Title: Light from the Cross Meta: Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” And He said that at the time of His death, men would then truly know who He is. It is at the cross that we are helped to see the truth of God and the way to escape sin, death, and judgment. His cross shines brightly still today for those in the dark to find real hope and salvation. What happened on the cross? We see four amazing things: the darkness in the sky, His two cries from the cross, and the tearing of the veil. This is holy powerful truth for our souls. Tags: john 8:12,john 8:15,Jesus Christ,wrath,death,Cross,John 8:28,John 8:12-30,Matthew 27,darkness 1 00:00:01,753 --> 00:00:06,765 John chapter 8 verse 12. 2 00:00:06,771 --> 00:00:13,999 We are going to go through all of these verses 12 to 30, step by step. 3 00:00:14,005 --> 00:00:18,882 As I said, these three verses are going to be our focus: 12, 21 and 28. 4 00:00:18,888 --> 00:00:30,636 First, Jesus says this beautiful, instructive 'I AM' statement. 5 00:00:30,642 --> 00:00:33,626 He speaks openly and says this, 6 00:00:33,632 --> 00:00:41,358 "Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world. 7 00:00:41,364 --> 00:00:45,007 Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, 8 00:00:45,013 --> 00:00:48,231 but will have the light of life.'" 9 00:00:48,237 --> 00:00:51,682 This world is plunged in darkness. 10 00:00:51,688 --> 00:00:56,035 And people are walking around not knowing where they are going, 11 00:00:56,041 --> 00:00:59,658 not knowing the purpose for their life, not knowing God, 12 00:00:59,664 --> 00:01:04,931 not knowing about where they will be going when they die, 13 00:01:04,937 --> 00:01:08,417 walking in the darkness, groping in the dark. 14 00:01:08,423 --> 00:01:13,837 But Jesus says, "I am the light of the world." 15 00:01:13,843 --> 00:01:18,625 And if you look in verse 20, you realize He is teaching in the temple. 16 00:01:18,631 --> 00:01:22,204 He is right in the very heart of Jerusalem, 17 00:01:22,210 --> 00:01:26,663 surrounded by religious Jews, surrounded by Pharisees even. 18 00:01:26,669 --> 00:01:31,460 And openly in the temple, in the court, 19 00:01:31,466 --> 00:01:38,701 He says it so clearly, "I am the light, (not of Jerusalem,) 20 00:01:38,707 --> 00:01:41,709 I am the light of the world." 21 00:01:41,715 --> 00:01:45,815 Not, "God is the light," pointing away from Himself. 22 00:01:45,821 --> 00:01:50,746 Because He was God, He says, "I am the light." 23 00:01:50,752 --> 00:01:57,751 This is an amazing statement, and when they hear this, they complain.(P) 24 00:01:57,757 --> 00:02:01,304 Verse 13, So the Pharisees said to Him, 25 00:02:01,310 --> 00:02:08,366 "You are bearing witness about yourself; your testimony is not true." 26 00:02:08,372 --> 00:02:12,316 Their complain is, "It is easy to say that about yourself, 27 00:02:12,322 --> 00:02:15,180 but if God were to testify about you 28 00:02:15,186 --> 00:02:19,623 or if there were some other testimony that we could believe about you, 29 00:02:19,629 --> 00:02:21,130 we would receive your word. 30 00:02:21,136 --> 00:02:26,509 But this testimony we do not receive, it's just a self testimony. 31 00:02:26,515 --> 00:02:29,115 Anybody could say that." 32 00:02:29,121 --> 00:02:38,225 And verses 14 through 20, Jesus does not go where they want Him to go. 33 00:02:38,231 --> 00:02:42,370 He doesn't try and prove anything. 34 00:02:42,376 --> 00:02:44,655 He speaks with authority. 35 00:02:44,661 --> 00:02:48,282 Now, He could appeal to other witnesses, as He has done in the past 36 00:02:48,288 --> 00:02:52,512 (the witness of Scripture, the witness of John the baptist,) 37 00:02:52,518 --> 00:02:53,687 but look at where He goes. 38 00:02:53,693 --> 00:02:59,785 Verse 14, "Jesus answered, 'Even if I do bear witness about Myself, 39 00:02:59,791 --> 00:03:06,445 My testimony is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going, 40 00:03:06,451 --> 00:03:10,571 but you do not know where I come from or where I am going. 41 00:03:10,577 --> 00:03:14,762 You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one 42 00:03:14,768 --> 00:03:18,725 (meaning, not in that way, that fleshly way.) 43 00:03:18,731 --> 00:03:23,295 Yet even if I do judge, My judgment is true, 44 00:03:23,301 --> 00:03:28,819 for it is not I alone who judge, but I and the Father who sent Me. 45 00:03:28,825 --> 00:03:33,797 In your Law it is written the testimony of two people is true. 46 00:03:33,803 --> 00:03:37,596 I am the One who bears witness about Myself, 47 00:03:37,602 --> 00:03:42,468 and the Father who sent Me bears witness about Me.' 48 00:03:42,474 --> 00:03:47,561 They said to him therefore, 'Where is your Father?'" 49 00:03:47,567 --> 00:03:52,815 You see Jesus here, He doesn't go where they want to go. 50 00:03:52,821 --> 00:03:58,397 He just says, "I know where I came from. I know where I am going. 51 00:03:58,403 --> 00:04:00,634 And you don't know." 52 00:04:00,640 --> 00:04:03,614 It's like He is saying, "I am the light of the world, 53 00:04:03,620 --> 00:04:06,243 whether you believe it or not. 54 00:04:06,249 --> 00:04:10,063 And if you want another witness, you can ask My Father, 55 00:04:10,069 --> 00:04:11,960 He is the second witness. 56 00:04:11,966 --> 00:04:16,997 I'll bear witness about Myself, and He'll bear witness about Me."(P) 57 00:04:17,003 --> 00:04:19,226 Then they complain again. 58 00:04:19,232 --> 00:04:24,254 They challenge Him, "Where is your Father?" 59 00:04:24,260 --> 00:04:29,781 Jesus answered, "You know neither Me nor My Father. 60 00:04:29,787 --> 00:04:35,450 If you knew Me, you would know My Father also." 61 00:04:35,456 --> 00:04:43,476 In another place He said, "Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father." 62 00:04:43,482 --> 00:04:48,957 They challenge Him and He just passes right by it. 63 00:04:49,569 --> 00:04:54,847 "These words He spoke in the treasury, as He taught in the temple; 64 00:04:54,853 --> 00:04:59,893 but no one arrested Him, because His hour had not yet come." 65 00:04:59,899 --> 00:05:07,222 I think of verse 14, "I know where I came from. 66 00:05:07,228 --> 00:05:09,660 My testimony is true. 67 00:05:09,666 --> 00:05:12,352 I know where I am going." 68 00:05:12,358 --> 00:05:16,842 And I love the way Jesus answers them. 69 00:05:16,848 --> 00:05:22,890 It's like when I was in India, you know, my wife is Hispanic, 70 00:05:22,896 --> 00:05:27,001 and a lot of times the Indian people wouldn't believe that she was Hispanic. 71 00:05:27,007 --> 00:05:28,664 They thought she was Indian. 72 00:05:28,670 --> 00:05:31,670 And we would say "No, we are both from America." 73 00:05:31,676 --> 00:05:34,147 And they'll say, "No, no, you are not from America." 74 00:05:34,153 --> 00:05:35,885 They'll tell her that. 75 00:05:35,891 --> 00:05:42,062 And we just said, "Hey, I know we are from America." 76 00:05:42,068 --> 00:05:43,735 It is simple answer. 77 00:05:43,741 --> 00:05:45,895 We don't have to prove anything. 78 00:05:45,901 --> 00:05:48,452 It is our identity, and we know our identity.(P) 79 00:05:48,458 --> 00:05:53,432 In the same way, Christ was well aware of who He was, 80 00:05:53,438 --> 00:05:55,874 where He had come from, what He was about, 81 00:05:55,880 --> 00:05:57,981 what He was doing, where He was going. 82 00:05:57,987 --> 00:06:00,927 They were the ones in the dark. 83 00:06:00,933 --> 00:06:04,473 He was the light of the world. 84 00:06:04,479 --> 00:06:09,380 It is like a blind man who cannot see the sun. 85 00:06:09,386 --> 00:06:12,616 And people around tell him the sun is up there. 86 00:06:12,622 --> 00:06:15,368 And he says, "Well, I don't believe there is a sun." 87 00:06:15,374 --> 00:06:19,013 Listen, whether you believe me or not, I can see it. 88 00:06:19,019 --> 00:06:20,922 It's right there. You can't see it. 89 00:06:20,928 --> 00:06:24,604 The reason why is, you're blind. 90 00:06:25,778 --> 00:06:28,310 And these men were blind. 91 00:06:28,316 --> 00:06:32,278 And they didn't know the Father, even though they had the Old Testament. 92 00:06:32,284 --> 00:06:38,251 And they didn't know His Son when He showed up, and He was among them. 93 00:06:38,257 --> 00:06:40,548 And there are times, I think, 94 00:06:40,554 --> 00:06:45,110 when we ought to be the same way as Jesus Christ here; 95 00:06:45,116 --> 00:06:47,121 when we ought to imitate Christ 96 00:06:47,127 --> 00:06:49,169 and be this way with other people. 97 00:06:49,175 --> 00:06:52,093 "Do you know who you are in Christ? 98 00:06:52,099 --> 00:06:54,339 Do you know that God has saved you? 99 00:06:54,345 --> 00:06:56,366 Do you have a testimony?" 100 00:06:56,372 --> 00:07:02,273 You can tell people, "Listen, I know I am saved. I know who God is. 101 00:07:02,279 --> 00:07:05,192 I know what He said." 102 00:07:05,198 --> 00:07:07,893 We don't have to prove anything to anyone. 103 00:07:07,899 --> 00:07:11,226 God is who He is.(P) 104 00:07:11,908 --> 00:07:17,561 And then in verse 21, He gives a warning, 105 00:07:18,688 --> 00:07:25,351 "So He said to them again, 'I am going away, 106 00:07:25,357 --> 00:07:32,327 and you will seek me, and you will die in your sin. 107 00:07:32,333 --> 00:07:37,260 Where I am going, you cannot come.'" 108 00:07:37,266 --> 00:07:40,210 Now I'll say at the beginning, this is a warning. 109 00:07:40,216 --> 00:07:42,432 This is not final judgment. 110 00:07:42,438 --> 00:07:44,360 He says, "You will die in your sin," 111 00:07:44,366 --> 00:07:49,377 but later He says, "Unless you believe, you will die in your sin." 112 00:07:49,383 --> 00:07:52,261 It may not be the end of the story for this people, 113 00:07:52,267 --> 00:07:54,514 but it is a strong warning. 114 00:07:54,520 --> 00:07:57,652 "If you refuse to come to the light, 115 00:07:57,658 --> 00:08:01,026 if you refuse to hear My words 116 00:08:01,032 --> 00:08:03,315 and believe on the One the Father has sent, 117 00:08:03,320 --> 00:08:04,814 you will die in your sin. 118 00:08:04,821 --> 00:08:07,052 And there will come a time when you will seek Me, 119 00:08:07,058 --> 00:08:08,728 or you will seek the Messiah, 120 00:08:08,734 --> 00:08:12,197 you will seek one that can do what only I can do, 121 00:08:12,203 --> 00:08:13,982 and you won't find him, 122 00:08:13,988 --> 00:08:17,932 because I am here among you now." 123 00:08:17,938 --> 00:08:26,222 He warns them, but, verse 22, they continue mocking and resisting, 124 00:08:26,228 --> 00:08:28,895 "So the Jews said, Will He kill Himself, 125 00:08:28,901 --> 00:08:31,801 since He says, 'Where I am going, you cannot come'?" 126 00:08:31,807 --> 00:08:33,785 And you have to realize, they are mocking Him. 127 00:08:33,792 --> 00:08:35,121 They are taunting Him. 128 00:08:35,128 --> 00:08:38,683 They don't think Jesus is going to kill Himself. 129 00:08:38,690 --> 00:08:42,331 They are bringing up suicide to tease Him for what He just said. 130 00:08:42,337 --> 00:08:44,722 "Oh, you're going somewhere where we can't come. 131 00:08:44,728 --> 00:08:47,854 Are you going to kill yourself?"(P) 132 00:08:47,860 --> 00:08:51,828 And He said to them again; He warns them with the same warning twice. 133 00:08:51,834 --> 00:08:55,185 He gives this warning three times. 134 00:08:55,191 --> 00:08:59,824 "He said to them, 'You are from below; I am from above. 135 00:08:59,830 --> 00:09:03,054 You are of this world; I am not of this world. 136 00:09:03,060 --> 00:09:06,985 I told you that you would die in your sins, 137 00:09:06,991 --> 00:09:13,512 for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." 138 00:09:13,518 --> 00:09:16,034 Jesus doesn't budge an inch. 139 00:09:16,040 --> 00:09:17,890 "I am the light of the world. 140 00:09:17,896 --> 00:09:19,621 I have been sent by My Father. 141 00:09:19,627 --> 00:09:21,519 I know where I have come from. 142 00:09:21,525 --> 00:09:24,785 And if you mock me, I'll warn you again. 143 00:09:24,791 --> 00:09:28,124 I tell you, you will die in your sins. 144 00:09:28,130 --> 00:09:34,506 Unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." 145 00:09:34,512 --> 00:09:38,892 Verse 25, they ask a good question, 146 00:09:38,898 --> 00:09:41,782 "So they said to Him, 'Who are you?'" 147 00:09:41,788 --> 00:09:46,486 He just said, "You have to believe that I am He." 148 00:09:46,492 --> 00:09:47,384 Well, I am who? 149 00:09:47,390 --> 00:09:48,206 What does 'He' mean? 150 00:09:48,212 --> 00:09:49,523 What is 'He' referring to? 151 00:09:49,529 --> 00:09:52,174 They say, "Who are you?" 152 00:09:52,180 --> 00:09:54,846 It is a good question, 153 00:09:54,852 --> 00:09:58,850 but the sad thing is they are not truly listening to Him. 154 00:09:58,856 --> 00:10:00,080 When they say, "Who are you?" 155 00:10:00,086 --> 00:10:02,218 they just say that after He says, "I am He." 156 00:10:02,224 --> 00:10:04,108 But if they would have been listening, 157 00:10:04,114 --> 00:10:07,601 they would have heard Him say, "I am the light of the world; 158 00:10:07,607 --> 00:10:09,256 I have been sent by My Father." 159 00:10:09,262 --> 00:10:13,537 It is like everything He is saying is passing through their mind. 160 00:10:13,543 --> 00:10:17,058 Nothing is reaching home. 161 00:10:17,606 --> 00:10:18,392 "Who are you?" 162 00:10:18,398 --> 00:10:23,775 Jesus said to them, "Just what I have been telling you from the beginning."(P) 163 00:10:23,781 --> 00:10:25,114 Who is Jesus Christ? 164 00:10:25,120 --> 00:10:27,077 That is a good question. 165 00:10:27,083 --> 00:10:31,828 "I am the Son of Man. The Son of God. The Lamb of God. 166 00:10:31,834 --> 00:10:34,063 The light of the world. The door. 167 00:10:34,069 --> 00:10:39,116 The good Shepherd that lays His life down for the sheep. 168 00:10:39,122 --> 00:10:42,624 The One sent by the Father. 169 00:10:42,630 --> 00:10:45,474 The I AM. 170 00:10:45,480 --> 00:10:48,067 The resurrection and the life." 171 00:10:48,073 --> 00:10:49,949 That is who Jesus is. 172 00:10:49,955 --> 00:10:53,490 But these people are not listening to Him, 173 00:10:53,496 --> 00:10:56,382 and they are blind, and their hearts are hardened, 174 00:10:56,388 --> 00:10:59,267 and He is warning them. 175 00:10:59,273 --> 00:11:05,333 And then He goes on again to state, with authority, His identity. 176 00:11:05,339 --> 00:11:10,823 Verse 26, "I have much to say about you and much to judge, 177 00:11:10,829 --> 00:11:13,184 but He who sent Me is true, 178 00:11:13,190 --> 00:11:17,261 and I declare to the world what I have heard from Him. 179 00:11:17,267 --> 00:11:21,929 They did not understand that He had been speaking to them about the Father." 180 00:11:21,935 --> 00:11:24,438 I declare to the world what I have heard from Him, 181 00:11:24,444 --> 00:11:29,167 and they don't even realize He is speaking about God in heaven. 182 00:11:29,173 --> 00:11:31,571 That is how blind they were that day. 183 00:11:31,577 --> 00:11:34,724 "Where is your Father, Who is your Father?" 184 00:11:34,730 --> 00:11:36,192 They don't realize.(P) 185 00:11:36,198 --> 00:11:42,594 Verse 28, "So Jesus said to them," this is important, 186 00:11:42,600 --> 00:11:46,940 "'When you have lifted up the Son of Man, 187 00:11:46,946 --> 00:11:52,260 then you will know that I am He, 188 00:11:52,266 --> 00:11:54,999 and that I do nothing on My own authority, 189 00:11:55,005 --> 00:11:58,560 but speak just as the Father taught Me. 190 00:11:58,566 --> 00:12:01,250 And He who sent Me is with Me. 191 00:12:01,256 --> 00:12:03,536 He has not left Me alone, 192 00:12:03,542 --> 00:12:08,247 for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him.' 193 00:12:08,253 --> 00:12:15,581 As He was saying these things, many believed in Him." Amen. 194 00:12:15,587 --> 00:12:19,652 This last verse, He is speaking to a group of Jews, 195 00:12:19,658 --> 00:12:24,400 most of them, every thing He is saying about who He is and why He is coming 196 00:12:24,406 --> 00:12:27,422 and how He can help them get out of the darkness, 197 00:12:27,428 --> 00:12:29,494 every thing is passing through their mind. 198 00:12:29,500 --> 00:12:32,205 They are not catching any of it, and He is warning them. 199 00:12:32,211 --> 00:12:35,605 But He ends with something that's a key; 200 00:12:35,611 --> 00:12:38,758 something that is helpful; something that could help them. 201 00:12:38,764 --> 00:12:47,843 He says this, "If you want to see the light, if you want to know who I am, 202 00:12:47,849 --> 00:12:55,109 when you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He.(P) 203 00:12:55,115 --> 00:12:57,043 What is 'being lifted up'? 204 00:12:57,049 --> 00:13:00,116 There is no doubt, according to the Bible, 205 00:13:00,122 --> 00:13:04,275 this is Jesus Christ being lifted up on the cross. 206 00:13:04,281 --> 00:13:07,704 This is not God lifting Him up into heaven. 207 00:13:07,710 --> 00:13:11,277 He says, "When you have lifted up the Son of Man." 208 00:13:11,283 --> 00:13:15,492 This is when men would nail Jesus to the cross 209 00:13:15,498 --> 00:13:19,289 and lift Him up from the earth. 210 00:13:19,295 --> 00:13:25,456 Suspended on the cross at that moment, at that time, a light would shine. 211 00:13:25,462 --> 00:13:27,143 Jesus is the light of the world, 212 00:13:27,149 --> 00:13:32,543 but there is a brightness that shines from the cross 213 00:13:32,549 --> 00:13:35,571 at the time that He was crucified. 214 00:13:35,577 --> 00:13:37,743 "Then you will know." 215 00:13:37,749 --> 00:13:40,744 And He might mean this in two ways: 216 00:13:40,750 --> 00:13:43,972 Some of you will know by being converted. 217 00:13:43,978 --> 00:13:48,448 Some of you will know only too late after you have rejected Me 218 00:13:48,454 --> 00:13:54,616 (some of you won't find out who I am, until it's too late).(P) 219 00:13:54,622 --> 00:13:58,193 But today, we are going to focus on this positive aspect 220 00:13:58,199 --> 00:14:04,187 of coming to know who Jesus is, through the cross. 221 00:14:04,193 --> 00:14:06,913 Coming to see His light. 222 00:14:06,919 --> 00:14:11,577 Coming to know who God is through the cross of Jesus Christ. 223 00:14:11,583 --> 00:14:14,347 Verse 28 is a help to us. 224 00:14:14,353 --> 00:14:18,629 It says that the cross will make it plain. 225 00:14:18,635 --> 00:14:24,779 We need to set our eyes on the cross. 226 00:14:24,785 --> 00:14:28,973 We need to put our gaze there and behold what happened on the cross. 227 00:14:28,979 --> 00:14:31,021 And so, that's what we are going to do today. 228 00:14:31,027 --> 00:14:34,471 This verse, He deals with a lot of hard hearts, 229 00:14:34,477 --> 00:14:36,828 He deals with people that don't believe. 230 00:14:36,834 --> 00:14:39,731 Even when it says many believed in Him, 231 00:14:39,737 --> 00:14:43,782 later on they go on not to believe in Him. 232 00:14:43,788 --> 00:14:45,334 False faith. 233 00:14:45,340 --> 00:14:50,505 He is dealing with a hard crowd here, but He tells them there is a key: 234 00:14:50,511 --> 00:14:55,353 "When you lift Me up from the earth, then you'll know who I am. 235 00:14:55,359 --> 00:14:57,106 Then you'll know that I am He. 236 00:14:57,112 --> 00:14:58,892 I am who I am. 237 00:14:58,898 --> 00:15:01,980 I am the 'I AM' of the Old Testament. 238 00:15:01,986 --> 00:15:04,617 I am God in the flesh. 239 00:15:04,623 --> 00:15:06,686 The Son of God. The light of the world."(P) 240 00:15:06,692 --> 00:15:10,503 So, today we are going to look at the cross. 241 00:15:10,509 --> 00:15:15,152 We need to constantly be looking at the cross of Jesus Christ. 242 00:15:15,158 --> 00:15:47,238 Turn with me to Matthew chapter 27 verse 45. 243 00:15:47,697 --> 00:15:50,882 We are going to read again slowly, in detail, 244 00:15:50,888 --> 00:15:53,902 what happened upon the cross. 245 00:15:53,908 --> 00:15:57,205 The cross is not as simple as you might think. 246 00:15:57,211 --> 00:16:00,495 The cross is not one verse in the Bible. 247 00:16:00,501 --> 00:16:01,844 There are details here. 248 00:16:01,850 --> 00:16:03,738 We need to go slow. 249 00:16:03,744 --> 00:16:06,638 We need to look at what was happening; 250 00:16:06,644 --> 00:16:09,669 look at what Christ was saying; 251 00:16:09,675 --> 00:16:15,596 that we might catch what they were meant to catch. 252 00:16:17,236 --> 00:16:23,649 At this point, they have already gone through all the physical beatings. 253 00:16:23,655 --> 00:16:26,101 They have scourged Him, they have stripped Him, 254 00:16:26,107 --> 00:16:29,577 they have spit on Him, they have beat Him, they have mocked Him. 255 00:16:29,583 --> 00:16:32,232 They have made Him carry His cross, 256 00:16:32,238 --> 00:16:37,631 they have led Him away to the Place of a Skull. 257 00:16:37,637 --> 00:16:43,340 The priests were mocking Him, the thieves were mocking Him, 258 00:16:43,346 --> 00:16:45,647 the passers-by were mocking Him saying, 259 00:16:45,653 --> 00:16:50,807 "If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross." 260 00:16:50,813 --> 00:16:56,366 And it seems like every one is venting their anger on Jesus Christ. 261 00:16:56,372 --> 00:17:02,629 Here you see man spewing out all their hatred at God; at God's Son. 262 00:17:02,635 --> 00:17:04,214 Why did they hate Jesus Christ? 263 00:17:04,220 --> 00:17:06,188 Because He was God in the flesh. 264 00:17:06,194 --> 00:17:09,917 And men hate God, deep in their hearts from birth.(P) 265 00:17:09,924 --> 00:17:16,279 And here, they are just venting their animosity toward Jesus Christ. 266 00:17:16,285 --> 00:17:22,601 And then in Matthew 27:45, this whole account changes, 267 00:17:22,607 --> 00:17:27,742 and the focus turns away from man altogether. 268 00:17:27,748 --> 00:17:30,693 It's like there is a culmination. 269 00:17:30,699 --> 00:17:37,355 What man was doing to Christ, what He experienced, is only building up. 270 00:17:37,361 --> 00:17:40,605 And then this amazing thing happens. 271 00:17:40,611 --> 00:17:44,428 There's four amazing things that we see here. 272 00:17:44,434 --> 00:17:48,465 Verse 45, this is the first, 273 00:17:48,471 --> 00:17:54,362 "Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land 274 00:17:54,368 --> 00:17:58,911 until the ninth hour." 275 00:17:58,917 --> 00:18:04,254 This is in the middle of the day, from noon to 3 pm. 276 00:18:04,260 --> 00:18:08,166 For three hours, from the sixth hour until the ninth hour, 277 00:18:08,172 --> 00:18:13,562 there was darkness over all the land. 278 00:18:13,568 --> 00:18:17,126 What is this darkness? How did this happen? 279 00:18:17,132 --> 00:18:20,109 This is not a cloudy sky. 280 00:18:20,115 --> 00:18:26,050 This is a darkness that covered the whole land for three hours. 281 00:18:26,056 --> 00:18:28,802 It is a miracle. It is supernatural. 282 00:18:28,808 --> 00:18:34,403 Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross as a part of the plan of God, 283 00:18:34,409 --> 00:18:37,560 and now, the whole sky is growing dark. 284 00:18:37,566 --> 00:18:39,446 Do you ever think of the cross? 285 00:18:39,452 --> 00:18:42,163 Do you ever picture it in your mind? 286 00:18:42,169 --> 00:18:44,981 Don't forget the sky was dark. 287 00:18:44,987 --> 00:18:46,951 It was very dark. 288 00:18:46,957 --> 00:18:49,437 If you are going to picture that scene in your mind, 289 00:18:49,443 --> 00:18:51,576 don't think of it like daylight. 290 00:18:51,582 --> 00:18:53,810 The lights went out. 291 00:18:53,816 --> 00:19:00,965 And now it seems the mocking has come to a stop, for three hours. 292 00:19:00,971 --> 00:19:04,416 And you can imagine that people are beginning to wonder, 293 00:19:04,422 --> 00:19:08,236 "What is this darkness?"(P) 294 00:19:08,242 --> 00:19:12,823 This darkness really happened. 295 00:19:12,829 --> 00:19:17,848 But it is a symbol, and it is teaching us something important. 296 00:19:17,854 --> 00:19:25,131 To put it simply, the darkness is God's wrath in a visible way 297 00:19:25,137 --> 00:19:32,172 being manifested for all of the onlookers to see. 298 00:19:32,178 --> 00:19:33,378 Why do I say that? 299 00:19:33,384 --> 00:19:37,315 Why do I think the darkness is a picture of God's wrath? 300 00:19:37,321 --> 00:19:42,960 Well, one, because Jesus Himself over and over when He talked about hell, 301 00:19:42,966 --> 00:19:46,148 (yes He talked about the lake of fire, 302 00:19:46,154 --> 00:19:50,136 this hell of fire, the fire that couldn't be quenched,) 303 00:19:50,142 --> 00:19:52,187 but when Jesus talked about hell, 304 00:19:52,193 --> 00:19:57,551 much of the time He said it was the outer darkness 305 00:19:57,557 --> 00:20:02,343 where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. 306 00:20:02,349 --> 00:20:06,199 An outer darkness; a gloomy darkness. 307 00:20:06,205 --> 00:20:10,627 This was Jesus' own teaching about the wrath of God. 308 00:20:10,633 --> 00:20:18,071 Not only from Christ, but even in the Old Testament, when you look, 309 00:20:18,077 --> 00:20:22,923 you see again and again throughout the Psalms, 310 00:20:22,929 --> 00:20:29,954 in the book of 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, "God will cut off the wicked in darkness." 311 00:20:29,960 --> 00:20:31,960 And you see God becoming angry 312 00:20:31,966 --> 00:20:36,809 and coming down from heaven with darkness going before Him. 313 00:20:36,815 --> 00:20:39,964 His anger is kindled and darkness comes before Him. 314 00:20:39,970 --> 00:20:43,715 You see in Zephaniah, it says, "A day of distress, 315 00:20:43,721 --> 00:20:48,061 a day of anguish, a day of wrath, a day of great darkness."(P) 316 00:20:48,067 --> 00:20:54,164 And here was a day that grew dark; in history, miraculously, 317 00:20:54,170 --> 00:20:59,303 so that every one who is standing near Jesus Christ as He is being crucified, 318 00:20:59,309 --> 00:21:02,898 everyone that is passing by had to stop and think, 319 00:21:02,904 --> 00:21:06,439 "The sky is growing dark." 320 00:21:06,445 --> 00:21:08,403 And whether they realized it or not, 321 00:21:08,409 --> 00:21:11,353 we who have the Word of God know what this means. 322 00:21:11,359 --> 00:21:17,274 The wrath of God was coming upon Jesus Christ. 323 00:21:17,280 --> 00:21:20,643 Darkness is a separation from the light. 324 00:21:20,649 --> 00:21:24,996 A separation from the blessing, from the joy. 325 00:21:25,002 --> 00:21:27,042 That is what hell is described to be. 326 00:21:27,048 --> 00:21:31,858 No, we don't believe that Christ went to hell and suffered in hell, 327 00:21:31,864 --> 00:21:33,664 after He died on the cross. 328 00:21:33,670 --> 00:21:35,234 No, we don't believe that. 329 00:21:35,240 --> 00:21:42,020 But something of the suffering of hell was laid upon Jesus Christ on the cross. 330 00:21:42,026 --> 00:21:48,657 The Son of God was taking the wrath of God in Himself. 331 00:21:48,663 --> 00:21:53,845 When God is angry, and when His wrath is coming, it gets dark. 332 00:21:53,851 --> 00:21:58,673 That is the message of the prophets over and over again. 333 00:21:58,679 --> 00:22:01,912 And it happened 2,000 years ago.(P) 334 00:22:01,918 --> 00:22:03,443 And if there is any doubt in your mind; 335 00:22:03,449 --> 00:22:06,739 maybe you think, "Well, I think the darkness means something else. 336 00:22:06,745 --> 00:22:09,482 I don't think John is right." 337 00:22:09,488 --> 00:22:10,814 Keep reading. 338 00:22:10,820 --> 00:22:12,764 This is the second amazing thing. 339 00:22:12,770 --> 00:22:18,509 Verse 46. Here we have it explained by the Lord Himself, 340 00:22:18,515 --> 00:22:25,798 "At about the ninth hour," when it was almost nearing the end, 341 00:22:25,804 --> 00:22:34,948 "Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? 342 00:22:34,954 --> 00:22:42,864 that is, My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" 343 00:22:42,870 --> 00:22:48,077 We see the symbol first and then we have the statement to make it clear. 344 00:22:48,083 --> 00:22:51,412 Something visible for your eyes to see, 345 00:22:51,418 --> 00:22:56,112 and something that explains with clarity from the Lord Himself. 346 00:22:56,118 --> 00:22:59,861 He was being forsaken by God. 347 00:22:59,867 --> 00:23:01,786 And that's part of what His wrath is. 348 00:23:01,792 --> 00:23:05,905 Part of God's anger is not just punishment and fire; 349 00:23:05,911 --> 00:23:08,517 part of His anger is He is done with you. 350 00:23:08,523 --> 00:23:11,665 He puts you away. 351 00:23:11,671 --> 00:23:13,731 Distances Himself from you. 352 00:23:13,737 --> 00:23:17,258 No more of My blessings, no more of My help, 353 00:23:17,264 --> 00:23:20,793 no more of My love, no more of My favor or My joy. 354 00:23:20,799 --> 00:23:23,934 Away from Me! Depart from Me!(P) 355 00:23:23,940 --> 00:23:26,899 Being forsaken. 356 00:23:27,786 --> 00:23:31,185 We know that is what the darkness meant that Christ was going through. 357 00:23:31,191 --> 00:23:33,458 He was suffering the wrath of God, 358 00:23:33,464 --> 00:23:36,918 because here, don't misread what He says. 359 00:23:36,924 --> 00:23:39,084 Read it slowly, read it carefully. 360 00:23:39,090 --> 00:23:46,300 He didn't say in a soft voice in despair, in a whimper, 361 00:23:46,306 --> 00:23:49,505 "God, defeated, why did You forsake Me? I failed." 362 00:23:49,511 --> 00:23:55,431 No. He cries out with a loud voice for everybody to hear, 363 00:23:55,437 --> 00:24:00,855 "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" 364 00:24:00,861 --> 00:24:03,563 So that everyone would hear. 365 00:24:03,569 --> 00:24:07,310 People passing by on the road, He wanted them to know. 366 00:24:07,316 --> 00:24:10,235 He is making an announcement; a proclamation. 367 00:24:10,241 --> 00:24:12,489 He is not ashamed of this. 368 00:24:12,495 --> 00:24:16,825 This was spoken of in the Old Testament in Psalm 22. 369 00:24:16,831 --> 00:24:18,906 This day had to come. 370 00:24:18,912 --> 00:24:25,319 The day when God would forsake His Servant, forsake His perfect One. 371 00:24:25,325 --> 00:24:30,620 He was suffering His wrath, and He was announcing it for men to hear, 372 00:24:30,626 --> 00:24:32,594 for men to understand. 373 00:24:32,600 --> 00:24:34,579 Do you realize what is happening? 374 00:24:34,585 --> 00:24:36,827 It is not man that has forsaken Me. 375 00:24:36,833 --> 00:24:39,394 Jesus Christ was not scared of men. 376 00:24:39,400 --> 00:24:42,901 Jesus Christ was not worried about men on that day. 377 00:24:42,907 --> 00:24:48,271 They did their worst to Him, and He set His face to keep going. 378 00:24:48,277 --> 00:24:51,818 What was on His mind, what comes out of His lips is not, 379 00:24:51,824 --> 00:24:55,821 "O humanity, O humanity, how you have misunderstood Me 380 00:24:55,827 --> 00:24:57,858 and how you have crucified Me." 381 00:24:57,864 --> 00:24:59,549 No. 382 00:24:59,554 --> 00:25:06,285 He says, "My God, My God, You have forsaken Me." 383 00:25:06,291 --> 00:25:09,050 This is not the wrath of man. 384 00:25:09,056 --> 00:25:14,209 This is the wrath and anger of God.(P) 385 00:25:14,215 --> 00:25:16,935 We know what that darkness meant. 386 00:25:16,941 --> 00:25:20,235 It was not in self-pity and despair. 387 00:25:20,241 --> 00:25:23,482 He had become a curse. 388 00:25:23,488 --> 00:25:27,136 The curse of the Law. The broken Law. 389 00:25:27,142 --> 00:25:30,243 The laws that we broke. 390 00:25:30,249 --> 00:25:35,715 That curse was coming upon Him, and He was suffering under it. 391 00:25:35,721 --> 00:25:39,011 As the Scripture said, (this would not be my word, 392 00:25:39,017 --> 00:25:41,379 this would not be the word that I would use to describe it,) 393 00:25:41,385 --> 00:25:49,188 but the Scripture said, "He had become sin." (2 Corinthians 5:21) 394 00:25:49,194 --> 00:25:51,170 Taking our sins. 395 00:25:51,176 --> 00:25:59,193 Having our sins transferred unto Him; brought upon Himself. 396 00:25:59,199 --> 00:26:05,757 Jesus always called God 'Father' in prayer. 397 00:26:05,763 --> 00:26:07,802 Have you ever noticed that? 398 00:26:07,808 --> 00:26:11,469 When He would talk about God, sometimes He would say God. 399 00:26:11,475 --> 00:26:15,323 But when He would pray to God, He always said Father. 400 00:26:15,329 --> 00:26:19,843 All of His prayers, He says Father, Father, Father. 401 00:26:19,849 --> 00:26:24,714 And here He says, "My God, My God." 402 00:26:24,720 --> 00:26:27,168 Why the change? 403 00:26:27,174 --> 00:26:31,784 Because here, He is standing in our place. 404 00:26:31,790 --> 00:26:36,129 Here, He is taking our position. The position of a criminal. 405 00:26:36,135 --> 00:26:39,355 The position of one who is unworthy to even pray to God. 406 00:26:39,361 --> 00:26:43,538 The position of one who is suffering under the wrath of God. 407 00:26:43,544 --> 00:26:46,677 And He says, "My God, My God." 408 00:26:46,683 --> 00:26:51,208 He does not even pray, "Father," 409 00:26:51,214 --> 00:26:53,007 because He took our sin; 410 00:26:53,013 --> 00:27:00,839 because He became an abomination in all of the sins being put upon Him.(P) 411 00:27:00,845 --> 00:27:02,512 The precious Lamb of God, 412 00:27:02,518 --> 00:27:08,277 the perfect Son of God taking these abominations on Himself. 413 00:27:08,283 --> 00:27:12,221 And this is what the cross is all about. 414 00:27:12,227 --> 00:27:17,871 You can see pictures of the cross, you can see movies about the cross, 415 00:27:17,877 --> 00:27:22,695 and totally miss what we are reading here in Matthew 27. 416 00:27:22,701 --> 00:27:24,138 This is the Word of God. 417 00:27:24,144 --> 00:27:27,043 This is what He wants you to know about the cross. 418 00:27:27,049 --> 00:27:31,608 It is not so important that you even live 2,000 years ago to witness it. 419 00:27:31,614 --> 00:27:34,618 He has written here what you need to know. 420 00:27:34,624 --> 00:27:36,984 Do you need to know about the cross? 421 00:27:36,990 --> 00:27:39,626 You need to know, first of all, the sky grew dark 422 00:27:39,632 --> 00:27:42,953 because God's wrath was coming on Christ. 423 00:27:42,959 --> 00:27:45,638 And He said, "You have forsaken Me." 424 00:27:45,644 --> 00:27:49,330 He was forsaken. 425 00:27:50,196 --> 00:27:55,843 And this is what the Bible has foretold would happen from the very beginning. 426 00:27:55,849 --> 00:28:00,542 If you read the Old Testament, it is preaching the Gospel in advance. 427 00:28:00,548 --> 00:28:03,901 It is making clear the way of Jesus Christ, 428 00:28:03,907 --> 00:28:05,594 who He is and what He would do; 429 00:28:05,600 --> 00:28:11,827 what is the great thing that He would come to do.(P) 430 00:28:11,833 --> 00:28:13,820 We read about it in the Old Testament. 431 00:28:13,826 --> 00:28:19,995 You say, "Well, this is strange that the Son of God would take the wrath of God?" 432 00:28:20,001 --> 00:28:22,409 That's exactly what was prophesied. 433 00:28:22,415 --> 00:28:25,093 The reason why I know this, 434 00:28:25,099 --> 00:28:28,287 the reason why I believe this and I rejoice in this, 435 00:28:28,293 --> 00:28:30,175 is because there are statements in the Prophets 436 00:28:30,181 --> 00:28:32,862 that you cannot explain any other way. 437 00:28:32,868 --> 00:28:39,401 How is it that David and Jeremiah and Job could say the things they said? 438 00:28:39,407 --> 00:28:41,959 David would say in Psalm 88, 439 00:28:41,965 --> 00:28:45,549 "All of the waves of Your wrath have passed over me." 440 00:28:45,563 --> 00:28:48,100 How could a man like David say that? 441 00:28:48,106 --> 00:28:51,475 He didn't experience all the waves of the wrath of God. 442 00:28:51,481 --> 00:28:55,981 Or Job saying, "You have made me your target. 443 00:28:55,987 --> 00:28:58,320 All of Your arrows have pierced me. 444 00:28:58,326 --> 00:29:01,868 You have torn me in Your wrath." 445 00:29:01,874 --> 00:29:07,356 Job suffered, but he did not take all of the arrows of God. 446 00:29:07,362 --> 00:29:11,686 Or even in Lamentations chapter 1, he says, 447 00:29:11,692 --> 00:29:15,042 "There is no suffering like my suffering." 448 00:29:15,048 --> 00:29:16,576 How could he say that? 449 00:29:16,582 --> 00:29:20,289 It was a prophecy about Jesus Christ. 450 00:29:20,295 --> 00:29:28,409 And he says this: "You sent fire from on high into my bones." 451 00:29:28,415 --> 00:29:35,570 These are prophecies about what Jesus Christ would do to set us free. 452 00:29:35,576 --> 00:29:40,647 He took our sin, and He took the wrath of God. 453 00:29:40,653 --> 00:29:42,907 It came upon Him. 454 00:29:42,913 --> 00:29:45,342 There is no suffering like His suffering. 455 00:29:45,348 --> 00:29:49,605 And just this, in and of itself, would not be the full story. 456 00:29:49,611 --> 00:29:52,445 It would not even really be good news. 457 00:29:52,451 --> 00:29:57,626 That God would bring destruction upon His own Son on the cross? 458 00:29:57,632 --> 00:29:59,801 That would terrify us. 459 00:29:59,807 --> 00:30:02,193 If He would do that to the Son, what would He do to us? 460 00:30:02,199 --> 00:30:03,530 But that is not the story. 461 00:30:03,536 --> 00:30:05,436 That is not where it ends.(P) 462 00:30:05,442 --> 00:30:09,168 There's two more amazing things. 463 00:30:10,539 --> 00:30:14,338 Verse 47, "And some of the bystanders, hearing it, said, 464 00:30:14,353 --> 00:30:16,188 'This man is calling Elijah.'" 465 00:30:16,194 --> 00:30:18,463 They didn't understand. 466 00:30:18,469 --> 00:30:22,607 "And one of them at once ran and took a sponge, filled it with sour wine, 467 00:30:22,613 --> 00:30:25,255 put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink. 468 00:30:25,261 --> 00:30:31,090 But the others said, 'Wait, let us see whether Elijah will come to save him.' 469 00:30:31,096 --> 00:30:42,072 And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit." 470 00:30:42,078 --> 00:30:43,946 This is the next thing. 471 00:30:43,952 --> 00:30:51,045 The third thing, He cries out again with a loud voice, right before He dies. 472 00:30:51,051 --> 00:30:54,392 Right before He gives up His spirit. 473 00:30:54,398 --> 00:30:56,998 What did He say? 474 00:30:57,004 --> 00:30:58,274 It almost makes you wonder. 475 00:30:58,280 --> 00:31:04,743 It is almost like the Holy Spirit has left it out to make you wonder. 476 00:31:04,749 --> 00:31:07,369 What did He cry out with a loud voice? 477 00:31:07,375 --> 00:31:10,688 And I think it is good that it says it this way. 478 00:31:10,694 --> 00:31:12,768 We don't have to wonder. 479 00:31:12,774 --> 00:31:14,706 We have four Gospels. 480 00:31:14,712 --> 00:31:16,505 We can read the rest of the story. 481 00:31:16,511 --> 00:31:18,850 What was this next thing that He cried out? 482 00:31:18,856 --> 00:31:22,525 First, He cries out, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" 483 00:31:22,531 --> 00:31:26,760 But then, right at the end, the moment before He dies, 484 00:31:26,766 --> 00:31:30,106 He cried something out with a loud voice.(P) 485 00:31:30,112 --> 00:31:32,183 Luke tells us. 486 00:31:32,189 --> 00:31:35,099 And I think I heard somebody say, "It is finished." 487 00:31:35,105 --> 00:31:36,175 I am glad you said that. 488 00:31:36,181 --> 00:31:37,601 We are going to get there. 489 00:31:37,607 --> 00:31:39,841 We're going to talk about that in a minute. 490 00:31:39,847 --> 00:31:43,162 But I think the last thing He said was, "Father, 491 00:31:43,168 --> 00:31:45,931 into Your hands I commit My spirit." 492 00:31:45,937 --> 00:31:51,706 And He cried it out, "Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit." 493 00:31:51,712 --> 00:31:54,371 Now this is amazing. 494 00:31:54,377 --> 00:31:58,604 A minute ago, He was saying, "You have forsaken Me. 495 00:31:58,610 --> 00:32:00,316 My God, You have forsaken Me." 496 00:32:00,322 --> 00:32:04,568 And now, He is saying, "Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit. 497 00:32:04,574 --> 00:32:07,512 I trust My spirit to You." 498 00:32:07,518 --> 00:32:11,215 How is it that God is His Father again? 499 00:32:11,221 --> 00:32:13,171 The Father is smiling on Him again? 500 00:32:13,177 --> 00:32:16,438 The Father is willing to receive Him again, and He knows it, 501 00:32:16,444 --> 00:32:21,395 and He gives up His spirit, and He dies on the cross. 502 00:32:21,401 --> 00:32:26,304 Because in the middle of those two statements, is another statement: 503 00:32:26,310 --> 00:32:30,341 It is finished. It is finished. 504 00:32:30,347 --> 00:32:33,145 Jesus said upon the cross, "It is finished." 505 00:32:33,151 --> 00:32:36,616 What does that mean? What was the darkness? 506 00:32:36,622 --> 00:32:39,636 What was He undergoing? What was He thinking about? 507 00:32:39,642 --> 00:32:40,983 What was He experiencing? 508 00:32:40,989 --> 00:32:42,649 The wrath of God. 509 00:32:42,655 --> 00:32:49,437 And when He said it is finished, the wrath of God was finished. 510 00:32:49,443 --> 00:32:51,529 And this is good news.(P) 511 00:32:51,535 --> 00:32:55,735 Oh, if God were just to pour out His wrath and flood the world, 512 00:32:55,741 --> 00:32:57,528 that would not be good news. 513 00:32:57,534 --> 00:33:00,144 If God were to deal with all of us 514 00:33:00,150 --> 00:33:03,521 according to our iniquities and our sins, and what we have done, 515 00:33:03,527 --> 00:33:05,266 that would not be good news. 516 00:33:05,272 --> 00:33:10,558 But if the wrath of God is finished, that is good news. 517 00:33:10,564 --> 00:33:12,975 That means there is no more fear. 518 00:33:12,981 --> 00:33:14,555 That means there is no more death, 519 00:33:14,561 --> 00:33:17,987 there is no more hell, there is no more curse. 520 00:33:17,993 --> 00:33:20,108 It is finished. 521 00:33:20,114 --> 00:33:23,483 That is the good news. 522 00:33:23,489 --> 00:33:27,435 And it was a loud cry. 523 00:33:27,441 --> 00:33:32,089 God was satisfied with the work of His Son. 524 00:33:32,095 --> 00:33:35,644 The debt for sin had been paid. 525 00:33:35,650 --> 00:33:39,127 The punishment of the Law and of hell 526 00:33:39,133 --> 00:33:45,178 had been received in the body and soul of Jesus Christ. 527 00:33:45,184 --> 00:33:48,650 He finished it forever. He finished it fully. 528 00:33:48,656 --> 00:33:50,847 I love what it says in the book of Revelation. 529 00:33:50,853 --> 00:33:55,919 Have you ever read where God is pouring out His wrath on the earth in these bowls? 530 00:33:55,925 --> 00:33:57,823 And He is pouring out His wrath, 531 00:33:57,829 --> 00:34:00,566 and then when He gets to this one bowl, it says, 532 00:34:00,572 --> 00:34:03,518 "In this, the wrath of God is finished." 533 00:34:03,524 --> 00:34:06,662 When I read that, I think of Christ. 534 00:34:06,668 --> 00:34:08,594 He said, "It is finished." 535 00:34:08,600 --> 00:34:13,471 The Father's wrath, anger, done. 536 00:34:13,476 --> 00:34:18,469 It is like all of the arrows, like Job said, 537 00:34:18,475 --> 00:34:22,188 all of the arrows have pierced Him. 538 00:34:22,194 --> 00:34:24,031 There is no more arrows. 539 00:34:24,036 --> 00:34:28,105 God's quiver is empty. 540 00:34:30,737 --> 00:34:34,292 And He called Him Father once more.(P) 541 00:34:34,297 --> 00:34:39,683 And then, this last amazing thing. 542 00:34:39,688 --> 00:34:42,978 Look at the next verse. 543 00:34:42,984 --> 00:34:53,014 Verse 51, "And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, 544 00:34:53,021 --> 00:34:55,543 from top to bottom. 545 00:34:55,550 --> 00:34:59,564 And the earth shook, and the rocks were split." 546 00:34:59,570 --> 00:35:01,799 Here again is something observable, 547 00:35:01,805 --> 00:35:03,893 something you can see with your eyes. 548 00:35:03,899 --> 00:35:06,020 Something God wanted all men to know. 549 00:35:06,026 --> 00:35:09,995 He wanted them to hear Christ say these things from the cross, 550 00:35:10,001 --> 00:35:14,335 and He wanted them to see His power demonstrated at the time of the cross. 551 00:35:14,341 --> 00:35:19,082 There was an earthquake and the city started shaking. 552 00:35:19,088 --> 00:35:20,959 Jesus said, "It is finished." 553 00:35:20,965 --> 00:35:24,276 He said, "Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit." 554 00:35:24,282 --> 00:35:29,135 And this earthquake shook the land, and it broke open the rocks, 555 00:35:29,141 --> 00:35:31,781 and it broke open tombs. 556 00:35:31,787 --> 00:35:37,405 And the curtain in the temple split in half. 557 00:35:37,411 --> 00:35:38,367 What does that mean? 558 00:35:38,373 --> 00:35:40,529 His statement made it clear. 559 00:35:40,535 --> 00:35:42,483 He said it is finished. 560 00:35:42,489 --> 00:35:46,771 Father, I am coming back to You. 561 00:35:46,777 --> 00:35:50,461 The curtain is torn means it is finished. 562 00:35:50,467 --> 00:35:52,124 The debt has been paid. 563 00:35:52,130 --> 00:35:55,248 The way to God has been opened. 564 00:35:55,254 --> 00:35:57,259 That is what happened on the day of the cross. 565 00:35:57,265 --> 00:35:58,696 Did you know that? 566 00:35:58,702 --> 00:36:00,793 The price was paid. 567 00:36:00,799 --> 00:36:04,238 The way was opened - a new and living way. 568 00:36:04,244 --> 00:36:12,702 That barrier blocking sinful men from a holy God was split in two; 569 00:36:12,708 --> 00:36:15,027 torn in two.(P) 570 00:36:15,033 --> 00:36:20,200 We don't have to question and scratch our heads as to what that means. 571 00:36:20,206 --> 00:36:23,793 That veil kept men out from God. 572 00:36:23,799 --> 00:36:26,964 That veil said no one is worthy to pray to God. 573 00:36:26,970 --> 00:36:28,482 No one is worthy to approach God. 574 00:36:28,488 --> 00:36:30,694 No one is worthy to see the glory of God. 575 00:36:30,700 --> 00:36:32,739 No one is worthy to go to heaven. 576 00:36:32,745 --> 00:36:36,316 Did you know that the temple is a picture of heaven? 577 00:36:36,322 --> 00:36:39,531 Just like the garden of Eden is a picture of heaven, 578 00:36:39,537 --> 00:36:43,081 and God stations this cherubim with a flaming sword, 579 00:36:43,087 --> 00:36:45,090 "You cannot enter the garden anymore." 580 00:36:45,096 --> 00:36:47,469 God built the temple and He made walls, 581 00:36:47,475 --> 00:36:51,082 and He put a thick curtain, "No one goes in anymore. 582 00:36:51,088 --> 00:36:53,346 You are too sinful." 583 00:36:53,352 --> 00:36:57,219 And then Jesus Christ by His death on the cross, 584 00:36:57,225 --> 00:36:59,427 He tore down the veil. 585 00:36:59,433 --> 00:37:04,143 He opened the way for all to go in. 586 00:37:04,149 --> 00:37:10,192 It means God has given proof as to what He has done in Jesus Christ. 587 00:37:10,198 --> 00:37:15,855 He has given this visible sign, "I put My wrath upon Him. 588 00:37:15,861 --> 00:37:20,527 It was finished in Him, and now the way is opened." 589 00:37:20,533 --> 00:37:23,148 There is a curse, there is death, 590 00:37:23,154 --> 00:37:30,363 but now it's done and the way is open to go in to God; 591 00:37:30,369 --> 00:37:34,708 to call Him Father, like Jesus called Him Father. 592 00:37:34,714 --> 00:37:43,027 To commit your spirit to Him, like Jesus committed His spirit to Him.(P) 593 00:37:43,033 --> 00:37:45,969 Why is it that we can be accepted by God? 594 00:37:45,975 --> 00:37:51,317 Because Jesus Christ on that day, 2000 years ago, 595 00:37:51,323 --> 00:37:54,738 was forsaken on the cross, 596 00:37:54,743 --> 00:38:00,148 and finished it all, and opened the way. 597 00:38:00,154 --> 00:38:02,492 He is our answer. 598 00:38:02,498 --> 00:38:04,833 Christ is our hope. 599 00:38:04,839 --> 00:38:11,198 Christ is the key. The key is not in you. 600 00:38:11,204 --> 00:38:14,849 The key to heaven, you're not going to find it out in the world 601 00:38:14,855 --> 00:38:19,879 in things that you would do, or prayers that you would pray, 602 00:38:19,885 --> 00:38:21,420 [or] acts of devotion. 603 00:38:21,426 --> 00:38:29,548 Jesus Christ Himself; Jesus Christ in His work as a High Priest 604 00:38:29,554 --> 00:38:35,865 offering Himself as a sacrifice, that's the key. 605 00:38:35,871 --> 00:38:37,585 And I would say this. 606 00:38:37,591 --> 00:38:41,250 You can search the world over. 607 00:38:41,256 --> 00:38:43,070 You will never find this. 608 00:38:43,076 --> 00:38:46,101 You will never find this light. 609 00:38:46,107 --> 00:38:49,820 Christ said, "I am the light of the world. There is no other light. 610 00:38:49,826 --> 00:38:51,826 You can search the world over, 611 00:38:51,832 --> 00:38:55,316 and you will never find another Savior. 612 00:38:55,322 --> 00:39:01,151 You can search all the books, all the philosophies and all the religions. 613 00:39:01,157 --> 00:39:03,943 All of the rituals and all of the ceremonies; 614 00:39:03,949 --> 00:39:07,820 you will never find an answer for sin. 615 00:39:07,826 --> 00:39:11,682 You will never find God becoming a Man, 616 00:39:11,688 --> 00:39:17,938 taking our curse, our problem in Himself, and solving it graciously, 617 00:39:17,944 --> 00:39:21,375 and giving it freely to us as a gift. 618 00:39:21,381 --> 00:39:23,732 That is only in Jesus Christ. 619 00:39:23,738 --> 00:39:25,492 No one has ever claimed to do it. 620 00:39:25,498 --> 00:39:26,847 No one has ever done it. 621 00:39:26,853 --> 00:39:30,714 No one has ever even compared to Jesus Christ. 622 00:39:30,720 --> 00:39:32,992 And that's why He said this: 623 00:39:32,998 --> 00:39:37,232 "When you lift up the Son of Man, you will know that I am He. 624 00:39:37,238 --> 00:39:41,286 I am going to do something at the cross you cannot be mistaken about. 625 00:39:41,292 --> 00:39:43,319 There is no one like Me. 626 00:39:43,325 --> 00:39:45,702 I am the beginning and the end. 627 00:39:45,708 --> 00:39:46,967 I am who I am. 628 00:39:46,973 --> 00:39:52,420 I have come down out of heaven to save you from your sins. 629 00:39:52,426 --> 00:39:57,574 If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to Myself."(P) 630 00:39:57,580 --> 00:40:01,493 When you look at the cross, there is a drawing power there. 631 00:40:01,499 --> 00:40:03,484 There is something convincing there. 632 00:40:03,490 --> 00:40:07,717 There is something that our lives, our souls, we need desperately. 633 00:40:07,723 --> 00:40:12,405 Yes, we need someone to take the curse off of us. 634 00:40:12,411 --> 00:40:14,228 We cannot do it ourselves. 635 00:40:14,234 --> 00:40:18,650 It is a story that is divine. 636 00:40:18,656 --> 00:40:25,293 A Man who was divine. A love that was divine. 637 00:40:25,299 --> 00:40:30,655 Only in the cross of Jesus Christ do you see the love of God 638 00:40:30,661 --> 00:40:37,998 and the justice of God meeting together in such a way that has never happened. 639 00:40:38,004 --> 00:40:41,932 It makes sense to our souls that we know this is what I need. 640 00:40:41,938 --> 00:40:44,355 That was my problem; this is the answer. 641 00:40:44,361 --> 00:40:46,855 This is what Christ has done. 642 00:40:46,861 --> 00:40:52,423 He died upon the cross to take my curse, and He finished it. 643 00:40:52,429 --> 00:40:56,975 To take my hell, and He finished it. 644 00:40:56,981 --> 00:41:00,845 Now it is true that at the resurrection, there is proof. 645 00:41:00,851 --> 00:41:03,879 At the resurrection three days later, 646 00:41:03,885 --> 00:41:07,614 when Jesus bodily rose from the grave, 647 00:41:07,620 --> 00:41:11,024 He was declared to be the Son of God with power. 648 00:41:11,030 --> 00:41:15,627 But I think there is something interesting about the cross. 649 00:41:15,633 --> 00:41:18,347 There is something glorious about the cross as well. 650 00:41:18,353 --> 00:41:22,683 There is something that declares who Christ is about the cross as well. 651 00:41:22,689 --> 00:41:23,822 Think about this. 652 00:41:23,828 --> 00:41:28,835 Even the resurrection, as amazing as it is, 653 00:41:28,841 --> 00:41:33,236 it was revealed to a few chosen believers. 654 00:41:33,242 --> 00:41:36,896 But upon the cross, God was doing signs in the sky, 655 00:41:36,902 --> 00:41:40,802 He was shaking the land, a loud voice was going out, 656 00:41:40,808 --> 00:41:44,750 it was even at a public place where men had to walk by. 657 00:41:44,755 --> 00:41:51,621 Passers-by would have been witnessing what happened that day.(P) 658 00:41:51,628 --> 00:41:57,080 And I think it is powerful, and I think you need to kneel at the cross. 659 00:41:57,086 --> 00:42:00,915 You need to surrender to Christ at the cross. 660 00:42:00,921 --> 00:42:04,323 You need to receive Christ at the cross 661 00:42:04,329 --> 00:42:09,950 because here we see other people being converted, don't we? 662 00:42:09,956 --> 00:42:12,714 What Jesus said was fulfilled. 663 00:42:12,720 --> 00:42:16,352 Men would know that He is the I AM at the cross. 664 00:42:16,358 --> 00:42:17,678 Who was saved at the cross? 665 00:42:17,684 --> 00:42:20,491 Well, the thief on the cross. He was saved that day. 666 00:42:20,497 --> 00:42:21,814 He saw His glory that day. 667 00:42:21,820 --> 00:42:25,978 The centurion and actually all of the soldiers with the centurion, 668 00:42:25,984 --> 00:42:29,948 if you read it, they all said, "Who is this Man? 669 00:42:29,956 --> 00:42:33,643 The Son of God. A Man without sin." 670 00:42:33,649 --> 00:42:34,837 It is amazing. 671 00:42:34,843 --> 00:42:40,523 And I think, even when you read about Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, 672 00:42:40,529 --> 00:42:44,593 here they were, afraid to even show themselves to be followers of Christ. 673 00:42:44,599 --> 00:42:47,162 They were followers but they were full of fear. 674 00:42:47,168 --> 00:42:50,566 But by the time Christ died on the cross, 675 00:42:50,572 --> 00:42:54,988 it's like they are just done with being secret disciples. 676 00:42:54,994 --> 00:42:58,355 "Give us His body, we want to bury Him." - 677 00:42:58,361 --> 00:43:01,688 publicly associating with Jesus Christ. 678 00:43:01,694 --> 00:43:08,962 And who knows who else that day witnessed that event and was changed forever.(P) 679 00:43:08,968 --> 00:43:12,515 A beacon was lit; a light like a lighthouse. 680 00:43:12,521 --> 00:43:16,635 You know, you have a light; but then at the lighthouse, 681 00:43:16,641 --> 00:43:19,276 because of its position up high, 682 00:43:19,282 --> 00:43:21,609 because of the mirrors that they use, 683 00:43:21,615 --> 00:43:26,415 the light shines out as this brilliant ray. 684 00:43:26,421 --> 00:43:27,800 And the cross is like that. 685 00:43:27,806 --> 00:43:30,625 Oh, Christ is the light of the world 686 00:43:30,631 --> 00:43:34,825 and His light was shining as He walked among men. 687 00:43:34,831 --> 00:43:39,667 But His light shone in a brilliant way and a glorious way 688 00:43:39,673 --> 00:43:45,715 the day that He gave Himself up as a sacrifice for our sins. 689 00:43:45,721 --> 00:43:51,926 This bright revelation of the glory of God, of the plan of God, 690 00:43:51,932 --> 00:43:58,136 of the love of God was shown at the cross.(P) 691 00:43:58,142 --> 00:44:06,560 And so, I want to end my message now with a warning. 692 00:44:06,566 --> 00:44:16,226 Jesus warned those Jews, and He warned them three times. 693 00:44:16,232 --> 00:44:19,401 And I'll give three warnings as well. 694 00:44:19,407 --> 00:44:27,097 The first is this: there is a warning for any of you who have come into this room 695 00:44:27,103 --> 00:44:29,332 and who don't care. 696 00:44:29,338 --> 00:44:34,359 Maybe you're dragged here by your family; 697 00:44:34,365 --> 00:44:38,432 maybe your friend convinced you into coming. 698 00:44:38,438 --> 00:44:41,684 And you really don't want to think about God, 699 00:44:41,690 --> 00:44:44,000 and you don't really want to sing the songs, 700 00:44:44,006 --> 00:44:46,336 and you don't really want to study the Bible, 701 00:44:46,342 --> 00:44:49,014 you're not even searching for God. 702 00:44:49,020 --> 00:44:51,945 There is a warning for you. 703 00:44:51,951 --> 00:44:53,697 Beware. 704 00:44:53,703 --> 00:44:58,112 If you do not come to the light, you will die in your sins. 705 00:44:58,118 --> 00:45:00,960 And that is not the way you want to die. 706 00:45:00,966 --> 00:45:04,561 You do not want to die with your evil deeds, 707 00:45:04,567 --> 00:45:09,172 with your bad words, with your bad thoughts still on your record. 708 00:45:09,178 --> 00:45:14,870 You do not want to die defiled and dirty and contaminated with sin, 709 00:45:14,876 --> 00:45:18,002 because then you will be forsaken. 710 00:45:18,008 --> 00:45:19,467 There is a warning for you. 711 00:45:19,473 --> 00:45:23,170 My first warning is for any of you who don't care. 712 00:45:23,176 --> 00:45:31,286 You will die in your sins unless you believe that Jesus is who He is. 713 00:45:31,292 --> 00:45:32,707 The Son of God.(P) 714 00:45:32,715 --> 00:45:35,870 The second warning is this: 715 00:45:35,876 --> 00:45:43,657 I am warning anyone who would come in here and be religious, 716 00:45:43,663 --> 00:45:47,911 but your eyes are on something else other than Christ. 717 00:45:47,917 --> 00:45:50,267 You want God, you want to go to heaven, 718 00:45:50,273 --> 00:45:53,361 you do care about spiritual things, 719 00:45:53,367 --> 00:45:57,692 but you have not come to God through Christ. 720 00:45:57,698 --> 00:46:00,432 Maybe you are coming through another person - 721 00:46:00,438 --> 00:46:03,416 some other figure in history, some other prophet, 722 00:46:03,422 --> 00:46:11,738 some other [like] Mary, or some other way, your own good deeds, 723 00:46:11,744 --> 00:46:13,121 the things that you could do, 724 00:46:13,127 --> 00:46:16,147 "You know I want to have this born again experience 725 00:46:16,153 --> 00:46:19,820 and if I have it in the right way, then I can come to God. 726 00:46:19,826 --> 00:46:22,129 I want to feel a certain way." 727 00:46:22,135 --> 00:46:25,100 Your eyes are not on Christ. 728 00:46:25,106 --> 00:46:27,891 Your eyes are on yourself, your eyes are on what you can do, 729 00:46:27,897 --> 00:46:30,277 your eyes are on other people. 730 00:46:30,283 --> 00:46:32,514 But no one else is the light of the world, 731 00:46:32,520 --> 00:46:37,038 only Jesus is the Son of God; the light of the world; 732 00:46:37,044 --> 00:46:40,201 the Savior from our sins. 733 00:46:40,207 --> 00:46:42,428 And I warn you today. 734 00:46:42,434 --> 00:46:50,292 If you look to anyone else, you will die in your sins. 735 00:46:50,298 --> 00:46:53,539 You must believe in Him. 736 00:46:53,545 --> 00:46:56,679 "That I am He," He said.(P) 737 00:46:56,685 --> 00:47:00,046 And my last warning is this: 738 00:47:00,051 --> 00:47:08,179 For any of you, you want to be saved, and you know, 739 00:47:08,185 --> 00:47:12,073 you are convinced that there is no one but Christ. 740 00:47:12,079 --> 00:47:14,273 You know He died on the cross. 741 00:47:14,279 --> 00:47:17,166 You know the prophet said He would take our sin, 742 00:47:17,172 --> 00:47:20,187 He would take the wrath of God, He would take our curse. 743 00:47:20,193 --> 00:47:21,276 You know all of that. 744 00:47:21,282 --> 00:47:23,454 You know about the darkness in the sky. 745 00:47:23,460 --> 00:47:27,105 Even today, you've heard these things again. 746 00:47:27,111 --> 00:47:31,700 And yet, you still do not trust in Christ. 747 00:47:31,706 --> 00:47:34,956 You still have not committed yourself to Him; 748 00:47:34,964 --> 00:47:37,019 you still have not received Him; 749 00:47:37,025 --> 00:47:41,099 you still have not believed upon Him. 750 00:47:41,105 --> 00:47:45,816 And I would say this: You must know that Jesus is the only way. 751 00:47:45,822 --> 00:47:51,482 You must know that it was His cross that has opened the way to God. 752 00:47:51,488 --> 00:47:55,663 But what did Jesus say? 753 00:47:55,669 --> 00:48:01,134 He said in John 8, unless you believe that I am He, 754 00:48:01,140 --> 00:48:03,561 you will die in your sins.(P) 755 00:48:03,567 --> 00:48:07,611 Now, I know some of you have thought about being saved, 756 00:48:07,617 --> 00:48:12,089 in one sense you want to be saved truly, 757 00:48:12,095 --> 00:48:15,746 but you are not looking to Christ, you are waiting around. 758 00:48:15,754 --> 00:48:18,159 You are delaying outside the ark. 759 00:48:18,165 --> 00:48:21,372 It's there, there is safety, but you are not going in. 760 00:48:21,378 --> 00:48:24,129 You are finding one reason or another 761 00:48:24,135 --> 00:48:28,061 not to surrender to the freeness of the Gospel. 762 00:48:28,067 --> 00:48:32,579 But I would say unless you believe, unless you take Him, 763 00:48:32,585 --> 00:48:37,158 unless you trust upon Him, you will die in your sins. 764 00:48:37,164 --> 00:48:38,810 "You will seek Me," He said, 765 00:48:38,816 --> 00:48:42,767 "I am going away, you will seek Me and where I am going, you cannot come. 766 00:48:42,773 --> 00:48:45,314 And unless you believe, you will die in your sins." 767 00:48:45,320 --> 00:48:47,373 But don't take that the wrong way. 768 00:48:47,379 --> 00:48:52,341 Don't think, "Well, I want to be saved but God hasn't saved me, 769 00:48:52,347 --> 00:48:55,918 and so therefore, maybe it's just final judgment for me; 770 00:48:55,924 --> 00:48:59,781 maybe my time is over, and I am going to die in my sins." 771 00:48:59,787 --> 00:49:03,198 No, that is not what Jesus said. 772 00:49:03,204 --> 00:49:07,291 Go back to John 8. 773 00:49:07,297 --> 00:49:15,535 This is a warning, but it is only a warning, it is not a closed door. 774 00:49:15,541 --> 00:49:20,763 John 8:24, "I told you that you would die in your sins, 775 00:49:20,769 --> 00:49:26,169 for unless you believe..." 776 00:49:26,175 --> 00:49:29,433 What is He saying? He is saying if you believe, 777 00:49:29,439 --> 00:49:33,918 whoever believes has eternal life. 778 00:49:33,924 --> 00:49:36,070 Not "will have in the future". 779 00:49:36,076 --> 00:49:40,409 Whoever believes right now has eternal life. 780 00:49:40,415 --> 00:49:45,263 The moment a person believes; the moment you trust Christ. 781 00:49:45,269 --> 00:49:47,716 Trust Him now. 782 00:49:47,722 --> 00:49:50,227 Trust Him as you are hearing these words. 783 00:49:50,233 --> 00:49:56,809 Trust in Christ, and His promise is you have eternal life.(P) 784 00:49:56,815 --> 00:50:03,556 'It is finished' means He has done everything and made the way. 785 00:50:03,562 --> 00:50:05,774 That is the kind of God we worship, 786 00:50:05,780 --> 00:50:08,039 that is the kind of God we serve. 787 00:50:08,045 --> 00:50:11,138 That is the kind of God that revealed Himself at the cross. 788 00:50:11,144 --> 00:50:14,687 A God who has done everything. 789 00:50:14,693 --> 00:50:20,288 Trust in Him now with your soul. 790 00:50:20,294 --> 00:50:23,772 I would say take words to the Lord, 791 00:50:23,778 --> 00:50:26,590 but it is not even the words of your mouth. 792 00:50:26,596 --> 00:50:29,892 The Scripture does say take words to the Lord, 793 00:50:29,898 --> 00:50:32,476 but it's not even the words of your mouth. 794 00:50:32,482 --> 00:50:34,375 Trusting is not even talking. 795 00:50:34,381 --> 00:50:35,849 Trusting is in the heart. 796 00:50:35,855 --> 00:50:39,027 It is when you realize, "I have no other way. 797 00:50:39,033 --> 00:50:41,746 I would never be saved any other way. 798 00:50:41,752 --> 00:50:45,449 Only what Christ has done." 799 00:50:45,455 --> 00:50:50,436 It is falling helpless at the feet of Christ. 800 00:50:50,442 --> 00:50:54,602 Believe Him today and be saved. 801 00:50:54,608 --> 00:50:57,252 Because if you wait, and if you don't trust; 802 00:50:57,258 --> 00:51:01,488 if you refuse to trust, then you will die in your sins, 803 00:51:01,494 --> 00:51:03,962 even though you know about Christ. 804 00:51:03,968 --> 00:51:08,425 And that, perhaps, is the worst way to die of all. 805 00:51:08,431 --> 00:51:12,466 To die right outside the door of the ark. 806 00:51:12,472 --> 00:51:16,650 Just trust Him and He will give you peace. 807 00:51:16,656 --> 00:51:22,953 And He promises forgiveness, and He promises eternal life.(P) 808 00:51:22,959 --> 00:51:26,338 To the Christian, I would just say this again, 809 00:51:26,344 --> 00:51:28,077 I have no warning for you. 810 00:51:28,083 --> 00:51:35,447 To the Christian, I would say Christ is your light. 811 00:51:35,453 --> 00:51:40,933 And He shone a light at the cross that is bright. 812 00:51:40,939 --> 00:51:44,152 A light at the cross that puts our whole world, 813 00:51:44,158 --> 00:51:47,347 our whole universe, all of our deeds, all of our days, 814 00:51:47,353 --> 00:51:48,989 all of the chapters of our life, 815 00:51:48,995 --> 00:51:54,640 everything into perspective at the cross. 816 00:51:54,646 --> 00:51:56,673 Believe in Him. 817 00:51:56,679 --> 00:51:59,445 His promise for you is an encouraging one: 818 00:51:59,451 --> 00:52:01,930 you will not walk in darkness. 819 00:52:01,936 --> 00:52:04,317 Not only will you not sin in darkness, 820 00:52:04,323 --> 00:52:06,179 but you won't be confused. 821 00:52:06,185 --> 00:52:09,515 You won't have to go around asking these questions. 822 00:52:09,521 --> 00:52:12,141 The Lord has answered them. 823 00:52:12,147 --> 00:52:14,694 Trust in Christ.(P) 824 00:52:14,700 --> 00:52:18,652 Let's pray. 825 00:52:29,661 --> 00:52:33,318 O Father in heaven, 826 00:52:33,324 --> 00:52:39,922 truly You have done the greatest thing for us in Jesus Christ. 827 00:52:39,928 --> 00:52:42,926 He is the good news. 828 00:52:42,932 --> 00:52:49,574 And Father I pray today for any that have heard the good news, 829 00:52:49,580 --> 00:52:52,645 any that have understood it, 830 00:52:52,651 --> 00:52:54,826 but until today have not believed it, 831 00:52:54,832 --> 00:52:57,805 have not leaned upon it, have not put their weight upon it. 832 00:52:57,811 --> 00:53:04,139 O Lord, today, make them your children. 833 00:53:04,145 --> 00:53:07,515 O Father I pray, 834 00:53:07,521 --> 00:53:13,022 Lord, not my words but the words of Christ Himself from the cross. 835 00:53:13,028 --> 00:53:17,904 Plant them in hearts and ears in a way that could never be erased; 836 00:53:17,909 --> 00:53:21,937 in a way that gives hope; in a way that gives joy. 837 00:53:21,944 --> 00:53:23,890 O Father I pray, 838 00:53:23,896 --> 00:53:27,084 Lord tear out every false view of salvation, 839 00:53:27,090 --> 00:53:31,014 every false gospel in people's minds in this room. 840 00:53:31,020 --> 00:53:34,881 Lord open eyes and hearts. 841 00:53:34,887 --> 00:53:42,168 Save, Lord. Save Your people. Save them now. 842 00:53:42,174 --> 00:53:50,625 And Father I pray, thank You, thank You for Your Son. 843 00:53:50,631 --> 00:53:52,860 Thank You for these precious words. 844 00:53:52,866 --> 00:53:57,967 Thank You for these last words of Christ before He died. 845 00:53:57,973 --> 00:54:01,013 O Lord, keep us near. 846 00:54:01,019 --> 00:54:06,809 Keep us near this lighthouse, keep us walking in the light. 847 00:54:06,815 --> 00:54:08,968 I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.