Title: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Part 5) Meta: This sermon follows our Lord’s teaching on His Second Coming from Luke 17. Our Lord is very clear that His coming is going to be public, spectacular and terrifying. Just as it was in the days of Noah and Lot, so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed. Tags: Eschatology,tribulation,Millennialism,Dispensationalism,dispensations,end times,Hermeneutics,Second Coming of Jesus,kingdom of God,rapture,Amillennialism,Tim Conway 1 00:00:00,994 --> 00:00:05,072 Luke chapter 17 verse 20. 2 00:00:05,078 --> 00:00:10,878 We are in the midst of an ongoing study concerning eschatology -- 3 00:00:10,884 --> 00:00:14,850 the study of end times. 4 00:00:14,856 --> 00:00:16,647 The end of what? 5 00:00:16,653 --> 00:00:22,086 End times; the end in relationship to what? 6 00:00:22,092 --> 00:00:28,169 Eternity is going to go on forever. Eternity has no end. 7 00:00:28,182 --> 00:00:31,848 Why do we talk about the end when there really is no end? 8 00:00:31,854 --> 00:00:34,630 Well there is an end of something. 9 00:00:34,636 --> 00:00:40,276 Even though we are all going to exist forever; 10 00:00:40,282 --> 00:00:42,436 there are those things that are eternal; 11 00:00:42,442 --> 00:00:44,712 there are those things that are everlasting. 12 00:00:44,718 --> 00:00:47,359 There are also those things that come to an end. 13 00:00:47,365 --> 00:00:49,352 When we speak about end times, 14 00:00:49,358 --> 00:00:53,257 we are speaking about something that has closure. 15 00:00:53,263 --> 00:00:56,966 The Bible speaks about the end. 16 00:00:56,972 --> 00:01:03,498 The end of the ages. The end of the age. 17 00:01:03,504 --> 00:01:11,604 Scripture speaks about the last days and even the last day - singular. 18 00:01:11,610 --> 00:01:17,350 There is an end of time. 19 00:01:17,356 --> 00:01:20,211 There is an end of this world. 20 00:01:20,217 --> 00:01:24,153 Peter tells us very plainly. 2 Peter 3:7, 21 00:01:24,159 --> 00:01:27,824 "The heavens and the earth that now exist are stored up for fire." 22 00:01:27,830 --> 00:01:29,004 That's what we are talking about. 23 00:01:29,010 --> 00:01:30,835 We are talking about this world; 24 00:01:30,841 --> 00:01:35,987 these heavens and this earth, as we know them now, 25 00:01:35,993 --> 00:01:39,517 they are destined for fire. 26 00:01:39,523 --> 00:01:42,175 This is all going to come to an end. 27 00:01:42,181 --> 00:01:45,303 This is going to be destroyed. 28 00:01:45,309 --> 00:01:50,136 The world we see now, has an end. That's what we are talking about. 29 00:01:50,142 --> 00:01:51,020 End times - 30 00:01:51,026 --> 00:01:59,368 we're talking about as we move towards that closure of this age, this world. 31 00:01:59,374 --> 00:02:01,121 That's what we have in mind.(P) 32 00:02:01,127 --> 00:02:10,425 Today and Lord willing in the weeks ahead, 33 00:02:10,431 --> 00:02:15,311 we're going to examine, just like we find right here in Luke chapter 17, 34 00:02:15,317 --> 00:02:21,691 we're going to examine various places in Scripture. 35 00:02:22,216 --> 00:02:27,633 In the beginning, not Daniel, not Revelation, not Ezekiel. 36 00:02:27,639 --> 00:02:31,596 We are going to look, again what I've wanted us to do all along, 37 00:02:31,602 --> 00:02:34,318 look at some of the plain teaching. 38 00:02:34,324 --> 00:02:39,594 I want to stick to the Gospels for a number of weeks. 39 00:02:39,600 --> 00:02:46,613 I want us to see what Jesus said over and over and over again, 40 00:02:46,619 --> 00:02:51,731 before we launch off into the craziness of Revelation. 41 00:02:51,737 --> 00:02:55,739 I want you to see what comes from Scripture. 42 00:02:55,745 --> 00:02:59,190 Brethren, what we need to strive to do is this: 43 00:02:59,196 --> 00:03:06,886 Look at Scripture and exegete it. 44 00:03:06,892 --> 00:03:11,281 We need to have the Word speak to us. 45 00:03:11,287 --> 00:03:12,600 You know what the problem is? 46 00:03:12,606 --> 00:03:19,983 You have too many people that fly off to Daniel and to Revelation. 47 00:03:19,989 --> 00:03:24,892 They have been indoctrinated by a system, led to believe certain things, 48 00:03:24,898 --> 00:03:30,482 and now they can't read any of their Bible without reading those things into it. 49 00:03:30,488 --> 00:03:33,464 That is not a proper way to approach the Scriptures 50 00:03:33,470 --> 00:03:36,431 with you already having assumptions about what it means 51 00:03:36,437 --> 00:03:38,582 before you ever get there.(P) 52 00:03:38,588 --> 00:03:41,939 The proper way to approach Scripture is to go to Scripture, 53 00:03:41,945 --> 00:03:47,165 let it speak to you, and say, "Does my system fit with that?" 54 00:03:47,171 --> 00:03:50,820 And if it doesn't, what do you do with the system? 55 00:03:50,826 --> 00:03:53,299 You throw the Bible out the backdoor and say, 56 00:03:53,305 --> 00:03:57,560 "I'm holding to that system nevertheless"? 57 00:03:57,996 --> 00:04:03,867 Brethren, that is the easy way to end up going down a path you don't want to go down. 58 00:04:03,873 --> 00:04:06,154 That is a dangerous path. 59 00:04:06,160 --> 00:04:09,145 Let's let Scripture speak to us. 60 00:04:09,151 --> 00:04:16,363 And today, it's going to be out of Luke 17. 61 00:04:16,369 --> 00:04:22,141 Now, just for starters here, 62 00:04:23,009 --> 00:04:28,874 I want to hit you with this, time and again in the weeks ahead, 63 00:04:28,889 --> 00:04:34,485 because I just want you to get a basic framework in your head 64 00:04:34,491 --> 00:04:38,766 about what we are talking about.(P) 65 00:04:39,477 --> 00:04:47,809 Premillennial dispensationalism holds to an eschatology, a view of end times, 66 00:04:47,815 --> 00:04:53,040 we're talking about 'Left Behind,' 67 00:04:53,046 --> 00:04:57,192 most of the fundamentalist churches in this country, 68 00:04:57,198 --> 00:05:01,748 John Hagee touts this stuff, John MacArthur. 69 00:05:01,754 --> 00:05:03,580 We're talking about guys, believers, 70 00:05:03,586 --> 00:05:06,982 fellowship right up here on the north side of our own city. 71 00:05:06,988 --> 00:05:09,589 This is the eschatology they hold to. 72 00:05:09,595 --> 00:05:13,412 Let me tell you the timeline; just a basic timeline. 73 00:05:13,418 --> 00:05:15,071 Here we are now. 74 00:05:15,077 --> 00:05:22,052 Next major event in God's timeline is what? 75 00:05:22,058 --> 00:05:25,844 The rapture. 76 00:05:25,850 --> 00:05:28,005 That's what they are looking for next. 77 00:05:28,011 --> 00:05:35,774 Followed by seven years of tribulation, 78 00:05:35,780 --> 00:05:42,797 at which time the notorious Antichrist is going to take power. 79 00:05:42,803 --> 00:05:50,831 At the end of that seven years of tribulation, 80 00:05:50,837 --> 00:05:56,832 Jesus Christ is going to come. 81 00:05:56,838 --> 00:05:59,391 The battle of Armageddon; 82 00:05:59,397 --> 00:06:02,446 the defeat of the Antichrist; 83 00:06:02,446 --> 00:06:05,564 Satan bound. 84 00:06:05,565 --> 00:06:09,725 Now a thousand, literal thousand years is ushered in, 85 00:06:09,731 --> 00:06:14,936 at the end of which time is a rebellion: Gog and Magog. 86 00:06:14,942 --> 00:06:19,212 Devil is defeated, thrown in the lake of fire, the wicked are judged. 87 00:06:19,218 --> 00:06:22,630 Now we enter in to the eternal realm.(P) 88 00:06:22,636 --> 00:06:25,732 That is a basic timeline. 89 00:06:25,738 --> 00:06:30,276 Look, anytime you try to summarize a system, 90 00:06:30,282 --> 00:06:31,374 somebody is going to say, 91 00:06:31,380 --> 00:06:33,959 "Yeah, but I know so and so who believe such and such." 92 00:06:33,965 --> 00:06:35,094 Yeah I know. 93 00:06:35,100 --> 00:06:43,294 This is the basic timeline associated with dispensational premillennialism. 94 00:06:43,300 --> 00:06:46,727 I know there is a historic premillennialism 95 00:06:46,733 --> 00:06:54,085 but this dispensationalism is what I really want to go after. 96 00:06:54,091 --> 00:06:55,210 Over against what? 97 00:06:55,216 --> 00:06:57,816 What I believe the Scriptures teach is: 98 00:06:57,822 --> 00:07:00,189 We are in this age. 99 00:07:00,195 --> 00:07:02,734 The eternal age is coming. 100 00:07:02,740 --> 00:07:09,043 The only thing that separates us is the coming of Christ. 101 00:07:09,049 --> 00:07:12,201 All the dead are raised; 102 00:07:12,207 --> 00:07:16,017 all are judged; 103 00:07:16,023 --> 00:07:18,662 and the eternal kingdom is ushered in. 104 00:07:18,668 --> 00:07:22,406 That's what I believe Scripture says.(P) 105 00:07:22,412 --> 00:07:30,740 What I want you to all do is as we examine Christ's teaching on these matters, 106 00:07:30,746 --> 00:07:34,558 today and in the weeks ahead, I want you to be honest. 107 00:07:34,564 --> 00:07:39,192 Honest, not with what your system has taught you, 108 00:07:39,198 --> 00:07:42,814 but I want you to be honest with what you read. 109 00:07:42,820 --> 00:07:46,876 I am not saying it's all easy. 110 00:07:47,755 --> 00:07:56,617 There are some things I don't know if I am ever going to figure out in this lifetime. 111 00:07:56,623 --> 00:07:59,894 I am striving to. 112 00:08:00,545 --> 00:08:04,619 Those places that are really difficult are not the places we want to start. 113 00:08:04,625 --> 00:08:09,108 We want to start in the places that are not that difficult.(P) 114 00:08:09,114 --> 00:08:13,013 So, my question is this: 115 00:08:13,019 --> 00:08:20,241 Does Luke 17 verse 20 and following indicate a timeline 116 00:08:20,247 --> 00:08:22,561 like the dispensationalists hold to? 117 00:08:22,567 --> 00:08:25,029 Or like the one I just described. 118 00:08:25,035 --> 00:08:27,104 This age, the age to come. 119 00:08:27,110 --> 00:08:29,983 Separated by Christ's coming. 120 00:08:29,989 --> 00:08:32,741 The resurrection of the dead. 121 00:08:32,746 --> 00:08:37,955 A general judgment. 122 00:08:37,961 --> 00:08:41,288 And the ushering in of the new heaven and the new earth. 123 00:08:41,294 --> 00:08:44,845 New heavens - plural, and new earth.(P) 124 00:08:44,851 --> 00:08:52,116 Well let's read. Luke 17 verse 20, 125 00:08:52,122 --> 00:08:59,089 "Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, 126 00:08:59,095 --> 00:09:00,658 Jesus answered them, 127 00:09:00,664 --> 00:09:06,120 "The kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed, 128 00:09:06,126 --> 00:09:08,940 nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There!' 129 00:09:08,946 --> 00:09:14,586 for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you." 130 00:09:14,592 --> 00:09:19,356 KJV, NKJV says within. 131 00:09:19,362 --> 00:09:28,615 Now, there's no difference in the Greek behind different translations here. 132 00:09:28,621 --> 00:09:32,270 It can be translated either way. 133 00:09:32,276 --> 00:09:40,274 The kingdom of God is in the midst of you or is within you. 134 00:09:40,280 --> 00:09:43,732 Both readings are correct.(P) 135 00:09:44,425 --> 00:09:48,748 "He said to the disciples, 'The days are coming 136 00:09:48,754 --> 00:09:52,031 when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, 137 00:09:52,037 --> 00:09:53,939 and you will not see it. 138 00:09:53,945 --> 00:09:57,717 They will say to you, 'Look, there!' or 'Look, here!' 139 00:09:57,723 --> 00:09:59,504 Do not go out or follow them. 140 00:09:59,510 --> 00:10:04,401 For as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, 141 00:10:04,407 --> 00:10:08,267 so will the Son of Man be in His day. 142 00:10:08,273 --> 00:10:13,943 But first He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. 143 00:10:13,949 --> 00:10:15,982 Just as it was in the days of Noah, 144 00:10:15,988 --> 00:10:20,461 so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 145 00:10:20,467 --> 00:10:23,470 They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, 146 00:10:23,476 --> 00:10:25,439 until the day when Noah entered the ark, 147 00:10:25,445 --> 00:10:29,122 and the flood came and destroyed them all. 148 00:10:29,128 --> 00:10:32,081 Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot— 149 00:10:32,087 --> 00:10:35,153 they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, 150 00:10:35,159 --> 00:10:36,538 planting and building, 151 00:10:36,544 --> 00:10:41,440 but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, 152 00:10:41,446 --> 00:10:45,500 fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all— 153 00:10:45,506 --> 00:10:48,774 so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed. 154 00:10:48,780 --> 00:10:56,133 On that day, let the one who is on the housetop, with his goods in the house, 155 00:10:56,139 --> 00:10:59,152 not come down to take them away. 156 00:10:59,158 --> 00:11:03,616 Likewise let the one who is in the field not turn back. 157 00:11:03,622 --> 00:11:05,865 Remember Lot's wife. 158 00:11:05,871 --> 00:11:08,262 Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, 159 00:11:08,268 --> 00:11:10,664 but whoever loses his life will keep it. 160 00:11:10,670 --> 00:11:13,563 I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. 161 00:11:13,569 --> 00:11:15,202 One will be taken, the other left. 162 00:11:15,208 --> 00:11:20,712 There will be two women grinding together; one will be taken, the other left." 163 00:11:20,718 --> 00:11:25,480 Verse 36 found is some manuscripts, not in others, reads this way, 164 00:11:25,486 --> 00:11:30,454 "Two men will be in the field; one will be taken, the other will be left." 165 00:11:30,460 --> 00:11:36,082 That is definitely found in Matthew's Gospel. 166 00:11:36,088 --> 00:11:39,941 There's no debate about it being found there. 167 00:11:39,947 --> 00:11:44,379 "They said to him, 'Where, Lord?' 168 00:11:44,385 --> 00:11:51,105 He said to them, 'Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.'"(P) 169 00:11:51,111 --> 00:11:56,000 Now I just want you to notice verse 30: 170 00:11:57,079 --> 00:12:08,190 "So will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed." 171 00:12:08,850 --> 00:12:11,850 That word 'revealed.' 172 00:12:11,856 --> 00:12:14,588 Sometimes we speak about the Apocalypse. 173 00:12:14,594 --> 00:12:16,873 That word 'revealed.' 174 00:12:16,878 --> 00:12:18,776 That's it. 175 00:12:18,782 --> 00:12:23,236 Apokalupto. That's where we get the Apocalypse from. 176 00:12:23,242 --> 00:12:26,505 The Son of Man is revealed. 177 00:12:26,511 --> 00:12:28,800 There's no question about the meaning of that word. 178 00:12:28,806 --> 00:12:33,998 It has to do with making something visible; uncovering. 179 00:12:34,004 --> 00:12:39,747 It carries the idea to lay open what has been veiled or covered up. 180 00:12:39,753 --> 00:12:41,689 There's something that is hidden right now; 181 00:12:41,695 --> 00:12:43,162 it is going to be revealed. 182 00:12:43,168 --> 00:12:47,496 Christ, the Son of Man is going to be revealed. 183 00:12:47,502 --> 00:12:49,873 That is what is being spoken about here. 184 00:12:49,879 --> 00:12:53,966 Brethren, we live between two comings of Christ. 185 00:12:53,972 --> 00:12:59,864 He came the first time incarnate; robed Himself with humanity. 186 00:12:59,870 --> 00:13:03,677 He came into this world to live under the Law. 187 00:13:03,683 --> 00:13:10,123 He came into this world to give His life a ransom for many. 188 00:13:10,129 --> 00:13:12,729 And He has been taken up. 189 00:13:12,735 --> 00:13:15,982 And He is seated at the right hand of the Father. 190 00:13:15,988 --> 00:13:18,432 But He is coming again. 191 00:13:18,438 --> 00:13:20,694 He is going to be revealed. 192 00:13:20,700 --> 00:13:26,683 The faith of the New Testament Church is dominated by this expectation. 193 00:13:26,689 --> 00:13:32,227 He came once, He has been taken up - passed through the heavens, 194 00:13:32,233 --> 00:13:37,474 ascended, seated at the right hand of majesty where He reigns now. 195 00:13:37,480 --> 00:13:43,137 And He will reign until all of His enemies are made a footstool for His feet. 196 00:13:43,143 --> 00:13:47,240 And He will come. He will come. 197 00:13:47,246 --> 00:13:48,878 That is our expectation.(P) 198 00:13:48,884 --> 00:13:51,100 But now here is the thing. 199 00:13:51,106 --> 00:13:55,423 Before we dive into the Second Coming, I want you to see something. 200 00:13:55,429 --> 00:14:00,254 Notice verse 20, 201 00:14:00,260 --> 00:14:08,027 "Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come." 202 00:14:08,033 --> 00:14:10,711 Now notice this: you have Pharisees. 203 00:14:10,717 --> 00:14:15,095 The Pharisees were by and large not friends of our Lord Jesus Christ. 204 00:14:15,101 --> 00:14:20,122 By and large, they did not believe He was the Messiah. 205 00:14:20,128 --> 00:14:21,911 But they have a question. 206 00:14:21,917 --> 00:14:27,296 Why would they ask Jesus about the coming of the kingdom 207 00:14:27,302 --> 00:14:29,297 when they don't even believe He's the Messiah? 208 00:14:29,303 --> 00:14:34,627 Why take your theological questions to somebody you believe is an imposter? 209 00:14:34,633 --> 00:14:36,946 Well, precisely for that reason. 210 00:14:36,952 --> 00:14:39,145 Because you do believe He's an imposter. 211 00:14:39,151 --> 00:14:42,046 By your question, you're trying to expose Him. 212 00:14:42,052 --> 00:14:45,447 That's what they were constantly doing with their questions.(P) 213 00:14:45,453 --> 00:14:51,470 But notice: "When is the kingdom of God coming?" 214 00:14:51,476 --> 00:14:53,727 He answered them, 215 00:14:53,733 --> 00:15:04,486 "The kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed, 216 00:15:04,492 --> 00:15:08,695 nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There!'"-- concerning the kingdom. 217 00:15:08,701 --> 00:15:13,307 Nobody is going to be able to say, "Look, there it is, 218 00:15:13,313 --> 00:15:15,670 being established right over there." 219 00:15:15,676 --> 00:15:16,687 That's what He says. 220 00:15:16,693 --> 00:15:19,428 Nobody is going to say that. 221 00:15:19,434 --> 00:15:27,202 Why? Because it is not going to be established that way. 222 00:15:27,797 --> 00:15:38,513 "For behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you (or is within you)." 223 00:15:38,519 --> 00:15:45,572 Jesus came and said, "Repent." 224 00:15:45,578 --> 00:15:48,269 He claimed that the kingdom of God had come. 225 00:15:48,275 --> 00:15:52,261 From the days of John the baptist until now, you know what? 226 00:15:52,267 --> 00:15:55,770 The kingdom of heaven is taken by violence. 227 00:15:55,776 --> 00:15:59,038 You press into it. 228 00:15:59,044 --> 00:16:01,943 Unless you become as little children, you don't enter. 229 00:16:01,949 --> 00:16:06,280 Unless you are born again, you don't enter. 230 00:16:06,286 --> 00:16:10,947 Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees.(P) 231 00:16:10,953 --> 00:16:18,367 Brethren, let me tell you: The kingdom is not in food and drink. 232 00:16:18,373 --> 00:16:20,795 The kingdom is spiritual. 233 00:16:20,801 --> 00:16:26,936 The kingdom has to do with righteousness. 234 00:16:26,942 --> 00:16:30,209 You see, when we speak about the kingdom, 235 00:16:30,215 --> 00:16:37,944 we are speaking about the realm where a king rules. 236 00:16:37,950 --> 00:16:42,625 He rules in men's hearts. 237 00:16:42,631 --> 00:16:53,164 When you submit to Christ, that is where somebody is entering the kingdom. 238 00:16:53,170 --> 00:16:56,316 That is what the kingdom is all about. 239 00:16:56,322 --> 00:17:03,134 Brethren, most of these Pharisees did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah, 240 00:17:03,140 --> 00:17:06,943 but you know what? He claimed to be. 241 00:17:06,949 --> 00:17:08,653 He said He is. 242 00:17:08,659 --> 00:17:11,768 You know what they had an idea about the kingdom? 243 00:17:11,773 --> 00:17:15,252 "It's going to be here, it's going to be observable, 244 00:17:15,258 --> 00:17:17,286 it's going to be recognizable." 245 00:17:17,291 --> 00:17:24,535 They put Messiah together with a physical, earthly kingdom. 246 00:17:24,540 --> 00:17:28,920 And so they said, "You are claiming to be the Messiah, 247 00:17:28,926 --> 00:17:32,899 where is your kingdom?" 248 00:17:33,729 --> 00:17:35,673 They didn't believe He was. 249 00:17:35,679 --> 00:17:39,579 And this was only confirming to them He wasn't. 250 00:17:39,585 --> 00:17:43,434 Because they expected when Messiah came, He's going to set up a kingdom. 251 00:17:43,440 --> 00:17:47,814 His own disciples believed that. 252 00:17:48,941 --> 00:17:50,220 But you know what? 253 00:17:50,226 --> 00:17:57,693 We are right to connect Messiah and kingdom, only not in the way they imagined. 254 00:17:57,699 --> 00:18:03,200 They thought the coming Messiah meant a physical kingdom on this earth.(P) 255 00:18:03,206 --> 00:18:05,045 In effect, they are saying, 256 00:18:05,051 --> 00:18:08,894 "You say you are the Messiah, where is your kingdom?" 257 00:18:08,900 --> 00:18:10,236 And you know what? 258 00:18:10,242 --> 00:18:15,644 We can tell, by the way our Lord answers their question, 259 00:18:15,650 --> 00:18:18,893 that the Pharisees did in fact expect an earthly kingdom. 260 00:18:18,899 --> 00:18:21,595 I mean, see how He corrects their thinking: 261 00:18:21,601 --> 00:18:27,860 "The kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed." 262 00:18:27,866 --> 00:18:31,640 You see, obviously these guys are saying, "Where is it?" 263 00:18:31,646 --> 00:18:34,715 Well, for Jesus to answer this way and say, 264 00:18:34,721 --> 00:18:36,097 "Not in ways that are observed. 265 00:18:36,103 --> 00:18:38,171 You're never gonna say 'Look here it is' or 'There.'" 266 00:18:38,177 --> 00:18:43,760 Well, you answer this way only if when this is precisely what the Pharisees expected, 267 00:18:43,766 --> 00:18:48,698 but when what they expected is a wrong expectation. 268 00:18:48,704 --> 00:18:57,930 He is correcting them, "Guys, it's not like you think. It's not observable."(P) 269 00:18:57,936 --> 00:18:59,570 Let me ask you a question, 270 00:18:59,576 --> 00:19:02,170 if we are just going to be honest with Scripture. 271 00:19:02,176 --> 00:19:04,334 Just honest. 272 00:19:04,340 --> 00:19:08,607 Does it sound to you like Jesus is saying, 273 00:19:08,613 --> 00:19:15,218 "The kingdom of God is coming in a way that is observable, 274 00:19:15,224 --> 00:19:20,818 only after the rapture and after the 7-year tribulation"? 275 00:19:20,824 --> 00:19:24,197 Let us be honest. 276 00:19:25,267 --> 00:19:29,835 Our Lord interacted with Pilate, you remember that? 277 00:19:29,841 --> 00:19:35,126 Pilate, "Are you the King of Israel?" 278 00:19:35,132 --> 00:19:38,409 "You say that I am." 279 00:19:38,415 --> 00:19:50,307 Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world." 280 00:19:50,313 --> 00:19:55,399 Oh brethren, the kingdom is going to be most observable, 281 00:19:55,405 --> 00:19:58,014 but not in this world. 282 00:19:58,020 --> 00:20:01,287 His kingdom is not of this world. 283 00:20:01,293 --> 00:20:10,109 Nobody here is going to be able to say "It's over there, It's over there, it's observable."(P) 284 00:20:10,115 --> 00:20:20,174 I said to a dispensational friend of mine. 285 00:20:20,180 --> 00:20:28,245 I said, "Brother, Jesus Christ said His kingdom is not of this world." 286 00:20:28,251 --> 00:20:33,507 He said, "Not yet." 287 00:20:35,738 --> 00:20:39,275 You know what the dispensational guys want to tell you? 288 00:20:39,281 --> 00:20:45,018 "We are the ones who literally interpret Scripture." 289 00:20:45,024 --> 00:20:51,380 My dispensational friends, would you please literally interpret this: 290 00:20:51,386 --> 00:20:58,731 Not observable. Not of this world. 291 00:20:58,737 --> 00:21:01,815 I just want us to be honest with Scripture. 292 00:21:01,821 --> 00:21:06,472 The kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking 293 00:21:06,478 --> 00:21:10,819 but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 294 00:21:10,825 --> 00:21:12,379 Can I tell you this: 295 00:21:12,385 --> 00:21:24,896 Our Lord Jesus Christ NEVER, NEVER gave even a single indication 296 00:21:24,902 --> 00:21:31,340 that His kingdom would ever be physically set up in this world. 297 00:21:31,346 --> 00:21:32,725 Ever. 298 00:21:32,730 --> 00:21:34,763 You cannot find it. 299 00:21:34,769 --> 00:21:39,350 You have to read it into His words if you are going to come to that conclusion. 300 00:21:39,356 --> 00:21:43,214 He never said so. 301 00:21:43,220 --> 00:21:49,581 Jesus Christ reigns in men's hearts.(P) 302 00:21:49,587 --> 00:21:52,631 Brethren, just very quickly before I leave this subject, 303 00:21:52,637 --> 00:21:56,181 turn over a page or two in your Bibles to Luke 19. 304 00:21:56,187 --> 00:21:59,692 I want you to see something. 305 00:21:59,698 --> 00:22:03,300 This was an ongoing issue about His kingdom. 306 00:22:03,306 --> 00:22:08,825 Now notice this: Verse 11 of Luke 19, 307 00:22:08,831 --> 00:22:15,559 "As they heard these things, He proceeded to tell a parable, 308 00:22:15,565 --> 00:22:19,700 because He was near to Jerusalem, and because - notice this - 309 00:22:19,706 --> 00:22:24,240 they supposed that the kingdom of God was to appear immediately." 310 00:22:24,246 --> 00:22:27,522 That's what everybody, that's what the Pharisees expected. 311 00:22:27,528 --> 00:22:33,203 They expected the Messiah to come in, set up an earthly kingdom, 312 00:22:33,209 --> 00:22:39,144 sit Himself back on David's throne, and take care of all their enemies. 313 00:22:39,150 --> 00:22:40,453 That is what they expected. 314 00:22:40,459 --> 00:22:44,602 "Is it here now Lord, are you going to set it up now?" 315 00:22:44,608 --> 00:22:49,340 You see they supposed that the kingdom of God was to appear immediately.(P) 316 00:22:49,346 --> 00:22:57,837 Does our Lord say that it is going to appear immediately or anywhere in this world? 317 00:22:57,843 --> 00:23:00,371 Notice how He answers. 318 00:23:00,376 --> 00:23:02,257 "He said therefore," 319 00:23:02,258 --> 00:23:06,506 Notice in verse 11, He proceeded to tell a parable. 320 00:23:06,512 --> 00:23:08,967 Now let's look at the parable, verse 12: 321 00:23:08,973 --> 00:23:11,430 "He said therefore, 'A nobleman went into a far country.'" 322 00:23:11,436 --> 00:23:15,708 Let me just tell you right off, you can look at this more in depth later, 323 00:23:15,714 --> 00:23:18,358 the nobleman is Christ. 324 00:23:18,364 --> 00:23:21,351 The far country is Him going to heaven. 325 00:23:21,357 --> 00:23:23,555 This is a parable. 326 00:23:23,561 --> 00:23:26,508 There is a nobleman that represents Christ. 327 00:23:26,514 --> 00:23:31,654 He goes into a far country, which means He goes away. 328 00:23:31,660 --> 00:23:35,195 He ascended up to His Father. 329 00:23:35,201 --> 00:23:36,597 Notice this: 330 00:23:36,603 --> 00:23:43,236 It is while He is far away that He receives the kingdom. 331 00:23:43,242 --> 00:23:45,713 Brethren make no mistake about that. 332 00:23:45,719 --> 00:23:48,483 The kingdom is being received by Christ now. 333 00:23:48,489 --> 00:23:50,573 His enemies are being put down now. 334 00:23:50,579 --> 00:23:55,667 Every time a sinner falls in repentance before Christ, 335 00:23:55,673 --> 00:23:57,429 there is an enemy subdued. 336 00:23:57,435 --> 00:24:00,863 And every time one of the wicked dies, 337 00:24:00,869 --> 00:24:04,663 there is an enemy subdued. 338 00:24:04,669 --> 00:24:07,907 His enemies are being put down now. 339 00:24:07,913 --> 00:24:08,638 He went. 340 00:24:08,644 --> 00:24:15,520 When He is far away, He is getting for Himself a kingdom. 341 00:24:15,526 --> 00:24:17,059 Make sure you see that. 342 00:24:17,065 --> 00:24:19,016 That's all the more I want to do with that right now. 343 00:24:19,022 --> 00:24:22,180 If you doubt what I am saying that that has to do with Christ, 344 00:24:22,186 --> 00:24:25,839 or that has to do with Him ascending and going away for now, 345 00:24:25,845 --> 00:24:30,055 you can look further at that later. 346 00:24:30,061 --> 00:24:31,698 I don't want to spend a lot of time.(P) 347 00:24:31,704 --> 00:24:32,460 But notice this: 348 00:24:32,466 --> 00:24:36,061 "A nobleman went into a far country to receive for Himself a kingdom 349 00:24:36,067 --> 00:24:37,749 and then return." 350 00:24:37,755 --> 00:24:41,296 You see, when He comes and returns, it is not to set up a kingdom here. 351 00:24:41,302 --> 00:24:43,101 He has already got the kingdom. 352 00:24:43,107 --> 00:24:47,890 It is at that point He ushers in eternity. 353 00:24:47,896 --> 00:24:53,582 It is at that point the new Jerusalem comes down. 354 00:24:53,588 --> 00:24:58,092 The place of His reign is a new heavens and a new earth. 355 00:24:58,098 --> 00:25:00,001 But notice that. 356 00:25:00,007 --> 00:25:02,711 Because I am going to make a case later on 357 00:25:02,717 --> 00:25:07,074 that this thousand-year kingdom of Revelation is now. 358 00:25:07,080 --> 00:25:10,289 You see, He is getting the kingdom for Himself now. 359 00:25:10,295 --> 00:25:13,611 The kingdom has come now. 360 00:25:13,617 --> 00:25:19,811 Repent! For the kingdom of God is at hand (Now). 361 00:25:19,817 --> 00:25:23,456 It is not a physical kingdom in this world, 362 00:25:23,462 --> 00:25:27,542 nor will it ever be a kingdom that is going to be established in this world. 363 00:25:27,548 --> 00:25:29,313 This world is going to be destroyed, 364 00:25:29,319 --> 00:25:34,176 and then that kingdom is going to be brought here 365 00:25:34,182 --> 00:25:35,920 that He has earned and established.(P) 366 00:25:35,926 --> 00:25:43,901 Anyway, back to Luke 17. 367 00:25:44,877 --> 00:25:52,973 The kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed. 368 00:25:52,979 --> 00:25:56,351 I think you all have to admit that just based on those texts, 369 00:25:56,357 --> 00:26:02,734 to come up with a thousand-year kingdom in this world before the end of this world, 370 00:26:02,740 --> 00:26:05,611 is not found there. 371 00:26:05,617 --> 00:26:08,164 You have to put it there. 372 00:26:08,170 --> 00:26:14,174 You have to come up with it from somewhere else and bring it here. 373 00:26:14,180 --> 00:26:15,672 It's not here. 374 00:26:15,678 --> 00:26:19,714 What Jesus says is, it's not observable. 375 00:26:19,720 --> 00:26:23,047 Okay, let's keep going. 376 00:26:23,053 --> 00:26:29,303 Verse 22, "And He said to the disciples, 'The days are coming 377 00:26:29,309 --> 00:26:33,176 when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, 378 00:26:33,182 --> 00:26:36,294 and you will not see it.'" 379 00:26:36,300 --> 00:26:47,362 What Jesus is anticipating is that His disciples are going to yearn for His presence. 380 00:26:47,368 --> 00:26:51,460 Don't any of you ever find yourself longing for that? 381 00:26:51,466 --> 00:26:57,767 He recognized that such days were coming. 382 00:26:57,773 --> 00:27:08,636 Such days of sin, rampant wickedness, 383 00:27:08,642 --> 00:27:11,882 hardship, affliction, persecution. 384 00:27:11,888 --> 00:27:13,158 What do they want? 385 00:27:13,164 --> 00:27:16,027 They want His help, they want His presence.(P) 386 00:27:16,033 --> 00:27:21,698 Days are going to come when you want to see one of the days of the Son of Man. 387 00:27:21,704 --> 00:27:23,648 That means you want Him there. 388 00:27:23,654 --> 00:27:24,969 You want Him with you. 389 00:27:24,975 --> 00:27:26,884 He has gone. 390 00:27:26,890 --> 00:27:30,232 You want one of the days when He was here with you; 391 00:27:30,238 --> 00:27:34,036 or to jump forward to one of the days when He is going to be back with you. 392 00:27:34,042 --> 00:27:36,523 You want a deliverer. 393 00:27:36,529 --> 00:27:40,005 You want the help. 394 00:27:40,011 --> 00:27:47,109 In such times of difficulty, you know what's going to happen? 395 00:27:47,115 --> 00:27:50,136 You're going to have deceivers jump up 396 00:27:50,142 --> 00:27:55,207 and cater to people who are looking for help or for deliverance. 397 00:27:55,213 --> 00:27:57,952 In such times, Jesus predicts that men are going to rise 398 00:27:57,958 --> 00:27:59,582 pretending to be the messiah. 399 00:27:59,588 --> 00:28:06,521 And so, Jesus takes this occasion to caution His disciples against being led astray.(P) 400 00:28:06,527 --> 00:28:10,007 Notice what He says in verse 23, 401 00:28:10,013 --> 00:28:15,660 "They will say to you, 'Look, there!' or 'Look, here!'" 402 00:28:15,666 --> 00:28:18,753 He says, "Do not go out and follow them." 403 00:28:18,759 --> 00:28:22,424 Why not, what if it is Christ? 404 00:28:22,430 --> 00:28:28,563 He says it won't be. It won't be Me. 405 00:28:29,421 --> 00:28:33,488 Verse 24, "For as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky 406 00:28:33,494 --> 00:28:36,593 from one side to the other, 407 00:28:36,599 --> 00:28:42,291 so will the Son of Man be in His day." 408 00:28:42,297 --> 00:28:44,877 Now I just want you to stop at those last two words. 409 00:28:44,883 --> 00:28:49,523 What does "His day" mean? 410 00:28:49,529 --> 00:28:52,478 What is the day of the Son of Man? 411 00:28:52,484 --> 00:28:55,265 And again, I would take you back to verse 30. 412 00:28:55,271 --> 00:29:07,052 We know what our Lord has in mind: "So will it be on the day". 413 00:29:07,058 --> 00:29:08,212 That is His day. 414 00:29:08,218 --> 00:29:20,406 The day when the Son of Man is apokalupto (revealed). 415 00:29:21,689 --> 00:29:24,744 That which is veiled is no longer veiled. 416 00:29:24,750 --> 00:29:30,259 His day is the day when the Son of Man comes again. 417 00:29:30,265 --> 00:29:32,710 He is revealed. 418 00:29:32,716 --> 00:29:33,825 What does this imply? 419 00:29:33,831 --> 00:29:36,365 It implies that He is not revealed right now, 420 00:29:36,371 --> 00:29:38,776 and that goes hand in hand with what He is expecting. 421 00:29:38,782 --> 00:29:41,136 You guys are going to get in difficult times; 422 00:29:41,142 --> 00:29:42,519 there is going to be persecution. 423 00:29:42,525 --> 00:29:44,230 You guys are going to find yourselves in prison. 424 00:29:44,236 --> 00:29:47,287 You guys are going to find this world is not a nice place. 425 00:29:47,293 --> 00:29:50,080 Wars and rumors of wars, and affliction. 426 00:29:50,086 --> 00:29:54,935 Those who put you to death are going to think that they are doing God a favor. 427 00:29:54,941 --> 00:29:56,923 That is what you have to look forward to. 428 00:29:56,929 --> 00:29:58,239 It is going to be difficult. 429 00:29:58,245 --> 00:29:59,717 Remember He said this to them? 430 00:29:59,723 --> 00:30:04,057 He said, "I am telling you these things so that you don't fall away."(P) 431 00:30:04,063 --> 00:30:07,801 That's why He is telling them these things because He is saying, 432 00:30:07,807 --> 00:30:12,569 "Look, there is going to come some days, He told them concerning fasting, 433 00:30:12,575 --> 00:30:14,616 they don't fast now, the bridegroom is with them. 434 00:30:14,622 --> 00:30:16,657 The day is coming, the bridegroom is going to be taken away, 435 00:30:16,663 --> 00:30:18,894 they are going to fast. Those are hard days. 436 00:30:18,900 --> 00:30:23,483 There is sorrow, there is longing, there is difficulty. 437 00:30:23,489 --> 00:30:25,585 You are going to long for those days. 438 00:30:25,591 --> 00:30:27,451 Brethren, if we are living the Christian life right, 439 00:30:27,457 --> 00:30:29,673 we ought to be longing for Christ's coming; 440 00:30:29,679 --> 00:30:36,532 longing to see Him; longing to escape. 441 00:30:36,538 --> 00:30:41,002 This is what His day [implies]. 442 00:30:41,008 --> 00:30:46,920 He is not revealed now, He is out of sight now but He is coming again.(P) 443 00:30:46,926 --> 00:30:49,665 Remember the two angels? 444 00:30:49,671 --> 00:30:52,710 When Jesus Christ ascended, His disciples were standing there, 445 00:30:52,716 --> 00:30:55,511 they're watching Him go, He disappears into the clouds, 446 00:30:55,517 --> 00:30:57,201 two angels appear right there. 447 00:30:57,207 --> 00:31:01,220 They say in Acts chapter 1 verse 9, "As they were looking on, 448 00:31:01,226 --> 00:31:04,090 He was lifted up, and a cloud took Him out of their sight. 449 00:31:04,096 --> 00:31:06,710 And while they were gazing into heaven as He went, 450 00:31:06,716 --> 00:31:10,030 behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and said, 451 00:31:10,036 --> 00:31:13,227 'Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? 452 00:31:13,233 --> 00:31:15,629 This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, 453 00:31:15,635 --> 00:31:22,206 will come in the same way as you saw Him go into heaven.'" 454 00:31:22,212 --> 00:31:26,538 You know why it is foolish; it is absolute foolishness 455 00:31:26,544 --> 00:31:31,750 to believe when anybody tells you that Jesus Christ has already come? 456 00:31:31,756 --> 00:31:33,353 Why is it so foolish? 457 00:31:33,359 --> 00:31:34,752 Because when He does come, 458 00:31:34,758 --> 00:31:42,050 there is not going to be any doubt in anybody's mind that it is happening. 459 00:31:42,466 --> 00:31:44,277 That is why it's foolish.(P) 460 00:31:44,292 --> 00:31:48,141 Listen, if there is any kind of event that takes place in this world 461 00:31:48,147 --> 00:31:51,068 that you actually have to sit there and contemplate 462 00:31:51,074 --> 00:31:53,697 "hmmn, I wonder if He has come," 463 00:31:53,703 --> 00:31:55,474 you can be certain He hasn't. 464 00:31:55,480 --> 00:31:56,756 That is what He is saying here. 465 00:31:56,762 --> 00:32:00,256 He says when He comes, it's not going to be a matter that anybody has to sit down 466 00:32:00,262 --> 00:32:02,832 and do calculations or try to figure out. 467 00:32:02,838 --> 00:32:05,336 Nobody is going to have to say, "He's over there!" 468 00:32:05,342 --> 00:32:08,905 It is going to be such an event that is going to take place, 469 00:32:08,911 --> 00:32:13,765 it is going to be so radical, it is going to be so bright. 470 00:32:13,771 --> 00:32:16,622 If you have to analyze whether He's come or not, He hasn't. 471 00:32:16,628 --> 00:32:20,094 Lightning, brethren, fills the whole sky. 472 00:32:20,100 --> 00:32:23,267 It's like lightning flashing from one end to the other. 473 00:32:23,273 --> 00:32:25,262 Everyone knows it, everyone sees it. 474 00:32:25,268 --> 00:32:29,066 And so it's going to be when the Son of Man is revealed. 475 00:32:29,071 --> 00:32:30,974 I want you to see this. 476 00:32:30,981 --> 00:32:33,990 There is nothing secret about this. 477 00:32:33,996 --> 00:32:37,429 It is like lightning that flashes, not secret.(P) 478 00:32:37,435 --> 00:32:43,723 You see, there is this very prevalent idea today that Jesus Christ is coming twice. 479 00:32:43,729 --> 00:32:48,063 Or, that His one coming can be broken up into two: 480 00:32:48,069 --> 00:32:50,916 the secret coming where He raptures the church; 481 00:32:50,922 --> 00:32:57,182 and 7 years later, this open coming where He defeats the Antichrist. 482 00:32:57,188 --> 00:33:02,494 Brethren, I'll just tell you this, and you have to be honest. 483 00:33:02,500 --> 00:33:06,620 From this, there's nothing about a secret coming. 484 00:33:06,626 --> 00:33:12,070 This coming right here is open, it's apparent. 485 00:33:12,076 --> 00:33:13,914 Nothing about a two-part coming. 486 00:33:13,920 --> 00:33:19,934 There is one coming, very visible; precisely what John tells us. 487 00:33:19,940 --> 00:33:24,937 Listen to this: Revelation chapter 1 verse 7, 488 00:33:24,943 --> 00:33:27,322 "Behold, He is coming with the clouds." 489 00:33:27,328 --> 00:33:32,456 This is just what the angels told the disciples, there in Acts chapter 1. 490 00:33:32,462 --> 00:33:38,073 "Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him." 491 00:33:38,079 --> 00:33:39,570 You see how public it is? 492 00:33:39,576 --> 00:33:45,443 This thing is public, it is spectacular, and it is terrifying. 493 00:33:45,449 --> 00:33:48,551 Every eye will see Him. There will be no doubt. 494 00:33:48,557 --> 00:33:51,665 You don't have to wonder, "Oh I wonder if it's happening." 495 00:33:51,671 --> 00:33:53,733 Every eye will see Him. 496 00:33:53,739 --> 00:33:56,532 It's like the lightning. It's greater than the lightning. 497 00:33:56,538 --> 00:33:59,314 You can imagine lightning flashing.(P) 498 00:33:59,320 --> 00:34:04,110 You know what? It's the kind of thing that is instantaneous. 499 00:34:04,116 --> 00:34:10,186 You think about a bolt of lightning striking at midnight; black sky. 500 00:34:10,192 --> 00:34:14,429 A bolt of lightning could strike way over here on this horizon, 501 00:34:14,435 --> 00:34:19,179 and you would see it flash at night, probably in the day too. 502 00:34:19,186 --> 00:34:21,069 You can see the flash. 503 00:34:21,074 --> 00:34:23,416 Lightning is brilliant. 504 00:34:23,422 --> 00:34:25,255 Just bang! It's instantaneous. 505 00:34:25,262 --> 00:34:28,245 And the thing about it, well there are other things that happen instantaneously, 506 00:34:28,251 --> 00:34:31,708 maybe an earthquake happens instantaneously; a volcano erupts. 507 00:34:31,714 --> 00:34:37,576 But He is speaking about something every single one of us in this room 508 00:34:37,581 --> 00:34:39,870 are familiar with. 509 00:34:39,876 --> 00:34:42,989 We have all experienced lightning at night. 510 00:34:42,996 --> 00:34:47,023 Lightning, at all, we've experienced it. 511 00:34:47,029 --> 00:34:50,511 It registers with us. 512 00:34:51,096 --> 00:34:55,322 If we are all in here at night and a bolt of lightning strikes out there, 513 00:34:55,338 --> 00:34:56,469 you know what happened. 514 00:34:56,476 --> 00:34:58,805 Every eye is going to see it. 515 00:34:58,811 --> 00:35:00,653 You will know when it is happening.(P) 516 00:35:00,659 --> 00:35:04,534 Notice this, just listen to me. 517 00:35:04,540 --> 00:35:12,610 John says, "Every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him, 518 00:35:12,616 --> 00:35:22,752 and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of Him. 519 00:35:22,758 --> 00:35:27,837 Even so. Amen." 520 00:35:28,439 --> 00:35:33,800 You know, as a young believer, I wondered at that verse. 521 00:35:34,170 --> 00:35:41,212 You get saved and you think, "I want to see the Lord. 522 00:35:41,981 --> 00:35:45,883 I have an expectation of seeing the Lord." 523 00:35:45,889 --> 00:35:48,402 And then you read right here, 524 00:35:48,408 --> 00:35:58,024 "All the tribes of the earth will wail on account of Him." 525 00:35:58,030 --> 00:36:01,934 Do you know what most men [think]? Oh I am sure. 526 00:36:01,940 --> 00:36:06,176 You talk to people on the streets, 527 00:36:06,182 --> 00:36:08,757 you come with us when we evangelize, 528 00:36:08,763 --> 00:36:15,522 you get a real clear picture about what people think. 529 00:36:15,528 --> 00:36:21,762 Almost every single person we speak with 530 00:36:21,768 --> 00:36:29,176 expects to be received by Jesus Christ. 531 00:36:30,475 --> 00:36:41,430 But the picture that our Bible portrays is a world full of wailing. 532 00:36:41,436 --> 00:36:43,778 I want you to imagine this. 533 00:36:43,784 --> 00:36:46,372 I want you to think about this. 534 00:36:46,378 --> 00:36:55,005 At the moment Jesus is revealed, think about what happens. 535 00:36:55,011 --> 00:37:01,762 That instantaneous moment. Every eye sees Him. 536 00:37:01,768 --> 00:37:04,126 Do you recognize what happens? 537 00:37:04,132 --> 00:37:09,318 How many ever billions of people are alive at that moment in time, 538 00:37:09,324 --> 00:37:13,573 something is happening to every one of them at the same instant. 539 00:37:13,579 --> 00:37:17,013 You know what is happening? 540 00:37:17,019 --> 00:37:22,586 You know what is happening. You know exactly.(P) 541 00:37:22,592 --> 00:37:27,384 We are talking people just like us. 542 00:37:27,390 --> 00:37:32,604 They have thoughts, they have hearts. 543 00:37:32,609 --> 00:37:40,649 A moment before, they were just living their lives. 544 00:37:40,656 --> 00:37:45,786 They had hopes, they had ambitions, they were going somewhere. 545 00:37:45,792 --> 00:37:50,734 Driving down the road; walking across the kitchen. 546 00:37:50,740 --> 00:37:56,794 Responsibilities, lives, hopes. 547 00:37:56,800 --> 00:37:58,066 Can you see it? 548 00:37:58,072 --> 00:38:04,837 Multitudes upon multitudes at the very same instant: 549 00:38:04,842 --> 00:38:07,493 Bang! 550 00:38:07,499 --> 00:38:20,801 They are hit with "I am not ready. It is all over. This is not good." 551 00:38:20,807 --> 00:38:23,841 I mean, it is happening to a world full of people 552 00:38:23,847 --> 00:38:29,287 spontaneously at the same moment. 553 00:38:29,293 --> 00:38:31,870 "I am undone." 554 00:38:32,465 --> 00:38:38,728 Brethren, why would John describe a whole world of wailing? 555 00:38:38,734 --> 00:38:41,663 Because, by and large, that is representative. 556 00:38:41,669 --> 00:38:48,221 It is only this little flock, just little flock, 557 00:38:48,227 --> 00:38:52,896 (the ones who, right now, are counted as fools and idiots and fanatics, 558 00:38:52,902 --> 00:38:55,794 who loved Christ more than life itself,) 559 00:38:55,800 --> 00:38:57,533 who will be the exception. 560 00:38:57,539 --> 00:39:02,773 This silly, little, stupid bunch of nobody's always reading their Bibles 561 00:39:02,779 --> 00:39:08,353 and talking about getting saved, 562 00:39:08,359 --> 00:39:17,452 who are going to marvel at His coming. 563 00:39:17,458 --> 00:39:21,340 Their shame will be turned to joy and gladness.(P) 564 00:39:21,346 --> 00:39:28,113 He says this, Luke 17:25, "But first He must suffer many things 565 00:39:28,119 --> 00:39:30,455 and be rejected by this generation." 566 00:39:30,461 --> 00:39:32,548 You see, Jesus needs to say this. 567 00:39:32,554 --> 00:39:35,216 Why? Because just like we saw, 568 00:39:35,222 --> 00:39:37,527 the Pharisees, "You're going to set up your kingdom now?" 569 00:39:37,533 --> 00:39:42,038 His disciples over in Luke 19, "Lord, is it at this time?" 570 00:39:42,043 --> 00:39:47,658 Remember even there when He is getting taken up in Acts chapter 1, 571 00:39:47,665 --> 00:39:49,465 "Okay Lord, is it this time? 572 00:39:49,471 --> 00:39:53,019 We thought it was when we were headed to Jerusalem but it didn't happen then. 573 00:39:53,025 --> 00:39:54,096 Is it now?" 574 00:39:54,102 --> 00:39:58,104 You see, it is the same question over and over. 575 00:39:58,974 --> 00:40:06,046 Jesus is trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together for these guys. 576 00:40:06,052 --> 00:40:13,517 You notice: "First I must suffer." 577 00:40:13,523 --> 00:40:16,374 They could not yet conceive of the cross. 578 00:40:16,380 --> 00:40:23,972 They fully expected Jesus to just come set up His earthly kingdom. 579 00:40:23,978 --> 00:40:29,862 But Jesus as He is speaking about His coming in glory, 580 00:40:29,868 --> 00:40:35,895 He is careful to mention first His humiliation, 581 00:40:35,901 --> 00:40:41,998 His suffering, His sorrow, which must precede His exaltation. 582 00:40:42,004 --> 00:40:45,749 Why? So that they don't fall away. 583 00:40:45,755 --> 00:40:48,614 For the sake of their faith. 584 00:40:48,620 --> 00:40:52,920 Wasn't it that way? 585 00:40:52,926 --> 00:40:59,033 Two on the road to Emmaus, "We thought it was going to be him. 586 00:40:59,039 --> 00:41:02,160 All disappointment now." 587 00:41:02,166 --> 00:41:04,021 What He is doing is He is telling them; 588 00:41:04,027 --> 00:41:07,640 He is seeking to teach them so that His disciples wouldn't be weakened 589 00:41:07,646 --> 00:41:11,245 by false expectations and misunderstandings. 590 00:41:11,251 --> 00:41:15,367 "Guys, I've got to suffer first."(P) 591 00:41:15,373 --> 00:41:20,781 Now notice this. Two examples. 592 00:41:20,787 --> 00:41:28,743 Our Lord is going to give us two Old Testament judgments. 593 00:41:28,749 --> 00:41:37,471 Real historical judgments that He is going to liken His Second Coming to. 594 00:41:37,477 --> 00:41:39,306 You have to remember this. 595 00:41:39,312 --> 00:41:44,517 Whatever glory there may be; how much we ever may marvel, 596 00:41:44,523 --> 00:41:47,023 (and there may be a time for worship among us believers,) 597 00:41:47,029 --> 00:41:49,967 you have to recognize it is a time of judgment. 598 00:41:49,973 --> 00:41:52,428 And when He wants to go back into the Old Testament 599 00:41:52,434 --> 00:41:55,859 and pull up two stories that resemble His coming, 600 00:41:55,865 --> 00:41:59,849 both are stories of judgment. 601 00:41:59,855 --> 00:42:04,929 This should shake us because of what stories they are. 602 00:42:04,935 --> 00:42:13,259 They are the two most devastating Old Testament examples of judgment 603 00:42:13,265 --> 00:42:15,980 found in our Bibles.(P) 604 00:42:15,986 --> 00:42:19,517 Let's read Luke 17:26, "Just as it was..." 605 00:42:19,523 --> 00:42:23,489 Brethren, I hope you catch those words. 606 00:42:23,495 --> 00:42:24,648 He's not saying, 607 00:42:24,654 --> 00:42:33,731 "Well when I come, it's going to just basically be a celebration. 608 00:42:33,737 --> 00:42:36,214 Yes, there will be a little bit of judgment going on, 609 00:42:36,220 --> 00:42:38,645 and a few wicked people cast away." 610 00:42:38,651 --> 00:42:40,206 No. 611 00:42:40,212 --> 00:42:47,438 He says, "Just the way it was in the days of Noah and the days of Lot. 612 00:42:47,444 --> 00:42:57,044 Just as it was, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 613 00:42:57,050 --> 00:43:01,626 They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, 614 00:43:01,632 --> 00:43:05,089 until the day when Noah entered the ark, 615 00:43:05,095 --> 00:43:13,505 and the flood came - and notice this - and destroyed them all. 616 00:43:13,511 --> 00:43:17,917 Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot— 617 00:43:17,923 --> 00:43:20,958 they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, 618 00:43:20,964 --> 00:43:22,614 planting and building, 619 00:43:22,620 --> 00:43:26,611 but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, 620 00:43:26,617 --> 00:43:31,524 fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all." 621 00:43:31,530 --> 00:43:36,354 Same words: destroyed them all. 622 00:43:36,360 --> 00:43:45,568 Verse 30, "So will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed." 623 00:43:46,122 --> 00:43:51,626 It is going to be a day for wailing. 624 00:43:51,632 --> 00:43:55,489 When those judgment rains began to fall, 625 00:43:55,495 --> 00:44:00,232 you can imagine as those waters rose, the people wailed. 626 00:44:00,238 --> 00:44:08,940 I don't know if anybody was even given a chance to wail in Sodom and Gomorrah. 627 00:44:08,946 --> 00:44:09,921 Not in this world. 628 00:44:09,927 --> 00:44:10,997 They are wailing now. 629 00:44:11,003 --> 00:44:17,538 They were wailing moments afterwards in the place they were.(P) 630 00:44:18,086 --> 00:44:18,919 Two things. 631 00:44:18,925 --> 00:44:25,885 Two things I would have us notice about these two stories. 632 00:44:25,891 --> 00:44:28,061 True stories. 633 00:44:28,067 --> 00:44:33,272 Historical accounts that Jesus likens His own revealing to. 634 00:44:33,278 --> 00:44:39,782 One is: I mentioned that God destroys them all. 635 00:44:39,788 --> 00:44:41,694 Do you feel the weight of this? 636 00:44:41,700 --> 00:44:43,258 I mean, think about it. 637 00:44:43,264 --> 00:44:48,613 Of all the stories that He could have brought, 638 00:44:48,619 --> 00:45:04,039 He brings one, the first one, eight souls were spared. 639 00:45:04,045 --> 00:45:06,923 All the rest died. 640 00:45:06,929 --> 00:45:14,106 The second story, four souls escaped Sodom and Gomorrah. 641 00:45:14,112 --> 00:45:21,861 All the rest were burned alive. 642 00:45:25,619 --> 00:45:29,291 He says in verse 30, 643 00:45:29,297 --> 00:45:34,637 "So will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed." 644 00:45:34,643 --> 00:45:44,023 Just as it was in Noah's day and in Lot's day, so will it be. 645 00:45:44,029 --> 00:45:49,623 Our Lord said, "Few there be that find it." Did He not? 646 00:45:49,629 --> 00:45:54,145 Our Lord also said, "When the Son of Man comes, 647 00:45:54,151 --> 00:45:58,687 will He find faith in the earth?" 648 00:45:59,391 --> 00:46:05,232 Oh it is going to be a terrible day. 649 00:46:05,237 --> 00:46:08,007 Terrible day. 650 00:46:08,013 --> 00:46:09,960 That was the first thing, God destroys them all.(P) 651 00:46:09,966 --> 00:46:13,755 Notice the second thing about these two stories: 652 00:46:13,761 --> 00:46:17,392 The unexpectedness. 653 00:46:17,398 --> 00:46:20,482 That ought to jump out at you. 654 00:46:20,488 --> 00:46:26,981 Just look! Look what He wants us to see. 655 00:46:26,987 --> 00:46:30,073 It's not like you even go back into the Old Testament 656 00:46:30,079 --> 00:46:35,416 and find that these things were ever spoken about. 657 00:46:35,422 --> 00:46:39,766 These are things Jesus knows were true 658 00:46:39,772 --> 00:46:45,273 that He wants you to know were true. 659 00:46:45,279 --> 00:46:47,418 These are not things you go back to the Old Testament 660 00:46:47,424 --> 00:46:50,299 in the book of Genesis and read about. 661 00:46:50,305 --> 00:46:55,121 These are things that Jesus knew were taking place 662 00:46:55,127 --> 00:47:03,851 that are so much a parallel to when He comes. 663 00:47:03,857 --> 00:47:06,704 Just normal life. 664 00:47:06,710 --> 00:47:09,868 Just doing what you always do: 665 00:47:09,874 --> 00:47:18,230 eating, drinking, marrying, buying, selling, 666 00:47:18,236 --> 00:47:23,630 planting, building, life as usual. 667 00:47:23,636 --> 00:47:26,641 It happens when you don't think it will happen. 668 00:47:26,647 --> 00:47:30,990 Notice both in the example of Noah and the example of Lot, 669 00:47:30,996 --> 00:47:33,792 they are just going along. 670 00:47:33,798 --> 00:47:36,478 And then what He says. 671 00:47:36,484 --> 00:47:40,105 He says they are just going along; 672 00:47:40,111 --> 00:47:42,548 eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage, 673 00:47:42,553 --> 00:47:47,504 until the day. 674 00:47:47,510 --> 00:47:50,486 There's always a day. 675 00:47:50,492 --> 00:47:55,268 There's the day Noah went into the ark. 676 00:47:55,274 --> 00:48:00,373 Or how about with Lot? What's happening? 677 00:48:00,379 --> 00:48:03,726 Eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building, 678 00:48:03,732 --> 00:48:10,067 but on the day when Lot went out of Sodom. 679 00:48:10,073 --> 00:48:17,535 In verse 30, "So will it be on the day..."(P) 680 00:48:18,170 --> 00:48:20,993 Just going along. 681 00:48:20,999 --> 00:48:27,338 Most men get caught unaware. 682 00:48:28,655 --> 00:48:30,759 Just engaged in other things. 683 00:48:30,765 --> 00:48:34,155 They are not expecting this. 684 00:48:34,161 --> 00:48:40,960 I mean, look, think about how life is. 685 00:48:40,966 --> 00:48:44,521 We just had a wedding yesterday. 686 00:48:44,527 --> 00:48:48,574 You folks have plans. 687 00:48:49,392 --> 00:48:53,034 Buying and selling. 688 00:48:53,040 --> 00:48:57,134 You know, put it right where you live. 689 00:48:57,140 --> 00:48:59,661 "Yeah, I've got to go to the store." 690 00:48:59,667 --> 00:49:04,540 Or, "this is theology, that's kind of where I live." 691 00:49:04,546 --> 00:49:09,267 This Book has to do with where we live. 692 00:49:09,273 --> 00:49:11,839 You're going to go to the store. 693 00:49:11,845 --> 00:49:14,898 Some of you ladies probably would have thought today, 694 00:49:14,904 --> 00:49:16,089 "I've got to go to Walmart. 695 00:49:16,095 --> 00:49:17,113 I've got to go to HEB. 696 00:49:17,119 --> 00:49:18,187 I've got to go to Costco. 697 00:49:18,193 --> 00:49:19,639 I've got to go to Sam's." 698 00:49:19,645 --> 00:49:21,347 Buying and selling. 699 00:49:21,353 --> 00:49:23,545 That's what they are doing, just buying and selling. 700 00:49:23,551 --> 00:49:27,732 Marrying and given in marriage; we had a marriage yesterday. 701 00:49:27,738 --> 00:49:29,177 David was talking about marriage. 702 00:49:29,183 --> 00:49:33,439 Marriage sanctifying or not being married can be sanctifying. 703 00:49:33,445 --> 00:49:36,223 Some of you are married, you're thinking about your marriage. 704 00:49:36,229 --> 00:49:41,336 Some of you are not married, you want to be married. 705 00:49:41,342 --> 00:49:42,217 This is life. 706 00:49:42,223 --> 00:49:44,079 This is just the normal things.(P) 707 00:49:44,085 --> 00:49:47,917 Planting. Well we don't do much planting, 708 00:49:47,923 --> 00:49:50,513 we go get our food somewhere. 709 00:49:50,519 --> 00:49:53,270 Building. 710 00:49:53,276 --> 00:49:57,058 It's just the stuff of life. 711 00:49:57,064 --> 00:50:01,118 People thinking of making trip to the store. 712 00:50:01,124 --> 00:50:05,029 Business ventures; plans for a new house. 713 00:50:05,035 --> 00:50:13,113 Just life as usual, and it's going to be exactly like this 714 00:50:13,119 --> 00:50:16,958 on the day when the Son of Man is revealed. 715 00:50:16,964 --> 00:50:23,166 Suddenly like a flash of lightning, bang! there it is! 716 00:50:23,172 --> 00:50:27,615 And the King in all His glory, Scripture says, 717 00:50:27,621 --> 00:50:32,746 He is coming with His angels in flaming fire, 718 00:50:32,752 --> 00:50:37,681 and He is going to carry out vengeance on His enemies. 719 00:50:37,687 --> 00:50:40,372 And when you figure that by and large, 720 00:50:40,378 --> 00:50:45,810 the vast majority of this world is going to be at enmity against Him, 721 00:50:45,816 --> 00:50:52,157 even people, Jesus said many religious people are going to say to Me in that day, 722 00:50:52,163 --> 00:50:53,896 "Lord Lord, we were there. 723 00:50:53,902 --> 00:50:56,113 We were in the church and we were doing many mighty works 724 00:50:56,119 --> 00:50:58,357 and prophesying and casting out demons. 725 00:50:58,363 --> 00:50:59,484 We were the religious folks. 726 00:50:59,490 --> 00:51:00,947 We were the ones saying Lord Lord. 727 00:51:00,953 --> 00:51:03,859 We were there. We were singing the songs." 728 00:51:03,865 --> 00:51:05,357 "I never knew you." 729 00:51:05,363 --> 00:51:06,343 And they are going to know. 730 00:51:06,349 --> 00:51:08,424 They are going to know the moment that they see Him. 731 00:51:08,430 --> 00:51:09,934 They are not ready. 732 00:51:09,940 --> 00:51:12,261 He is going to bring vengeance against those 733 00:51:12,267 --> 00:51:15,153 who obeyed not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.(P) 734 00:51:15,159 --> 00:51:18,633 I'll tell you what, men's hearts are going to fail. 735 00:51:18,639 --> 00:51:20,206 That's where the wail comes from. 736 00:51:20,212 --> 00:51:21,345 Imagine it. 737 00:51:21,351 --> 00:51:25,351 Imagine whatever it is, 10 billion, 15 billion people, 738 00:51:25,357 --> 00:51:27,878 or whatever it is, alive on the earth at that time. 739 00:51:27,884 --> 00:51:33,808 The vast majority, their hearts will fail in the same moment. 740 00:51:33,814 --> 00:51:36,701 It's all over. It's all over. 741 00:51:36,707 --> 00:51:42,138 My friend, men may count you a fool for following Christ now. 742 00:51:42,144 --> 00:51:45,516 Not in that day, they will not. 743 00:51:45,522 --> 00:51:48,958 In our day, men's lips are quick, 744 00:51:48,963 --> 00:51:53,484 they are quick to call us whatever they want to call us - 745 00:51:53,491 --> 00:51:58,084 "radicals, fanatics." 746 00:51:58,090 --> 00:52:01,357 They want to mock, they want to say their things, 747 00:52:01,363 --> 00:52:03,909 they want to ridicule, they want to slander. 748 00:52:03,915 --> 00:52:08,301 In that day, no tongue will wag against God's people. 749 00:52:08,307 --> 00:52:12,986 The richest, the most powerful people in this world will trade everything 750 00:52:12,992 --> 00:52:16,817 to be one of the followers of the Lamb. Everything! 751 00:52:16,823 --> 00:52:19,133 But it's too late. 752 00:52:19,139 --> 00:52:22,481 The door is shut. 753 00:52:22,487 --> 00:52:26,648 Their time of opportunity is gone. 754 00:52:26,654 --> 00:52:34,250 Oh, what fools! They were offered a Savior, 755 00:52:34,256 --> 00:52:39,455 not like the demons who had no chance. 756 00:52:39,461 --> 00:52:47,293 They were offered a Savior, and they said, "Nope." 757 00:52:48,230 --> 00:52:59,413 Oh brethren, we go to people's doors, you know it, 758 00:52:59,419 --> 00:53:04,216 "This Book, it was just written by men. 759 00:53:04,222 --> 00:53:07,724 It's a mirage. It's a myth. 760 00:53:07,730 --> 00:53:11,856 The Bible is just a bunch of stories." 761 00:53:11,862 --> 00:53:17,167 It will not be that. 762 00:53:17,173 --> 00:53:19,995 It will be all too real.(P) 763 00:53:20,001 --> 00:53:23,541 You remember John Bunyan, Pilgrim's Progress? 764 00:53:23,547 --> 00:53:28,267 Christian at one point in that story goes to the house of the Interpreter. 765 00:53:28,273 --> 00:53:33,403 You may recall, the Interpreter takes him to a man 766 00:53:33,409 --> 00:53:37,366 who had a dream about judgment day. 767 00:53:37,372 --> 00:53:42,557 And as that man described judgment day, he said, "I dreamt." 768 00:53:42,563 --> 00:53:46,509 And he said he dreamt that he heard this great sound of a trumpet, 769 00:53:46,515 --> 00:53:49,857 and there he saw a Man sitting upon a cloud 770 00:53:49,863 --> 00:53:53,601 attended with the thousands of heaven in flaming fire. 771 00:53:53,607 --> 00:53:56,528 He said also the heavens were in flaming fire. 772 00:53:56,534 --> 00:54:02,879 He said, "I sought to hide but I could not, 773 00:54:02,885 --> 00:54:07,915 for the Man that sat upon the cloud still kept His eye upon me. 774 00:54:07,921 --> 00:54:10,417 My sins also came into my mind 775 00:54:10,423 --> 00:54:15,376 and my conscience did accuse me on every side." 776 00:54:15,382 --> 00:54:27,142 You know what is happening to a world full of people? 777 00:54:27,148 --> 00:54:31,377 They are not just innocent people. 778 00:54:31,383 --> 00:54:35,145 They are guilty sinners, 779 00:54:35,151 --> 00:54:43,743 who when opportunity was laid before them to surrender to His mercy, 780 00:54:43,749 --> 00:54:48,588 raised their fist and said, "I don't want You." 781 00:54:48,594 --> 00:54:53,294 Remember those citizens who would not have Him to rule over them? 782 00:54:53,300 --> 00:54:56,604 He said, "Slay them. Slay them all." 783 00:54:56,610 --> 00:55:00,504 Oh they will want mercy then.(P) 784 00:55:00,510 --> 00:55:04,962 You have to recognize the Lamb of God, 785 00:55:04,968 --> 00:55:09,921 once His wrath is let loose against you and there is no hope, 786 00:55:09,927 --> 00:55:13,663 and that door is shut, 787 00:55:13,669 --> 00:55:19,046 that Lamb will become altogether a terror to you. 788 00:55:19,052 --> 00:55:29,401 Notice this: Luke 17:31, "On that day," 789 00:55:29,407 --> 00:55:30,763 Let's stop right there. 790 00:55:30,769 --> 00:55:32,274 What day are we talking about? 791 00:55:32,280 --> 00:55:33,613 Go back to verse 30, 792 00:55:33,619 --> 00:55:38,510 "So will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed." 793 00:55:38,516 --> 00:55:42,730 Make no mistake about what day we are talking about here in verse 31. 794 00:55:42,736 --> 00:55:46,367 "On that day, let the one who is on the housetop, 795 00:55:46,373 --> 00:55:47,985 with his goods in the house, 796 00:55:47,991 --> 00:55:50,145 not come down to take them away, 797 00:55:50,151 --> 00:55:56,182 and likewise let the one who is in the field not turn back." 798 00:55:56,526 --> 00:56:02,001 It may do us well to remember that when Christ is revealed, 799 00:56:02,007 --> 00:56:06,471 it will be just as it was in the days of Lot. 800 00:56:06,477 --> 00:56:09,528 Just as it was. 801 00:56:10,225 --> 00:56:15,121 You know, some people want to come along and say, 802 00:56:15,136 --> 00:56:23,576 "Well, people on their housetop not coming down to take their stuff away, 803 00:56:23,582 --> 00:56:27,665 is this really speaking about the Second Coming here? 804 00:56:27,671 --> 00:56:32,202 Because it's not like men will even have a chance 805 00:56:32,208 --> 00:56:37,112 or an opportunity to do that on that day, will they?" 806 00:56:37,118 --> 00:56:39,882 Just make sure you see verse 30. 807 00:56:39,888 --> 00:56:45,343 "So will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed."(P) 808 00:56:45,349 --> 00:56:49,344 "On that day, let the one who is on the housetop, 809 00:56:49,350 --> 00:56:51,890 with his goods in the house..." 810 00:56:51,896 --> 00:56:57,298 Let me tell you what Jesus is doing here. 811 00:56:57,304 --> 00:57:07,541 He is bringing the Second Coming home to how you live now. 812 00:57:07,547 --> 00:57:09,493 You'll see this, 813 00:57:09,499 --> 00:57:16,736 but it's evidenced by what is happening in the hearts of men when He comes. 814 00:57:16,742 --> 00:57:20,146 He immediately says, "Remember Lot's wife." 815 00:57:20,152 --> 00:57:21,357 Now you have to remember, 816 00:57:21,363 --> 00:57:27,436 He is comparing His coming to what it was like in the day of Lot. 817 00:57:27,442 --> 00:57:30,471 He came in the day that Lot went out. 818 00:57:30,477 --> 00:57:32,077 Who did Lot go out with? 819 00:57:32,083 --> 00:57:34,307 With his wife and his two daughters. 820 00:57:34,313 --> 00:57:37,337 But his wife did not make it to the place of safety. 821 00:57:37,343 --> 00:57:39,109 Why not? She looked back. 822 00:57:39,115 --> 00:57:41,876 She was turned to a pillar of salt. 823 00:57:41,882 --> 00:57:46,333 Remember Lot's wife. 824 00:57:46,339 --> 00:57:50,926 You say, "What does this have to do with the Second Coming, 825 00:57:50,932 --> 00:57:53,488 what does it have to do with it?" 826 00:57:53,494 --> 00:57:56,272 Brethren, there is going to be wailing, 827 00:57:56,278 --> 00:57:57,878 there is going to be tremendous fear, 828 00:57:57,884 --> 00:58:04,449 but at that very moment when He comes, 829 00:58:04,455 --> 00:58:09,316 something is going to happen in the hearts of men concerning their treasures; 830 00:58:09,322 --> 00:58:14,328 concerning what they are attached to.(P) 831 00:58:14,866 --> 00:58:21,383 Brethren, the loss, the loss. 832 00:58:21,389 --> 00:58:25,480 Do you recognize what that day is? It's a loss; 833 00:58:25,486 --> 00:58:32,424 and the men and the women that are wailing are going to lose their lives. 834 00:58:32,430 --> 00:58:34,997 What is a life? 835 00:58:35,003 --> 00:58:37,390 A life is all you do. 836 00:58:37,396 --> 00:58:39,067 You see, they are going to exist forever. 837 00:58:39,073 --> 00:58:45,174 How come they are not rejoicing, "Oh, I am going to exist forever"? 838 00:58:45,180 --> 00:58:52,403 Because the life they had is going to be taken away from them. 839 00:58:52,409 --> 00:59:00,228 Oh! If you're living your life where to depart and be with Christ is far better, 840 00:59:00,234 --> 00:59:03,184 it's no loss. 841 00:59:03,190 --> 00:59:06,959 But when your heart is set on all the things here, 842 00:59:06,965 --> 00:59:11,106 the goods in the house, think, think. 843 00:59:11,112 --> 00:59:13,650 Moments before He comes, what's it going to be like? 844 00:59:13,656 --> 00:59:18,395 I mean, if He came an hour from now, in the moments that led up to it, 845 00:59:18,401 --> 00:59:19,903 do you ever just drive down the road 846 00:59:19,909 --> 00:59:21,484 and look at all the people around you, 847 00:59:21,490 --> 00:59:23,463 and think about what they are thinking about? 848 00:59:23,469 --> 00:59:27,112 That's what people are going to be thinking about, 849 00:59:27,118 --> 00:59:30,353 right in the moments before Christ comes.(P) 850 00:59:30,359 --> 00:59:34,594 "I bought a new 50-inch LED Television. 851 00:59:34,600 --> 00:59:36,190 My favorite show is going to come on, 852 00:59:36,196 --> 00:59:40,295 I am going to be able to watch it in High Definition on Thursday night." 853 00:59:40,301 --> 00:59:43,585 Or they are driving along and they are thinking about, 854 00:59:43,591 --> 00:59:47,303 "I need to go to the gym, I am starting to get some flab here." 855 00:59:47,309 --> 00:59:50,655 Or they are thinking about, "I really like that new song," 856 00:59:50,661 --> 00:59:54,509 and it's going through their heads and they are running the music through. 857 00:59:54,515 --> 00:59:59,550 Or they are thinking about what they are going to do next Friday. 858 00:59:59,556 --> 01:00:04,481 Or they are thinking about, "Is there enough food in the refrigerator?" 859 01:00:04,487 --> 01:00:07,300 Or, "My son graduates next year from high school, 860 01:00:07,306 --> 01:00:10,571 I really want him to become a doctor."(P) 861 01:00:10,577 --> 01:00:15,973 You know, when Christ comes, it's all over. 862 01:00:15,978 --> 01:00:18,333 It's done. 863 01:00:18,339 --> 01:00:21,328 "But wait, Lord, I am in my 20s. 864 01:00:21,334 --> 01:00:24,364 I expected to live through my 20s and 30s and 40s, 865 01:00:24,370 --> 01:00:27,739 and I expected to get a wife and get a home, and live my job, 866 01:00:27,745 --> 01:00:30,628 this is too soon!" 867 01:00:30,634 --> 01:00:36,328 It's just gone. Everything is gone. 868 01:00:36,334 --> 01:00:41,418 You see, we like to say, "Well, that's my son; that's my daughter. 869 01:00:41,424 --> 01:00:44,314 I hope to see them grow up and have grand kids." 870 01:00:44,320 --> 01:00:47,969 They are not your children. 871 01:00:47,975 --> 01:00:52,709 They belong to Him and He can take them away when He wants. 872 01:00:52,715 --> 01:00:58,311 And the wicked, to them that have not, 873 01:00:58,317 --> 01:01:03,579 even what they seem to have is going to be stripped. 874 01:01:03,585 --> 01:01:04,951 Everything. 875 01:01:04,957 --> 01:01:08,119 What He is dealing with here is our hearts.(P) 876 01:01:08,125 --> 01:01:11,687 Brethren, if you're walking through life and you're attached, 877 01:01:11,693 --> 01:01:15,883 and you're dug in, and you love the things here, 878 01:01:15,889 --> 01:01:24,634 and the cares of this world consume you, that's bad. 879 01:01:24,640 --> 01:01:25,768 There is this hesitation. 880 01:01:25,774 --> 01:01:28,274 Can you imagine the moment He comes? 881 01:01:28,280 --> 01:01:31,814 Undoubtedly, this thing is going to sequentially play out. 882 01:01:31,820 --> 01:01:35,749 There is going to be a moment when He first appears. 883 01:01:35,755 --> 01:01:39,809 How it's all been structured and how it all falls out, I don't know. 884 01:01:39,815 --> 01:01:44,043 But obviously, it's happening in a sequence of time. 885 01:01:44,049 --> 01:01:45,229 Things are happening. 886 01:01:45,235 --> 01:01:49,832 And the first impulse in some people's hearts, "Protect, protect this. 887 01:01:49,838 --> 01:01:51,114 Go hide. 888 01:01:51,120 --> 01:01:52,406 Keep this life. 889 01:01:52,412 --> 01:01:55,426 This can't be happening! 890 01:01:55,432 --> 01:02:00,503 This just messes up everything that I had my heart set on. 891 01:02:00,509 --> 01:02:03,562 Everything! 892 01:02:03,567 --> 01:02:05,558 My goods!" 893 01:02:05,564 --> 01:02:07,332 Can you imagine? 894 01:02:07,338 --> 01:02:11,137 The man on his housetop, and bang! there he is. 895 01:02:11,143 --> 01:02:15,305 And the things that are going through your mind is, "Oh no! 896 01:02:15,311 --> 01:02:17,433 What's happening? 897 01:02:17,439 --> 01:02:19,839 I got family Erlins downstairs. 898 01:02:19,845 --> 01:02:24,288 I got pictures, pictures when my grandchildren were babies."(P) 899 01:02:24,294 --> 01:02:26,792 Listen, if you don't think people will think like that, 900 01:02:26,798 --> 01:02:28,132 all you have to do is watch a person 901 01:02:28,138 --> 01:02:30,716 that is in the midst of losing their house to a fire. 902 01:02:30,722 --> 01:02:32,505 And suddenly where is their mind going? 903 01:02:32,511 --> 01:02:39,511 People lose their lives going back into fires to get stuff. 904 01:02:39,517 --> 01:02:41,406 You don't think it will be the same way? 905 01:02:41,412 --> 01:02:44,725 It's the same people with the same kind of hearts! 906 01:02:44,731 --> 01:02:46,144 And you know what? 907 01:02:46,150 --> 01:02:53,778 When your heart is set on, "Oh Lord, Lord come. 908 01:02:53,784 --> 01:02:55,971 I want you more than anything else." 909 01:02:55,977 --> 01:03:04,993 I'll tell you brethren, to see some, hopefully even many in this room, 910 01:03:04,999 --> 01:03:10,111 to have Him come; and there is not a moment's hesitation, 911 01:03:10,117 --> 01:03:15,703 there is not a looking back like Lot's wife, "Oh no." 912 01:03:15,709 --> 01:03:19,643 You see, you look back and it's like, "Oooh, 913 01:03:19,649 --> 01:03:24,811 there is something back there that I don't want to let go of."(P) 914 01:03:24,817 --> 01:03:28,366 Brethren, I can see many in this place. 915 01:03:28,372 --> 01:03:32,984 You're running across the field, you're not looking back. 916 01:03:32,990 --> 01:03:36,172 You're reaching out, "Lord." 917 01:03:36,178 --> 01:03:39,714 Scripture says we are going to be caught up, that's the rapture. 918 01:03:39,720 --> 01:03:42,285 It says it's coming and it's not secret. 919 01:03:42,291 --> 01:03:45,805 We are going to be caught up, probably instantaneously. 920 01:03:45,811 --> 01:03:49,621 But if it wasn't instantaneous, I can see some of us just running, 921 01:03:49,627 --> 01:03:52,112 we are running to Him, we are leaving it all behind. 922 01:03:52,118 --> 01:03:53,851 This is our hearts desire. 923 01:03:53,857 --> 01:03:57,169 This is what we've been hoping for. 924 01:03:57,175 --> 01:04:07,586 But oh brethren, you can see in verse 33, 925 01:04:07,592 --> 01:04:10,280 where your heart is, now, is going to be every bit evident 926 01:04:10,286 --> 01:04:13,046 of where your heart is going to be the moment He comes. 927 01:04:13,052 --> 01:04:16,282 "Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, 928 01:04:16,288 --> 01:04:20,219 but whoever loses his life will keep it." 929 01:04:20,225 --> 01:04:23,461 Our Lord can just so naturally move from His coming, 930 01:04:23,467 --> 01:04:26,936 right into the condition of our own hearts. 931 01:04:26,942 --> 01:04:30,407 Will we at the heart level be ready for His coming?(P) 932 01:04:30,413 --> 01:04:35,770 Brethren, this is not any dry, dusty doctrine for the bookshelf. 933 01:04:35,776 --> 01:04:39,854 The Second Coming of Christ is real. 934 01:04:39,860 --> 01:04:43,137 It has to do with us. 935 01:04:43,143 --> 01:04:51,483 Some few will be ready and the masses will not be. 936 01:04:52,229 --> 01:04:53,623 Are you ready? 937 01:04:53,629 --> 01:04:59,836 Well, are you seeking to preserve your life and your stuff now? 938 01:04:59,842 --> 01:05:02,642 Are you daily dying now? 939 01:05:02,648 --> 01:05:03,643 You know what that means? 940 01:05:03,649 --> 01:05:10,363 I daily am surrendering to what He wants for me, not what I want for me. 941 01:05:10,369 --> 01:05:12,701 My life is submitted to Him. 942 01:05:12,707 --> 01:05:15,415 I am His. 943 01:05:15,421 --> 01:05:20,612 To live is Christ. 944 01:05:20,618 --> 01:05:26,726 And if to die is gain, the coming of Christ is the same gain. 945 01:05:26,732 --> 01:05:29,398 And that's how the Christian sees it. 946 01:05:29,404 --> 01:05:32,501 It is gain. 947 01:05:33,498 --> 01:05:39,009 Do you think of His coming and long for His coming? 948 01:05:39,015 --> 01:05:44,229 Folks, remember Lot's wife. 949 01:05:44,235 --> 01:05:50,284 If your heart is like hers, it will not go well with you in that day. 950 01:05:50,290 --> 01:05:52,406 You see what Jesus is doing? 951 01:05:52,412 --> 01:05:55,215 He gave us the story of Lot, 952 01:05:55,221 --> 01:05:57,579 and He said My coming is going to be just like that. 953 01:05:57,585 --> 01:06:04,910 And by the way, lest you forget one of the aspects of that story, 954 01:06:04,916 --> 01:06:06,916 you better remember Lot's wife 955 01:06:06,922 --> 01:06:12,023 because that figures into how Lot and what happened to him 956 01:06:12,029 --> 01:06:17,803 is going to be like My coming.(P) 957 01:06:18,451 --> 01:06:20,856 Notice this very quickly, those taken. 958 01:06:20,862 --> 01:06:28,184 Luke 17:34, "I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. 959 01:06:28,190 --> 01:06:30,072 One will be taken, the other left. 960 01:06:30,078 --> 01:06:31,764 There will be two women grinding together. 961 01:06:31,770 --> 01:06:35,665 One will be taken and the other left." 962 01:06:35,671 --> 01:06:38,889 Verse 36, "Two men will be in the field. 963 01:06:38,895 --> 01:06:44,373 One will be taken, the other will be left." 964 01:06:44,379 --> 01:06:46,852 You be honest. 965 01:06:46,858 --> 01:06:50,510 This portion of Scripture says nothing about a secret rapture. 966 01:06:50,516 --> 01:06:53,397 Nothing. 967 01:06:53,403 --> 01:06:59,814 You can see what this is talking about if you're honest with the text. 968 01:06:59,820 --> 01:07:03,709 Nothing about a secret rapture. 969 01:07:03,715 --> 01:07:09,059 This has all been about the day in which the Son of Man is revealed. 970 01:07:09,065 --> 01:07:11,075 Can I tell you something? 971 01:07:11,081 --> 01:07:16,523 The same terminology is used over in Matthew 24. 972 01:07:16,529 --> 01:07:22,239 Do you know how Jesus goes forth from those words in Matthew 24? 973 01:07:22,245 --> 01:07:28,798 He goes forth telling us a parable about the wise and the foolish virgins. 974 01:07:28,804 --> 01:07:33,884 Five enter in and the door is shut; 975 01:07:33,890 --> 01:07:35,391 and five are left out. 976 01:07:35,397 --> 01:07:39,190 You want to know what being taken and being left is all about? 977 01:07:39,196 --> 01:07:40,410 That's what He says. 978 01:07:40,416 --> 01:07:41,837 That's what He tells us. 979 01:07:41,843 --> 01:07:44,251 We are going to look more at that in the weeks ahead.(P) 980 01:07:44,257 --> 01:07:45,302 You know what else He tells? 981 01:07:45,308 --> 01:07:48,706 He goes right on to tell another parable about servants. 982 01:07:48,712 --> 01:07:49,968 Two different kinds. 983 01:07:49,974 --> 01:07:51,737 You got the servants that were faithful, 984 01:07:51,743 --> 01:07:58,310 He says enter into the joy of the Lord. 985 01:07:58,316 --> 01:08:03,402 The one who is not faithful, He says throw them into outer darkness. 986 01:08:03,408 --> 01:08:05,809 You go right into the next. 987 01:08:05,815 --> 01:08:11,768 The Shepherd as He divides His sheep from the goats. 988 01:08:11,774 --> 01:08:15,183 The sheep, everlasting life. 989 01:08:15,189 --> 01:08:18,925 The goats, everlasting punishment. 990 01:08:18,930 --> 01:08:24,229 You want to know what it means to be taken? 991 01:08:24,236 --> 01:08:27,112 Remember what He is talking about? 992 01:08:27,118 --> 01:08:34,944 Noah is taken; put in the ark, the place of safety. 993 01:08:34,950 --> 01:08:41,912 Lot is taken from Sodom and Gomorrah to a place of safety. 994 01:08:41,917 --> 01:08:47,991 The wise virgins are taken behind the door into the banquet, 995 01:08:47,997 --> 01:08:51,111 a place of safety. 996 01:08:51,598 --> 01:09:01,153 Those good servants, away to the place of joy and safety. 997 01:09:01,158 --> 01:09:08,350 The sheep, taken to safety and eternal life.(P) 998 01:09:08,357 --> 01:09:12,578 This is no secret rapture folks. 999 01:09:13,102 --> 01:09:19,260 This is the day the Son of Man appears. 1000 01:09:19,265 --> 01:09:26,261 And if you get left behind, there is no more chance. 1001 01:09:26,268 --> 01:09:31,040 There is no 7-year tribulation to figure it out. 1002 01:09:31,046 --> 01:09:37,465 It's over, and you are undone. 1003 01:09:38,434 --> 01:09:44,394 Luke 17:37, "They said to him, 'Where, Lord?'" 1004 01:09:44,399 --> 01:09:49,852 You ask where all this is going to take place? 1005 01:09:49,858 --> 01:09:51,822 He says "I'll tell you where it's going to take place. 1006 01:09:51,828 --> 01:09:53,203 The things I am describing, 1007 01:09:53,210 --> 01:09:55,361 I'll tell you where they are all going to take place. 1008 01:09:55,367 --> 01:10:02,790 They are going to take place everywhere there is a corpse." 1009 01:10:04,132 --> 01:10:06,999 That's where it's going to happen. 1010 01:10:07,005 --> 01:10:12,247 What are these birds, these vultures? 1011 01:10:12,253 --> 01:10:19,526 They tear the dead to shreds. 1012 01:10:19,532 --> 01:10:21,183 You know where it's going to happen? 1013 01:10:21,189 --> 01:10:25,347 It's going to happen wherever you have the dead 1014 01:10:25,353 --> 01:10:31,251 who know nothing about the life of God in the soul of man. 1015 01:10:31,257 --> 01:10:36,616 You can look at these vultures as the vultures of God's judgment. 1016 01:10:36,622 --> 01:10:41,920 I think that very clearly squares with that interpretation. 1017 01:10:41,926 --> 01:10:43,895 "Where, you ask, are these going to happen?" 1018 01:10:43,901 --> 01:10:46,810 Just ask yourself where the corpse of the dead humanity, 1019 01:10:46,816 --> 01:10:48,922 devoid of the life of God. 1020 01:10:48,928 --> 01:10:51,218 It's the whole world. 1021 01:10:51,224 --> 01:10:53,228 It's the whole lost world. 1022 01:10:53,234 --> 01:10:56,689 They are not taken. They are left. 1023 01:10:56,695 --> 01:11:03,945 They are left to be eaten by God's vultures of judgment.(P) 1024 01:11:03,951 --> 01:11:12,732 Brethren, spectacular will be the vengeance, 1025 01:11:12,738 --> 01:11:18,679 and it says the children of God are going to marvel. 1026 01:11:18,685 --> 01:11:23,095 They are going to marvel at all of this unfolding. 1027 01:11:23,101 --> 01:11:26,018 But it is going to be terrible. 1028 01:11:26,024 --> 01:11:32,329 An awful day when God smites His enemies. 1029 01:11:32,335 --> 01:11:37,101 Fearful. Glorious. Certain. 1030 01:11:37,107 --> 01:11:39,331 It's coming. 1031 01:11:39,337 --> 01:11:41,627 We are 7 days closer than a week ago 1032 01:11:41,633 --> 01:11:44,379 when we met and talked about these things. 1033 01:11:44,385 --> 01:11:48,298 We are closer to that last day. 1034 01:11:48,304 --> 01:11:53,741 It is coming, brethren, it is coming.(P) 1035 01:11:54,535 --> 01:12:00,887 Father, I pray that these folks would be most ready for that day, 1036 01:12:00,893 --> 01:12:02,816 living in anticipation, 1037 01:12:02,822 --> 01:12:05,207 without being carried away by the cares of this world, 1038 01:12:05,213 --> 01:12:10,592 that they would not be found to be Lot's wife. 1039 01:12:10,598 --> 01:12:15,094 You would have us to carry out and work out our salvation 1040 01:12:15,100 --> 01:12:17,842 with fear and trembling. 1041 01:12:17,848 --> 01:12:25,748 Lord, I pray that you would work a real fear and trembling in the hearts of Your people. 1042 01:12:25,754 --> 01:12:34,018 You are a fearful, fearful God; but glorious and good; saving. 1043 01:12:34,024 --> 01:12:40,163 Oh we thank You that You have not just consigned us to wrath, 1044 01:12:40,169 --> 01:12:44,397 but You have sent us a Savior, a way of deliverance. 1045 01:12:44,403 --> 01:12:47,080 Thank You, thank You, thank You. 1046 01:12:47,086 --> 01:12:49,886 In Christ's name we pray, Amen.(P)