SRT for 4 min excerpt.
SRT for 4 min excerpt.
Your Only Hiding Place is in Christ - Tim Conway 4mins ▼SRT ▼MP4
2 New SRT’s – Charles sermon from 2014 Fellowship Conference
2 New SRT’s – Charles sermon from 2014 Fellowship Conference
Below is a full sermon, and an excerpt that is from the same full sermon, so if you translate the full sermon, don't also translate the excerpt. We can take the excerpt from the full sermon and input it on the excerpt...
New SRT, Bringing Your Loved Ones to Christ – Charles Leiter
New SRT, Bringing Your Loved Ones to Christ – Charles Leiter
Bringing Your Loved Ones to Christ - Charles Leiter 45mins ▼SRT
New 5min SRT of Excerpt on Christ
New 5min SRT of Excerpt on Christ
Jesus Christ Our Great High Priest - Tim Conway 5mins ▼SRT ▼MP4
Violent for Humility – SRT
Violent for Humility – SRT
TBwS - Violent for Humility - Tim Conway 59mins ▼SRT
SRT: What is My Ministry?
SRT: What is My Ministry?
What is My Ministry? - Tim Conway 5mins ▼SRT ▼MP4
New SRT – The Peace Christ Had When Facing the Cross (6mins)
New SRT – The Peace Christ Had When Facing the Cross (6mins)
The Peace Christ Had When Facing the Cross - Tim Conway 6 ▼SRT ▼MP4
Nine New SRT’s Ready for Translation
Nine New SRT’s Ready for Translation
Below you will find 9 new English subtitle files that are ready for translation. Encouragement to Those Starting a Church - Tim Conway 4mins ▼ SRT Biblical Tests of True Faith - Paul Washer 65min...