Title: Who Do You Say Jesus Is? Meta: Jesus is a historical person who made massive claims about himself – we must all answer this question: Who do you say Jesus is? Tags: Jesus Christ,God,Bible,Messiah,salvation,Matthew 16:13-28 (Note to Translator: If the excerpt "The Gospel of Christ Powerfully Saves - Paul Washer" is already translated into your language, than you won't need to translate line 602 from time 00:37:23,540 --> 00:37:28,570 to line 846 of time 00:51:56,445 --> 00:52:04,663. If you have the SRT you can paste in the text in the file. If you do not have the SRT please contact us.) 1 00:00:00,634 --> 00:00:08,623 Let’s open up our Bibles again to Matthew 16. 2 00:00:09,195 --> 00:00:13,812 And let’s just read verse 13 on down a bit: 3 00:00:13,818 --> 00:00:17,411 “Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, 4 00:00:17,417 --> 00:00:23,847 he was asking His disciples, ‘Who do people say that the Son of Man is?’ 5 00:00:23,853 --> 00:00:27,375 And they said, ‘Some say John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; 6 00:00:27,381 --> 00:00:30,669 but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.’ 7 00:00:30,675 --> 00:00:34,763 And he said to them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’ 8 00:00:34,769 --> 00:00:36,724 Simon Peter answered, 9 00:00:36,730 --> 00:00:40,000 ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’” (Matthew 16:13-16) 10 00:00:40,006 --> 00:00:44,206 Let’s pray: 11 00:00:50,598 --> 00:00:57,143 Father we come before you, in the name of your Son. 12 00:01:00,213 --> 00:01:04,687 We acknowledge that he is our righteousness, 13 00:01:04,693 --> 00:01:10,508 that apart from him we have no part with you. 14 00:01:10,514 --> 00:01:14,381 And I pray Father that today you would get glory for yourself 15 00:01:14,387 --> 00:01:19,985 and glory for your Son, through the things that are said, 16 00:01:19,991 --> 00:01:26,110 the things that are believed, and the works that are done. 17 00:01:26,785 --> 00:01:33,644 Lord, help us this day in a way that we will know that you have helped us. 18 00:01:33,650 --> 00:01:37,674 In Jesus’ name. Amen. 19 00:01:38,471 --> 00:01:40,101 Now I want you to look at verse 13: 20 00:01:40,107 --> 00:01:43,578 “Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, 21 00:01:43,584 --> 00:01:47,758 he was asking His disciples...” (Matthew 16:13) 22 00:01:47,764 --> 00:01:51,011 Now this is important, this is not just an aorist activity. 23 00:01:51,017 --> 00:01:55,530 This is not just something he did once, heard something of an answer, 24 00:01:55,536 --> 00:01:56,629 and then let it go. 25 00:01:56,635 --> 00:01:59,936 But the idea here is that he was going back again and again, 26 00:01:59,942 --> 00:02:05,166 asking his disciples, “Who do the people say that I am?” 27 00:02:05,172 --> 00:02:07,433 Now this is extremely important. Why? 28 00:02:07,439 --> 00:02:12,324 Because everything – whether you want to believe me or not – 29 00:02:12,330 --> 00:02:17,156 I will tell you, that according to the Scriptures, 30 00:02:17,162 --> 00:02:24,717 everything in your life and everything in eternity is determined 31 00:02:24,723 --> 00:02:28,111 by how you answer this question, 32 00:02:28,117 --> 00:02:31,814 “Who do you say that he is?” 33 00:02:31,820 --> 00:02:35,313 Now that in itself is the scandal of Christianity. 34 00:02:35,319 --> 00:02:37,913 It’s set Christianity apart from everything else. 35 00:02:37,919 --> 00:02:44,025 You have to answer that question. Who is he? 36 00:02:44,031 --> 00:02:47,673 Now there’s something you need to understand about Scripture that is extremely important. 37 00:02:47,679 --> 00:02:50,517 Something you need to understand about reality. 38 00:02:50,523 --> 00:02:51,831 About truth itself. 39 00:02:51,837 --> 00:02:53,427 And why do I say it that way? 40 00:02:53,433 --> 00:02:59,143 Because today in our culture, reality is anything you think it to be. 41 00:02:59,149 --> 00:03:01,670 But that’s not true. 42 00:03:01,676 --> 00:03:08,542 Reality or truth is defined as that which is, most certainly is. 43 00:03:08,548 --> 00:03:13,382 And so the question is not, “Who is Jesus to you?” 44 00:03:13,388 --> 00:03:15,472 That’s not the question. 45 00:03:15,478 --> 00:03:18,638 Or, “Who do you want Jesus to be?” 46 00:03:18,644 --> 00:03:23,060 Or, “Who do you make him out to be according to your convenience?” 47 00:03:23,066 --> 00:03:26,024 That’s not the question. 48 00:03:26,030 --> 00:03:31,127 The question: “Who is Jesus?” 49 00:03:31,133 --> 00:03:35,134 Now go back several years, several decades ago, 50 00:03:35,140 --> 00:03:40,105 when I was in college and not a Christian, just nothing. 51 00:03:40,111 --> 00:03:42,887 Agnostic, nothing. 52 00:03:42,893 --> 00:03:45,237 Angry, nothing. 53 00:03:45,243 --> 00:03:49,068 Nonchalant, uncaring about religion whatsoever, 54 00:03:49,074 --> 00:03:56,711 and I was approached by a young student who wanted to talk to me about the Bible, 55 00:03:56,717 --> 00:03:58,904 about Christianity. 56 00:03:58,910 --> 00:04:01,767 And my first response to him was this, 57 00:04:01,773 --> 00:04:06,835 “I know about Christianity, I know about the church, 58 00:04:06,841 --> 00:04:10,007 I have family who are Catholic, family who are Baptist, 59 00:04:10,013 --> 00:04:13,224 family who are this and that, and every sort of thing, 60 00:04:13,230 --> 00:04:21,654 and I can tell you, I don’t want to know anything about the church.” 61 00:04:22,528 --> 00:04:26,920 And then he said something to me that hit me like a ton of bricks. 62 00:04:26,926 --> 00:04:31,244 He said it in a way that no one’s ever said it before and I’ll never forget it. 63 00:04:31,250 --> 00:04:34,831 He looked at me with a sternness in his face, 64 00:04:34,837 --> 00:04:38,550 and he said, “I’m not talking about the church. 65 00:04:38,556 --> 00:04:41,978 I’m not talking about denominations. 66 00:04:41,984 --> 00:04:46,159 I didn’t ask your opinion regarding those things. 67 00:04:46,165 --> 00:04:50,857 You cannot slide out of this by casting blame upon people 68 00:04:50,863 --> 00:04:52,946 who call themselves the children of God. 69 00:04:52,952 --> 00:04:54,711 I have one question for you. 70 00:04:54,717 --> 00:05:00,412 Who was the man, Jesus of Nazareth? 71 00:05:00,418 --> 00:05:02,551 Who was he?” 72 00:05:02,557 --> 00:05:05,185 With that sternness, I kind of bowed my head a bit and I said, 73 00:05:05,191 --> 00:05:07,756 well, I mumbled something like, 74 00:05:07,762 --> 00:05:12,153 “Well, you know, he’s a good man, good person, 75 00:05:12,159 --> 00:05:17,981 good... yeah, he’s a good guy.” 76 00:05:17,987 --> 00:05:24,287 It wasn’t but a few weeks later that I came across an old English author and scholar 77 00:05:24,293 --> 00:05:26,144 by the name of C.S. Lewis, 78 00:05:26,150 --> 00:05:29,605 who again said something that hit me like a ton of bricks. 79 00:05:29,611 --> 00:05:36,080 And it was this: He called it the trilemma, or that’s what others called it. 80 00:05:36,086 --> 00:05:37,353 And it’s this. 81 00:05:38,781 --> 00:05:40,832 When we talk about logic, 82 00:05:40,838 --> 00:05:45,946 I’m not talking about the flamboyant relativism and everything of our modern age 83 00:05:45,952 --> 00:05:49,539 that says you can’t know truth or everybody’s right – 84 00:05:49,545 --> 00:05:52,559 and to be honest with you folks, not everybody’s right. 85 00:05:52,565 --> 00:05:56,309 Here are the logical options. 86 00:05:56,315 --> 00:06:00,850 The logical option is, somebody’s right and everyone else is wrong, 87 00:06:00,856 --> 00:06:04,571 or everyone is wrong. 88 00:06:04,577 --> 00:06:10,304 But everyone can’t be right because everyone is saying completely different 89 00:06:10,310 --> 00:06:14,412 and contrary things, making contrary truth statements. 90 00:06:14,418 --> 00:06:17,347 So that’s something that we need to realize. 91 00:06:17,353 --> 00:06:20,154 You can’t just say, “Well, Jesus is right for you.” 92 00:06:20,160 --> 00:06:22,554 No he’s not. 93 00:06:22,560 --> 00:06:24,760 He’s either right or he’s wrong. 94 00:06:24,766 --> 00:06:27,782 And there’s no way you can dance around the issue. 95 00:06:27,788 --> 00:06:30,519 And that’s what C.S. Lewis was coming up with, 96 00:06:30,525 --> 00:06:35,230 and that’s what confronted me on that day in those pages when I heard this: 97 00:06:35,236 --> 00:06:40,252 here are the options with regard to the man Jesus of Nazareth. 98 00:06:40,258 --> 00:06:44,613 One – he is a liar. 99 00:06:44,618 --> 00:06:46,702 That’s one logical option. 100 00:06:46,708 --> 00:06:52,112 He is a liar. 101 00:06:52,118 --> 00:06:56,063 Because He said he was the Son of God 102 00:06:56,069 --> 00:07:05,769 and he purposefully, intentionally, misled people to think he was the Son of God, 103 00:07:05,775 --> 00:07:10,846 or in a more exact way to put it, God the Son, God in the flesh, 104 00:07:10,852 --> 00:07:12,993 God who became man. 105 00:07:12,999 --> 00:07:16,605 Now if he said that, and he did not believe it, 106 00:07:16,611 --> 00:07:22,979 and he was planning some sort of ruse or deception, he was a liar. 107 00:07:22,985 --> 00:07:25,383 And there’s no way around it. 108 00:07:25,389 --> 00:07:31,248 The other option is this: he’s a lunatic. 109 00:07:31,254 --> 00:07:37,179 Because any person who sincerely believes they are God in the flesh, 110 00:07:37,185 --> 00:07:40,290 and they’re not, they’re a lunatic. 111 00:07:40,296 --> 00:07:43,364 If you go to the park today in between this meeting and the wedding 112 00:07:43,370 --> 00:07:46,503 and you decide you want to walk around Bisset Park and see the river 113 00:07:46,509 --> 00:07:49,851 and you see a man standing on the park bench 114 00:07:49,857 --> 00:07:54,669 screaming out, “I’m the way, the truth, and the life,” 115 00:07:54,675 --> 00:07:56,631 what are you going to think about him? 116 00:07:56,637 --> 00:07:59,601 Or, “I am God in the flesh, ” 117 00:07:59,607 --> 00:08:04,161 or, “I am the creator of the universe 118 00:08:04,167 --> 00:08:08,899 and the mediator of all things between God and creation.” 119 00:08:08,905 --> 00:08:11,103 What are you going to think about him? 120 00:08:11,109 --> 00:08:13,559 Lunatic. 121 00:08:13,565 --> 00:08:19,450 As C.S. Lewis said, on the level with someone who had the brain like a poached egg. 122 00:08:19,456 --> 00:08:22,143 He’s a lunatic. 123 00:08:22,149 --> 00:08:24,886 And there’s one other option. 124 00:08:24,892 --> 00:08:30,331 And this is most scandalous and startling of all options. 125 00:08:30,337 --> 00:08:41,106 He was, and is, and will continue to be exactly who he said he was – 126 00:08:41,111 --> 00:08:47,350 the Son of the living God. 127 00:08:47,356 --> 00:08:49,157 Do you see that? 128 00:08:49,163 --> 00:08:50,682 So what am I telling you to do? 129 00:08:50,688 --> 00:08:54,083 Well, I’m not telling you to do, I’m giving you three options. 130 00:08:54,089 --> 00:08:59,874 Walk out of this building today and call him a bald-faced liar. 131 00:09:00,288 --> 00:09:03,633 Walk out of this building today and call him a lunatic 132 00:09:03,639 --> 00:09:11,348 and please have pity on the rest of us lunatics who are following him. 133 00:09:11,354 --> 00:09:23,503 Or third, bow your knee to Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of the world. 134 00:09:23,509 --> 00:09:26,433 Those are your three options. 135 00:09:26,439 --> 00:09:32,327 Now I know you could probably sit down in a one-on-one argument with me 136 00:09:32,333 --> 00:09:35,429 and tell me, “No, I have all sorts of other options, ” 137 00:09:35,435 --> 00:09:36,947 and I would have to tell you, 138 00:09:36,953 --> 00:09:40,215 I wouldn’t want to pull a card on you or try to be smart aleck, 139 00:09:40,221 --> 00:09:46,796 but I would have to ask you just where you studied logic. 140 00:09:47,740 --> 00:09:49,997 Because there is no other logic. 141 00:09:50,003 --> 00:09:52,188 I’m not telling you that you have to believe in Jesus. 142 00:09:52,194 --> 00:09:54,080 I’m not telling you have to do this or that, 143 00:09:54,086 --> 00:09:59,075 but I am telling you that you only have three options. 144 00:09:59,081 --> 00:10:03,115 Liar, lunatic, or Lord. 145 00:10:03,121 --> 00:10:07,219 Now, let’s look at it. 146 00:10:07,224 --> 00:10:08,679 Liar. 147 00:10:08,685 --> 00:10:12,384 Well, liars, when they’re caught in their ruse, 148 00:10:12,390 --> 00:10:14,849 they usually give it up, don’t they? 149 00:10:14,855 --> 00:10:19,031 Because if you’re lying, you have some sort of mischievous purpose behind that lying, 150 00:10:19,037 --> 00:10:19,967 don’t you? 151 00:10:19,973 --> 00:10:24,048 Probably money, fame, power. 152 00:10:24,054 --> 00:10:27,821 So, when your ruse turns itself on its head 153 00:10:27,827 --> 00:10:32,301 and instead of getting all those things you’re being crucified to a Roman cross, 154 00:10:32,307 --> 00:10:40,357 you would probably say, “Stop! I take it all back, I’m not the Son of God.” 155 00:10:40,363 --> 00:10:43,596 Well, let’s talk about lunatic. 156 00:10:43,602 --> 00:10:46,818 Some of the greatest scholars that have ever walked this planet 157 00:10:46,824 --> 00:10:51,695 say that there is nothing in all of literature 158 00:10:51,701 --> 00:10:55,839 like what we have in the simple three chapters of the Sermon on the Mount 159 00:10:55,845 --> 00:10:57,640 in Matthew 5, 6 and 7. 160 00:10:57,646 --> 00:11:01,329 Some say that even the first verses of 5 161 00:11:01,335 --> 00:11:06,487 were written in such a way that we have nothing that compares to them. 162 00:11:06,493 --> 00:11:11,401 The statements that He made confounded the scholars of His day 163 00:11:11,407 --> 00:11:15,610 and until today cannot be contradicted. 164 00:11:15,616 --> 00:11:18,973 Lunatic? I think not. 165 00:11:18,979 --> 00:11:24,046 But, Lord. Lord. Lord. 166 00:11:24,052 --> 00:11:26,378 And here’s something else very important about our text. 167 00:11:26,384 --> 00:11:33,028 Look at what he says in verse 13: “’Who do people say that the Son of Man is… 168 00:11:33,034 --> 00:11:35,210 Some say John the Baptist; some say Elijah; 169 00:11:35,216 --> 00:11:39,151 but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.’” (Matthew 16:13) 170 00:11:39,157 --> 00:11:44,951 Now these don’t in themselves seem like bad guesses. 171 00:11:44,957 --> 00:11:48,898 But they’re terrifyingly bad guesses. 172 00:11:48,904 --> 00:11:51,287 Because there’s actually something more dangerous 173 00:11:51,293 --> 00:11:56,835 than just out and out saying Jesus Christ is a lunatic or a liar. 174 00:11:56,841 --> 00:11:59,553 It’s making him common. 175 00:11:59,559 --> 00:12:04,165 Making him like anyone else. 176 00:12:04,171 --> 00:12:08,326 There, in that, lies the danger. 177 00:12:08,332 --> 00:12:12,328 He’s like this prophet, or he’s like that prophet, 178 00:12:12,334 --> 00:12:19,401 that we can accumulate a whole desktop or bookshelf full of prophets. 179 00:12:19,409 --> 00:12:22,115 And just put him up there with the rest of them. 180 00:12:22,121 --> 00:12:24,732 No, you cannot. 181 00:12:24,738 --> 00:12:28,927 He does not give us that option. 182 00:12:28,933 --> 00:12:36,362 He is the only one who said, “I’m not just a prophet, 183 00:12:36,368 --> 00:12:41,323 I am God become man. 184 00:12:41,329 --> 00:12:47,855 I am the eternal Son of God who has robed himself in flesh.” 185 00:12:47,861 --> 00:12:58,339 And now dwells, or the proper way to say it, now tabernacles among men. 186 00:12:58,345 --> 00:13:00,271 Do you see that? 187 00:13:00,277 --> 00:13:07,020 Most of you, whether you’re agnostic, atheistic, 188 00:13:07,026 --> 00:13:10,493 Christian, or just sympathetic, or whatever you are, 189 00:13:10,499 --> 00:13:15,512 you would have to acknowledge that media, by and large, is against Christianity. 190 00:13:15,518 --> 00:13:20,353 There’s not a whole lot of positive stuff being said about Christianity. 191 00:13:20,359 --> 00:13:22,286 And if I was invited on a talk show 192 00:13:22,292 --> 00:13:27,499 it wouldn’t be to promote one of my recent books, 193 00:13:27,505 --> 00:13:30,385 it would be to tear me to pieces. 194 00:13:30,391 --> 00:13:32,338 Now, here’s what I want you to think. 195 00:13:32,344 --> 00:13:33,772 I could change all that, 196 00:13:33,778 --> 00:13:37,419 I could change it all in a matter of less than a day. 197 00:13:37,425 --> 00:13:42,444 And I could make Christianity the toast of the town. 198 00:13:42,450 --> 00:13:46,630 And I only have to change one article. 199 00:13:46,636 --> 00:13:48,333 That’s it. 200 00:13:48,339 --> 00:13:53,361 Instead of calling Jesus the Savior, with a definite article, 201 00:13:53,367 --> 00:13:58,592 the only thing I have to do is change “the” to “a.” 202 00:13:58,598 --> 00:14:01,464 He is a savior. 203 00:14:01,470 --> 00:14:02,962 If I was to do that, 204 00:14:02,967 --> 00:14:07,620 Christianity would become totally and completely accepted by media, 205 00:14:07,626 --> 00:14:11,316 scholarship, even the ungodly. 206 00:14:11,322 --> 00:14:12,292 Why? 207 00:14:12,298 --> 00:14:16,693 Because the scandal of Christianity is not that Jesus is a savior 208 00:14:16,699 --> 00:14:19,823 or Jesus is a lord or Jesus is a prophet. 209 00:14:19,829 --> 00:14:26,335 The scandal of Christianity is that he is the Lord, the Savior, the Prophet. 210 00:14:26,341 --> 00:14:31,100 And anyone who contradicts Him is wrong. 211 00:14:31,106 --> 00:14:34,776 That is the scandal of Christianity. 212 00:14:34,782 --> 00:14:39,685 And those of you who may be Christian need to understand something. 213 00:14:39,691 --> 00:14:44,328 If you deny that scandal, if you try to weasel your way around it 214 00:14:44,334 --> 00:14:48,479 to make your faith more compatible and friendly, 215 00:14:48,485 --> 00:14:51,504 so that people like you more, 216 00:14:51,510 --> 00:14:54,644 you’ve denied Jesus Christ. 217 00:14:54,650 --> 00:14:57,868 He is not a savior. He’s the Savior. 218 00:14:57,874 --> 00:15:01,287 He did not say, “I am a way, a truth, and a life.” 219 00:15:01,293 --> 00:15:05,467 He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” 220 00:15:05,473 --> 00:15:07,294 And you must understand that. 221 00:15:07,300 --> 00:15:10,055 Now we don’t want to be mean, we don’t want to be mean-spirited, 222 00:15:10,061 --> 00:15:13,733 but listen, I see the erosion of Christianity all around us 223 00:15:13,739 --> 00:15:20,453 and that we keep compromising in order to be acceptable – to what? 224 00:15:20,459 --> 00:15:23,889 To a fallen world. 225 00:15:24,633 --> 00:15:28,658 Sometimes when I’m witnessing, especially in a university setting, 226 00:15:28,664 --> 00:15:31,473 I say, “Here I am, so help me God,” 227 00:15:31,479 --> 00:15:34,247 because I have to tell all you students this: 228 00:15:34,253 --> 00:15:42,200 “I do believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. 229 00:15:42,206 --> 00:15:45,448 And that there is no way to be reconciled to God except through him.” 230 00:15:45,454 --> 00:15:48,400 I believe that. 231 00:15:48,406 --> 00:15:50,381 And I must proclaim that to you. 232 00:15:50,387 --> 00:15:53,208 And it’s the same thing here today. 233 00:15:53,214 --> 00:15:55,615 I must tell you that. 234 00:15:55,621 --> 00:15:59,145 Or I would be defiling conscience, I would be lying. 235 00:15:59,151 --> 00:16:02,654 And I would be giving you an option that would make you happy 236 00:16:02,660 --> 00:16:04,726 but would damn your soul. 237 00:16:04,732 --> 00:16:10,459 Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of the world. 238 00:16:10,465 --> 00:16:15,049 He’s not just a prophet, he’s not just like others. 239 00:16:15,055 --> 00:16:19,629 It’s his uniqueness that brings about His exclusivity 240 00:16:19,635 --> 00:16:23,897 which brings about the scandal and the hatred of the world. 241 00:16:23,903 --> 00:16:27,589 Now, I was looking this morning in my office, 242 00:16:27,595 --> 00:16:31,387 and I just pulled up some things from a gospel book 243 00:16:31,393 --> 00:16:33,308 that I’ve been working on for a while, 244 00:16:33,314 --> 00:16:36,892 and I just want to give you some ideas of what I’m talking about. 245 00:16:36,898 --> 00:16:41,513 I want to quote a very, very prominent theologian that I greatly respect, 246 00:16:41,519 --> 00:16:45,391 Loraine Boettner, and this is what he said, 247 00:16:45,397 --> 00:16:47,298 and you’ve probably never thought of this before. 248 00:16:47,304 --> 00:16:54,071 But he refers to Jesus as the only expected person in all of history. 249 00:16:54,077 --> 00:16:55,606 And this is true. 250 00:16:55,612 --> 00:16:58,048 This is documented. 251 00:16:58,558 --> 00:17:04,226 In all the history of the world, Jesus emerges as the only expected person. 252 00:17:04,232 --> 00:17:08,214 No one was looking for such a person as Julius Caesar, or Napoleon, 253 00:17:08,220 --> 00:17:13,179 or Washington, or Lincoln to appear at the time and place that they did appear. 254 00:17:13,185 --> 00:17:18,512 No other person has had his course foretold or his work laid out for him 255 00:17:18,519 --> 00:17:20,834 centuries before he was born. 256 00:17:20,839 --> 00:17:24,724 But the coming of the Messiah had been predicted for centuries, 257 00:17:24,731 --> 00:17:28,203 in fact, the first promise of his coming was given to Adam and Eve 258 00:17:28,209 --> 00:17:30,101 soon after their fall into sin. 259 00:17:30,107 --> 00:17:34,028 As time went on, various details concerning his person and work 260 00:17:34,034 --> 00:17:36,367 were revealed through the prophets. 261 00:17:36,373 --> 00:17:38,440 And at the time Jesus was born, 262 00:17:38,446 --> 00:17:41,996 there was a general expectation throughout the Jewish world 263 00:17:42,002 --> 00:17:44,456 that the Messiah was soon to appear. 264 00:17:44,462 --> 00:17:48,253 Even the manner of his birth and the town in which it would occur 265 00:17:48,259 --> 00:17:51,046 have been clearly indicated. 266 00:17:51,052 --> 00:17:53,951 Now you can go back, and I have, through any religion in the world, 267 00:17:53,957 --> 00:17:58,261 any so-called founder, prophet, or whatever you want to get to, 268 00:17:58,267 --> 00:18:01,491 and you find that it’s simply not the case. 269 00:18:01,497 --> 00:18:05,386 No ancient documents, 270 00:18:05,392 --> 00:18:11,337 no multiplicity of prophecies indicating who he would be, 271 00:18:11,343 --> 00:18:13,677 where he would come from, what would be his lineage, 272 00:18:13,683 --> 00:18:15,963 what would he do, what would he teach. 273 00:18:15,969 --> 00:18:20,171 But all of these are found in the person of Christ. 274 00:18:20,177 --> 00:18:23,269 Let me read something to you from the historian Philip Schaff 275 00:18:23,275 --> 00:18:27,811 that I’ve always held dear. 276 00:18:27,817 --> 00:18:32,324 This is an amazing statement, I love this statement. 277 00:18:32,330 --> 00:18:35,165 Speaking of Jesus, he says: 278 00:18:35,171 --> 00:18:40,418 A character so original, so complete, so uniformly consistent, 279 00:18:40,424 --> 00:18:45,524 so perfect, so human, and yet so high above all human greatness, 280 00:18:45,530 --> 00:18:49,989 can be neither a fraud nor a fiction. 281 00:18:49,995 --> 00:18:52,696 The poet, as has been well said, 282 00:18:52,702 --> 00:18:55,538 would be in this case, greater than the hero. 283 00:18:55,544 --> 00:19:00,092 It would take more than a Jesus to invent a Jesus. 284 00:19:00,098 --> 00:19:04,501 That’s how great he is. 285 00:19:04,507 --> 00:19:08,111 Now let me share something else with you just before we go on. 286 00:19:08,117 --> 00:19:11,170 I want to lay out a few things for you and I don’t usually do this 287 00:19:11,176 --> 00:19:15,990 but I want to kind of go through a few small prophecies 288 00:19:15,996 --> 00:19:19,888 to indicate to you this very important point. 289 00:19:19,894 --> 00:19:22,696 And we often do this in a Jewish evangelism, 290 00:19:22,702 --> 00:19:27,189 I’ve done this over in Israel, and that is this: 291 00:19:27,195 --> 00:19:33,164 If Jesus of Nazareth is not the Messiah, 292 00:19:33,170 --> 00:19:38,555 then every promise in the Bible with regard to the Messiah has failed, 293 00:19:38,561 --> 00:19:42,498 because it can no longer be fulfilled. 294 00:19:42,504 --> 00:19:45,301 Let me just read a few things that I’ve gathered over the years. 295 00:19:45,307 --> 00:19:47,208 First of all, just listen to this: 296 00:19:47,214 --> 00:19:51,228 according to Genesis 49:10, “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, 297 00:19:51,234 --> 00:19:55,049 nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh,” 298 00:19:55,055 --> 00:19:58,470 a reference, ancient reference to the Messiah, 299 00:19:58,476 --> 00:20:00,344 “until [he] comes.” 300 00:20:00,350 --> 00:20:02,134 Now, what is it saying? 301 00:20:02,140 --> 00:20:05,663 “The scepter shall not depart from Judah,” – it shall not – 302 00:20:05,669 --> 00:20:09,222 Judah shall reign until Messiah comes. 303 00:20:09,228 --> 00:20:11,086 But here’s the promise. 304 00:20:11,092 --> 00:20:16,603 This promise, that a descendant of Judah would reign until the coming of the Messiah, 305 00:20:16,609 --> 00:20:19,812 in 70 A.D. the city of Jerusalem was destroyed, 306 00:20:19,818 --> 00:20:22,878 the political dominion and authority of the Jews was taken away, 307 00:20:22,884 --> 00:20:24,901 and the nation was scattered. 308 00:20:24,907 --> 00:20:29,863 For nearly two millennia, there has been no ruler from the tribe of Judah. 309 00:20:29,869 --> 00:20:35,312 If Jesus is not the Christ, then God’s promise in Genesis 49:10 has failed, 310 00:20:35,318 --> 00:20:39,015 for the time is past and it can no longer be fulfilled. 311 00:20:39,021 --> 00:20:41,497 It’s an absolute impossibility. 312 00:20:41,503 --> 00:20:45,044 Now according to Daniel chapter 9 verse 24 through 27, 313 00:20:45,050 --> 00:20:49,604 the city of Jerusalem was to be rebuilt 7 weeks of years, 314 00:20:49,610 --> 00:20:54,461 that’s 49 years, after the end of the captivity. 315 00:20:54,467 --> 00:20:59,441 And the Messiah would appear 62 weeks of years, that’s 434 years, 316 00:20:59,447 --> 00:21:01,964 after the rebuilding of Jerusalem. 317 00:21:01,970 --> 00:21:06,389 This prophecy coincides perfectly with the life of Jesus. 318 00:21:06,395 --> 00:21:11,178 If Jesus is not the Christ, then God’s promise in Daniel has failed 319 00:21:11,184 --> 00:21:14,101 because the time has passed, the days have run out, 320 00:21:14,107 --> 00:21:19,045 and there’s no longer any opportunity for it to ever happen again. 321 00:21:19,051 --> 00:21:24,373 Both Malachi chapter 3 and Haggai chapter 2 teach that the Messiah was to come 322 00:21:24,379 --> 00:21:27,218 while the second temple was still standing. 323 00:21:27,224 --> 00:21:30,024 The second temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. 324 00:21:30,030 --> 00:21:35,077 So if Jesus is not the Christ, the Messiah is never coming. 325 00:21:35,695 --> 00:21:38,536 The Messiah was to be a son or descendant of David. 326 00:21:38,542 --> 00:21:41,818 And he was to come at a time when the house of David was in low estate 327 00:21:41,824 --> 00:21:46,477 and held in contempt like a tree that had been cut off to its very roots. 328 00:21:46,483 --> 00:21:48,605 In Isaiah 11:1 the Scriptures declare: 329 00:21:48,611 --> 00:21:51,062 “Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, 330 00:21:51,091 --> 00:21:53,629 and a branch from his roots will bear fruit.” 331 00:21:53,635 --> 00:21:56,377 Jesus appeared as the Messiah at such a time. 332 00:21:56,383 --> 00:22:00,276 If he is not the Messiah, then the Scriptures cannot be fulfilled 333 00:22:00,282 --> 00:22:03,140 for even the root of Jesse now has been pulled up 334 00:22:03,146 --> 00:22:06,682 with the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. 335 00:22:06,688 --> 00:22:10,926 At that time when the temple was destroyed in 70 A.D., 336 00:22:10,932 --> 00:22:14,080 all genealogical evidences were destroyed 337 00:22:14,086 --> 00:22:19,259 and it would now be impossible to prove the Messiah’s lineage. 338 00:22:19,265 --> 00:22:23,223 According to Daniel 9:27, the Messiah would confirm the new covenant 339 00:22:23,229 --> 00:22:27,071 and put an end to the sacrificial system under the old covenant. 340 00:22:27,077 --> 00:22:32,852 The sacrificial system ended with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. 341 00:22:32,858 --> 00:22:35,666 If Jesus is not the Christ, 342 00:22:35,672 --> 00:22:40,133 then the sacrificial system has ended without the coming of the Messiah. 343 00:22:40,139 --> 00:22:42,701 And finally, according to the prophet Isaiah, 344 00:22:42,707 --> 00:22:49,728 the Messiah’s coming would be marked by an ingathering of the nations, or the Gentiles. 345 00:22:49,734 --> 00:22:51,734 For nearly two thousand years, 346 00:22:51,740 --> 00:22:57,465 a countless multitude of Gentiles from every nation on earth 347 00:22:57,471 --> 00:23:04,523 has identified themselves with the God of Israel through the so-called Messiah, 348 00:23:04,529 --> 00:23:07,219 just as the Scriptures predicted. 349 00:23:07,225 --> 00:23:09,926 Jesus is the Messiah. 350 00:23:09,932 --> 00:23:13,512 And the Messiah was not just a man. 351 00:23:13,518 --> 00:23:18,262 Even the ancient Jewish scribes held him to be more than a man, 352 00:23:18,268 --> 00:23:22,412 that when he came, the Son of David would be greater than David 353 00:23:22,418 --> 00:23:26,895 and that he would be Lord of David. 354 00:23:26,901 --> 00:23:28,473 That he would be divine. 355 00:23:28,479 --> 00:23:33,369 That he would be God that became man, and that’s exactly what happened. 356 00:23:33,374 --> 00:23:38,517 Now, what do the people say about Jesus? 357 00:23:38,523 --> 00:23:40,958 That doesn’t really matter. 358 00:23:40,964 --> 00:23:45,409 What do you say about Jesus? 359 00:23:45,415 --> 00:23:47,387 You personally. 360 00:23:47,388 --> 00:23:50,909 What do you say about Jesus? 361 00:23:50,915 --> 00:23:54,391 And if you’re not a Christian, I hope that these words will haunt you, 362 00:23:54,397 --> 00:23:59,022 and haunt you, and haunt you until you answer. 363 00:23:59,028 --> 00:24:00,155 But I will warn you, 364 00:24:00,161 --> 00:24:04,666 Jesus in his own teachings does say that when you hear something like this, 365 00:24:04,672 --> 00:24:09,743 there is a character in the Bible that happens to be real and personal – 366 00:24:09,749 --> 00:24:11,955 he’s called Satan – 367 00:24:11,961 --> 00:24:15,624 and that when someone hears something like this and doesn’t pay attention to it, 368 00:24:15,630 --> 00:24:17,398 but seeks to dismiss it, 369 00:24:17,404 --> 00:24:20,579 then Satan himself comes by and snatches it out of their heart, 370 00:24:20,585 --> 00:24:23,354 so that they do not think of it again. 371 00:24:23,360 --> 00:24:27,291 That’s why Jesus said be very careful of the things that you are listening to. 372 00:24:27,297 --> 00:24:30,667 Because “…to whom much is given, much is required.” 373 00:24:30,673 --> 00:24:36,177 Who do you say that this Jesus is? 374 00:24:36,183 --> 00:24:39,666 Now, here’s something else that I want you to see that is very important. 375 00:24:39,672 --> 00:24:42,098 Look in verse 16: 376 00:24:42,104 --> 00:24:48,114 “Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ 377 00:24:48,120 --> 00:24:51,821 And Jesus said to him, ‘Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, 378 00:24:51,827 --> 00:24:54,811 because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, 379 00:24:54,818 --> 00:24:56,545 but My Father who is in heaven.’” (Matthew 16:16) 380 00:24:56,551 --> 00:25:01,446 Now, I’ve sat here, well, stood here, for the last twenty minutes 381 00:25:01,452 --> 00:25:07,610 and spoke about the Messiah, spoke about Jesus, given you certain evidences, 382 00:25:07,616 --> 00:25:10,166 and although that is all helpful, 383 00:25:10,172 --> 00:25:16,032 what you need to understand is that to truly believe in Jesus Christ, 384 00:25:16,038 --> 00:25:22,403 as Lord and Savior in a saving way, it is a work of God the Father. 385 00:25:22,409 --> 00:25:24,738 That’s what he tells Peter here, this apostle: 386 00:25:24,744 --> 00:25:27,724 “Peter, you didn’t think this up, you just weren’t convinced; 387 00:25:27,730 --> 00:25:29,403 this is something supernatural. 388 00:25:29,409 --> 00:25:33,074 God opened up your heart and he revealed this to you, Peter.” 389 00:25:33,080 --> 00:25:35,311 Now, here’s what I want to ask you. 390 00:25:35,317 --> 00:25:37,707 How can you know? 391 00:25:37,713 --> 00:25:41,160 If you’re in agreement with me right now in everything I’ve said, 392 00:25:41,166 --> 00:25:45,475 how can you know? 393 00:25:45,481 --> 00:25:51,195 How can you know that that affects you in any way? 394 00:25:51,201 --> 00:25:54,017 If I walked out on the streets and gave an interview, 395 00:25:54,023 --> 00:25:57,350 I’d find all kinds of people say, “Yeah, yeah, I believe he’s the Son of God. 396 00:25:57,356 --> 00:26:00,407 I believe he’s the Son of God. Yeah.” 397 00:26:00,413 --> 00:26:05,713 But then if I looked at their life, would I see any evidence whatsoever 398 00:26:05,719 --> 00:26:07,713 that they actually believe this stuff? 399 00:26:07,719 --> 00:26:10,079 I want you to think about it. 400 00:26:10,085 --> 00:26:14,126 There are people here today in our world 401 00:26:14,132 --> 00:26:18,325 who would acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Messiah, 402 00:26:18,331 --> 00:26:21,669 and yet when they die they will stand before God, will be judged, 403 00:26:21,675 --> 00:26:23,343 and will not enter into heaven 404 00:26:23,349 --> 00:26:27,396 but be condemned to separation from God throughout eternity, 405 00:26:27,402 --> 00:26:29,490 even though with their mouth they have said, 406 00:26:29,496 --> 00:26:35,898 “I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of the world.” 407 00:26:35,904 --> 00:26:38,126 Because they really didn’t. 408 00:26:38,132 --> 00:26:41,196 It was just something they were taught. 409 00:26:41,202 --> 00:26:44,264 They learned it from their mom or their dad, or their grandmother, 410 00:26:44,270 --> 00:26:46,374 or they became intellectually convinced 411 00:26:46,380 --> 00:26:49,969 but they never truly did believe. 412 00:26:49,975 --> 00:26:52,866 They never came to a point where they meditated upon this, 413 00:26:52,872 --> 00:26:56,227 they thought upon it, they held onto it, they fought with it 414 00:26:56,233 --> 00:26:59,914 until they come to the realization that this is true, 415 00:26:59,920 --> 00:27:02,424 and because of that, their life was never impacted 416 00:27:02,430 --> 00:27:04,515 and their religion was always external. 417 00:27:04,521 --> 00:27:07,599 It was always just something that, “Well, I go to mass,” 418 00:27:07,605 --> 00:27:10,174 or, “I go to the Lord’s supper,” like we’re going to have next week, 419 00:27:10,180 --> 00:27:10,827 or, “I do this," 420 00:27:10,833 --> 00:27:11,607 or “I go to church," 421 00:27:11,613 --> 00:27:12,577 or “I sing in the choir," 422 00:27:12,583 --> 00:27:13,082 or “I do this," 423 00:27:13,088 --> 00:27:16,160 but when you look at the inside of their life, 424 00:27:16,166 --> 00:27:18,271 there is no genuine love for Christ, 425 00:27:18,277 --> 00:27:20,329 and their lives are not transformed by him. 426 00:27:20,335 --> 00:27:24,360 He is not the center of their lives. 427 00:27:24,366 --> 00:27:26,824 He is not in their thoughts. 428 00:27:26,830 --> 00:27:32,971 He is part of a religion they have adopted or inherited. 429 00:27:32,977 --> 00:27:36,014 But there’s no transformation. 430 00:27:36,020 --> 00:27:41,587 There’s no living according to the greatest truth that’s ever been given. 431 00:27:41,593 --> 00:27:46,952 I was at a school one time and after the classes I was sitting down in the café 432 00:27:46,958 --> 00:27:48,025 minding my own business, 433 00:27:48,031 --> 00:27:53,581 and these two people came over and started a discussion with me, 434 00:27:53,587 --> 00:27:59,345 something of an aggressive discussion with regard to the things about Christ, 435 00:27:59,351 --> 00:28:02,419 and as I talked to this one fellow, 436 00:28:02,425 --> 00:28:06,435 finally this girl, I think she was trying to gain some points in the argument, 437 00:28:06,441 --> 00:28:12,834 she says, “Well, I do believe in God, I’m not like my brother.” 438 00:28:12,840 --> 00:28:14,600 And I said, “What’s your brother like?” 439 00:28:14,606 --> 00:28:17,547 She said, "Well, he’s an atheist.” 440 00:28:17,553 --> 00:28:19,620 “Really, and how does he live?” 441 00:28:19,626 --> 00:28:21,889 “Horribly!” 442 00:28:21,895 --> 00:28:23,644 I said, “Well, to be honest with you, 443 00:28:23,650 --> 00:28:28,348 I have a lot more respect for your brother than I do for you.” 444 00:28:28,354 --> 00:28:29,822 And she said, “How can you say that?” 445 00:28:29,828 --> 00:28:32,759 I said, “Rationally, I have to say it. 446 00:28:32,765 --> 00:28:36,131 Your brother claims there is no God, 447 00:28:36,137 --> 00:28:44,901 and he lives like a man who believes there is no God. 448 00:28:44,907 --> 00:28:50,356 You tell me there is a God, but you do not seek to know His will, 449 00:28:50,362 --> 00:28:52,695 you do not seek to know His commands, 450 00:28:52,701 --> 00:28:56,535 you do not seek to order your life according to Him.” 451 00:28:56,541 --> 00:28:58,474 Do you see the inconsistency? 452 00:28:58,480 --> 00:29:02,804 They’re both wrong but at least one is more logical. 453 00:29:02,810 --> 00:29:07,293 He’s being consistent to the false thing he believes. 454 00:29:07,299 --> 00:29:11,791 The question is this: are you and I consistent? 455 00:29:11,797 --> 00:29:15,495 Do we truly believe? 456 00:29:15,501 --> 00:29:17,808 And then I want to end with this. 457 00:29:17,814 --> 00:29:20,483 We have to be very, very careful here. 458 00:29:20,489 --> 00:29:23,187 Because if I were to stop this sermon right now, 459 00:29:23,193 --> 00:29:29,852 you might think that Christianity is simply a moralistic, ethical religion. 460 00:29:29,866 --> 00:29:34,226 That, “Well, I acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah, 461 00:29:34,232 --> 00:29:37,774 and therefore, I’m going to get a Bible and I’m going to read His commands 462 00:29:37,779 --> 00:29:39,838 and I’m going to seek to follow Him.” 463 00:29:39,845 --> 00:29:43,404 Now remember what I told you earlier, 464 00:29:43,410 --> 00:29:48,809 that Jesus is a prophet, but not just a prophet, but the Prophet, 465 00:29:48,815 --> 00:29:51,988 and he’s not only the Prophet, he’s more than a prophet. 466 00:29:51,994 --> 00:29:55,349 And what am I trying to say? 467 00:29:55,355 --> 00:30:02,492 Christianity is not about you buying the rule book 468 00:30:02,498 --> 00:30:04,966 and then trying to follow the rules. 469 00:30:04,972 --> 00:30:07,765 That is not Christianity. 470 00:30:07,771 --> 00:30:14,469 That is a legalism and it is deadly; it is self-righteous, and it’s wrong. 471 00:30:14,475 --> 00:30:20,173 And it shows that you’re blind to everything about God and yourself. 472 00:30:20,179 --> 00:30:21,811 You see, let’s look. 473 00:30:21,817 --> 00:30:23,386 Jesus says this: 474 00:30:23,392 --> 00:30:28,013 If you turn over with me in chapter 16, 475 00:30:28,019 --> 00:30:35,076 after Peter makes this declaration that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah – 476 00:30:35,082 --> 00:30:38,665 what he was saying was true, but Peter himself didn’t understand it. 477 00:30:38,671 --> 00:30:44,074 He said, “Yes, you’re the Messiah, you’re the Son of God.” 478 00:30:44,080 --> 00:30:49,543 You believe that, you do well, but what does it mean? 479 00:30:49,549 --> 00:30:51,652 Is it your kind of Jesus? 480 00:30:51,658 --> 00:30:54,734 Jesus defined by you. 481 00:30:54,740 --> 00:30:57,870 Or is it the Jesus defined by himself? 482 00:30:57,876 --> 00:31:03,857 And look what he says. (Matthew 16,) Verse 21: 483 00:31:03,863 --> 00:31:07,923 “From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, 484 00:31:07,929 --> 00:31:11,608 and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, 485 00:31:11,614 --> 00:31:14,487 and be killed, and be raised up on the third day.” 486 00:31:14,493 --> 00:31:17,936 So we’re talking about something more here than a prophet. 487 00:31:17,942 --> 00:31:20,932 We’re talking about a Redeemer. 488 00:31:20,938 --> 00:31:22,802 Because let me share with you something. 489 00:31:22,808 --> 00:31:27,945 If this day you believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God, 490 00:31:27,951 --> 00:31:31,142 this very day, and you go out and buy yourself a Bible 491 00:31:31,148 --> 00:31:35,358 and if you could, from this very day, 492 00:31:35,364 --> 00:31:40,648 you obeyed every command internally and externally, 493 00:31:40,654 --> 00:31:43,254 every disposition of yours was perfect, 494 00:31:43,260 --> 00:31:46,878 every word, every attitude, every thought was sinless, 495 00:31:46,884 --> 00:31:49,711 from this very day until judgment, 496 00:31:49,717 --> 00:31:54,005 you would still stand condemned before God. 497 00:31:54,011 --> 00:31:56,492 Why? 498 00:31:56,498 --> 00:32:00,716 Well, if I’m driving down the road and a policeman pulls me over 499 00:32:00,722 --> 00:32:05,395 and he says, “You were going 70 in a 55 MPH zone.” 500 00:32:05,401 --> 00:32:07,201 I say, “Well, don’t write me a ticket.” 501 00:32:07,207 --> 00:32:07,683 “Why?” 502 00:32:07,689 --> 00:32:11,943 “Because from now on I’ll never do it again.” 503 00:32:11,949 --> 00:32:14,602 You see, you’re already guilty. 504 00:32:14,608 --> 00:32:16,306 You’re already guilty. 505 00:32:16,312 --> 00:32:18,189 There were two men broke down on the side of the road, 506 00:32:18,195 --> 00:32:19,514 that’s why I got here late today. 507 00:32:19,520 --> 00:32:23,682 I pulled over to see if I could help them, and we were able to share Christ with them. 508 00:32:23,688 --> 00:32:26,946 They were two pretty rough looking characters, 509 00:32:26,952 --> 00:32:32,144 and I looked at them and I said, “You want to know something? I’m a criminal. 510 00:32:32,150 --> 00:32:37,801 And if I died right now – even being a pastor, being a preacher, 511 00:32:37,807 --> 00:32:40,017 helping orphans, and everything else we do – 512 00:32:40,022 --> 00:32:43,383 If I died right now, based on that, I’d go to hell. 513 00:32:43,389 --> 00:32:45,847 Do you understand me?” 514 00:32:45,853 --> 00:32:49,671 I said, “My only hope is the only hope you two men have, 515 00:32:49,677 --> 00:32:54,131 and that is that Jesus Christ died for sinners. 516 00:32:54,137 --> 00:32:57,299 My hope is not my ability to follow him, 517 00:32:57,305 --> 00:32:59,732 my hope is not my church attendance, 518 00:32:59,738 --> 00:33:03,016 my hope is none of that. 519 00:33:03,022 --> 00:33:08,721 My hope is that Jesus Christ died for sinners.” 520 00:33:08,727 --> 00:33:10,686 And that’s what Peter and they had to understand. 521 00:33:10,692 --> 00:33:13,887 They thought, well, he’s the Messiah, the King, he’s going to reign now, 522 00:33:13,893 --> 00:33:15,501 and we’re all going to follow Him. 523 00:33:15,507 --> 00:33:18,686 The problem is Peter, you’re an enemy of God. 524 00:33:18,692 --> 00:33:22,846 The problem is, John and Paul and every other apostle 525 00:33:22,852 --> 00:33:25,906 and every other person including everyone in this room, 526 00:33:25,912 --> 00:33:35,510 you have broken every law God has ever written and you are an enemy of God. 527 00:33:35,516 --> 00:33:38,427 You say, well, I’m not that bad, really. 528 00:33:38,433 --> 00:33:42,746 If I could take out your heart right now and put it on a DVD, 529 00:33:42,752 --> 00:33:47,063 and I could show up here on a screen everything you’ve ever thought, 530 00:33:47,069 --> 00:33:49,722 even some of the things you’re thinking now about me, 531 00:33:49,728 --> 00:33:52,562 you would run out of this place, 532 00:33:52,568 --> 00:33:55,645 you would run out of this place and you’d never show your face here again 533 00:33:55,651 --> 00:33:57,846 because you’ve thought things so dark and so twisted 534 00:33:57,852 --> 00:34:00,015 you could not share them with your closest friend 535 00:34:00,021 --> 00:34:05,620 and yet the God who is holy, holy, holy, sees them all. 536 00:34:05,626 --> 00:34:09,411 What do we have to be to go to heaven? 537 00:34:09,418 --> 00:34:12,023 I had someone ask me that one time on an airplane. 538 00:34:12,029 --> 00:34:14,121 I was reading my Bible, and he said, “What you got there?” 539 00:34:14,127 --> 00:34:15,438 I said, “I got a Bible.” 540 00:34:15,444 --> 00:34:19,178 We started talking, and he said, “Well, what do I gotta do to go to heaven?” 541 00:34:19,184 --> 00:34:21,360 I looked at him, I said, “Well, that’s easy. 542 00:34:21,366 --> 00:34:23,743 You just have to be absolutely, morally prefect 543 00:34:23,748 --> 00:34:25,847 from the time of your birth to the time of your death.” 544 00:34:25,853 --> 00:34:28,721 And I went back to reading my Bible. 545 00:34:28,726 --> 00:34:32,670 And I could see his face twisting up sort of, 546 00:34:32,676 --> 00:34:34,679 and then, finally he looked at me and he goes, 547 00:34:34,686 --> 00:34:37,223 “Hey – what?” 548 00:34:37,228 --> 00:34:38,391 And I said, “Oh, I’m sorry, 549 00:34:38,397 --> 00:34:43,228 you have to absolutely ethically, morally pristine, without any flaw, 550 00:34:43,235 --> 00:34:47,032 without any shadow, without any error in thought, word, or deed, 551 00:34:47,038 --> 00:34:49,284 before a holy God who is thrice holy, 552 00:34:49,290 --> 00:34:54,871 you have to be like that from the moment of your birth to the moment of your death. OK?” 553 00:34:54,878 --> 00:34:57,424 And he looked at me and he goes, 554 00:34:57,430 --> 00:34:59,119 “Nobody could do that!” 555 00:34:59,125 --> 00:35:02,257 I said, “You got a big problem, don’t you?” 556 00:35:02,263 --> 00:35:05,096 You see I wasn’t trying to frustrate the man, I was trying to prove a point, 557 00:35:05,102 --> 00:35:06,625 the same one I’m trying to prove to you. 558 00:35:06,631 --> 00:35:11,078 There are a lot of people who think that they and Jesus working together 559 00:35:11,084 --> 00:35:13,475 are going to get themselves to heaven. 560 00:35:13,481 --> 00:35:15,807 You’re mistaken. 561 00:35:15,813 --> 00:35:23,088 If I took your best thought, your best word, and your best deed, 562 00:35:23,094 --> 00:35:27,180 and sent you before God with only those to be judged by, 563 00:35:27,186 --> 00:35:29,588 you would be condemned. 564 00:35:29,594 --> 00:35:30,635 Let me just give you an example. 565 00:35:30,641 --> 00:35:33,156 You say, “Well, I’m not a murderer, I’m not a prostitute.” 566 00:35:33,162 --> 00:35:35,715 What is the greatest sin? 567 00:35:35,721 --> 00:35:37,084 Well, what’s the greatest command? 568 00:35:37,090 --> 00:35:39,534 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. 569 00:35:39,540 --> 00:35:43,321 Do you realize you’ve never done that, not one second, in any day of your life? 570 00:35:43,327 --> 00:35:45,969 You and I have never loved the Lord our God 571 00:35:45,975 --> 00:35:47,968 with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. 572 00:35:47,974 --> 00:35:50,437 We are so full of self. 573 00:35:50,443 --> 00:35:55,815 That’s why we have more mirrors than Bibles in our house. 574 00:35:56,530 --> 00:36:00,743 And that’s why mirrors are always hung up and Bibles are closed. 575 00:36:00,749 --> 00:36:03,117 We’re all about self. 576 00:36:03,123 --> 00:36:07,913 And God is holy. God is holy. 577 00:36:07,919 --> 00:36:09,827 Now that’s good news and that’s bad news. 578 00:36:09,833 --> 00:36:10,930 Why is it good? 579 00:36:10,936 --> 00:36:15,345 Because you wouldn’t want an omnipotent Creator and Lord of the universe 580 00:36:15,351 --> 00:36:17,898 having the character of a Hitler, would you? 581 00:36:17,904 --> 00:36:20,110 You’d want a holy and righteous God, you would, 582 00:36:20,116 --> 00:36:23,301 that’s comforting to know that God is holy and righteous. 583 00:36:23,307 --> 00:36:27,908 But it’s also, to the thinking man and woman, it’s very discomforting. 584 00:36:27,914 --> 00:36:32,438 Why is it discomforting? 585 00:36:32,444 --> 00:36:36,037 Why is it discomforting that he’s holy and righteous? 586 00:36:36,043 --> 00:36:39,482 Because you’re not. 587 00:36:39,488 --> 00:36:45,182 So now what does a holy and righteous God do with someone like you? And me? 588 00:36:45,188 --> 00:36:47,112 What does he do? 589 00:36:47,118 --> 00:36:50,127 Now, I’m going to give you the heart of Christianity. 590 00:36:50,133 --> 00:36:54,303 Now when I say that I realize I’m kind of old, I’m fifty-three, 591 00:36:54,309 --> 00:36:57,572 but I haven’t been alive for a millennium. 592 00:36:57,578 --> 00:37:01,345 And all the wisdom of the world wasn’t born in me nor shall it die in me, 593 00:37:01,351 --> 00:37:03,250 so how do I come about telling you 594 00:37:03,256 --> 00:37:05,801 I’m going to give you the very heart of what Christianity is? 595 00:37:05,807 --> 00:37:06,675 Well, for two reasons. 596 00:37:06,681 --> 00:37:09,131 One, it’s in the Bible, but I can misinterpret the Bible, 597 00:37:09,137 --> 00:37:10,505 even though the Bible is infallible, 598 00:37:10,511 --> 00:37:13,089 so how do I know I’m giving you the heart of Christianity? 599 00:37:13,095 --> 00:37:15,982 Well, when you look down through 2,000 years of Christian history 600 00:37:15,988 --> 00:37:21,246 this is what you see by those men and women who loved the Bible 601 00:37:21,252 --> 00:37:23,534 and studied it and believed it. 602 00:37:23,540 --> 00:37:28,570 I’m going to give you the hardest, greatest problem in all of Scripture. 603 00:37:28,576 --> 00:37:31,028 This is it. 604 00:37:31,034 --> 00:37:33,337 If you’ve been here in this church you’ve heard it a million times 605 00:37:33,343 --> 00:37:34,327 but some of you haven’t, 606 00:37:34,333 --> 00:37:38,518 so the people in this church are going to hear it a million and one now. 607 00:37:38,524 --> 00:37:41,463 This is the greatest problem in the Bible: 608 00:37:41,469 --> 00:37:47,201 if God is good, he can’t forgive you. 609 00:37:47,207 --> 00:37:52,752 If God is righteous and holy, he cannot forgive you. 610 00:37:52,758 --> 00:37:56,194 And you say, “What?” 611 00:37:56,200 --> 00:37:59,319 That’s it, really. 612 00:37:59,325 --> 00:38:02,296 The greatest problem in all of Scripture. 613 00:38:02,302 --> 00:38:04,878 We see it in Exodus, we see it in Psalms, 614 00:38:04,884 --> 00:38:06,264 and we even see it in the book of Proverbs. 615 00:38:06,270 --> 00:38:09,360 We see Paul dealing with it in Romans chapter three. 616 00:38:09,366 --> 00:38:12,116 And it’s this problem: if God is just, 617 00:38:12,122 --> 00:38:18,833 how can he just simply, as he says, just turn his back to your sin, 618 00:38:18,839 --> 00:38:20,681 how can he cover your sin, 619 00:38:20,687 --> 00:38:25,084 how can he cast your sin away from you as far as the east is from the west? 620 00:38:25,090 --> 00:38:31,652 Literally, in the book of Psalms and again, in Romans 4, it’s he covers it. 621 00:38:31,658 --> 00:38:35,980 What do we think about a judge who sweeps crimes under the rug? 622 00:38:35,986 --> 00:38:37,495 Do we call him righteous? 623 00:38:37,501 --> 00:38:38,654 No, we don’t, do we? 624 00:38:38,660 --> 00:38:40,273 We call him corrupt. 625 00:38:40,279 --> 00:38:43,479 Is he maintaining righteousness? Absolutely not. 626 00:38:43,485 --> 00:38:46,876 He’s defaming righteousness. 627 00:38:46,882 --> 00:38:49,449 You see therein lies the great problem in the Bible. 628 00:38:49,455 --> 00:38:51,443 God is righteous. 629 00:38:51,449 --> 00:38:55,590 And because he is righteous and because he is holy, and guess what? 630 00:38:55,596 --> 00:38:58,676 Because he is love, he hates. 631 00:38:58,682 --> 00:39:01,470 He hates evil. 632 00:39:01,476 --> 00:39:04,255 Some people say, “Well, God is love and therefore he doesn’t hate.” 633 00:39:04,261 --> 00:39:08,714 No, God is love and therefore he must hate. 634 00:39:08,720 --> 00:39:11,263 He hates evil. 635 00:39:11,269 --> 00:39:13,602 He can’t just turn his back on evil 636 00:39:13,608 --> 00:39:18,858 and he can’t just turn his back on your evil, or my evil, or anyone else’s evil. 637 00:39:18,864 --> 00:39:22,821 God is a righteous judge. 638 00:39:22,827 --> 00:39:26,177 And shall not the God of all the earth do right? 639 00:39:26,183 --> 00:39:28,223 So the great question in the Bible is: 640 00:39:28,229 --> 00:39:35,435 how can God be just and yet simply forgive wicked men? 641 00:39:35,441 --> 00:39:38,153 How can he do it? 642 00:39:38,668 --> 00:39:42,452 The answer is in the person of Jesus Christ. 643 00:39:42,458 --> 00:39:46,206 And this is what so many people do not understand about the cross. 644 00:39:46,212 --> 00:39:50,233 God in his righteousness condemns man; every man, everyone here, 645 00:39:50,239 --> 00:39:54,559 everyone who’s ever walked the planet since Adam, condemned in our sin. 646 00:39:54,565 --> 00:39:56,815 And all the religion, all the church going, 647 00:39:56,821 --> 00:39:58,900 everything else you mind want to add to it, 648 00:39:58,906 --> 00:40:03,688 it’s not going to help you one bit. 649 00:40:03,694 --> 00:40:04,886 You’re condemned. 650 00:40:04,892 --> 00:40:08,768 To be in heaven you must be perfect; have perfect righteousness, 651 00:40:08,774 --> 00:40:11,092 and none of us have that. 652 00:40:11,098 --> 00:40:13,034 And God cannot do it any other way. 653 00:40:13,040 --> 00:40:20,802 Because he is righteous he cannot sweep your sin in a basket or under a rug. 654 00:40:20,808 --> 00:40:25,921 So God in his righteousness condemns you, and me, and all of humanity. 655 00:40:25,927 --> 00:40:28,663 And then God in his love becomes a man 656 00:40:28,669 --> 00:40:32,553 and he lives the life you could not live, that I could not live. 657 00:40:32,559 --> 00:40:36,332 Not only is he avoiding sin, 658 00:40:36,338 --> 00:40:41,177 but at the same time, he is living a life of perfect righteousness. 659 00:40:41,183 --> 00:40:45,160 Not only avoiding the negative, but always doing the positive. 660 00:40:45,166 --> 00:40:47,636 A perfect righteous life. 661 00:40:47,642 --> 00:40:51,207 And then that Son of God, he goes to Calvary. 662 00:40:51,213 --> 00:40:54,315 And on Calvary, he dies. 663 00:40:54,321 --> 00:40:56,364 But now here’s the problem. 664 00:40:56,370 --> 00:41:00,070 When you hear all those Easter sermons, mainly what do you hear? 665 00:41:00,076 --> 00:41:04,820 You hear about the Romans, you know, nailing him to a tree, 666 00:41:04,826 --> 00:41:07,447 and beating him and stabbing him with a lance, 667 00:41:07,453 --> 00:41:10,876 and you hear about all the things the Romans did to Jesus, 668 00:41:10,882 --> 00:41:11,854 and it killed him. 669 00:41:11,860 --> 00:41:13,841 And when you hear that kind of preaching, 670 00:41:13,847 --> 00:41:18,475 that kind of preaching is totally missing the point. 671 00:41:18,481 --> 00:41:24,039 We are not saved from our sins because the Romans beat up Jesus and killed him. 672 00:41:24,045 --> 00:41:27,749 We are saved from our sins because when he was on the tree, 673 00:41:27,755 --> 00:41:31,571 all of your sin was imputed to him, 674 00:41:31,577 --> 00:41:36,467 and then God in heaven turned away from his only Son, 675 00:41:36,473 --> 00:41:40,242 not because he lacked the moral fortitude to see him suffer, no, 676 00:41:40,248 --> 00:41:46,149 he turned away from his only Son because his only Son became sin. 677 00:41:46,155 --> 00:41:49,725 And the separation from God that you should experience 678 00:41:49,731 --> 00:41:51,959 and I should experience throughout all of eternity, 679 00:41:51,965 --> 00:41:55,293 the Son of God experienced on that tree. 680 00:41:55,299 --> 00:41:59,870 And then there was not just the negative withdrawal of God’s presence from Christ 681 00:41:59,876 --> 00:42:02,455 so that he cried out, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” 682 00:42:02,461 --> 00:42:05,222 “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34) 683 00:42:05,228 --> 00:42:10,574 But then, all the full force of God’s wrath, 684 00:42:10,580 --> 00:42:17,741 of his holy hatred against you, and your crimes, and me, and my crimes, 685 00:42:17,747 --> 00:42:21,887 that as a holy God, he must pour out, 686 00:42:21,893 --> 00:42:25,173 he poured out on his own Son. 687 00:42:25,179 --> 00:42:31,220 As the prophet in Isaiah 53:10 says, “And it pleased the Lord…” – 688 00:42:31,226 --> 00:42:37,499 the four consonant YHWH – “it pleased YHWH to crush the Messiah.” 689 00:42:37,505 --> 00:42:40,279 To crush him! Under the full force of his wrath. 690 00:42:40,285 --> 00:42:42,172 You know, many of you have read the Bible, 691 00:42:42,178 --> 00:42:45,503 he’s in the garden, and he cries out, “Let this cup pass from me… 692 00:42:45,509 --> 00:42:48,253 let this cup pass from me…let this cup pass from me.” (Matt 26:39-44) 693 00:42:48,259 --> 00:42:49,810 Three times. 694 00:42:49,816 --> 00:42:55,873 Do you honestly think that our Savior was afraid of a Roman lance? 695 00:42:55,879 --> 00:42:59,921 How is it that so many people think that when Jesus is looking at this cup, 696 00:42:59,927 --> 00:43:02,776 he is thinking, you know, about the cross, 697 00:43:02,782 --> 00:43:05,549 and the beatings, and everything else, 698 00:43:05,555 --> 00:43:09,206 and it causes him to sweat drops of blood. Really? 699 00:43:09,212 --> 00:43:15,074 How is it then, count the apostles, all but John, and countless martyrs, 700 00:43:15,080 --> 00:43:20,367 went to the cross, and church history tells us they were singing hymns? 701 00:43:20,373 --> 00:43:24,237 They were full of joy at being crucified like their Lord. 702 00:43:24,243 --> 00:43:28,232 So how is it that they had more boldness than their Savior? 703 00:43:28,238 --> 00:43:34,944 Jesus was not sweating drops of blood in the garden simply because of a Roman cross. 704 00:43:34,950 --> 00:43:40,082 It was because he had always dwelt in the bosom of the Father, 705 00:43:40,088 --> 00:43:42,569 perfect delight between one another. 706 00:43:42,575 --> 00:43:46,595 He had always been the beloved Son in whom the Father was well pleased. 707 00:43:46,601 --> 00:43:53,121 And on that tree, the Father withdrew his presence from his Son as he should from us, 708 00:43:53,127 --> 00:43:57,580 and then his Father crushed his Son. 709 00:43:57,586 --> 00:43:59,932 That’s what was in the cup. 710 00:43:59,938 --> 00:44:05,181 The wrath of Almighty God against every sin we’ve committed. 711 00:44:05,187 --> 00:44:09,909 And he drank it down, and when he cried out, “It is finished!” (John 19:30) 712 00:44:09,915 --> 00:44:13,965 he turned the cup over and not one drop came out. 713 00:44:13,971 --> 00:44:16,459 He drank it all. 714 00:44:16,464 --> 00:44:20,874 Paid in full. 715 00:44:21,242 --> 00:44:23,382 And he died. 716 00:44:23,388 --> 00:44:26,665 And on the third day, he was raised. 717 00:44:26,671 --> 00:44:29,587 By his own power, by the Spirit’s power, 718 00:44:29,593 --> 00:44:32,462 and by the power of the Father he was raised. 719 00:44:32,468 --> 00:44:38,691 And Romans tells us that that is God’s sign, that is God’s vindication of his Son 720 00:44:38,697 --> 00:44:44,473 and proof that that death he died on Calvary was sufficient to pay for all your sins. 721 00:44:44,479 --> 00:44:48,331 So what does it mean to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God? 722 00:44:48,337 --> 00:44:53,117 It’s not just, “I love his teachings and I follow him.” 723 00:44:53,123 --> 00:44:56,689 It is this: 724 00:44:56,694 --> 00:44:58,777 I have nothing. 725 00:44:58,783 --> 00:45:01,010 I have no righteousness. 726 00:45:01,016 --> 00:45:06,838 I have no hope except what God did for me on Calvary 727 00:45:06,844 --> 00:45:09,928 and in the resurrection of Christ from the dead. 728 00:45:09,934 --> 00:45:14,283 That is my hope. 729 00:45:14,609 --> 00:45:24,716 If I stood in the midst of the most horribly, wicked people in a massive den of iniquity, 730 00:45:24,722 --> 00:45:29,743 and I stood there, I was transposed there right now, translated to that place, 731 00:45:29,749 --> 00:45:35,433 the only thing that separates me in the eyes of God from them 732 00:45:35,439 --> 00:45:37,212 is the cross of Calvary. 733 00:45:37,218 --> 00:45:40,151 Where Jesus Christ died for my sins. 734 00:45:40,157 --> 00:45:41,608 That’s it. 735 00:45:41,614 --> 00:45:44,114 And I want to tell you something. 736 00:45:44,120 --> 00:45:48,021 If you add any of your supposed virtue to that, 737 00:45:48,027 --> 00:45:52,780 you do not believe in the Son of God. 738 00:45:54,010 --> 00:45:58,293 I hear so many people tell me, “Yeah, I’m a Christian.” 739 00:45:58,299 --> 00:45:59,573 “Are you believing in Jesus?” 740 00:45:59,579 --> 00:46:00,618 “Yes, I am.” 741 00:46:00,624 --> 00:46:02,829 “Well, if you died right now, where would you go?” 742 00:46:02,835 --> 00:46:05,831 “Well, ah, I think I’d go to heaven.” 743 00:46:05,837 --> 00:46:06,410 “Why?” 744 00:46:06,416 --> 00:46:10,834 “Well, I’ve been good. I’ve been a good person.” 745 00:46:10,840 --> 00:46:15,510 Do you see the disconnect? 746 00:46:15,516 --> 00:46:19,892 What?! What?! 747 00:46:19,898 --> 00:46:26,161 You’ve been a good person? Really? Really? 748 00:46:26,167 --> 00:46:29,052 Good enough to take any one of those thoughts and stand before God 749 00:46:29,058 --> 00:46:32,754 and risk all of eternity on it? 750 00:46:33,806 --> 00:46:37,779 Well, some people will say (and they said this in Romans 5 and Romans 6, 751 00:46:37,785 --> 00:46:39,588 that was what Paul was answering to), 752 00:46:39,594 --> 00:46:44,732 “Well, if you’re saying that it’s just faith in Jesus and not our works, 753 00:46:44,738 --> 00:46:49,398 then people will just believe in Jesus and then live like the devil 754 00:46:49,404 --> 00:46:50,372 and they’re going to heaven?” 755 00:46:50,386 --> 00:46:51,227 Absolutely not. 756 00:46:51,233 --> 00:46:54,029 You see there’s two doctrines in the Bible you need to understand. 757 00:46:54,035 --> 00:46:56,102 The first one is justification. 758 00:46:56,108 --> 00:46:57,418 What is justification? 759 00:46:57,424 --> 00:46:58,854 It is a legal declaration. 760 00:46:58,860 --> 00:47:03,811 The person who believes in Jesus Christ is legally justified before God. 761 00:47:03,817 --> 00:47:06,064 God looks at that person as right with him, 762 00:47:06,070 --> 00:47:08,049 not on the basis of their virtue, 763 00:47:08,055 --> 00:47:12,210 but on the basis of what Christ did for them. 764 00:47:12,216 --> 00:47:13,520 God declares them righteous. 765 00:47:13,526 --> 00:47:15,062 That’s the believer’s standing. 766 00:47:15,068 --> 00:47:18,067 But then there’s another doctrine called the doctrine of regeneration. 767 00:47:18,073 --> 00:47:21,262 If you’ve read the Bible, you’ve heard it in 2 Corinthians 5:17, 768 00:47:21,268 --> 00:47:23,274 “If any man be in Christ he is a new creation, 769 00:47:23,280 --> 00:47:25,632 old things pass away, behold all things are new.” 770 00:47:25,638 --> 00:47:26,611 What does that mean? 771 00:47:26,617 --> 00:47:30,901 It means those who truly believe in Jesus Christ have also been born again, 772 00:47:30,907 --> 00:47:33,886 or, what we call regenerated by the Holy Spirit. 773 00:47:33,892 --> 00:47:35,973 They’ve been made alive. 774 00:47:35,979 --> 00:47:39,996 So that it’s not them believing in Jesus 775 00:47:40,002 --> 00:47:43,869 and then doing a bunch of righteous things that they hate. 776 00:47:43,875 --> 00:47:46,676 But it’s their believing in Jesus and they’re saved. 777 00:47:46,682 --> 00:47:48,175 And because of that salvation, 778 00:47:48,181 --> 00:47:51,033 and because of the power of God to transform a life, 779 00:47:51,039 --> 00:47:53,464 they now begin to walk in newness of life. 780 00:47:53,470 --> 00:48:00,231 But never is their standing before God based upon what they do. 781 00:48:00,237 --> 00:48:02,853 It’s based upon the cross of Calvary. 782 00:48:02,859 --> 00:48:05,547 Christ, Christ alone. 783 00:48:05,553 --> 00:48:09,009 Now, I’m going to finish with an illustration, 784 00:48:09,015 --> 00:48:10,591 and hopefully it doesn’t apply to you, 785 00:48:10,597 --> 00:48:15,130 but it may give you some insight into what I’m talking about. 786 00:48:15,136 --> 00:48:17,608 First heard this from a dear friend of mine, Charles Leiter, 787 00:48:17,614 --> 00:48:20,096 and it’s a wonderful illustration. 788 00:48:20,102 --> 00:48:25,652 Let’s say that we own a bunch of sheep, and we’ve got a problem. 789 00:48:25,658 --> 00:48:27,714 There’s a bunch of coyotes. 790 00:48:27,720 --> 00:48:29,682 Now how do we solve the problem? 791 00:48:29,688 --> 00:48:32,756 Well, there’s a few ways we can solve the problem. 792 00:48:32,762 --> 00:48:39,251 One is, we can get a gun, and we can shoot the coyotes. 793 00:48:39,257 --> 00:48:41,919 Now that solves the sheep’s problem, it solves our problem, 794 00:48:41,925 --> 00:48:45,432 but it doesn’t solve the coyote’s problem. 795 00:48:45,438 --> 00:48:47,470 What else can we do? 796 00:48:47,476 --> 00:48:52,638 Well, we can get a cage, and we can trap the coyote. 797 00:48:52,644 --> 00:48:55,300 We could trap him. 798 00:48:55,306 --> 00:48:58,797 So we’ve solved the sheep’s problem, we’ve solved our problem, 799 00:48:58,803 --> 00:49:02,507 but we really haven’t solved the coyote’s problem. 800 00:49:02,513 --> 00:49:04,922 You say, “Well, he’s reformed.” No, he isn’t. 801 00:49:04,928 --> 00:49:06,732 He’s just caged. 802 00:49:06,738 --> 00:49:08,318 He’s not reformed. 803 00:49:08,324 --> 00:49:11,939 He walks back and forth in that cage, back and forth like this, 804 00:49:11,945 --> 00:49:14,581 and just wanting to get out. 805 00:49:14,587 --> 00:49:17,162 You let that door open, he’s coming out of there. 806 00:49:17,168 --> 00:49:18,525 So we haven’t solved his problem. 807 00:49:18,531 --> 00:49:21,512 You know what I just described? Religion. 808 00:49:21,518 --> 00:49:25,870 And a lot of Christian religion. 809 00:49:27,140 --> 00:49:32,028 “I go to church, I hate it, but I’m going because it’s the right thing to do.” 810 00:49:32,034 --> 00:49:34,870 “I do this because it’s the right thing to do, because I gotta do it.” 811 00:49:34,876 --> 00:49:38,347 There’s really no love for God, there’s no genuine desire to serve him. 812 00:49:38,353 --> 00:49:40,036 “Just gotta do these things.” 813 00:49:40,042 --> 00:49:43,607 That’s legalism, that religion, that’s church. 814 00:49:43,613 --> 00:49:47,053 “Why do we have to go?” 815 00:49:47,059 --> 00:49:50,854 It’s the same way as the coyote saying, “Why can’t I just eat sheep?” 816 00:49:50,860 --> 00:49:54,069 And every time someone’s not looking and every time that door is open, 817 00:49:54,075 --> 00:49:55,432 you’re going to eat sheep. 818 00:49:55,438 --> 00:49:59,408 You’re going to sin, because that’s what you love. 819 00:49:59,414 --> 00:50:02,938 Now what is Christianity? 820 00:50:02,944 --> 00:50:06,827 God changes the coyote into a sheep. 821 00:50:06,833 --> 00:50:08,010 That’s Christianity. 822 00:50:08,016 --> 00:50:12,889 From the inside. He changes their heart. 823 00:50:12,895 --> 00:50:16,345 He takes out their heart of stone and he gives them a heart of flesh. 824 00:50:16,351 --> 00:50:18,948 And that’s how you know you’ve become a Christian. 825 00:50:18,954 --> 00:50:22,065 Not just because you give some empty profession, 826 00:50:22,071 --> 00:50:24,237 that, “Yeah, I believe Jesus is the Son of God,” 827 00:50:24,243 --> 00:50:27,277 but because something, as it happened to Peter, 828 00:50:27,290 --> 00:50:30,377 something more than flesh and blood happened to you. 829 00:50:30,383 --> 00:50:33,025 God showed you, this is his Son, 830 00:50:33,031 --> 00:50:40,137 and he put an overwhelming new desire in you to follow him and to please him. 831 00:50:40,143 --> 00:50:41,959 Do you see that? 832 00:50:41,965 --> 00:50:47,081 I’ll give you a lecture right now in ontology. 833 00:50:47,087 --> 00:50:50,510 And it’s this: 834 00:50:50,516 --> 00:51:01,271 I have a nature, I have a will, and I have activity – things I do. 835 00:51:02,461 --> 00:51:09,177 If my heart loves evil, my desire is for evil. 836 00:51:09,183 --> 00:51:12,785 Things of this world, the immoralities, the sensualities, 837 00:51:12,791 --> 00:51:15,439 the money, everything that’s in this world, 838 00:51:15,445 --> 00:51:21,922 if that’s what my heart loves, then those desires influence my will, 839 00:51:21,928 --> 00:51:24,699 and my will pushes my activities. 840 00:51:24,705 --> 00:51:32,127 I’m driven by my will that’s driven by my evil desires, and I do evil. 841 00:51:32,133 --> 00:51:37,677 But, if someone can change this heart of mine, 842 00:51:37,683 --> 00:51:42,814 so that the things I once loved I now hate 843 00:51:42,820 --> 00:51:47,421 and the things I once hated, like righteousness, I now love, 844 00:51:47,427 --> 00:51:51,033 then there’s not much to worry about after that. 845 00:51:51,039 --> 00:51:56,439 Because my new desires push my life in a completely different direction, 846 00:51:56,445 --> 00:52:04,663 and when I do sin, it breaks my heart because my heart’s been made new. 847 00:52:04,669 --> 00:52:08,502 If I was a pastor of some of the churches that exist. 848 00:52:08,508 --> 00:52:13,004 Say I’m the new pastor and as soon as I come my first Sunday, 849 00:52:13,010 --> 00:52:15,166 someone walks up to me and says, “Brother Paul, 850 00:52:15,172 --> 00:52:18,793 there’s a guy over there named Bill, he’s over there up the hill there, 851 00:52:18,799 --> 00:52:21,736 and he hasn’t been to church in five years, and everything, 852 00:52:21,742 --> 00:52:23,540 and we can’t get him to come back to church. 853 00:52:23,546 --> 00:52:27,512 He’s a member here, would you please go and get him? 854 00:52:27,518 --> 00:52:29,388 That’s your job, you’re the shepherd.” 855 00:52:29,394 --> 00:52:32,798 So I go, I knock on the door, and there’s Bill. 856 00:52:32,803 --> 00:52:34,464 Bill says, “Come on in.” 857 00:52:34,471 --> 00:52:35,763 I come in. 858 00:52:35,769 --> 00:52:39,351 I say, “Bill, you haven’t been in church in five years.” 859 00:52:39,357 --> 00:52:41,759 “You’re right, preacher, you’re right, 860 00:52:41,765 --> 00:52:46,474 you know I just follow other things, just have a love for the world, 861 00:52:46,480 --> 00:52:48,128 but you’re right, I need to do the right thing 862 00:52:48,134 --> 00:52:50,154 and I need to get back in church.” 863 00:52:50,160 --> 00:52:54,949 “And Bill, I hear you’ve been walking around town drunk quite a bit.” 864 00:52:54,955 --> 00:52:58,093 “You’re right, preacher, I’ve been drinking and stuff, 865 00:52:58,099 --> 00:53:00,753 just love that old liquor, but I need to put it away, 866 00:53:00,759 --> 00:53:03,599 I need to do the right thing, and I need to get back to church. 867 00:53:03,605 --> 00:53:04,823 It’s what I need to do.” 868 00:53:04,829 --> 00:53:10,858 “Okay, and Bill, I hear you haven’t been very faithful to your wife. 869 00:53:10,864 --> 00:53:13,442 That you’re kind of a man about town.” 870 00:53:13,448 --> 00:53:15,127 “Preacher, you got me there. 871 00:53:15,133 --> 00:53:18,314 You’re right, I just need to let that go, 872 00:53:18,320 --> 00:53:22,421 as much as it pulls on me, love that kind of life, 873 00:53:22,427 --> 00:53:25,297 I just need to let it go, I need to do the right thing.” 874 00:53:25,303 --> 00:53:28,469 So next Sunday, I come to church and everybody says, 875 00:53:28,475 --> 00:53:34,299 “Pastor, this is incredible! A sheep has come home!” 876 00:53:34,305 --> 00:53:35,652 No, he hasn’t. 877 00:53:35,658 --> 00:53:38,898 They’re all looking at Bill and they’re going, “A sheep has come home.” 878 00:53:38,904 --> 00:53:40,246 No, he has not. 879 00:53:40,252 --> 00:53:42,959 A wolf has just come back into the cage. 880 00:53:42,965 --> 00:53:44,634 Do you realize what Bill is saying? 881 00:53:44,640 --> 00:53:49,048 “You’re right, preacher, I need to stop doing all the wicked things I love 882 00:53:49,054 --> 00:53:51,442 and start doing all the righteous things I hate 883 00:53:51,448 --> 00:53:54,116 in order to gain some entrance into the kingdom of heaven.” 884 00:53:54,122 --> 00:53:57,100 That’s religion, and that’s not what we’re talking about. 885 00:53:57,106 --> 00:54:01,223 We’re talking about a life transformed. 886 00:54:01,229 --> 00:54:04,436 And if your life has not been transformed from the inside out 887 00:54:04,442 --> 00:54:07,340 and all you have is a religion, or a ritual, 888 00:54:07,346 --> 00:54:10,757 or there’s certain things you think you’ve done and you’re doing 889 00:54:10,763 --> 00:54:14,025 and because of that you’re going to be okay on the final day, you’re not. 890 00:54:14,031 --> 00:54:18,030 I’m telling you, you’re not going to be okay at all. 891 00:54:18,036 --> 00:54:23,510 The question is, not some religious exercise as Paul says in the book of Galatians, 892 00:54:23,516 --> 00:54:29,994 the question is, are you a new creature, with new desires and a new heart? 893 00:54:30,000 --> 00:54:32,932 “What should I do?” 894 00:54:32,938 --> 00:54:36,253 Acknowledge your sin, 895 00:54:36,259 --> 00:54:41,415 acknowledge that all your righteousness is like filthy rags before God. 896 00:54:41,421 --> 00:54:44,108 And throw yourself on Christ. 897 00:54:44,113 --> 00:54:48,476 On Christ the solid Rock I stand; All other ground is sinking sand… 898 00:54:48,483 --> 00:54:53,587 I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ name. 899 00:54:53,593 --> 00:55:01,105 Nothing in my hands I bring (to barter with God, to pay off God), 900 00:55:01,111 --> 00:55:04,926 But simply to the cross of Christ I cling. 901 00:55:12,019 --> 00:55:13,299 Let’s pray: 902 00:55:13,305 --> 00:55:16,833 Father, I thank you for your Word, 903 00:55:16,839 --> 00:55:20,365 thank you for the cross of Christ, 904 00:55:20,371 --> 00:55:25,693 thank you for the Holy Spirit who opens up hearts and minds to know thee. 905 00:55:25,699 --> 00:55:28,722 Lord, help us, in Jesus’ name. 906 00:55:28,727 --> 00:55:30,349 Amen.