 He means for us to have this determination of will, 588 00:43:39,985 --> 00:43:44,248 but it's a determination of will that's based on what we know. 589 00:43:44,254 --> 00:43:45,944 It's based on what we believe. 590 00:43:45,950 --> 00:43:52,449 It's grabbing hold of truths about my being united to Christ, I am dead to sin. 591 00:43:52,455 --> 00:43:54,287 And in the light of that reality, 592 00:43:54,293 --> 00:44:01,822 with a militancy of determination in my will to say, "Yes! I believe I am dead to sin, 593 00:44:01,828 --> 00:44:04,974 I am going to fight this. 594 00:44:04,980 --> 00:44:09,929 That pride that keeps holding on and lingering, I am going to fight that. 595 00:44:09,935 --> 00:44:14,537 That sexual lust, I am going to fight that, controlling my eyes. 596 00:44:14,545 --> 00:44:17,217 I am going to make a covenant with my eyes, 597 00:44:17,223 --> 00:44:21,037 and I believe by the power of Jesus Christ that I can keep control. 598 00:44:21,043 --> 00:44:22,829 And I may fall. 599 00:44:22,834 --> 00:44:25,381 But I am going to get back up and confess that sin, 600 00:44:25,387 --> 00:44:30,680 and I am going to go on in the power of the Spirit of God, clinging to Christ." (P) 601 00:44:30,686 --> 00:44:32,943 Brethren, we've got to have that mindset. 602 00:44:32,949 --> 00:44:34,788 That is what this is all about. 603 00:44:34,794 --> 00:44:37,531 This is war! This is war, brethren. 604 00:44:37,537 --> 00:44:46,417 Those passions of the flesh seek to destroy your soul. 605 00:44:46,423 --> 00:44:48,996 That's what Peter tells us. 606 00:44:49,002 --> 00:44:51,140 You better take this dead serious. 607 00:44:51,146 --> 00:44:56,646 As Owen said, what did he say? "You better be killing sin, or it will kill you." 608 00:44:56,652 --> 00:44:58,354 And it will. 609 00:44:58,360 --> 00:45:01,031 It's one or the other. There is no in between. 610 00:45:01,037 --> 00:45:03,782 There's no neutrality here. 611 00:45:03,799 --> 00:45:10,375 You're either killing sin, or it's taking your life. 612 00:45:10,381 --> 00:45:13,347 This is serious. 613 00:45:13,353 --> 00:45:16,524 The Lord sends all His children, brethren, -- 614 00:45:16,530 --> 00:45:18,933 I don't know if you've ever noticed this, 615 00:45:18,939 --> 00:45:24,748 but there are definitely spiritual parallels between Joshua and Israel going into the land of Canaan. 616 00:45:24,754 --> 00:45:26,173 What did God tell them? 617 00:45:26,179 --> 00:45:28,778 "You kill everybody. Go in there and wipe them out. 618 00:45:28,784 --> 00:45:34,563 Young and old, man and woman, children, wipe them out." 619 00:45:34,575 --> 00:45:38,895 That is a spiritual parallel to our Christian life. 620 00:45:38,901 --> 00:45:44,372 No longer, brethren, no longer. 621 00:45:44,378 --> 00:45:46,511 You are dead to sin. 622 00:45:46,516 --> 00:45:50,561 No quarter. 623 00:45:50,567 --> 00:45:52,337 It will plead mercifully. 624 00:45:52,343 --> 00:45:55,745 Those little children and women will plead mercifully, "Don't kill me." 625 00:45:55,751 --> 00:46:00,626 No, you kill them all. 626 00:46:00,632 --> 00:46:02,640 You know what I am talking about. 627 00:46:02,646 --> 00:46:04,560 I am not talking about actual women and children. 628 00:46:04,566 --> 00:46:07,072 I am talking about every sin. 629 00:46:07,078 --> 00:46:12,552 And they will plead mercifully, "Just spare me, just spare me. I'm just a little one." 630 00:46:12,558 --> 00:46:15,965 No quarter. (P) 631 00:46:15,971 --> 00:46:21,169 You got to have the mindset to know that you're dead to sin. 632 00:46:21,175 --> 00:46:24,125 You can do this. You must do this. 633 00:46:24,131 --> 00:46:27,008 And God commands you to think right. 634 00:46:27,014 --> 00:46:32,146 Brethren, this is huge. This is huge. 635 00:46:32,152 --> 00:46:34,936 But I have to say this. 636 00:46:34,942 --> 00:46:42,812 I mean, I have been made aware of something, all the more just recently. 637 00:46:42,818 --> 00:46:46,785 Many of you know, I think I have had this viral meningitis for a month. 638 00:46:46,791 --> 00:46:53,570 Just coming out of it these last few days where I am actually starting to feel better. 639 00:46:53,576 --> 00:46:56,204 It causes swelling of the brain. 640 00:46:56,210 --> 00:46:59,395 That hurt my head. 641 00:46:59,401 --> 00:47:01,151 You guys know I suffer migraines, 642 00:47:01,157 --> 00:47:08,493 but this hurt my head in a way that no migraine ever has. 643 00:47:08,499 --> 00:47:12,693 There were three straight days where I probably should have gone to the emergency room. 644 00:47:12,699 --> 00:47:17,458 I got to the place where I thought, "Ruby, I think you're going to have to take me." 645 00:47:17,464 --> 00:47:21,767 James came and prayed for me, and actually that night it did take a turn. 646 00:47:21,773 --> 00:47:24,413 He wanted me to be here the next day, God didn't answer that. 647 00:47:24,419 --> 00:47:26,491 But it did take a turn at that point. (P) 648 00:47:26,497 --> 00:47:32,006 But after I came out of it, I told Ruby, "I don't know if I am going to die well." 649 00:47:32,012 --> 00:47:37,987 I mean, those three days I did not feel very patient. 650 00:47:37,993 --> 00:47:45,447 And I recognize something. I am one of you. 651 00:47:45,453 --> 00:47:48,061 You say, "What's that?" 652 00:47:48,067 --> 00:47:58,377 I don't mean just Christian. I mean a 21st century American. 653 00:47:58,383 --> 00:48:01,340 You say, "What does that mean?" 654 00:48:01,346 --> 00:48:06,030 That means we are used to softness. 655 00:48:06,036 --> 00:48:10,852 Our towels are soft. And our cars are air-conditioned. 656 00:48:10,858 --> 00:48:14,638 You say, "Mine's not." Yeah, but you have a car. 657 00:48:14,644 --> 00:48:17,665 People in other places are walking. 658 00:48:17,671 --> 00:48:23,642 And probably if it's not working, you've had thoughts about getting it fixed. 659 00:48:23,648 --> 00:48:26,712 Our homes are air-conditioned. 660 00:48:26,718 --> 00:48:33,283 Our food, we can pop it right in the microwave and it's cooked instantly at the right temperature. 661 00:48:33,289 --> 00:48:36,288 We have instant clean water. 662 00:48:36,294 --> 00:48:41,628 Now, it's like these cell phones and computers, instant Facebook, 663 00:48:41,634 --> 00:48:44,514 instant chat, instant e-mail. 664 00:48:44,520 --> 00:48:49,614 Instant. Everything is instant. We want it now. 665 00:48:49,620 --> 00:48:56,056 We are a very entertained people. We are a very soft people. 666 00:48:56,062 --> 00:48:58,416 Let's just call it what it is. (P) 667 00:48:58,422 --> 00:49:01,033 Brethren, when you compare us -- 668 00:49:01,039 --> 00:49:06,700 John was just telling us in the elders meeting about these guys over in Iraq. 669 00:49:06,706 --> 00:49:09,527 He said we can learn some things from them. 670 00:49:09,533 --> 00:49:12,450 He said they don't know the doctrine we know, but we can learn. 671 00:49:12,456 --> 00:49:14,428 What can we learn? 672 00:49:14,434 --> 00:49:18,307 We can learn about suffering persecution. 673 00:49:18,313 --> 00:49:23,087 Oh yeah, when the thing starts happening that Jeff was mentioning in the Sunday School, 674 00:49:23,093 --> 00:49:27,307 it's going to test us. 675 00:49:27,313 --> 00:49:34,659 The thing is, there is some spiritual conditioning that we really need. 676 00:49:34,665 --> 00:49:40,831 If we are going to fight sin, we tend to be spiritual lightweights. 677 00:49:40,837 --> 00:49:45,669 When things get difficult, you know, we try these little things, new program, 678 00:49:45,675 --> 00:49:47,195 "Oh, I got this book," 679 00:49:47,201 --> 00:49:49,511 you know, we try this little deal over here, 680 00:49:49,517 --> 00:49:51,852 "Oh, we just discovered this new preacher." 681 00:49:51,858 --> 00:49:55,239 See, we want results immediately. We want things to happen right now. 682 00:49:55,245 --> 00:49:56,535 Now! Now! Now! Now! 683 00:49:56,541 --> 00:49:58,613 And we don't want to think too long about anything. 684 00:49:58,619 --> 00:49:59,881 You know, "Give me that! Give me that! 685 00:49:59,887 --> 00:50:05,385 Look, Facebook! Oh, they're doing this and that, We're going to do this and that."(P) 686 00:50:05,391 --> 00:50:10,250 Brethren, I don't know about the discipline of our generation 687 00:50:10,256 --> 00:50:17,742 to really be able to sit down and just meditate on the fact that we're dead to sin, 688 00:50:17,748 --> 00:50:19,692 long enough for it to do us any good. 689 00:50:19,698 --> 00:50:26,392 Why? Because we put so much stuff in our brain to cause us to forget what's essential so quickly. 690 00:50:26,402 --> 00:50:30,224 Brethren, you know what? 691 00:50:30,230 --> 00:50:35,298 We're not 21st century Americans first. We are Christians first. 692 00:50:35,304 --> 00:50:42,207 And what God commands us to do is, you need to do whatever is necessary in your life 693 00:50:42,213 --> 00:50:47,763 to be able to fill your head with this reality, and have your mind renewed, 694 00:50:47,769 --> 00:50:50,887 and get the garbage out. 695 00:50:50,893 --> 00:50:53,241 Get disciplined. 696 00:50:53,247 --> 00:50:58,977 You know what? It's not a sin not to have a cell phone or a computer. 697 00:50:58,983 --> 00:51:05,468 If you can't govern that thing, if you can't rule over it, if you can't master it, 698 00:51:05,474 --> 00:51:11,057 if you can't obey God because of it, get rid of it. 699 00:51:11,063 --> 00:51:14,919 Some of you can't turn your ringer off. It's amazing to me. (P) 700 00:51:14,925 --> 00:51:18,796 I must offend lots of people these days because of this text thing. 701 00:51:18,802 --> 00:51:24,679 Sometimes, I won't get back for a day or two or five on a text. 702 00:51:24,685 --> 00:51:26,731 Why? Because I don't carry my phone everywhere, 703 00:51:26,737 --> 00:51:31,289 and even when I have it, I do not count it the highest priority to respond to a text. 704 00:51:31,289 --> 00:51:31,871 Why? 705 00:51:31,877 --> 00:51:38,188 Because your mind might be involved in thinking about the fact that I am one with Christ, 706 00:51:38,194 --> 00:51:40,922 and in Him I can beat this sin. 707 00:51:40,928 --> 00:51:42,528 [The phone rings!] 708 00:51:42,533 --> 00:51:44,550 Oh, what's that? 709 00:51:44,556 --> 00:51:47,876 And some of you don't have any self-control. 710 00:51:47,882 --> 00:51:52,815 And what happens? You're a shallow Christian. 711 00:51:52,821 --> 00:51:58,683 You do not have the militancy and the discipline to fight for holiness 712 00:51:58,689 --> 00:52:02,094 the way it needs to be fought for. 713 00:52:02,100 --> 00:52:03,443 Brethren, this is serious. 714 00:52:03,449 --> 00:52:10,475 This is dead serious and dead real about fighting this battle. 715 00:52:10,481 --> 00:52:13,668 I'll tell you, when that persecution comes that was described to us, 716 00:52:13,674 --> 00:52:16,090 you know who the first ones that are going to be falling away? 717 00:52:16,096 --> 00:52:19,359 Those of you that had absolutely no control over these things. 718 00:52:19,365 --> 00:52:23,028 Your minds weren't renewed, you didn't think right, you didn't believe right; 719 00:52:23,034 --> 00:52:27,905 and now all of a sudden you are full of terror and you're going to deny Christ. 720 00:52:27,911 --> 00:52:29,773 Because you're not gripped by the truth. 721 00:52:29,779 --> 00:52:36,387 Because you haven't taken a long enough time in your life to let it sink down and permeate your being. (P) 722 00:52:36,393 --> 00:52:45,293 God commands you to consider yourself to be what you are and what He has made you. 723 00:52:45,299 --> 00:52:52,422 Brethren, part of the reason this is such a fight is because we've got to fight to think right. 724 00:52:52,428 --> 00:52:55,834 That alone is the fight. 725 00:52:55,840 --> 00:52:58,622 That means we've got to be disciplined enough with our brains, 726 00:52:58,628 --> 00:53:03,092 with our heads, with our minds, with our meditating, with our pondering, 727 00:53:03,098 --> 00:53:11,083 that we're actually taking enough time undisturbed, undistracted. 728 00:53:11,089 --> 00:53:16,840 Brethren, I'll tell you, the people who are going to excel in this battle and excel in holiness 729 00:53:16,846 --> 00:53:19,413 are the people that have self-control here. 730 00:53:19,419 --> 00:53:22,722 They can set aside big amounts of time, and say, 731 00:53:22,728 --> 00:53:29,296 "I am going to dwell on the glories of what it means to be one with Christ. 732 00:53:29,302 --> 00:53:31,302 United to Christ. 733 00:53:31,307 --> 00:53:33,072 In Him." (P) 734 00:53:33,078 --> 00:53:35,690 We have an American softness. 735 00:53:35,696 --> 00:53:44,778 Many of you may have heard Andy Hamilton when he said, "He spoke to Elizabeth Elliot - 736 00:53:44,784 --> 00:53:49,085 they had dinner with her before she died - 737 00:53:49,091 --> 00:53:55,904 and she said back in the 50s, (of course her and her husband went down south America.) 738 00:53:55,910 --> 00:54:01,427 But before she got married, my understanding is she inquired of Amy Carmichael 739 00:54:01,433 --> 00:54:04,343 (back in the early 50s, Amy Carmichael was still alive) -- 740 00:54:04,349 --> 00:54:12,823 she inquired as to the possibility of working with Amy Carmichael's ministry in India. 741 00:54:12,829 --> 00:54:16,016 She told the Hamiltons, "Sight unseen. 742 00:54:16,022 --> 00:54:20,609 Americans were being turned down by Amy Carmichael's ministry 743 00:54:20,615 --> 00:54:27,065 because they were considered, back then, being too soft." 744 00:54:27,071 --> 00:54:30,768 Somebody like Elizabeth Elliot not even given a chance. 745 00:54:30,774 --> 00:54:36,695 Why? Because Americans, as a whole, were counted too soft in the 50s. 746 00:54:36,701 --> 00:54:41,700 Oh yeah, come forward 60 years with all our devices and gadgets and softness. 747 00:54:41,706 --> 00:54:44,735 You know, they are figuring out how to make towels and blankets softer, 748 00:54:44,741 --> 00:54:49,586 and sheets softer, and pillows softer, and clothes softer. 749 00:54:49,592 --> 00:54:51,659 And you know what? We buy them. 750 00:54:51,665 --> 00:54:53,175 And you know what that does? 751 00:54:53,181 --> 00:55:00,733 It very subtlety makes us into something that I don't think we want to become. 752 00:55:00,739 --> 00:55:02,521 And it's often been talked about. 753 00:55:02,527 --> 00:55:08,666 Before Hudson Taylor went to China, Andy talks about him sleeping on boards; 754 00:55:08,672 --> 00:55:12,196 eating certain kinds of food, not the kind of food everybody else eats; 755 00:55:12,202 --> 00:55:14,520 living in conditions not everybody else is living in. 756 00:55:14,526 --> 00:55:20,138 Look, there is a place for beating our bodies into submission. 757 00:55:20,144 --> 00:55:22,230 Why? Because that makes us warriors. 758 00:55:22,236 --> 00:55:29,454 That gives you a disposition to be warlike. (P) 759 00:55:29,460 --> 00:55:34,349 We got to beat our bodies into submission. 760 00:55:34,355 --> 00:55:37,833 American softness. 761 00:55:38,609 --> 00:55:44,728 Brethren, Romans 6:11 is work. 762 00:55:44,734 --> 00:55:48,362 It's mental work. 763 00:55:48,368 --> 00:55:53,630 God commands us to ponder, consider, reckon, calculate, take into account, 764 00:55:53,636 --> 00:56:00,387 think, evaluate, reflect upon this reality that we are dead to sin by our union to Christ, 765 00:56:00,393 --> 00:56:01,526 and alive to God. 766 00:56:01,532 --> 00:56:06,102 Christian, you do not have to give in to sin. 767 00:56:06,108 --> 00:56:12,739 You're no longer some pathetic slave to it. 768 00:56:12,745 --> 00:56:16,345 I think, God sent us this dog, we took in a stray dog, 769 00:56:16,351 --> 00:56:21,990 and he's afraid of everything. Whimpering. 770 00:56:21,996 --> 00:56:23,463 That's not us anymore. 771 00:56:23,469 --> 00:56:25,422 That's what He is saying to us. 772 00:56:25,428 --> 00:56:33,497 You don't have to cower when the old master comes because he's not master anymore. 773 00:56:33,503 --> 00:56:35,701 You have another Master. 774 00:56:35,707 --> 00:56:37,756 You have a good Master, 775 00:56:37,762 --> 00:56:45,045 and a Master who is determined to give you strength to overthrow the old one. (P) 776 00:56:45,051 --> 00:56:51,735 Oh, brethren, before we're going to get to Romans 6:12, 777 00:56:51,741 --> 00:56:59,667 we must first come to grips with verse 11. 778 00:56:59,673 --> 00:57:02,120 If you're going to be prepared for battle, 779 00:57:02,126 --> 00:57:04,480 you got to have your mind rightly prepared. 780 00:57:04,486 --> 00:57:08,587 And, like I said, that alone is a battle in this day of electronic devices. 781 00:57:08,593 --> 00:57:10,627 They vie for all our attention. (P) 782 00:57:10,643 --> 00:57:16,469 Brethren, I want to end with this. 783 00:57:16,475 --> 00:57:26,976 The real matter in all of this is how we get to the place that we are dead to sin. 784 00:57:26,982 --> 00:57:31,929 And the thing that Paul emphasizes over and over and over, 785 00:57:31,935 --> 00:57:43,484 (notice Rom. 6:3 - baptized into Christ Jesus; 786 00:57:43,490 --> 00:57:51,782 Rom. 6:4 - buried therefore with Him; 787 00:57:51,788 --> 00:57:57,296 Rom. 6:5 - united with Him in a death like His; 788 00:57:57,302 --> 00:58:03,010 Rom. 6:5 again - united with Him in a resurrection like His; 789 00:58:03,016 --> 00:58:11,367 Rom. 6:6 - our old man was crucified with Him; 790 00:58:11,373 --> 00:58:14,944 Rom. 6:8 - died with Christ; 791 00:58:14,950 --> 00:58:17,708 Rom. 6:8 again - we will also live with Him; 792 00:58:17,714 --> 00:58:25,363 Rom. 6:11 - alive to God in Christ Jesus; 793 00:58:25,369 --> 00:58:33,706 you drop down to Rom. 6:23 - the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord,) 794 00:58:33,712 --> 00:58:37,900 you know what Paul's real emphasis here is? 795 00:58:37,906 --> 00:58:40,090 Our union with Christ. 796 00:58:40,096 --> 00:58:43,274 This is what he is saying. You're one with Him. 797 00:58:43,280 --> 00:58:44,526 You're so much one with Him, 798 00:58:44,532 --> 00:58:49,008 Scripture speaks about you're seated already in the heavenly places with Him. 799 00:58:49,014 --> 00:58:55,601 Jesus said to His disciples, "If I live, you live." 800 00:58:55,607 --> 00:58:57,703 Why? One. 801 00:58:57,709 --> 00:59:03,039 You see, He died, and we die. 802 00:59:03,045 --> 00:59:05,888 He lives, and we live. 803 00:59:05,894 --> 00:59:08,343 We are one with Him. That's the issue. 804 00:59:08,349 --> 00:59:16,423 Scripture says, "He who is joined to the Lord becomes one Spirit with Him" [1 Corinthians 6:17]. 805 00:59:16,429 --> 00:59:20,614 Scripture talks about us being one with Him. (P) 806 00:59:20,620 --> 00:59:26,968 Brethren, I'll just end with this. 807 00:59:26,974 --> 00:59:33,352 As you're seeking to rightly prepare your minds, 808 00:59:33,358 --> 00:59:37,218 do you want to have this sanctifying power of Christ in your life 809 00:59:37,224 --> 00:59:42,168 helping you to win this battle, and break and overcome the power of sin in your life? 810 00:59:42,174 --> 00:59:47,147 Do you want to pursue holiness, that holiness without which no man will see the Lord? 811 00:59:47,153 --> 00:59:52,316 If so, you know what the real issue is? 812 00:59:52,322 --> 01:00:02,467 Paul clearly would have us to be thinking on, and cherishing the reality of our union with Christ. 813 01:00:02,473 --> 01:00:05,876 That's where the mind really needs to be. 814 01:00:05,882 --> 01:00:13,780 I am one with Him! I am with Him. I am in Him. 815 01:00:13,786 --> 01:00:20,517 I am so much one with Him that, in some mystical way, He's seated up there in glory, 816 01:00:20,523 --> 01:00:21,867 at His Father's right hand, 817 01:00:21,873 --> 01:00:27,757 and I am presently seated with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. 818 01:00:27,763 --> 01:00:38,784 Do you know that little prepositional phrase 'in Christ' or 'in Christ Jesus'? 819 01:00:38,790 --> 01:00:40,399 It is everywhere. 820 01:00:40,405 --> 01:00:42,462 But I want you to know this: 821 01:00:42,468 --> 01:00:46,323 the apostles didn't just throw that terminology around 822 01:00:46,329 --> 01:00:51,692 because they were for a lack of other terms to use, or just as some filler. 823 01:00:51,698 --> 01:00:58,268 It carries one of the most profound realities of your Christianity. 824 01:00:58,274 --> 01:01:05,518 You see it so much because it is just affirming again and again and again, 825 01:01:05,524 --> 01:01:12,188 "You are one with Him. He is in you." (P) 826 01:01:12,194 --> 01:01:14,842 There is a union with Christ. 827 01:01:14,848 --> 01:01:18,214 We need to be convinced of being united to Him. 828 01:01:18,220 --> 01:01:20,752 Brethren, think on that. 829 01:01:20,758 --> 01:01:24,759 Love it! Love being united to Christ. 830 01:01:24,765 --> 01:01:28,056 Dwell on that. Make that a focal point. 831 01:01:28,062 --> 01:01:30,747 Grow in your grasp of that reality. 832 01:01:30,753 --> 01:01:35,199 I am one with Christ. I am one with Him. 833 01:01:35,204 --> 01:01:37,293 And it's real. 834 01:01:37,299 --> 01:01:41,264 This has real consequences about this battle. 835 01:01:41,270 --> 01:01:42,980 Live in the knowledge of this. 836 01:01:42,986 --> 01:01:44,054 Carry it through your day. 837 01:01:44,060 --> 01:01:48,895 When you wake up in the morning, "I am one with Christ, that is why I am dead to sin. 838 01:01:48,901 --> 01:01:53,551 Because He died, I am one with Him. And if He died, I died. 839 01:01:53,557 --> 01:01:57,217 And if He's risen to newness of life, I have risen to newness of life." 840 01:01:57,223 --> 01:02:01,795 Don't take any of that as being about our future resurrection. 841 01:02:01,801 --> 01:02:03,132 That's all about NOW. 842 01:02:03,138 --> 01:02:08,449 He's talking about, Why do Christians not continue in sin NOW? 843 01:02:08,455 --> 01:02:11,692 It's because you are alive with Him NOW. 844 01:02:11,698 --> 01:02:14,985 You are alive to God. You are alive to righteousness. 845 01:02:14,991 --> 01:02:17,198 Make that your meditation. 846 01:02:17,204 --> 01:02:20,354 "I am one. I am in Him." 847 01:02:20,360 --> 01:02:21,888 Think about these texts I've read. 848 01:02:21,894 --> 01:02:26,798 In Christ. In Christ. 849 01:02:26,804 --> 01:02:33,045 And He can say, "Because I live, you will live also." 850 01:02:33,051 --> 01:02:36,154 Wow! If it's true about Him, it's true about me. 851 01:02:36,160 --> 01:02:37,238 I am one with Him. 852 01:02:37,243 --> 01:02:39,132 Where He goes, I go. 853 01:02:39,133 --> 01:02:40,533 Isn't this what we are told? 854 01:02:40,539 --> 01:02:46,011 This mystery; oh, it's not just a man and a woman, a man marrying a bride. 855 01:02:46,017 --> 01:02:47,965 It's Christ and the Church. 856 01:02:47,971 --> 01:02:49,974 We are one. We bear His name. 857 01:02:49,980 --> 01:02:53,619 Just like a wife bears the name of the husband, the wife goes where the husband goes, 858 01:02:53,625 --> 01:02:55,636 they are one, their lives are joined together; 859 01:02:55,642 --> 01:03:00,097 so Christ has joined His life with ours. (P) 860 01:03:00,103 --> 01:03:02,258 We are in Him. We are one with Him. 861 01:03:02,264 --> 01:03:04,389 What happens to Him happens to us. 862 01:03:04,395 --> 01:03:08,722 His name is at stake. His death is at stake. His shed blood is at stake. 863 01:03:08,728 --> 01:03:10,577 The promises of God are at stake - 864 01:03:10,583 --> 01:03:16,317 "Believe Me, it's so real that they are seated in the heavenly places." 865 01:03:16,323 --> 01:03:18,560 Scripture speaks about you already being there. 866 01:03:18,566 --> 01:03:19,782 Yeah, it's mystical. 867 01:03:19,788 --> 01:03:21,665 I know, physically, you're not there. 868 01:03:21,671 --> 01:03:27,972 But you know what it means? It means you're there. 869 01:03:27,978 --> 01:03:31,261 Not in a physical sense, but you're there. 870 01:03:31,267 --> 01:03:33,047 I mean, it is a reality. 871 01:03:33,053 --> 01:03:36,309 We need to soak these things up, not just read about them and say, 872 01:03:36,315 --> 01:03:39,060 "That's too weird, I can't understand that," and move on. 873 01:03:39,066 --> 01:03:40,399 No, you dwell there. 874 01:03:40,405 --> 01:03:42,996 You think on that, "Wow! I am one with Him. 875 01:03:43,002 --> 01:03:47,639 I am one with Him so much that Scripture can talk about my glorification as being past tense. 876 01:03:47,645 --> 01:03:49,865 Glorified. It's already done! 877 01:03:49,871 --> 01:03:51,181 It's already certain. 878 01:03:51,187 --> 01:03:55,136 Scripture can speak about me already being seated with Him in heavenly places. 879 01:03:55,142 --> 01:03:58,288 Dead to sin. Alive to God. Wow!" (P) 880 01:03:58,294 --> 01:04:01,574 These are some of the greatest realities. 881 01:04:01,580 --> 01:04:05,989 We actually have a connection and a union with Christ. 882 01:04:05,995 --> 01:04:07,981 You're never going to fight this battle for holiness 883 01:04:07,987 --> 01:04:10,805 unless you're really dwelling on these things and taking time. 884 01:04:10,811 --> 01:04:13,911 Brethren, that's where I wanted to go today. 885 01:04:13,917 --> 01:04:17,166 The battle starts in the mind. 886 01:04:17,172 --> 01:04:20,715 So much of Christianity is fought up here. 887 01:04:20,721 --> 01:04:25,021 What do you believe? What do you really believe? 888 01:04:25,027 --> 01:04:31,941 Because I'll tell you, what you really believe is going to impact how you live. 889 01:04:31,947 --> 01:04:35,170 I hope you get this. 890 01:04:35,176 --> 01:04:41,633 If your thinking goes wrong, your fight will go wrong. 891 01:04:41,639 --> 01:04:45,984 God commands you. It's an imperative. 892 01:04:45,990 --> 01:04:59,222 Consider yourselves dead to sin, and alive to God, as you are in union with Him. 893 01:04:59,228 --> 01:05:01,000 May God help us. Amen.