Title: The Prayer Life of Our Lord Meta: Prayer must have been the most remarkable thing in the life of Jesus because the disciples asked of the Lord that He would teach them how to pray. The prayer life of our Lord is that which we should strive to imitate and look at carefully as we study the Scriptures. Tags: prayer,Mark 1:35,Jesus Christ,alone,Bible,petition,Father,God 1 00:00:03,760 --> 00:00:17,562 Let's open up our Bibles to 1st Thessalonians chapter 5. 2 00:00:18,164 --> 00:00:22,688 And in verse 16, we looked at 'Rejoice always,' 3 00:00:22,694 --> 00:00:25,726 verse 17: 'Pray without ceasing,' 4 00:00:25,732 --> 00:00:28,728 verse 18: In every thing give thanks, 5 00:00:28,734 --> 00:00:33,264 for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.(P) 6 00:00:33,270 --> 00:00:35,582 Now as we have said before, 7 00:00:35,588 --> 00:00:41,038 this whole section is sandwiched in between two things. 8 00:00:41,044 --> 00:00:46,920 One is: How do we live in a manner that is of great benefit to the people of God; 9 00:00:46,926 --> 00:00:49,986 and how do we ourselves grow in sanctification. 10 00:00:49,992 --> 00:00:54,637 In the very heart of this, we have things like 'Rejoicing,' 11 00:00:54,643 --> 00:00:58,280 and that rejoicing is only possible if you know God. 12 00:00:58,286 --> 00:01:04,544 And I don't mean just simply some experience but to grow in the knowledge of God. 13 00:01:04,550 --> 00:01:07,903 And if you are truly growing in the knowledge of God, 14 00:01:07,909 --> 00:01:11,569 understanding who He is, what Christ has done for you, 15 00:01:11,575 --> 00:01:13,097 and who you are in Christ, 16 00:01:13,103 --> 00:01:17,408 then it is much easier to rejoice in every circumstance.(P) 17 00:01:17,414 --> 00:01:21,372 But knowing the character of God not only leads to rejoicing; 18 00:01:21,378 --> 00:01:24,822 knowing the character of God also leads to prayer. 19 00:01:24,828 --> 00:01:28,517 Because the more you know about God, the more you understand about yourself. 20 00:01:28,523 --> 00:01:30,459 And the more you understand about yourself, 21 00:01:30,465 --> 00:01:35,037 the more you understand you are weak and He is strong. 22 00:01:35,043 --> 00:01:40,268 And the advancement of the Kingdom, whether it be in the microcosm of your own life, 23 00:01:40,274 --> 00:01:44,104 or the advancement of the Kingdom in the macrocosm of the world, 24 00:01:44,110 --> 00:01:46,032 is an absolute impossibility — 25 00:01:46,038 --> 00:01:48,420 if you were to take all the Christians in the world, 26 00:01:48,433 --> 00:01:51,579 take all their best strengths, put it all together, 27 00:01:51,585 --> 00:01:56,255 we couldn't advance the Kingdom one inch. 28 00:01:56,261 --> 00:02:01,001 Even with our gifts, our cleverness, our eloquence or human wisdom: 29 00:02:01,007 --> 00:02:02,750 not one inch. 30 00:02:02,756 --> 00:02:07,528 That everything is dependent upon God moving. 31 00:02:07,534 --> 00:02:16,325 And God has promised to move and not to move, in relation to prayer.(P) 32 00:02:16,331 --> 00:02:18,568 Now what do I mean by that? 33 00:02:18,574 --> 00:02:22,196 God is all sovereign and He will carry out His will. 34 00:02:22,202 --> 00:02:26,179 And we can hold on to that; and we must hold on to that central truth. 35 00:02:26,185 --> 00:02:30,332 But over on the other side is another central truth that balances us out. 36 00:02:30,338 --> 00:02:34,588 Even though He has decreed all things before the foundation of the world, 37 00:02:34,594 --> 00:02:37,825 "you have not because you ask not." (James 4:2). 38 00:02:37,831 --> 00:02:41,560 There is an element of mystery there that we cannot explain, 39 00:02:41,566 --> 00:02:44,422 but we must not ignore or override: 40 00:02:44,428 --> 00:02:50,926 God moves as a result of His people praying.(P) 41 00:02:51,341 --> 00:02:54,051 You say, "Well, God is my protector; God is my fortress," 42 00:02:54,057 --> 00:02:58,078 as brother Joel has pointed out so well in the last several Sundays. 43 00:02:58,084 --> 00:03:00,456 God is so many things to us, 44 00:03:00,462 --> 00:03:03,591 but don't think that just because you have those promises, 45 00:03:03,597 --> 00:03:06,914 that then you are supposed to remain passive. 46 00:03:06,920 --> 00:03:12,731 You are to cry out for God to be your fortress in the midst of difficulty. 47 00:03:12,737 --> 00:03:17,654 You are to seek Him as your bulwark in the midst of trial. 48 00:03:17,660 --> 00:03:19,893 When there is need, you are to call on His name. 49 00:03:19,899 --> 00:03:23,936 Yes of course, there will be times when we do not call on His name 50 00:03:23,942 --> 00:03:25,533 and He is still faithful. 51 00:03:25,539 --> 00:03:29,741 He will still work because He cares for us 52 00:03:29,747 --> 00:03:32,101 and He knows what we need even before we ask Him. 53 00:03:32,107 --> 00:03:38,135 Yet you must understand always in the back of your mind, two things: 54 00:03:38,141 --> 00:03:40,985 1. God is sovereign; His decrees will be carried out. 55 00:03:40,991 --> 00:03:46,630 2. Many things, all sorts of things, and most especially, 56 00:03:46,636 --> 00:03:54,020 there are many spiritual realities that are not a reality to me because I do not ask.(P) 57 00:03:54,026 --> 00:03:57,681 And so, next week I am going to bring an end to all this — 58 00:03:57,687 --> 00:03:59,925 the study of 1st Thessalonians; 59 00:03:59,931 --> 00:04:06,440 but I want to concentrate for just a moment, for just a bit more, on prayer. 60 00:04:06,446 --> 00:04:10,632 And particularly I want you to look at the life of prayer 61 00:04:10,638 --> 00:04:13,544 in the life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 62 00:04:13,550 --> 00:04:17,450 I think it is absolutely essential. Why? 63 00:04:17,456 --> 00:04:24,971 He is not only God-incarnate, He is not only God in the flesh, 64 00:04:24,977 --> 00:04:30,704 He is not only God the Son, but He was genuine Man. 65 00:04:30,710 --> 00:04:35,859 And He did what He did when He walked on this earth as a Man 66 00:04:35,865 --> 00:04:38,227 in the power of the Holy Spirit. 67 00:04:38,233 --> 00:04:43,280 So many times we think that Jesus relied absolutely upon His deity, 68 00:04:43,286 --> 00:04:45,378 and therefore all things were easy for Him. 69 00:04:45,384 --> 00:04:48,758 If we think that way, we're not understanding the New Testament.(P) 70 00:04:48,764 --> 00:04:53,052 Although He never let go of deity 71 00:04:53,058 --> 00:04:57,243 (He was God in the fullest and strictest sense of the term,) 72 00:04:57,249 --> 00:05:01,438 you must understand He laid aside the privileges and powers of deity, 73 00:05:01,444 --> 00:05:04,577 and what He did on this planet, He did as a Man 74 00:05:04,583 --> 00:05:07,948 anointed and empowered by the Holy Spirit; 75 00:05:07,954 --> 00:05:11,041 and therefore, He is our example. 76 00:05:11,047 --> 00:05:13,514 And you cannot use simply the excuse, 77 00:05:13,520 --> 00:05:19,724 "Well, He is my example but He is not really my example because of course He was God." 78 00:05:19,730 --> 00:05:22,396 No, He is your example. 79 00:05:22,402 --> 00:05:27,097 And if you want to follow an example, He is the One to follow.(P) 80 00:05:27,103 --> 00:05:30,360 So let's just take a look at His life of prayer 81 00:05:30,366 --> 00:05:35,739 and we're going to see how He practiced this praying without ceasing. 82 00:05:35,745 --> 00:05:53,292 First of all, go to the book of Mark, chapter 1 verse 32, 83 00:05:53,298 --> 00:05:56,280 "When evening came, after the sun had set, 84 00:05:56,286 --> 00:05:58,185 they began bringing to Him all who were ill 85 00:05:58,191 --> 00:06:00,189 and those who were demon possessed, 86 00:06:00,195 --> 00:06:03,428 and the whole city had gathered at the door. 87 00:06:03,434 --> 00:06:06,588 And He healed many who were ill with various diseases, 88 00:06:06,594 --> 00:06:08,975 and cast out many demons; 89 00:06:08,994 --> 00:06:13,358 and He was not permitting the demons to speak because they knew who He was. 90 00:06:13,364 --> 00:06:17,232 In the early morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, 91 00:06:17,238 --> 00:06:22,213 and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there. 92 00:06:22,219 --> 00:06:25,805 Simon and his companions searched for Him; they found Him and said to Him, 93 00:06:25,811 --> 00:06:28,847 'Everyone is looking for you.'"(P) 94 00:06:28,853 --> 00:06:32,949 Now, let's just look at some of the background here in our text. 95 00:06:32,955 --> 00:06:36,070 Because if you understand the context here, 96 00:06:36,076 --> 00:06:39,379 you'll understand how important prayer was 97 00:06:39,385 --> 00:06:42,192 in the life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 98 00:06:42,198 --> 00:06:45,084 First of all, when we look at the book of Mark, 99 00:06:45,090 --> 00:06:47,994 many people who have studied through the entire book of Mark 100 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:56,597 see it as the Gospel of snapshots. Rapid fire snapshots. 101 00:06:56,603 --> 00:07:00,352 You will constantly see in the book of Mark, the word "Immediately." 102 00:07:00,358 --> 00:07:03,041 Immediately He was here, immediately He was there; 103 00:07:03,047 --> 00:07:05,688 Immediately He did this, immediately He did that. 104 00:07:05,694 --> 00:07:08,926 As a matter of fact, I would challenge you to sit down one day, 105 00:07:08,932 --> 00:07:11,680 and read through the entire book of Mark at one setting, 106 00:07:11,686 --> 00:07:14,772 and I guarantee you'll be exhausted. 107 00:07:15,053 --> 00:07:20,091 Not because the book is so long, but just by following our Master. 108 00:07:20,097 --> 00:07:24,868 I mean He is busy. He is busy. 109 00:07:24,874 --> 00:07:26,594 And you need to understand that.(P) 110 00:07:26,600 --> 00:07:29,453 Also, I want you to look at something. 111 00:07:29,459 --> 00:07:32,820 In verse 32, "When evening came, after the sun had set, 112 00:07:32,826 --> 00:07:35,026 they began bringing to Him all who were ill 113 00:07:35,032 --> 00:07:36,939 and those who were demon possessed, 114 00:07:36,945 --> 00:07:39,731 and the whole city had gathered at the door. 115 00:07:39,737 --> 00:07:42,542 And He healed many who were ill with various diseases, 116 00:07:42,548 --> 00:07:44,442 and cast out many demons." 117 00:07:44,448 --> 00:07:51,957 Now, two things: 1. Years ago in an area of Peru 118 00:07:51,963 --> 00:07:56,208 in the Andes mountains called Ayabaka in Umpueblo, 119 00:07:56,214 --> 00:08:00,221 in a little town by the name of Santa Rosa, 120 00:08:00,227 --> 00:08:06,561 about 1100 mountain men, mountain people had gathered there for a conference. 121 00:08:06,567 --> 00:08:10,673 And I happened to take with me a doctor 122 00:08:10,679 --> 00:08:14,432 (as a matter of fact, the guy who discipled me when I was in college, 123 00:08:14,438 --> 00:08:19,742 and just one year older than me: Dr. Mike Martin, from Tulsa.) 124 00:08:19,748 --> 00:08:23,316 Well, we hike all the way up into this mountain range. 125 00:08:23,322 --> 00:08:27,101 I was teaching the first day, and then something terrible happened. 126 00:08:27,107 --> 00:08:30,178 Everyone found out he was a doctor.(P) 127 00:08:30,184 --> 00:08:33,462 Now he had almost no medicine, no instruments. 128 00:08:33,467 --> 00:08:34,691 It didn't matter. 129 00:08:34,697 --> 00:08:37,948 For those people, this was the only opportunity 130 00:08:37,955 --> 00:08:41,304 most of them would ever have to see a doctor. 131 00:08:41,311 --> 00:08:47,766 And those kind and gentle and always courteous mountain people 132 00:08:47,772 --> 00:08:52,961 that I had worked with for so many years, almost became like a mob. 133 00:08:52,967 --> 00:08:55,500 They literally stood in the doorway — 134 00:08:55,506 --> 00:08:59,401 a line that would go clear across the encampment. 135 00:08:59,407 --> 00:09:02,818 And they stood there from morning to night, 136 00:09:02,824 --> 00:09:06,537 just waiting for a possibility to see the doctor. 137 00:09:06,543 --> 00:09:11,037 And needless to say, for three days, my friend, Dr. Mike Martin, 138 00:09:11,043 --> 00:09:13,750 tried to minister to these people. 139 00:09:13,756 --> 00:09:15,907 He was utterly exhausted. 140 00:09:15,913 --> 00:09:19,597 He had to go out at night, I had to lead him through the camp at night 141 00:09:19,603 --> 00:09:20,925 so that he could go to the restroom; 142 00:09:20,931 --> 00:09:25,775 because if anyone saw him outside, immediately a crowd would gather. 143 00:09:25,781 --> 00:09:27,966 And I don't want to use the word 'violent' 144 00:09:27,972 --> 00:09:31,565 because that would be wrong to portray the people that way, 145 00:09:31,571 --> 00:09:35,355 but they were desperate to get some help. 146 00:09:35,361 --> 00:09:37,879 It literally wore him out.(P) 147 00:09:37,885 --> 00:09:40,155 And that's what we see about Jesus Christ here. 148 00:09:40,161 --> 00:09:43,023 That's exactly what we see in the text. 149 00:09:43,029 --> 00:09:52,427 But even more so, Mike was ministering, not in the flesh, 150 00:09:52,433 --> 00:09:56,420 but he was ministering with regard to natural means. 151 00:09:56,426 --> 00:10:00,497 He was using the science of medicine to help the people, 152 00:10:00,503 --> 00:10:01,587 and it wore him out. 153 00:10:01,593 --> 00:10:05,470 But here, we see something else. We see spiritual means. 154 00:10:05,476 --> 00:10:09,224 Do you remember when someone came up behind Jesus and touched Him, 155 00:10:09,230 --> 00:10:12,407 and He immediately turned around. Why? 156 00:10:12,413 --> 00:10:15,720 Because, as in the King James, it says He immediately noticed 157 00:10:15,726 --> 00:10:23,207 that virtue went out from Him; that power went out from Him. Yes.(P) 158 00:10:23,676 --> 00:10:28,123 Now, I don't believe that any of us would put ourselves beside Jesus, 159 00:10:28,129 --> 00:10:31,543 saying that we spent a day healing people and casting out demons. 160 00:10:31,549 --> 00:10:36,547 But I can tell you this: You spend several hours ministering, 161 00:10:36,553 --> 00:10:42,533 even counseling, and it will literally wear you out. 162 00:10:42,539 --> 00:10:48,370 I have heard that psychologists have said that one hour of intense preaching 163 00:10:48,376 --> 00:10:53,888 is equivalent to eight hours of intense mental work. 164 00:10:53,894 --> 00:10:55,424 And I believe it.(P) 165 00:10:55,430 --> 00:10:59,016 So here we have a Man, He is casting out demons, 166 00:10:59,022 --> 00:11:02,735 He is healing the sick, virtue is going out from Him; 167 00:11:02,741 --> 00:11:06,179 and then what do we see? 168 00:11:06,185 --> 00:11:10,492 Verse 35, "In the morning, while it was still dark..." 169 00:11:10,498 --> 00:11:15,565 So He ministered, I am sure, up until they had to basically close the door— 170 00:11:15,571 --> 00:11:19,227 maybe till midnight; maybe even further into the morning. 171 00:11:19,233 --> 00:11:22,016 And yet what do we see? He gets up. 172 00:11:22,022 --> 00:11:26,071 "In the early morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, 173 00:11:26,077 --> 00:11:29,287 left the house, and went away to a secluded place, 174 00:11:29,293 --> 00:11:32,303 and was there praying."(P) 175 00:11:32,309 --> 00:11:36,981 Now, I do not want to heap upon you some guilt 176 00:11:36,987 --> 00:11:41,039 that would have you sleeping two hours a night. 177 00:11:41,045 --> 00:11:45,070 It's not wrong when you have ministered for a long time 178 00:11:45,076 --> 00:11:46,568 and you get to bed at one in the morning, 179 00:11:46,574 --> 00:11:50,194 it is not wrong to stay in bed till eight in the morning. 180 00:11:50,200 --> 00:11:53,778 We need our sleep, that is for sure. 181 00:11:53,784 --> 00:11:56,426 I'm not trying to teach that if you're spiritual, 182 00:11:56,432 --> 00:12:00,609 you're only going to sleep two hours a day. 183 00:12:01,023 --> 00:12:05,734 I'm just trying to use this to point out the importance of prayer 184 00:12:05,740 --> 00:12:10,240 in the life of the God-Man. 185 00:12:10,246 --> 00:12:15,385 There was no one on this planet as holy as He. 186 00:12:15,391 --> 00:12:19,814 No one as filled with the Holy Spirit as He. 187 00:12:19,820 --> 00:12:25,241 No one with such a perfect knowledge of God. 188 00:12:25,247 --> 00:12:29,045 No one more conformed to the image of Christ. 189 00:12:29,051 --> 00:12:35,780 And yet, He saw that to carry out the ministry that was given to Him as Messiah, 190 00:12:35,786 --> 00:12:40,789 He would have to get up and He would have to pray.(P) 191 00:12:41,711 --> 00:12:44,234 Now you say, "Well, ministry hasn't been given to me." 192 00:12:44,240 --> 00:12:48,296 Yes it has. If you're a Christian, ministry has been given to you. 193 00:12:48,302 --> 00:12:53,468 As a matter of fact, I don't like to make this secular-sacred divides 194 00:12:53,474 --> 00:12:56,633 in the lives of human beings. 195 00:12:56,639 --> 00:12:58,980 Ministry has been given to you. Your whole life is a ministry. 196 00:12:58,986 --> 00:13:03,405 Every opportunity is a ministry, whether to the body of Christ, 197 00:13:03,411 --> 00:13:05,439 or to someone who doesn't know Christ. 198 00:13:05,445 --> 00:13:09,260 To one who loves you, to one who hates you, everything is a ministry. 199 00:13:09,266 --> 00:13:11,673 To go home to your family, it is a ministry. 200 00:13:11,679 --> 00:13:14,381 Everything is a ministry. 201 00:13:14,387 --> 00:13:21,727 And that kind of life exacts its toll, on a man, on a woman. 202 00:13:21,733 --> 00:13:30,366 And unless you are refreshed in prayer, you will run out. 203 00:13:30,372 --> 00:13:37,832 You will never have what is necessary to be a useful instrument of God. 204 00:13:37,838 --> 00:13:43,658 And that is proven by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.(P) 205 00:13:43,664 --> 00:13:47,204 Now, look what it says in verse 35, 206 00:13:47,210 --> 00:13:50,544 "In the morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, 207 00:13:50,550 --> 00:13:58,561 left the house, and went away to a secluded place." 208 00:13:58,567 --> 00:14:01,251 Especially, this is a good word for the young men 209 00:14:01,257 --> 00:14:04,069 who may be thinking about the ministry, 210 00:14:04,075 --> 00:14:07,345 who are interested in the things of God. 211 00:14:07,351 --> 00:14:11,842 There is one quality that you must possess: 212 00:14:12,113 --> 00:14:18,276 You must be a man who can be alone.(P) 213 00:14:19,505 --> 00:14:22,908 Men of God do not live their entire lives alone. 214 00:14:22,914 --> 00:14:24,723 They are not lone wolves. 215 00:14:24,729 --> 00:14:27,393 They are not someone who sits out on a mountain 216 00:14:27,399 --> 00:14:32,706 and come and visit the community once a year to just say, "Repent." 217 00:14:32,712 --> 00:14:36,586 We are to be among the people as Christ was among the people. 218 00:14:36,592 --> 00:14:42,218 But if we are to be among the people with any sort of effectiveness, 219 00:14:42,224 --> 00:14:46,628 we must be the kind of man, the kind of woman, 220 00:14:46,634 --> 00:14:50,630 who can draw away from the crowd; 221 00:14:50,636 --> 00:14:55,959 even draw away from brothers and sisters in Christ in wonderful communion. 222 00:14:55,965 --> 00:15:01,234 We need individuals who can draw away and be with God. 223 00:15:01,240 --> 00:15:04,317 And that is the thing that would mark a man. 224 00:15:04,323 --> 00:15:07,364 And that's all there is to it.(P) 225 00:15:09,133 --> 00:15:12,246 You can see a man or a woman with a great amount of knowledge — 226 00:15:12,252 --> 00:15:16,013 proper knowledge, theological knowledge, reformed knowledge; 227 00:15:16,019 --> 00:15:20,100 maybe even quote the entire book of Romans. 228 00:15:20,106 --> 00:15:24,632 And yet, have a sense in which they are not alone with God. 229 00:15:24,638 --> 00:15:30,873 They do not spend time alone with God. 230 00:15:32,225 --> 00:15:35,226 One psychologist back in, i think, the 70s, 231 00:15:35,232 --> 00:15:37,618 (it's probably one of the few things I've ever agreed with, 232 00:15:37,624 --> 00:15:39,027 with regard to psychology,) 233 00:15:39,033 --> 00:15:45,465 he said this: Busy is not of the devil, it is the devil. 234 00:15:45,471 --> 00:15:48,075 And so many people today are so busy. 235 00:15:48,081 --> 00:15:52,437 So many Christians are so busy that they cannot pull away. 236 00:15:52,443 --> 00:15:53,794 And because they do not pull away, 237 00:15:53,800 --> 00:15:57,379 they never develop what Paul is talking about in 1 Thessalonians; 238 00:15:57,385 --> 00:16:01,930 and that is the ability to pray without ceasing.(P) 239 00:16:01,936 --> 00:16:06,493 And here we see our Lord in a secluded place. 240 00:16:07,032 --> 00:16:11,890 I don't know what it is, I can't put my finger on it, but I know this: 241 00:16:11,896 --> 00:16:16,713 As I've read through pious and godly men and women 242 00:16:16,719 --> 00:16:18,403 down through the history of the Church, 243 00:16:18,409 --> 00:16:21,656 I have discovered that in many things they have differed. 244 00:16:21,662 --> 00:16:24,929 In personality — not in the fundamentals of the faith, 245 00:16:24,935 --> 00:16:27,322 but in some of the secondary issues of the faith — 246 00:16:27,328 --> 00:16:32,233 in personality, in lifestyle, the places where they lived, 247 00:16:32,239 --> 00:16:36,769 the economic status that they attained, all of it very different. 248 00:16:36,775 --> 00:16:39,090 But I do find one common denominator 249 00:16:39,096 --> 00:16:42,105 among all those who were mightily used of God; 250 00:16:42,111 --> 00:16:49,824 and that is, they saw the need to pull away and be alone with God, 251 00:16:49,830 --> 00:16:55,543 as we see our Savior here, right now, in this text.(P) 252 00:16:55,549 --> 00:16:59,921 And this is not only for the preacher, it's not only for the Bible student, 253 00:16:59,927 --> 00:17:02,302 it's for everyone. Everyone. 254 00:17:02,308 --> 00:17:04,308 It is for the mother at home. 255 00:17:04,314 --> 00:17:07,065 It is for the father overwhelmed at work. 256 00:17:07,070 --> 00:17:09,983 It is for the student who feels like they can't go on 257 00:17:09,989 --> 00:17:11,765 under this kind of pressure. 258 00:17:11,771 --> 00:17:16,967 It is for everyone to spend time alone with God, 259 00:17:16,973 --> 00:17:20,068 and it is that thing that marks. 260 00:17:20,074 --> 00:17:31,261 After a while, you can just tell it, "This person spends time with God." 261 00:17:31,267 --> 00:17:35,581 And there's no way around it. No way around it.(P) 262 00:17:35,587 --> 00:17:39,837 Now, it says, "Jesus got up, left the house, 263 00:17:39,843 --> 00:17:44,253 and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there." 264 00:17:44,259 --> 00:17:45,889 He was praying. 265 00:17:45,895 --> 00:17:48,343 You know, I've heard people say, "I'd give anything to have been there 266 00:17:48,349 --> 00:17:52,356 when Paul preached on Mars' hill; 267 00:17:52,362 --> 00:17:57,596 I would have given anything to be there at the giving of the law." 268 00:17:57,602 --> 00:18:01,658 Well, if I have to admit, if I could have been anywhere, 269 00:18:01,664 --> 00:18:07,679 I would have wanted to behold my Savior dying for my sins. 270 00:18:07,685 --> 00:18:14,943 But second only to that, it would be, not even to hear my Savior teach, 271 00:18:14,949 --> 00:18:18,036 but to hear and watch Him pray. 272 00:18:18,042 --> 00:18:20,611 Isn't it astounding that His disciples came to Him 273 00:18:20,617 --> 00:18:22,881 and said, "Teach us to pray."(P) 274 00:18:22,887 --> 00:18:26,028 This is something, when I'm doing a pastors' conference or something, 275 00:18:26,034 --> 00:18:29,786 I will ask the pastors, "Has anyone ever come up to you, 276 00:18:29,792 --> 00:18:32,731 after having watched your life of prayer, 277 00:18:32,737 --> 00:18:39,963 and asked you, Would you please teach me to pray like you pray?" 278 00:18:40,667 --> 00:18:44,323 Jesus was a Man of prayer. 279 00:18:44,329 --> 00:18:48,153 Mrs Bethany Jones, the wife of Martyn Lloyd-Jones, says, 280 00:18:48,159 --> 00:18:53,509 "You can't understand my husband as an evangelist or an expositor 281 00:18:53,515 --> 00:18:58,627 unless you understand first of all, he was a man of prayer."(P) 282 00:18:58,915 --> 00:19:03,449 I'm telling you, and I want you to listen to me. 283 00:19:03,455 --> 00:19:07,028 All of you, especially those that are thinking about going into ministry, 284 00:19:07,034 --> 00:19:10,141 listen to me: 285 00:19:10,376 --> 00:19:12,820 This is not an option. 286 00:19:12,825 --> 00:19:15,380 This is not something to add on. 287 00:19:15,387 --> 00:19:22,714 You will NOT be useful, or as useful, apart from prayer. 288 00:19:22,720 --> 00:19:27,784 Mountains come down and are cast in the sea through prayer. 289 00:19:27,790 --> 00:19:31,822 Strongholds are destroyed through prayer. 290 00:19:31,828 --> 00:19:35,520 The battle is won in prayer. 291 00:19:35,526 --> 00:19:40,003 You can be pretty, you can be eloquent, you can be clever, 292 00:19:40,009 --> 00:19:43,337 you can have all your things laid out in a row; 293 00:19:43,343 --> 00:19:47,866 you can be a marvel in the pulpit with regard to people saying, 294 00:19:47,872 --> 00:19:53,381 "Wasn't that quaint, wasn't that beautiful, wasn't that catchy, didn't that..?" 295 00:19:53,387 --> 00:19:59,032 But they won't be saying, "Were we not transformed, 296 00:19:59,038 --> 00:20:06,490 were we not transformed. Did our hearts not burn within us." 297 00:20:06,496 --> 00:20:08,683 It's prayer, brothers, sisters. 298 00:20:08,689 --> 00:20:16,222 It's prayer, it's prayer, it's prayer, and it's more prayer.(P) 299 00:20:16,228 --> 00:20:22,312 Now, notice the response of those who followed Him. 300 00:20:22,318 --> 00:20:25,001 Verse 36, "Simon and his companions searched for Him; 301 00:20:25,007 --> 00:20:28,790 they found Him and said to Him, 'Everyone is looking for you.'" 302 00:20:28,796 --> 00:20:31,695 You know, in a very very small way, 303 00:20:31,701 --> 00:20:35,010 I almost think I can see into this passage 304 00:20:35,016 --> 00:20:39,137 because of things that have happened in my own life. 305 00:20:39,143 --> 00:20:43,957 "Brother Paul, why are you praying? 306 00:20:43,963 --> 00:20:48,570 Don't you know there are needs out here? 307 00:20:48,576 --> 00:20:54,270 It's time for you to...I mean, it's 10 more minutes, and you're supposed to teach. 308 00:20:54,276 --> 00:20:59,943 There's people out here who need counseling, don't you care? 309 00:20:59,949 --> 00:21:02,549 You're just being here alone with God?"(P) 310 00:21:02,555 --> 00:21:06,198 What you must understand is what Christ understood. 311 00:21:06,204 --> 00:21:09,173 It was His being alone with God that made Him effective 312 00:21:09,179 --> 00:21:14,667 when He was with the people. Do you see that? 313 00:21:15,101 --> 00:21:18,098 More time with God, more time with God. 314 00:21:18,104 --> 00:21:20,192 Not because we want less time with people, 315 00:21:20,198 --> 00:21:23,557 but we want that when our time is with people, 316 00:21:23,563 --> 00:21:30,597 the power and the grace is multiplied. 317 00:21:31,684 --> 00:21:33,286 Do you see. 318 00:21:33,292 --> 00:21:36,461 Being alone with God. Being alone with God.(P) 319 00:21:36,467 --> 00:21:42,940 Now, let's go a little bit further, let's just run over quickly. 320 00:21:42,946 --> 00:21:45,429 I want to go to the book of Luke 321 00:21:45,435 --> 00:21:48,844 and take you through there for just a moment. 322 00:21:48,850 --> 00:21:54,124 Now, brothers and sisters, Luke is an amazing [book]. It's rather amazing. 323 00:21:54,130 --> 00:21:58,468 There're several things we can emphasize in the book of Luke, 324 00:21:58,474 --> 00:22:01,684 but two things that really stand out for our purpose here; 325 00:22:01,690 --> 00:22:06,057 and one is his emphasis on the Holy Spirit, 326 00:22:06,063 --> 00:22:09,346 and the other is his emphasis on prayer. 327 00:22:09,352 --> 00:22:14,804 And I do not find that unusual that those two things are brought together 328 00:22:14,810 --> 00:22:16,755 in the book of Luke; 329 00:22:16,761 --> 00:22:23,415 because there is a direct relationship between someone 330 00:22:23,421 --> 00:22:29,759 abiding and walking in the power of the Spirit, and prayer. 331 00:22:29,765 --> 00:22:38,374 Abiding in prayer, abiding in the Word, enables one to abide in the Spirit— 332 00:22:38,380 --> 00:22:45,301 to walk in the Spirit, to be led by the Spirit.(P) 333 00:22:45,307 --> 00:22:49,549 There is a supernatural something to our Christian life. 334 00:22:49,555 --> 00:22:55,098 And there's three options. 1.) You can pretend it doesn't exist. 335 00:22:55,104 --> 00:23:05,588 2.) You can pretend that you understand it, when you don't. 336 00:23:05,594 --> 00:23:15,438 or 3.) You can pray so that it become a reality in your life.(P) 337 00:23:17,792 --> 00:23:24,389 Luke chapter 3 verse 21, "Now when all the people were baptized, 338 00:23:24,395 --> 00:23:27,165 Jesus was also baptized. 339 00:23:27,171 --> 00:23:32,598 And while He was praying, Heaven was opened." 340 00:23:32,604 --> 00:23:38,539 This is magnificent. It's magnificent. 341 00:23:38,545 --> 00:23:41,511 You know, usually in the pictures (which I don't approve of) 342 00:23:41,517 --> 00:23:48,789 that are drawn of Christ in the baptism, you see Christ being baptized, 343 00:23:48,795 --> 00:23:53,609 and maybe there's some reference - small movement of the hand or something - 344 00:23:53,615 --> 00:23:55,765 that would make you think that He was praying. 345 00:23:55,771 --> 00:23:58,052 But the whole thing most people think is He was baptized 346 00:23:58,058 --> 00:24:00,017 and the Spirit came down upon Him; 347 00:24:00,023 --> 00:24:04,976 but He was baptized and He was praying. How long? 348 00:24:04,982 --> 00:24:08,179 What is the interval between the baptism and the prayer? 349 00:24:08,185 --> 00:24:11,047 Was it at the same time? We really don't know. 350 00:24:11,053 --> 00:24:16,256 But know this: This was a praying Man. 351 00:24:16,262 --> 00:24:26,312 God in the flesh; but a praying Man. A praying Man. A praying Man.(P) 352 00:24:26,318 --> 00:24:29,093 It was His breath. 353 00:24:29,099 --> 00:24:33,060 It is what came out of Him. 354 00:24:33,066 --> 00:24:38,007 And I can say that, definitely not to the same degree, 355 00:24:38,013 --> 00:24:40,148 but I have been fortunate throughout my life 356 00:24:40,154 --> 00:24:44,612 to meet men and women who were this way. 357 00:24:44,618 --> 00:24:48,825 It seemed that every breath was a prayer to God. 358 00:24:48,831 --> 00:24:53,327 And though their names may never be in conference lights, 359 00:24:53,333 --> 00:24:58,519 I would presume to say that in glory, their names are well known. 360 00:24:58,525 --> 00:25:01,633 Because it's not anything to have your name known in a conference. 361 00:25:01,639 --> 00:25:04,769 The question that Ravenhill used to tell us was this: 362 00:25:04,775 --> 00:25:11,508 Is your name known in Heaven? And is your name known in Hell? 363 00:25:12,120 --> 00:25:15,877 Does Heaven hear your name, and is it pleased? 364 00:25:15,883 --> 00:25:22,577 Does Hell know your name, and tremble?(P) 365 00:25:23,796 --> 00:25:29,675 Jesus was a Man of prayer, and I want to encourage you in this. 366 00:25:29,681 --> 00:25:33,158 In all your getting; in all your getting of knowledge, 367 00:25:33,164 --> 00:25:41,781 in all your getting of expertise, get this: Learn to pray. 368 00:25:41,787 --> 00:25:43,658 Learn to pray.(P) 369 00:25:43,664 --> 00:25:47,292 Now let's go on to something that would give us a bit more to hang on to. 370 00:25:47,298 --> 00:25:52,329 Go to Luke 5:16. 371 00:25:52,953 --> 00:25:56,895 In verse 15, it says, "But the news about Him was spreading even farther, 372 00:25:56,901 --> 00:25:59,891 and large crowds were gathering to hear Him 373 00:25:59,897 --> 00:26:01,531 and to be healed of their sickness. 374 00:26:01,537 --> 00:26:07,867 But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray." 375 00:26:07,873 --> 00:26:10,360 You know what is very common? 376 00:26:10,366 --> 00:26:15,697 A young man, a young woman, becomes a Christian; 377 00:26:15,703 --> 00:26:18,162 God does a work in their life — 378 00:26:18,168 --> 00:26:22,665 they give themselves, by God's grace, to prayer and the study of the Word, 379 00:26:22,671 --> 00:26:26,576 and they prosper in the knowledge of God, and their usefulness of God. 380 00:26:26,582 --> 00:26:28,990 And pretty soon, their name is known, 381 00:26:28,996 --> 00:26:31,957 and people are asking them to preach in different places; 382 00:26:31,963 --> 00:26:33,093 and what do they do? 383 00:26:33,099 --> 00:26:38,907 They give up the very thing that put them in a position to be used of God. 384 00:26:38,913 --> 00:26:42,152 They give up their time alone with God.(P) 385 00:26:42,158 --> 00:26:44,742 Not Jesus. Look at the wisdom. 386 00:26:44,748 --> 00:26:49,859 It says here very clearly, "News about Him was spreading everywhere. 387 00:26:49,865 --> 00:26:55,069 Large crowds gathering to hear Him and to be healed — 388 00:26:55,075 --> 00:26:59,590 there were valid needs — But Jesus Himself..." 389 00:26:59,596 --> 00:27:01,938 Now look at that. The emphasis on His person. 390 00:27:01,944 --> 00:27:07,845 While everyone else is clamoring, while no one else can see the need, 391 00:27:07,851 --> 00:27:11,623 ("He should just be out there, He should just be among the people,") 392 00:27:11,629 --> 00:27:15,480 But He Himself, He knew better. 393 00:27:15,486 --> 00:27:24,248 And He would slip away. He would slip away, and He would pray.(P) 394 00:27:24,254 --> 00:27:29,282 Now, I don't want to make much of this word 'slip' 395 00:27:29,288 --> 00:27:30,579 but the whole idea is this: 396 00:27:30,585 --> 00:27:33,710 I want to share with you something I think will be helpful. 397 00:27:33,716 --> 00:27:38,285 Most people want to go from zero to sixty, 398 00:27:38,291 --> 00:27:42,289 and if they can't do that, then they don't do anything. 399 00:27:42,295 --> 00:27:45,899 You'll hear a message like what I'm preaching tonight, and you'll go, 400 00:27:45,905 --> 00:27:48,342 "Well, I need to pray an hour, or I need to pray two hours, 401 00:27:48,348 --> 00:27:52,030 or I need to be more careful in the night watch when I can't sleep, 402 00:27:52,036 --> 00:27:54,217 and get up and seek the Lord, and all these things," 403 00:27:54,223 --> 00:27:57,395 but it may be beyond you right now. 404 00:27:57,401 --> 00:27:59,479 Maybe you don't pray that much, 405 00:27:59,485 --> 00:28:03,299 except over your dinner or a few other things. 406 00:28:03,305 --> 00:28:06,680 Then I don't expect you to go out tonight and keep a night watch 407 00:28:06,686 --> 00:28:10,446 until early morning or daybreak.(P) 408 00:28:10,837 --> 00:28:14,556 But one thing that I have learned—because it is my personality also, 409 00:28:14,562 --> 00:28:19,335 either to do it all the way or don't do it at all—slip away. 410 00:28:19,341 --> 00:28:21,879 Slip away. 411 00:28:21,885 --> 00:28:26,704 Maybe 5 minutes here, 5 minutes there, 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there. 412 00:28:26,710 --> 00:28:30,082 You're coming between classes and you've got 10 minutes to spare, 413 00:28:30,088 --> 00:28:33,177 slip away. 414 00:28:33,183 --> 00:28:36,287 You're working in the office and there's a little bit of down time, 415 00:28:36,293 --> 00:28:38,857 slip away. 416 00:28:38,863 --> 00:28:43,049 Meals being prepared at home, and you got home 10 minutes too early, 417 00:28:43,055 --> 00:28:46,801 there's still time, slip away. 418 00:28:46,807 --> 00:28:49,557 Slip away. 419 00:28:49,563 --> 00:28:54,343 Learn that communication with the Lord is ongoing. 420 00:28:54,349 --> 00:28:58,375 When a client walks into your office and he's headed for your door; 421 00:28:58,381 --> 00:29:01,296 you can see the shadow of him on the other side of the glass, 422 00:29:01,302 --> 00:29:09,495 slip away — even if it's fifteen seconds, "Lord, You know. You're wise." 423 00:29:09,942 --> 00:29:12,852 Slip away. Slip away. 424 00:29:12,858 --> 00:29:17,569 Spend time with Him. Slip away. 425 00:29:17,983 --> 00:29:22,009 Take those little moments that are lost.(P) 426 00:29:22,015 --> 00:29:25,779 You know, it is said that some people, they do not order their day at all. 427 00:29:25,785 --> 00:29:27,798 Other people who are a bit more successful 428 00:29:27,804 --> 00:29:34,566 will divide their work hours in two: Morning and after lunch. 429 00:29:34,572 --> 00:29:39,990 People who are really on the ball will divide their time in 1-hour segments. 430 00:29:39,996 --> 00:29:44,624 And then we find this out: The top executives in the world 431 00:29:44,630 --> 00:29:49,201 divide their hour in 5-minute intervals; 432 00:29:49,207 --> 00:29:53,968 so if they finish a meeting in 55 minutes that is scheduled for an hour, 433 00:29:53,974 --> 00:29:57,307 they've got something else to do those 5 minutes. 434 00:29:57,313 --> 00:30:02,142 And by the end of the day, they've recuperated 3 hours or more, 435 00:30:02,148 --> 00:30:04,042 that most people have just lost. 436 00:30:04,048 --> 00:30:06,719 Slip away. 437 00:30:07,359 --> 00:30:10,594 Make a note. Say, "You know, I waste this time anyway, 438 00:30:10,600 --> 00:30:12,974 so what I am going to do when I have this time, 439 00:30:12,980 --> 00:30:15,276 I'm either going to meditate on Scripture— 440 00:30:15,282 --> 00:30:19,912 with being conscious of the Lord while I am meditating on the Scriptures— 441 00:30:19,918 --> 00:30:23,979 or I am going to pray to Him. I'm just going to slip away. 442 00:30:23,985 --> 00:30:27,440 You'd be surprised how much that would add up in your life.(P) 443 00:30:27,446 --> 00:30:32,846 Now, let's look at Luke chapter 6 verse 12, 444 00:30:32,852 --> 00:30:36,082 "It was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, 445 00:30:36,088 --> 00:30:38,704 and He spent the whole night in prayer to God." 446 00:30:38,710 --> 00:30:42,083 What is this? The choosing of the twelve. 447 00:30:42,089 --> 00:30:43,978 The choosing of the twelve. 448 00:30:43,984 --> 00:30:47,421 Wouldn't we just expect the Holy Spirit just to say to Him, 449 00:30:47,427 --> 00:30:49,239 "That one, that one, that one, that one, 450 00:30:49,253 --> 00:30:52,569 not that one, not that one, that one, that one"? 451 00:30:52,575 --> 00:30:55,614 I mean, doesn't it make a whole lot more sense in the economy of God? 452 00:30:55,620 --> 00:30:57,712 Why should He spend the whole night in prayer? 453 00:30:57,718 --> 00:31:01,422 Shouldn't He just trust in the fact that God's going to lead Him? 454 00:31:01,428 --> 00:31:08,570 That's where sovereignty—an unhealthy view of sovereignty—would mess you up. 455 00:31:08,576 --> 00:31:11,529 Shouldn't He just presume that God is going to just tell Him? 456 00:31:11,535 --> 00:31:13,344 No, that's not what our Lord does. 457 00:31:13,350 --> 00:31:15,306 He spends the night in prayer. 458 00:31:15,312 --> 00:31:18,897 And it is so closely associated with the choosing of the twelve, 459 00:31:18,903 --> 00:31:22,053 we must believe that, at least, that was the main theme 460 00:31:22,059 --> 00:31:24,746 in His seeking the Lord all night.(P) 461 00:31:24,752 --> 00:31:26,726 Sometimes I think, 462 00:31:26,732 --> 00:31:32,096 (and I don't know how many words I could pull from the thesaurus here,) 463 00:31:32,102 --> 00:31:44,953 how much arrogance, presumption, atrocious pride do I demonstrate 464 00:31:44,959 --> 00:31:52,716 when I have to make a decision for ministry, and I don't tarry an hour. 465 00:31:52,722 --> 00:31:55,756 How foolish and dangerous that is. 466 00:31:55,762 --> 00:31:59,215 Just to chalk another one up to the sovereignty of God — 467 00:31:59,221 --> 00:32:02,315 He's going to override whatever foolish decision I make. 468 00:32:02,321 --> 00:32:07,074 That is not the way our Lord viewed life. 469 00:32:07,080 --> 00:32:10,001 And don't think this is just about directing this church, 470 00:32:10,007 --> 00:32:13,990 or directing HeartCry, or something super-spiritual like that. 471 00:32:13,996 --> 00:32:16,695 I'm talking about every aspect of our lives, 472 00:32:16,701 --> 00:32:19,258 whether it be business or school, 473 00:32:19,264 --> 00:32:22,560 or certain personal decisions that we have to make. 474 00:32:22,566 --> 00:32:29,347 Yes we know that God's overarching sovereignty can give us confidence, 475 00:32:29,353 --> 00:32:32,248 but we are never allowed to presume upon that. 476 00:32:32,254 --> 00:32:36,229 Never. Never. 477 00:32:36,235 --> 00:32:38,341 But we are to seek Him. 478 00:32:38,347 --> 00:32:40,871 We're not to trust in our own understanding, 479 00:32:40,877 --> 00:32:43,870 but in all our ways acknowledge Him.(P) 480 00:32:43,876 --> 00:32:51,524 Now, look at Luke chapter 9 and verse 18, 481 00:32:51,530 --> 00:32:53,983 "And it happened that while He was praying alone, 482 00:32:53,989 --> 00:32:58,544 the disciples were with Him; and He questioned them saying, 483 00:32:58,550 --> 00:33:01,999 Who do the people say that I am?" 484 00:33:02,005 --> 00:33:06,622 Now, I think there's something interesting here. 485 00:33:07,763 --> 00:33:15,562 Was it while He was praying that the Father revealed to Him 486 00:33:15,568 --> 00:33:19,393 the necessity of asking that question. 487 00:33:19,399 --> 00:33:26,219 That the Lord gave Him insight into knowing what the disciples were thinking about, 488 00:33:26,225 --> 00:33:28,544 and what needed to be clarified. 489 00:33:28,550 --> 00:33:33,550 Could it have been there in that time of prayer that the Lord prompted Him, 490 00:33:33,555 --> 00:33:35,204 "Ask this question." 491 00:33:35,211 --> 00:33:39,276 Because, never forget, although He was deity in the strictest sense of the term 492 00:33:39,282 --> 00:33:42,109 (He was God the Son, God in the flesh,) 493 00:33:42,115 --> 00:33:44,660 He did everything He did by the power of the Holy Spirit, 494 00:33:44,666 --> 00:33:46,494 relying totally upon His Father, 495 00:33:46,500 --> 00:33:51,147 and the revelation of His Father through the Holy Spirit. 496 00:33:51,153 --> 00:33:54,004 Do you see that?(P) 497 00:33:54,457 --> 00:33:55,794 What does this world need? 498 00:33:55,800 --> 00:34:00,137 My dear friend and Anthony's mentor, John Snyder; 499 00:34:00,143 --> 00:34:01,697 he preached here a while back. 500 00:34:01,703 --> 00:34:03,112 And I'll never forget something he said: 501 00:34:03,118 --> 00:34:05,623 "Everybody is talking about passion, 502 00:34:05,629 --> 00:34:09,395 Somebody needs to stand up and talk about caution." 503 00:34:09,400 --> 00:34:12,020 Because your passion can get you in a whole lot of trouble 504 00:34:12,025 --> 00:34:14,293 if you don't have discernment. 505 00:34:14,299 --> 00:34:17,697 And isn't discernment what is needed today? 506 00:34:17,703 --> 00:34:20,799 I mean discernment—doctrinal discernment. 507 00:34:20,804 --> 00:34:24,186 I mean discernment with regard to how to carry out your ministry. 508 00:34:24,192 --> 00:34:28,078 I mean discernment when you're in the middle of talking to someone on campus, 509 00:34:28,083 --> 00:34:30,853 and you need to know, "Should I press further, 510 00:34:30,859 --> 00:34:34,481 or should I pull back with patience?" 511 00:34:34,487 --> 00:34:35,982 And where does that discernment come from? 512 00:34:35,987 --> 00:34:41,399 Yes, it comes from renewing our mind in the Word of God; 513 00:34:41,405 --> 00:34:49,418 but it also comes from prayer, from prayer, from prayer.(P) 514 00:34:49,425 --> 00:34:52,786 As you measure the importance of revelation 515 00:34:52,792 --> 00:34:54,815 (and I believe revelation in the Scripture,) 516 00:34:54,822 --> 00:34:57,407 as you measure the importance of that, 517 00:34:57,413 --> 00:35:01,783 esteem it, and respond correctly by studying God's Word; 518 00:35:01,789 --> 00:35:04,226 and He gives you more knowledge and more discernment, 519 00:35:04,232 --> 00:35:07,438 I think the same in prayer. 520 00:35:07,444 --> 00:35:13,438 That somehow our senses are heightened by being in the presence of God. 521 00:35:13,444 --> 00:35:22,259 That the more we stay at His doorstep, the more we linger in His room, 522 00:35:22,265 --> 00:35:27,453 the more we understand about even hidden things, 523 00:35:27,459 --> 00:35:32,703 and things are brought to light, and discernment is given.(P) 524 00:35:33,531 --> 00:35:37,897 You know, I was trying to, for the last couple of weeks, 525 00:35:37,903 --> 00:35:45,262 I've been just dealing with all the old testament passages that use the word 'cup,' 526 00:35:45,268 --> 00:35:47,897 because our Lord drank the bitter cup. 527 00:35:47,903 --> 00:35:50,130 Our Lord said, "Let this cup pass from Me." 528 00:35:50,136 --> 00:35:54,955 And to go back to look at all the passages that speak of the cup as the wrath of God, 529 00:35:54,961 --> 00:35:58,185 and then every different detail in those passages 530 00:35:58,191 --> 00:36:00,225 that might give me some further understanding 531 00:36:00,231 --> 00:36:04,824 into what our Lord suffered when He died on that tree. 532 00:36:04,830 --> 00:36:07,451 And on the trip back from California this week, 533 00:36:07,457 --> 00:36:13,211 I'm sitting there, and there was so much noise in the plane 534 00:36:13,594 --> 00:36:17,682 that eventually I just had to take my computer top and just shut it down, 535 00:36:17,688 --> 00:36:21,350 and say, "I give up. There's just no way I can do this here." 536 00:36:21,356 --> 00:36:25,279 So much noise. 537 00:36:25,285 --> 00:36:28,373 And I do believe that that is one of the greatest problems 538 00:36:28,379 --> 00:36:33,061 in modern day evangelicalism—just so much noise! 539 00:36:33,067 --> 00:36:40,393 Sometimes I just want to say, "Would everybody just shut up! 540 00:36:40,399 --> 00:36:45,193 so that we could hear." 541 00:36:45,199 --> 00:36:48,222 Do you see that?(P) 542 00:36:51,158 --> 00:36:57,152 There was a poem, it said, "Weak from the journey, the long passing days 543 00:36:57,158 --> 00:37:03,300 (talking about the Lord coming in from the wilderness and the temptation,) 544 00:37:03,306 --> 00:37:05,968 Weak from the journey, the long passing days; 545 00:37:05,974 --> 00:37:08,991 hungry to worship, to join in the praise; 546 00:37:08,997 --> 00:37:11,832 but shock met with anger that burned on His face 547 00:37:11,838 --> 00:37:14,823 when He entered the waste land of that barren place, 548 00:37:14,829 --> 00:37:18,734 (talking about entering into the temple.) 549 00:37:18,740 --> 00:37:26,868 And then the poem goes on where He fastened some cords; He beat them out. 550 00:37:26,874 --> 00:37:31,980 And then it says "The noise and confusion gave way to His Word; 551 00:37:31,986 --> 00:37:38,996 at last, sacred silence so God could be heard."(P) 552 00:37:39,710 --> 00:37:42,554 Have you ever practiced silence? 553 00:37:42,560 --> 00:37:44,704 Now I know someone will probably hear this on YouTube 554 00:37:44,710 --> 00:37:48,060 and try to twist it around to say that I've joined the mystics. 555 00:37:48,066 --> 00:37:51,111 No, I have not joined the mystics, I am just telling Christians 556 00:37:51,117 --> 00:37:56,082 there is a great benefit in just shutting your mouth! 557 00:37:56,088 --> 00:38:02,036 And being alone before God, and meditating on His Word, 558 00:38:02,042 --> 00:38:06,180 and sitting in the quiet. 559 00:38:06,186 --> 00:38:08,253 Do you see that? 560 00:38:08,746 --> 00:38:11,579 I had a Professor that told me one time, he said, "Paul, 561 00:38:11,585 --> 00:38:13,611 I'm going to stay on you 562 00:38:13,617 --> 00:38:17,284 until I can put you in the middle of a 100-acre field, 563 00:38:17,290 --> 00:38:19,917 and you can sit so quiet listening to God, 564 00:38:19,923 --> 00:38:24,455 you'll hear a caterpillar walking across a leaf. 565 00:38:24,461 --> 00:38:26,174 Do you see? 566 00:38:26,619 --> 00:38:31,897 This is so important brothers. Quiet. Quiet.(P) 567 00:38:31,903 --> 00:38:35,891 Now, let's go on again. Look at chapter 11 verse 1. 568 00:38:35,897 --> 00:38:40,461 We just have two more passages and then we'll go on. 569 00:38:41,227 --> 00:38:43,842 Luke chapter 11 verse 1, 570 00:38:43,848 --> 00:38:47,679 "It happened that while Jesus was praying in a certain place, 571 00:38:47,685 --> 00:38:50,749 after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, 572 00:38:50,755 --> 00:38:56,703 'Lord, teach us to pray, just as John also taught his disciples.'" 573 00:38:56,709 --> 00:39:01,407 Leonard Ravenhill used to tell a story, and I think I've identified the man, 574 00:39:01,413 --> 00:39:03,479 but I'm not going to give his name. 575 00:39:03,485 --> 00:39:06,480 You probably wouldn't know him anyways. 576 00:39:06,486 --> 00:39:09,754 I'm not sure, but from what I know about this other man, 577 00:39:09,760 --> 00:39:12,432 and what Ravenhill said, I think I know who it is. 578 00:39:12,438 --> 00:39:14,371 I think I actually know him. 579 00:39:14,377 --> 00:39:19,008 But Ravenhill said that he walked in on this man one time, 580 00:39:19,014 --> 00:39:25,453 while he was praying; and he just stood there, in fear. 581 00:39:25,459 --> 00:39:32,813 And then Ravenhill said, "I backed up out of the room, and walked out." 582 00:39:32,819 --> 00:39:36,396 And someone said, "Why did you back up? 583 00:39:36,402 --> 00:39:40,802 And Ravenhill said, "Because you don't turn your back on royalty." 584 00:39:41,487 --> 00:39:46,658 He was this humble man, but on his knees. 585 00:39:46,664 --> 00:39:50,404 But he had spent so much time in his life alone with God, 586 00:39:50,410 --> 00:39:55,947 he knew that this man was a prince before God in prayer.(P) 587 00:39:55,953 --> 00:39:57,600 And then notice that it says here, 588 00:39:57,606 --> 00:40:00,865 "It happened that while Jesus was praying in a certain place, 589 00:40:00,871 --> 00:40:04,914 after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him..." 590 00:40:04,920 --> 00:40:08,756 I believe, well we know, there were times when they looked at Jesus, 591 00:40:08,762 --> 00:40:11,995 and no one wanted to ask Him another question. 592 00:40:12,001 --> 00:40:16,274 No one even wanted to bother Him. 593 00:40:16,852 --> 00:40:21,308 I think that if there ever was a time when men peered into the holy of hollies, 594 00:40:21,314 --> 00:40:24,191 it was when those disciples looked around a tree 595 00:40:24,197 --> 00:40:27,049 and saw their Master praying. 596 00:40:27,055 --> 00:40:32,275 They saw their Master praying, and they knew—off limits. 597 00:40:32,281 --> 00:40:37,071 Don't interrupt this communion, it's sacred. 598 00:40:37,077 --> 00:40:42,288 Oh that our children would see that in us when we pray. 599 00:40:42,294 --> 00:40:46,463 That others would know that there's a hush that falls 600 00:40:46,469 --> 00:40:48,512 when we open our mouth to talk to God. 601 00:40:48,518 --> 00:40:50,343 And my friend, you can't memorize this; 602 00:40:50,349 --> 00:40:52,291 you can't get this from rhetoric. 603 00:40:52,297 --> 00:40:57,284 You only get this from your time alone with God. 604 00:40:57,691 --> 00:40:59,706 Do you see that?(P) 605 00:40:59,712 --> 00:41:02,179 Now it says also, "Teach us to pray." 606 00:41:02,185 --> 00:41:07,970 And I already mentioned this, so we don't have to go into much depth. 607 00:41:07,976 --> 00:41:14,051 But think about this: Jesus did some extraordinary things. 608 00:41:14,057 --> 00:41:17,783 He cast out demons, but the disciples never said, 609 00:41:17,789 --> 00:41:20,582 "Teach us to cast out demons." 610 00:41:20,588 --> 00:41:23,043 He healed the sick and raised the dead, 611 00:41:23,049 --> 00:41:24,932 and the disciples never came to Him and said, 612 00:41:24,938 --> 00:41:30,729 "Would you please teach us to raise the dead like you did?" 613 00:41:30,735 --> 00:41:36,535 But here we see that prayer must have been the most extraordinary thing 614 00:41:36,541 --> 00:41:38,675 in the life of Jesus; 615 00:41:38,681 --> 00:41:44,111 because they said, "Lord, one thing we're going to ask of Thee, 616 00:41:44,117 --> 00:41:49,885 Would You teach us to pray like You pray?"(P) 617 00:41:50,330 --> 00:41:53,249 Now, let me just put in a very important side note here. 618 00:41:53,257 --> 00:41:55,569 How do you learn to pray? 619 00:41:55,575 --> 00:41:58,667 Well, first let me give you a trite answer, and then explain it. 620 00:41:58,673 --> 00:42:01,544 How do you learn to ride a bicycle? 621 00:42:01,550 --> 00:42:03,050 You just get on one and ride. 622 00:42:03,056 --> 00:42:06,194 How do you learn to pray? You pray. 623 00:42:06,200 --> 00:42:08,325 But then, we have to be careful, don't we? 624 00:42:08,331 --> 00:42:11,898 Riding a bicycle is a natural thing, praying is a spiritual thing. 625 00:42:11,904 --> 00:42:14,037 You're entering into the presence of God, 626 00:42:14,043 --> 00:42:15,730 you're calling upon the name of the Lord, 627 00:42:15,736 --> 00:42:19,205 and there are many many warnings in Scripture that we should do that correctly. 628 00:42:19,211 --> 00:42:20,400 So how do you pray? 629 00:42:20,406 --> 00:42:24,308 Well, I have some brethren who I believe are sincere 630 00:42:24,314 --> 00:42:26,205 in their wanting to learn how to pray, 631 00:42:26,211 --> 00:42:32,353 but I think they have literally gone too far. 632 00:42:32,359 --> 00:42:37,398 I know brethren that are so fearful of experience, 633 00:42:37,404 --> 00:42:42,171 and so fearful of saying something wrong in the presence of God, 634 00:42:42,177 --> 00:42:48,193 that their prayer life is simply reading the prayers of Scripture. 635 00:42:48,199 --> 00:42:50,804 When they want to pray, they go to the Scripture, 636 00:42:50,810 --> 00:42:54,659 find a prayer that is kind of what they are wanting to say to God, 637 00:42:54,665 --> 00:42:56,073 and then they read it to God. 638 00:42:56,079 --> 00:42:59,345 Now I respect their desire to be orthodox. 639 00:42:59,351 --> 00:43:02,852 I respect their passion for being correct. 640 00:43:02,858 --> 00:43:06,327 But that is not how we pray.(P) 641 00:43:06,333 --> 00:43:08,189 You say, "Well, how then do we pray?" 642 00:43:08,195 --> 00:43:10,411 Well, let me give you an illustration. 643 00:43:10,417 --> 00:43:13,896 When I was a young man, I came across Alexander McLaren, 644 00:43:13,902 --> 00:43:19,098 who was a great expositor—he was known to spend 60 hours on a sermon. 645 00:43:19,104 --> 00:43:21,364 And I read so much of Alexander McLaren 646 00:43:21,370 --> 00:43:25,650 that I began to realize, I'm hooking up phrases and using prepositions 647 00:43:25,656 --> 00:43:29,005 and following a logical order, just like Alexander McLaren. 648 00:43:29,011 --> 00:43:31,556 It's like he took over. 649 00:43:31,562 --> 00:43:35,855 And then I came across R. C. Sproul. 650 00:43:35,861 --> 00:43:40,528 And I listened to his 'Consequences of Ideas', 'The Holiness of God'; 651 00:43:40,534 --> 00:43:43,119 and his logic is so marvelous, 652 00:43:43,125 --> 00:43:47,073 his reasoning is so impeccable in so many ways, 653 00:43:47,079 --> 00:43:53,617 and I realized, I am starting to look like R.C. Sproul. 654 00:43:53,623 --> 00:43:56,993 Maybe not look like him, I'm starting to sound like him, even to myself. 655 00:43:56,999 --> 00:44:01,909 I'm starting to do certain things, and reason in certain ways.(P) 656 00:44:01,915 --> 00:44:06,417 Now, how do you learn how to pray? 657 00:44:06,423 --> 00:44:12,914 Read the Scriptures. Read the commands of Scripture. 658 00:44:12,920 --> 00:44:15,102 Read the will of God in Scripture. 659 00:44:15,108 --> 00:44:19,913 Read who is God in Scripture, and read the prayers of Scripture. 660 00:44:19,919 --> 00:44:23,001 Read them. Meditate on them. Study them. 661 00:44:23,007 --> 00:44:25,438 Not so that you can repeat them verbatim, 662 00:44:25,444 --> 00:44:29,553 but so that you cultivate or develop the mind of Christ. 663 00:44:29,559 --> 00:44:32,453 And you begin to think like God thinks, 664 00:44:32,459 --> 00:44:37,152 you begin to speak as Christ spoke, that it just takes over. 665 00:44:37,158 --> 00:44:39,174 You're renewing your mind. 666 00:44:39,180 --> 00:44:41,545 You're developing the same way of thinking. 667 00:44:41,551 --> 00:44:44,664 And isn't that what it's all about? 668 00:44:44,670 --> 00:44:49,926 Not some sort of robotic and unhealthy parroting of anything. No! 669 00:44:49,932 --> 00:44:52,855 Just saturating our lives in the Word of God, 670 00:44:52,861 --> 00:44:57,389 so that we begin to think as He thinks. 671 00:44:57,395 --> 00:44:59,394 To speak as He speaks. 672 00:44:59,400 --> 00:45:03,325 That our will be conformed to His. 673 00:45:03,331 --> 00:45:07,287 That we're thinking the same thoughts and saying the same things.(P) 674 00:45:07,293 --> 00:45:17,114 Now, let's just finish here in Luke 18. This is our last text. 675 00:45:17,120 --> 00:45:23,667 Verse 1, "Now He was telling them a parable to show them at all times, 676 00:45:23,673 --> 00:45:27,923 they ought to pray and not lose heart." 677 00:45:27,929 --> 00:45:30,131 Now we do not have time to go through this parable, 678 00:45:30,137 --> 00:45:31,453 but I want to tell you something: 679 00:45:31,459 --> 00:45:37,708 If you preach this parable correctly, it's astounding. 680 00:45:37,714 --> 00:45:41,957 Because there is this woman who is so relentless, that the judge says, 681 00:45:41,963 --> 00:45:49,416 "I don't respect her, I don't fear God, I don't even like the people, 682 00:45:49,422 --> 00:45:51,734 but I am going to answer her petition 683 00:45:51,740 --> 00:45:54,785 because she's beating me black and blue. 684 00:45:54,791 --> 00:45:57,894 She will not give me rest." 685 00:45:57,900 --> 00:46:05,833 And then Jesus applies that to our relationship with the all-sovereign God. 686 00:46:05,839 --> 00:46:08,929 Now before you go in there thinking you're going to beat God black and blue, 687 00:46:08,935 --> 00:46:17,390 let me say this: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. 688 00:46:17,396 --> 00:46:23,294 And here's what I have discovered over the years: 689 00:46:23,300 --> 00:46:33,467 Those who demonstrate the most biblical boldness in wrestling with God, 690 00:46:33,473 --> 00:46:36,460 and not giving up, 691 00:46:36,466 --> 00:46:44,406 are the same ones who demonstrate the most biblical reverence for God.(P) 692 00:46:44,412 --> 00:46:50,250 A reverent man or woman who fears God, 693 00:46:50,256 --> 00:46:52,707 who counts their words, even in His presence. 694 00:46:52,713 --> 00:46:57,214 It is that kind of fear, along with the promises of God, 695 00:46:57,220 --> 00:47:00,283 that enabled him to go in and be so bold as to say, 696 00:47:00,289 --> 00:47:04,963 "I will not let You go until You bless me." 697 00:47:04,969 --> 00:47:07,101 But you better be careful going in there 698 00:47:07,107 --> 00:47:10,396 with just some superficial knowledge of God, 699 00:47:10,402 --> 00:47:12,591 thinking 'Abba Father' means 'Daddy,' 700 00:47:12,597 --> 00:47:17,390 and you're going to go in there and tell Him what He needs to do. 701 00:47:17,396 --> 00:47:19,601 Be very careful. 702 00:47:19,607 --> 00:47:22,690 So, we grow in boldness, biblical boldness, 703 00:47:22,696 --> 00:47:26,855 as we grow in biblical reverence for God. 704 00:47:26,861 --> 00:47:28,180 Do you see that? 705 00:47:28,186 --> 00:47:29,838 Very important.(P) 706 00:47:29,844 --> 00:47:31,192 But look what He says. And it says, 707 00:47:31,198 --> 00:47:34,763 "He was telling them a parable to show that at all times, 708 00:47:34,769 --> 00:47:37,098 they ought to pray." 709 00:47:37,104 --> 00:47:40,511 In every encounter, in every circumstance, in every obstacle, 710 00:47:40,517 --> 00:47:42,463 in every opportunity. 711 00:47:42,469 --> 00:47:43,546 What do I mean by that? 712 00:47:43,552 --> 00:47:46,674 A great door of opportunity opens up to witness. 713 00:47:46,680 --> 00:47:49,578 Don't go in there without prayer. 714 00:47:49,584 --> 00:47:54,348 Yes! the door opened, but prayer prepares you as a laborer. 715 00:47:54,354 --> 00:47:55,869 Do you understand me? 716 00:47:55,875 --> 00:47:57,932 This is very very important. 717 00:47:57,938 --> 00:48:00,743 It's not just the obstacles that ought to result in prayer, 718 00:48:00,749 --> 00:48:06,110 it is the opportunities that ought to result in prayer.(P) 719 00:48:06,116 --> 00:48:07,593 You see someone coming toward you, 720 00:48:07,599 --> 00:48:09,243 and they look as though they are troubled, 721 00:48:09,249 --> 00:48:11,486 and that they are going to petition counsel from you. 722 00:48:11,492 --> 00:48:12,580 What should you do? 723 00:48:12,586 --> 00:48:16,431 The first thing you should do before you open up your mouth to them, 724 00:48:16,437 --> 00:48:19,044 you should open up your heart to God in petition: 725 00:48:19,050 --> 00:48:24,059 "Lord, whatever this person is dealing with is beyond me, 726 00:48:24,065 --> 00:48:28,965 and they don't need my little silly cliches or human wisdom, 727 00:48:28,971 --> 00:48:33,061 they need to hear a word from God from Your Scripture. 728 00:48:33,067 --> 00:48:37,974 Help me. Help me."(P) 729 00:48:37,980 --> 00:48:40,285 Now, the last thing here. 730 00:48:40,291 --> 00:48:45,103 Not only at all times we ought to pray, but not lose heart. 731 00:48:45,109 --> 00:48:48,827 Now why is this important? 732 00:48:50,069 --> 00:48:54,818 Well, I can begin a marathon. That's why it's important. 733 00:48:54,832 --> 00:49:03,272 I can begin a 24 or 26-mile race. I can begin a marathon. 734 00:49:03,278 --> 00:49:06,684 My only problem is I can't finish one. 735 00:49:06,690 --> 00:49:12,660 And that's one of the greatest hindrances to prayer. 736 00:49:12,666 --> 00:49:17,439 Everyone, the gun goes off, you shoot out of the blocks; 737 00:49:17,445 --> 00:49:20,899 and pretty soon you look around, and who's there? 738 00:49:20,905 --> 00:49:29,096 Who continues running? Who continues asking? Who perseveres?(P) 739 00:49:29,102 --> 00:49:31,037 Again, let me go back to say this: 740 00:49:31,043 --> 00:49:37,573 there is a holy boldness in which you are believing God for promises He's made. 741 00:49:37,579 --> 00:49:40,904 You're not presuming upon God for promises He has not made. 742 00:49:40,910 --> 00:49:43,936 But you're believing Him for promises He has made, 743 00:49:43,942 --> 00:49:48,844 and you are not going to give up. 744 00:49:50,399 --> 00:49:54,648 You are going to continue on in prayer.(P) 745 00:49:54,654 --> 00:49:57,218 I was reading Martin Lloyd-Jones, 746 00:49:57,224 --> 00:50:01,678 he was talking about how so many people want a deeper walk with God, 747 00:50:01,684 --> 00:50:03,352 and they'll start off. 748 00:50:03,358 --> 00:50:08,794 And he said, so many times he heard things like, "Well, I can't go on." 749 00:50:08,800 --> 00:50:09,451 Why? 750 00:50:09,457 --> 00:50:13,797 "Well, I prayed for 6 weeks." 751 00:50:13,803 --> 00:50:16,887 Really? 752 00:50:17,958 --> 00:50:22,759 "Well, you know, I gave it my best but it didn't happen." 753 00:50:22,765 --> 00:50:30,583 It's those who go on, and go on, and go on. 754 00:50:30,589 --> 00:50:32,493 You see.(P) 755 00:50:32,967 --> 00:50:34,519 Now I want to encourage you. 756 00:50:34,525 --> 00:50:37,095 I don't want you walking out of here tonight, thinking, 757 00:50:37,101 --> 00:50:40,849 "Oh my! my prayer life is horrific." 758 00:50:40,855 --> 00:50:44,972 I don't want that. It's not the purpose. 759 00:50:44,978 --> 00:50:48,977 Nor is it my purpose to tell you that tonight before you go to bed, 760 00:50:48,983 --> 00:50:52,177 you need to pray at least an hour. 761 00:50:52,599 --> 00:50:56,642 As a matter of fact, I don't really want you to do anything, 762 00:50:56,648 --> 00:51:02,639 except meditate on the things you have heard, and cry out to God, 763 00:51:02,645 --> 00:51:11,764 and say, "How should these things, Lord, in my life, my station, my giftedness, 764 00:51:11,770 --> 00:51:18,552 are there areas in my life where I need to be more given to prayer?" 765 00:51:18,558 --> 00:51:19,987 That's what I want. 766 00:51:19,993 --> 00:51:26,504 And I want you asking those questions joyfully, with expectation.(P) 767 00:51:26,510 --> 00:51:30,036 You see, as one man said—a man that I greatly love, 768 00:51:30,042 --> 00:51:33,358 I won't mention his name—but he said that 769 00:51:33,364 --> 00:51:36,735 "the Church began by a group of disciples 770 00:51:36,741 --> 00:51:39,403 agonizing in prayer in the upper room, 771 00:51:39,409 --> 00:51:45,356 and it will probably end with disciples eating around a fellowship table." 772 00:51:45,362 --> 00:51:48,324 Well, he's wrong. 773 00:51:48,330 --> 00:51:52,485 The Church did not begin with a group of disciples agonizing in prayer 774 00:51:52,491 --> 00:51:53,938 in an upper room. 775 00:51:53,944 --> 00:51:57,531 The word 'agonizing' is never used because there was no need to agonize. 776 00:51:57,537 --> 00:51:59,548 Jesus promised them. 777 00:51:59,554 --> 00:52:02,039 He didn't say go into a room and agonize. 778 00:52:02,045 --> 00:52:04,508 He said, "Go into a room and wait." 779 00:52:04,514 --> 00:52:07,389 Now, when the Lord tells you, "Go into a room and wait, 780 00:52:07,395 --> 00:52:08,685 because I'm going to do something," 781 00:52:08,691 --> 00:52:11,847 you can pretty much count on the fact that it's going to happen.(P) 782 00:52:11,853 --> 00:52:17,420 So there's no need to agonize, beat oneself in the back, or thump your chest. 783 00:52:17,426 --> 00:52:22,066 That's a false monkish piety, and we'll have none of it. 784 00:52:22,072 --> 00:52:25,213 What we know is, we have a heavenly Father who loves us. 785 00:52:25,219 --> 00:52:29,577 We have a Mediator who is perfect and strong, does not die, 786 00:52:29,583 --> 00:52:34,195 and does not need to offer sacrifices for Himself or even for us, 787 00:52:34,201 --> 00:52:37,219 because He's already done that. 788 00:52:37,225 --> 00:52:40,156 And that every good word that's written in this Book, 789 00:52:40,162 --> 00:52:43,695 it is God's desire that it be a great reality in us; 790 00:52:43,701 --> 00:52:48,189 and so, with that joy and expectation, go to Him. 791 00:52:48,195 --> 00:52:52,325 Go to Him, and say, "Improve me. 792 00:52:52,331 --> 00:52:57,031 Improve me in this area, help me in this area. 793 00:52:57,037 --> 00:53:00,457 And even when I quit asking, as I'm so prone to do, 794 00:53:00,463 --> 00:53:03,541 Lord, don't listen to my silence, listen to what I am saying now. 795 00:53:03,547 --> 00:53:08,216 Just keep working until this thing of prayer becomes a reality." 796 00:53:08,222 --> 00:53:12,705 But be very careful there. 797 00:53:12,711 --> 00:53:17,745 Well, there's two ways of doing this: 798 00:53:17,751 --> 00:53:21,109 You can just walk across the wilderness, 799 00:53:21,115 --> 00:53:24,602 and be in the promised land in a few days; 800 00:53:24,608 --> 00:53:29,547 or you can stay in the wilderness for 40 years. 801 00:53:29,553 --> 00:53:36,616 You can go to Nineveh by bus or by whale—by fish.(P) 802 00:53:36,622 --> 00:53:42,323 So, keep seeking Him in this matter, and He will improve you in this area. 803 00:53:42,329 --> 00:53:44,422 He will help you. 804 00:53:44,428 --> 00:53:49,050 May His Spirit, His good Spirit, His faithful Spirit, 805 00:53:49,056 --> 00:53:53,842 be with you tonight and help you. 806 00:53:53,848 --> 00:53:56,717 Let's pray.(P) 807 00:53:56,723 --> 00:54:00,489 Father, thank You for Your Word, 808 00:54:00,495 --> 00:54:08,936 and I pray Lord, that it would help us all. 809 00:54:09,951 --> 00:54:18,057 Lord, even the one preaching about prayer needs more prayer. 810 00:54:19,230 --> 00:54:24,297 Lord, grant us grace that we might seek Thee. 811 00:54:24,907 --> 00:54:32,567 Lord, look down upon us; and yes Lord, we're opening our mouths wide, 812 00:54:32,573 --> 00:54:39,616 and we're asking You to fill it with Your most precious gifts. 813 00:54:39,622 --> 00:54:44,580 We ask not Lord, for cars, or houses, or land, or comfort, or healing. 814 00:54:44,586 --> 00:54:46,274 Not this time. 815 00:54:46,280 --> 00:54:51,057 We ask for the greatest gift—Your presence. 816 00:54:51,063 --> 00:54:53,881 Your presence in prayer. 817 00:54:53,887 --> 00:55:01,000 Your kind help. Your divine strengthening. 818 00:55:01,006 --> 00:55:05,442 That You would meet with us, individually and collectively in this church, Lord. 819 00:55:05,448 --> 00:55:07,378 Help us. Please Lord. 820 00:55:07,384 --> 00:55:14,000 Give us the greater gift of You in Jesus name, Amen.