Title: A Biblical Church Meta: church, fellowship, Acts, Biblical, body, believers, meetings Tags: Churches today are overrun with the ideas of secular anthropology, secular psychology and secular sociology. Now, don’t think you are going to have a biblical church by purging that out of your evangelism. You have to purge it out of your marriage, your idea of man, your idea of truth. You have to purge it out of everything. God’s Word is true. And if something does not line up with God’s Word, it is not true and it’s not additional truth. 1 00:00:22,630 --> 00:00:29,489 It is a tremendous privilege for me and brother Leiter to be here with you, 2 00:00:29,495 --> 00:00:31,357 a tremendous privilege. 3 00:00:31,363 --> 00:00:39,126 And I have been given sort of a, kind of an insurmountable or difficult task 4 00:00:39,132 --> 00:00:45,808 of take an hour and preach everything that ought to be preached on a biblical church. 5 00:00:45,814 --> 00:00:49,130 And I think it would take much longer than an hour. 6 00:00:49,136 --> 00:00:54,364 But we are going to look at a few things about... huh? 7 00:00:54,370 --> 00:00:58,176 Oh, well, be careful with that kind of statement (preach as long as you want). 8 00:00:58,182 --> 00:01:00,707 You may regret it. 9 00:01:01,682 --> 00:01:05,215 But we are going to talk about church. 10 00:01:05,221 --> 00:01:06,748 And if you are here tonight, 11 00:01:06,754 --> 00:01:11,608 you are probably here because you have an uneasiness or restlessness 12 00:01:11,614 --> 00:01:20,893 about the way things are, about the spiritual decline in your country, 13 00:01:20,899 --> 00:01:28,487 in Europe as well as America, looking for something. 14 00:01:28,493 --> 00:01:30,092 Well, let me just share with you. 15 00:01:30,098 --> 00:01:36,523 There are a lot of people and a lot of movements that can give you something. 16 00:01:36,529 --> 00:01:40,666 There are all sorts of things going on in Christianity today. 17 00:01:40,672 --> 00:01:48,901 It looks like a circus offering certain aspects of Christianity, 18 00:01:48,907 --> 00:01:53,839 certain power, certain joy, certain life. 19 00:01:53,845 --> 00:02:01,401 So many things, so many gimmicks, so many promises, 20 00:02:01,407 --> 00:02:09,812 healing, prosperity, life as you want it, your best life now, 21 00:02:09,818 --> 00:02:14,863 absolutely everything is laid before you. 22 00:02:15,147 --> 00:02:19,809 What Jesus Christ lays before you is this: 23 00:02:19,815 --> 00:02:26,202 the promise of eternal life, and a cross. 24 00:02:26,864 --> 00:02:32,634 What Jesus Christ lays before you is what really matters. 25 00:02:32,640 --> 00:02:38,561 And that is a character conformed to his image. 26 00:02:38,567 --> 00:02:43,812 The writers of the New Testament, although they speak quite frequently 27 00:02:43,818 --> 00:02:48,136 about all the blessings that God can pour out on a man, 28 00:02:48,142 --> 00:02:54,725 and the full counsel of Scripture tells us that the blessings of God are many, 29 00:02:54,731 --> 00:02:57,918 but for those who have come to know Christ, 30 00:02:57,924 --> 00:03:00,710 I think they have settled it in their heart 31 00:03:00,716 --> 00:03:09,627 that every blessing other than conformity to Christ is a lesser blessing. 32 00:03:09,633 --> 00:03:13,017 I want to be like Jesus. 33 00:03:13,023 --> 00:03:16,465 I want to be conformed to his will, 34 00:03:16,471 --> 00:03:20,777 and not just in some extravagant religious way. 35 00:03:20,783 --> 00:03:24,710 I want to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ 36 00:03:24,716 --> 00:03:28,036 in my personal relationship with God the Father, 37 00:03:28,042 --> 00:03:32,205 and I want to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ 38 00:03:32,211 --> 00:03:38,880 in the relationships in my life, especially the most intimate. 39 00:03:38,886 --> 00:03:43,287 Now I bring this up because it is so very important to me. 40 00:03:43,293 --> 00:03:47,688 I was preaching several years ago in Austin, Texas. 41 00:03:47,694 --> 00:03:51,761 And after I finished my first sermon, this pulpit committee, 42 00:03:51,767 --> 00:03:55,243 it is a committee in the church that is looking for a new pastor, 43 00:03:55,249 --> 00:04:00,155 it came up to me, and it said, "Would you be our pastor?" 44 00:04:00,161 --> 00:04:02,386 I said, “What?” 45 00:04:02,392 --> 00:04:05,258 They said, “Would you consider being our pastor?” 46 00:04:05,264 --> 00:04:09,155 And I looked at them and I said, “Are you crazy?” 47 00:04:09,161 --> 00:04:11,158 And they said, “Why do you say that?” 48 00:04:11,164 --> 00:04:15,744 I said, “You don’t know if I love my wife or not.” 49 00:04:15,750 --> 00:04:20,668 The point that I was making is: You know nothing about me. 50 00:04:20,675 --> 00:04:24,088 The devil preaches well. 51 00:04:24,094 --> 00:04:33,477 But true Christianity is seen in the life, the hidden life of a man, of a woman, 52 00:04:33,483 --> 00:04:37,067 and the dying to self, 53 00:04:37,073 --> 00:04:42,628 and the giving one’s self away in the name of Christ to God the Father 54 00:04:42,634 --> 00:04:49,781 in the power of the Holy Spirit, and giving that life to others. 55 00:04:50,423 --> 00:04:54,265 We hear a lot of talk today about doing everything for the glory of God, 56 00:04:54,271 --> 00:04:55,177 and that is true. 57 00:04:55,183 --> 00:04:57,314 It is a true statement. 58 00:04:57,320 --> 00:05:02,151 But I am afraid we sometimes use it to forget the Second Command. 59 00:05:02,157 --> 00:05:05,970 The first is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. 60 00:05:05,976 --> 00:05:14,186 And the second is to love your neighbor as yourself in sacrificial, joyful service. 61 00:05:14,192 --> 00:05:17,625 So the Christianity that I am talking about tonight 62 00:05:17,631 --> 00:05:24,929 is not some gigantic religious show in a coliseum. 63 00:05:24,935 --> 00:05:28,164 It's not about you getting your best life now, 64 00:05:28,170 --> 00:05:33,795 the car you want, the house you want or perfect health. 65 00:05:33,801 --> 00:05:38,183 What it's about is this: 66 00:05:38,189 --> 00:05:44,583 It's knowing God the Father and knowing Jesus Christ whom he has sent, 67 00:05:44,589 --> 00:05:49,293 and being conformed to his image. 68 00:05:49,299 --> 00:05:50,800 What joy! 69 00:05:50,806 --> 00:05:58,668 To be able, just think about this, to be able to love as he loves. 70 00:05:59,627 --> 00:06:04,141 To be able to represent him. 71 00:06:04,970 --> 00:06:07,866 Just to know him. That is Christianity. 72 00:06:07,872 --> 00:06:16,099 Now, we are going to talk a bit about church. 73 00:06:16,105 --> 00:06:23,621 Most of us have this ecclesiastical, organizational idea of church. 74 00:06:23,627 --> 00:06:28,810 We think of buildings with steeples on top of them and crosses on top of the steeples. 75 00:06:28,816 --> 00:06:32,435 We think of beautiful lawns. 76 00:06:32,441 --> 00:06:37,140 We think of old men preaching very boring messages. 77 00:06:37,146 --> 00:06:40,193 We think of all sorts of things when we think about church. 78 00:06:40,199 --> 00:06:44,030 But we need to understand what church truly is. 79 00:06:44,036 --> 00:06:46,784 It's none of that. 80 00:06:47,244 --> 00:06:54,894 Church is not so much an organization, as it is an organism. 81 00:06:54,900 --> 00:06:58,815 It is a living entity. 82 00:06:58,821 --> 00:07:05,537 It is a creation of God through his Son and for his Son. 83 00:07:05,543 --> 00:07:10,843 It is relational. 84 00:07:10,849 --> 00:07:15,894 Now I want you to keep that word in the forefront of your mind. 85 00:07:15,900 --> 00:07:17,780 It is relational. 86 00:07:17,786 --> 00:07:24,609 Church, like your own personal life, is about a relationship with God 87 00:07:24,615 --> 00:07:30,657 and a relationship with brothers and sisters in Christ. 88 00:07:30,663 --> 00:07:34,253 You see, it is all about relationship. 89 00:07:34,259 --> 00:07:36,113 It is all about that. 90 00:07:36,114 --> 00:07:39,294 There is so much that is done, dressed in religious garb, 91 00:07:39,300 --> 00:07:43,194 but it really has so little meaning. 92 00:07:44,131 --> 00:07:48,904 God has called us into a relationship with himself. 93 00:07:48,910 --> 00:07:51,542 He has done that as we are individuals. 94 00:07:51,548 --> 00:07:53,901 He has done that collectively as a body, 95 00:07:53,907 --> 00:07:57,474 and God has called us to be in relationship with one another, 96 00:07:57,480 --> 00:08:02,432 to love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. 97 00:08:02,438 --> 00:08:05,728 And so the first thing I want you to see is that when we talk about church, 98 00:08:05,734 --> 00:08:13,537 we are talking about an organism, something organic in nature. 99 00:08:13,543 --> 00:08:15,994 Now, there are two passages of Scripture, 100 00:08:16,000 --> 00:08:18,776 and we are not going to spend much time there at all 101 00:08:18,782 --> 00:08:21,330 because we are going to look at several things tonight. 102 00:08:21,336 --> 00:08:24,536 But just for a moment, I want you to go to Jeremiah 103 00:08:24,542 --> 00:08:31,775 and I want you to see the origin of the Church, its divine origin. 104 00:08:31,781 --> 00:08:47,502 Jeremiah chapter 31, just quickly. 105 00:08:47,508 --> 00:08:51,430 Now if you look in verse 31 of Jeremiah 31, 106 00:08:51,436 --> 00:08:53,895 He says, “Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, 107 00:08:53,901 --> 00:08:57,762 when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, 108 00:08:57,768 --> 00:09:00,231 not like the covenant which I made with their fathers 109 00:09:00,237 --> 00:09:04,647 in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, 110 00:09:04,653 --> 00:09:06,383 My covenant which they broke, 111 00:09:06,389 --> 00:09:09,274 although I was a husband to them, declares the LORD.” 112 00:09:09,275 --> 00:09:14,037 Now the first thing I want you to understand is something about the nation of Israel. 113 00:09:14,043 --> 00:09:23,397 Do you honestly believe that everyone who came out of Egypt, led by Moses, was a believer? 114 00:09:23,403 --> 00:09:24,363 No, not at all. 115 00:09:24,369 --> 00:09:28,938 As a matter of fact, the great majority of them were idolaters. 116 00:09:28,944 --> 00:09:34,498 They were worshiping goat gods, demon gods, all sorts of things 117 00:09:34,504 --> 00:09:38,319 even in the desert as they are being led around by God. 118 00:09:38,325 --> 00:09:46,220 We are looking at basically a physical nation that was called out of Egypt. 119 00:09:46,226 --> 00:09:49,447 They were of the blood of Abraham. 120 00:09:49,452 --> 00:09:52,761 But most of them did not have faith. 121 00:09:52,767 --> 00:09:56,259 That is why they died in the wilderness, all right? 122 00:09:56,265 --> 00:10:04,451 So they were basically a carnal nation doing carnal things 123 00:10:04,457 --> 00:10:11,458 who had to be subdued by laws and authorities and this and that. 124 00:10:11,464 --> 00:10:17,246 They had to be subdued, in a sense, by the whip in order to keep them in line. 125 00:10:17,252 --> 00:10:18,441 And why is that? 126 00:10:18,447 --> 00:10:21,895 Because their hearts had not be changed. 127 00:10:21,901 --> 00:10:25,115 Now I want you to think about something for a moment. 128 00:10:25,121 --> 00:10:31,286 Most churches today are that way. 129 00:10:31,292 --> 00:10:39,061 Filled with a group of people whose hearts have not been changed. 130 00:10:39,067 --> 00:10:43,867 And pastors spend a great deal of their time doing what? 131 00:10:43,873 --> 00:10:54,231 Trying to motivate, manipulate, push, shove, coerce, 132 00:10:54,237 --> 00:10:58,275 throwing all sorts of little parties and all sorts of little gimmicks 133 00:10:58,281 --> 00:11:00,440 and this and that, and so many other things 134 00:11:00,446 --> 00:11:06,275 just to try to keep a group of people together in Jesus’ name. 135 00:11:06,281 --> 00:11:08,348 Behold the power of the gospel! 136 00:11:08,354 --> 00:11:13,543 Not much gospel power manifested there, is it? 137 00:11:13,549 --> 00:11:17,472 Countless people identified in this country, in my country 138 00:11:17,478 --> 00:11:20,419 with some denomination or some church, 139 00:11:20,425 --> 00:11:28,487 but it has no power, no sway over their life whatsoever, nothing. 140 00:11:28,493 --> 00:11:33,391 The true Church is not that way. 141 00:11:33,963 --> 00:11:38,037 Your ideas of Church as a building; 142 00:11:38,043 --> 00:11:45,672 as an ecclesiastical, organizational structure of half hearted people attending, 143 00:11:45,678 --> 00:11:50,999 and having to be held together by manipulation and coercion and gimmicks, 144 00:11:51,005 --> 00:11:53,419 that is not the Church. 145 00:11:53,420 --> 00:11:55,668 Now he is going to tell us what the Church is like. 146 00:11:55,674 --> 00:12:00,226 Look what he says: He says in verse 33, 147 00:12:00,232 --> 00:12:04,000 “But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, 148 00:12:04,006 --> 00:12:05,163 declares the LORD, 149 00:12:05,169 --> 00:12:10,741 I will put My laws within them, and on their heart I will write it.” 150 00:12:10,747 --> 00:12:18,873 Now you must understand God is not speaking here poetically. 151 00:12:18,879 --> 00:12:20,079 Now why do I say that? 152 00:12:20,085 --> 00:12:23,052 Because sometimes we hear such beautiful things in Scripture 153 00:12:23,058 --> 00:12:29,050 and we say, “Oh, that is nice,” but we are not considering what he is saying. 154 00:12:29,056 --> 00:12:33,529 He is saying, in the Church through the coming of the Messiah, 155 00:12:33,535 --> 00:12:37,405 He is going to create a new people, 156 00:12:37,411 --> 00:12:39,878 and they are not going to be a group of people 157 00:12:39,884 --> 00:12:45,238 who merely have some tablets of stone that they look at and disobey. 158 00:12:45,244 --> 00:12:50,469 He is going to create a group of people and he is going to transform their heart 159 00:12:50,475 --> 00:12:57,275 and he is going to put his will, his laws, his desires in their heart. 160 00:12:57,281 --> 00:12:58,259 Do you see that? 161 00:12:58,265 --> 00:12:59,341 They are going to be changed. 162 00:12:59,347 --> 00:13:01,788 And I use the word 'desire.' 163 00:13:01,794 --> 00:13:05,957 I know it can be sort of dangerous, but there is a reason for it. 164 00:13:05,963 --> 00:13:09,616 When I say he puts his laws in your heart, 165 00:13:09,622 --> 00:13:14,379 you can still have this mechanical idea 166 00:13:14,385 --> 00:13:17,312 that, yes, those laws are in there and I must obey them. 167 00:13:17,318 --> 00:13:22,435 But when I say 'desires,' he is not just revealing his will to you, 168 00:13:22,441 --> 00:13:27,771 he is changing your heart so that his will is your will 169 00:13:27,777 --> 00:13:31,305 and you desire to do what he desires. 170 00:13:31,311 --> 00:13:33,514 That is why John writes in his epistle 171 00:13:33,520 --> 00:13:38,012 that the commandments of God to the people of God are not burdensome. 172 00:13:38,018 --> 00:13:41,889 They desire these things. Do you see that? 173 00:13:41,895 --> 00:13:43,918 That is what the Church is. 174 00:13:43,924 --> 00:13:46,360 He goes on and he says, 175 00:13:46,366 --> 00:13:50,226 “I will put My laws within them, and on their heart I will write it; 176 00:13:50,232 --> 00:13:56,085 and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” 177 00:13:56,091 --> 00:14:03,868 All throughout the Old Testament, there is this impassioned longing that we see 178 00:14:03,874 --> 00:14:07,103 in the words coming out of the mouth of God 179 00:14:07,109 --> 00:14:10,635 in which he is constantly saying, looking forward to the future, 180 00:14:10,641 --> 00:14:15,836 “One day, they will be My people. I will be their God. 181 00:14:15,842 --> 00:14:21,090 I will have a people on this earth, and I will be that people's God.” 182 00:14:21,096 --> 00:14:25,559 That time came with the coming of Christ. 183 00:14:25,565 --> 00:14:30,584 Through his death and resurrection; through the work of the Holy Spirit, 184 00:14:30,590 --> 00:14:35,565 God has created for himself a people. 185 00:14:35,571 --> 00:14:40,003 Now, they are not a people who have simply turned over a new leaf. 186 00:14:40,009 --> 00:14:43,329 They are not a people who have simply decided 187 00:14:43,335 --> 00:14:45,728 that they want to live a higher lifestyle. 188 00:14:45,734 --> 00:14:51,638 They are not a people who just, one day, decided we are going to change and be better. 189 00:14:51,644 --> 00:14:57,337 No. They are people upon whom God has acted in his own power. 190 00:14:57,343 --> 00:15:01,263 He has transformed them. 191 00:15:01,269 --> 00:15:05,528 Now, are you that people? 192 00:15:05,534 --> 00:15:10,750 Do you know, I still, as we all, I struggle with many failures, 193 00:15:10,756 --> 00:15:18,776 many weaknesses, many struggles in the Christian life. 194 00:15:19,701 --> 00:15:26,959 But there is no doubt, the witness of my own, the people around me, 195 00:15:26,965 --> 00:15:31,291 and the people who knew me 25 years ago, 196 00:15:31,297 --> 00:15:36,754 this guy is not even the same the person that I knew. 197 00:15:36,760 --> 00:15:40,143 I mean, I know my desires have changed. 198 00:15:40,149 --> 00:15:47,821 I mean, one day just going from, "let’s go party, let’s get in a fight if we can, 199 00:15:47,827 --> 00:15:51,157 let’s chase women, let’s get drunk, let’s do this," 200 00:15:51,163 --> 00:15:54,395 to the very next day, "I don’t want to do all that anymore." 201 00:15:54,401 --> 00:15:56,910 What has happened to me? 202 00:15:56,916 --> 00:15:58,793 I want Christ. 203 00:15:58,799 --> 00:15:59,987 I want to know him. 204 00:15:59,993 --> 00:16:03,082 I want to please God and be pleasing to God. 205 00:16:03,088 --> 00:16:07,378 Do you know that as a reality in your own life? 206 00:16:07,384 --> 00:16:13,727 Is your religion something that you are just trying to do the right thing, 207 00:16:13,733 --> 00:16:18,939 or has Christ transformed you so that you want to know him, 208 00:16:18,945 --> 00:16:23,444 you want to do his will, you delight to do his will? 209 00:16:23,450 --> 00:16:27,828 I mean, what has happened to you? 210 00:16:29,000 --> 00:16:36,655 Brother Leiter says quite often that most people’s Christianity is basically this: 211 00:16:36,661 --> 00:16:45,028 They are trying to do all the good things they hate, in order to please God. 212 00:16:45,034 --> 00:16:52,236 That is not Christianity. 213 00:16:52,945 --> 00:16:57,142 Christianity is when, "I want to do this." 214 00:16:57,148 --> 00:17:02,037 And you are not sad because you look at the will of God, and think, I have to do that. 215 00:17:02,043 --> 00:17:07,310 You are sad when you look at the will of God and realize you have fallen short. 216 00:17:07,316 --> 00:17:10,010 The burden doesn't come from obedience, 217 00:17:10,016 --> 00:17:13,030 the burden comes when we see we have disobeyed. 218 00:17:13,036 --> 00:17:13,631 Why? 219 00:17:13,637 --> 00:17:15,873 We are transformed. We are new creatures. 220 00:17:15,878 --> 00:17:18,358 We are saints of God. We are children of God. 221 00:17:18,364 --> 00:17:20,926 We are sons of the living God. We are led of the Spirit. 222 00:17:20,933 --> 00:17:23,442 Do you see? 223 00:17:23,448 --> 00:17:28,626 When he says, “New creature,” when he says, “I will write it on their heart,” 224 00:17:28,632 --> 00:17:35,899 he is not speaking metaphorically to the point where it no longer has meaning. 225 00:17:35,905 --> 00:17:40,709 He is not speaking poetically so it's just some beautiful nonsense. No. 226 00:17:40,715 --> 00:17:48,041 When a person is saved, they become a new creature. 227 00:17:48,047 --> 00:17:51,455 That is what the Church is made up of. 228 00:17:51,461 --> 00:17:54,296 Now he says this: 229 00:17:54,302 --> 00:17:58,377 “They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, 230 00:17:58,383 --> 00:18:02,096 ‘Know the LORD,’ for they will all know Me.” 231 00:18:02,102 --> 00:18:05,914 That is not saying that in the Church there won’t be teachers or pastors, 232 00:18:05,920 --> 00:18:08,153 evangelists and so on. 233 00:18:08,159 --> 00:18:11,277 But what he is saying is: 234 00:18:11,283 --> 00:18:19,823 The people of Israel, although they saw these magnificent manifestations of God, 235 00:18:19,829 --> 00:18:21,760 they didn’t understand them. 236 00:18:21,766 --> 00:18:28,710 I mean, they could see God part the water, and then go worship a goat idol. 237 00:18:28,716 --> 00:18:33,063 They could see fire coming down from heaven, and then make a golden calf. 238 00:18:33,069 --> 00:18:35,798 They didn’t understand. 239 00:18:35,804 --> 00:18:41,573 In witnessing to people—and I know many of you have had this same experience— 240 00:18:41,579 --> 00:18:47,041 you pour your heart out to someone about the grace of God, 241 00:18:47,047 --> 00:18:53,982 and they don’t comprehend at all. 242 00:18:53,988 --> 00:18:58,255 Someone says, “Sir, are you going to go to heaven when you die?” 243 00:18:58,261 --> 00:18:59,586 “Oh, yes, I am going to go to heaven.” 244 00:18:59,592 --> 00:19:00,476 “Why do you think so?” 245 00:19:00,482 --> 00:19:04,281 “Well, I am a good man. I am a good man.” 246 00:19:04,287 --> 00:19:11,535 And so you go through, for the next 20 minutes, every Scripture in the Bible 247 00:19:11,541 --> 00:19:16,448 that explains he is a wretched beast under the wrath of God. 248 00:19:16,454 --> 00:19:20,104 He says "Yes" to every one of the verses; 249 00:19:20,110 --> 00:19:22,986 and then when you say, “Sir, are you going to go to heaven?” 250 00:19:22,992 --> 00:19:23,831 “Yes.” 251 00:19:23,837 --> 00:19:24,479 “Why?” 252 00:19:24,485 --> 00:19:27,112 “I am a good man.” 253 00:19:27,118 --> 00:19:30,358 Now, that is where you would be. Do you understand that? 254 00:19:30,364 --> 00:19:33,961 Your darkness would be to that extent and even worse. 255 00:19:33,967 --> 00:19:35,249 But what's happened? 256 00:19:35,255 --> 00:19:43,739 This passage. He has taught you. 257 00:19:43,745 --> 00:19:48,754 “They shall be taught of God.” 258 00:19:48,760 --> 00:19:56,625 He himself illumined your mind and changed your heart. 259 00:19:56,631 --> 00:20:00,521 So many people walking around, especially these TV evangelists. 260 00:20:00,527 --> 00:20:03,860 I think we ought to put most of them on a boat and just ship them somewhere 261 00:20:03,866 --> 00:20:08,096 to an island where there is no people. 262 00:20:08,102 --> 00:20:11,039 But they are saying, “The supernatural nature of Christianity 263 00:20:11,045 --> 00:20:13,675 and the supernatural this and the supernatural that.” 264 00:20:13,681 --> 00:20:16,770 Supernatural? 265 00:20:16,776 --> 00:20:20,426 There is more of the supernatural power of God 266 00:20:20,432 --> 00:20:24,122 manifested in the regeneration of a single heart 267 00:20:24,128 --> 00:20:27,099 than in the creation of the universe itself. 268 00:20:27,105 --> 00:20:35,073 Supernatural; we are not marveling at what is truly supernatural. 269 00:20:35,079 --> 00:20:37,991 You say, “Well, brother Paul, do you believe God can heal people?” 270 00:20:37,997 --> 00:20:42,772 I have seen God heal people in the mountains where there were no doctors, 271 00:20:42,778 --> 00:20:46,922 not frequently, but according to his will, his plan, his purpose. 272 00:20:46,928 --> 00:20:52,108 But I want to tell you something, I did not get excited in comparison 273 00:20:52,114 --> 00:21:00,065 when I have seen the Holy Spirit literally take a spiritually dead man and make him alive. 274 00:21:00,071 --> 00:21:01,700 Do you see that? 275 00:21:01,706 --> 00:21:04,258 There is the supernatural nature of Christianity, 276 00:21:04,264 --> 00:21:10,286 but focus on what is truly supernatural and important. 277 00:21:10,292 --> 00:21:16,541 Now, he goes on and he says this, 278 00:21:16,547 --> 00:21:20,775 “For they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them.” 279 00:21:20,781 --> 00:21:25,481 Now will they all know him to the extent that Jonathan Edwards 280 00:21:25,487 --> 00:21:28,356 or a Calvin or a Luther or somebody like that? 281 00:21:28,362 --> 00:21:32,042 No, I am not even in their league. 282 00:21:32,048 --> 00:21:34,942 So what does this mean? 283 00:21:34,947 --> 00:21:36,714 Well, let’s go on. 284 00:21:36,720 --> 00:21:40,169 It says, “For they will all know Me, 285 00:21:40,175 --> 00:21:43,561 from the least of them to the greatest of them, declares the LORD. 286 00:21:43,567 --> 00:21:50,489 For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.” 287 00:21:50,495 --> 00:21:54,113 They will enter into a relationship with him, 288 00:21:54,119 --> 00:21:56,909 knowing that he is the one true God, 289 00:21:56,915 --> 00:22:04,140 and they will have a keen awareness that by his hand he has cleansed them, 290 00:22:04,146 --> 00:22:09,105 freed them from their sin. 291 00:22:09,111 --> 00:22:13,516 There will not be the smack of self-righteousness there. 292 00:22:13,522 --> 00:22:17,285 They will not say, "God and I have worked this out." 293 00:22:17,291 --> 00:22:23,257 They will have a keen awareness that God has taken care of their iniquity, 294 00:22:23,263 --> 00:22:26,472 and he did it all by himself. 295 00:22:26,478 --> 00:22:30,913 Now, another thing. Let’s go on. 296 00:22:30,919 --> 00:22:36,341 Just jump over really quick to verse 38 of chapter 32. 297 00:22:36,347 --> 00:22:39,296 Again, “They shall be My people, and I will be their God.” 298 00:22:39,302 --> 00:22:50,861 And look what he says, “I will give them one heart and one way.” 299 00:22:53,135 --> 00:22:59,701 Have you ever seen these marches for Jesus, the unity marches that they have, 300 00:22:59,707 --> 00:23:02,978 in which all these different denominations come together, 301 00:23:02,984 --> 00:23:07,443 and they are trying to prove to the world that there is unity between them 302 00:23:07,449 --> 00:23:10,891 when, in fact, there is very little unity at all between them. 303 00:23:10,897 --> 00:23:14,146 And they are all marching together and singing "Kumbaya," 304 00:23:14,152 --> 00:23:16,755 and we are proving to the world that we are one. 305 00:23:16,761 --> 00:23:20,701 That is not what Jesus meant, ok? 306 00:23:20,707 --> 00:23:25,781 That is not what Jesus meant. 307 00:23:28,845 --> 00:23:33,720 You bring two Christians together, two Christians, 308 00:23:33,726 --> 00:23:38,928 and although they may differ in some things, 309 00:23:38,934 --> 00:23:46,673 but you bring two Christians together and, my friend, you will find unity. 310 00:23:46,679 --> 00:23:50,925 You will find Spirit bearing witness with spirit. 311 00:23:50,931 --> 00:23:52,205 You will find joy. 312 00:23:52,211 --> 00:24:00,114 It is amazing; I can sit down, for example, in an airplane in Zambia, 313 00:24:00,120 --> 00:24:04,974 and sit down beside a person I have never met in my life, 314 00:24:04,980 --> 00:24:09,886 and after a while pull out my Bible to kind of, you know, 315 00:24:09,892 --> 00:24:14,433 hoping this guy say something to me like, “What’s that?” 316 00:24:14,439 --> 00:24:16,427 Sometimes I pull out my Greek New Testament 317 00:24:16,433 --> 00:24:18,384 so they will look at it and go, “What is that?” 318 00:24:18,390 --> 00:24:22,111 I can’t read it very well, but it really makes a great witnessing tool. 319 00:24:22,117 --> 00:24:24,845 No matter where I am in the Greek New Testament, 320 00:24:24,851 --> 00:24:29,245 I read John 3:16 when they ask me to read something to them. 321 00:24:29,251 --> 00:24:35,142 But I can sit down with someone I have never met, 322 00:24:35,148 --> 00:24:41,458 and we start talking and discover that we are both believers in Jesus Christ, 323 00:24:41,464 --> 00:24:46,190 and I mean it is a party for the rest of the flight. 324 00:24:46,196 --> 00:24:50,068 We are one. 325 00:24:50,074 --> 00:24:53,381 People say, "There is so much disunity in the Church." 326 00:24:53,386 --> 00:24:55,522 No, there is not. 327 00:24:55,528 --> 00:24:58,681 There is a lot of disunity with a bunch of carnal people 328 00:24:58,687 --> 00:25:00,716 who are goats trying to act like sheep. 329 00:25:00,722 --> 00:25:02,763 That is the problem. 330 00:25:02,769 --> 00:25:06,849 But when you bring believers together, there will be unity. 331 00:25:06,855 --> 00:25:09,266 Does it mean that there will never be disunity? 332 00:25:09,272 --> 00:25:11,845 No, it doesn’t mean, because there is sin in all of us. 333 00:25:11,851 --> 00:25:13,637 It doesn't mean there will never be disunity. 334 00:25:13,643 --> 00:25:16,566 It doesn't mean there will never be disagreements. 335 00:25:16,572 --> 00:25:19,815 But it means when you look at the full course of the relationship, 336 00:25:19,821 --> 00:25:27,994 there is a fraternal love, a unity there. 337 00:25:28,000 --> 00:25:31,836 I remember one of the illustrations that I just love to use on this, 338 00:25:31,842 --> 00:25:34,297 I was traveling through the mountains years and years ago 339 00:25:34,303 --> 00:25:37,642 in a red zone that the Communists, the Maoists controlled. 340 00:25:37,648 --> 00:25:39,799 And we were lost and everything. 341 00:25:39,805 --> 00:25:44,338 It was pitch dark and we were scared, another missionary and myself. 342 00:25:44,344 --> 00:25:48,758 And we made our way into this little village and I kind of stood on the edge of it, 343 00:25:48,764 --> 00:25:51,893 my brother that was with me was a Peruvian. 344 00:25:51,899 --> 00:25:54,684 And he went in and he came back out. 345 00:25:54,690 --> 00:25:56,266 He says, “I don’t see any military.” 346 00:25:56,272 --> 00:26:00,769 So we kind of walked in, and I kind of humped over so everyone would think I was short, 347 00:26:00,775 --> 00:26:08,689 and we came up to this drunk and we said, [?], “Are there brothers here?” 348 00:26:08,695 --> 00:26:15,591 And he said, [?], “The old woman over there. She is one of you.” 349 00:26:15,597 --> 00:26:19,986 And so I went over there, and I knocked on the door. 350 00:26:19,992 --> 00:26:23,019 And after a few minutes, the door kind of creaks open. 351 00:26:23,025 --> 00:26:29,665 It is a little mud, adobe hut carved into the back of a cliff. 352 00:26:29,671 --> 00:26:31,715 And this little woman, she is about this big, 353 00:26:31,721 --> 00:26:34,693 she opened the door with her lantern and looked. 354 00:26:34,699 --> 00:26:40,512 And I said [?], “We are brothers.” 355 00:26:40,518 --> 00:26:42,436 She knew what that meant in Spanish. 356 00:26:42,442 --> 00:26:46,512 We are evangelicals, we are Christian, and we need help. 357 00:26:46,518 --> 00:26:50,210 And she went... I will never forget that face. 358 00:26:50,216 --> 00:26:53,375 And she just grabbed us and pulled us in, 359 00:26:53,381 --> 00:26:58,392 took us down to the basement that they had carved out of the side of the hill there, 360 00:26:58,398 --> 00:26:59,450 put us down there. 361 00:26:59,456 --> 00:27:01,875 A little boy came. She gave him some instructions. 362 00:27:01,881 --> 00:27:03,844 All of the sudden he took off. 363 00:27:03,850 --> 00:27:05,234 He comes back, running. 364 00:27:05,240 --> 00:27:08,605 And then this man shows up. He has got two chickens; 365 00:27:08,611 --> 00:27:12,114 and another little poor farmer comes up with some yucca plant 366 00:27:12,120 --> 00:27:13,787 and they start preparing. 367 00:27:13,793 --> 00:27:15,714 And we stayed there all night. 368 00:27:15,720 --> 00:27:23,557 All right, now they were won to the Lord by a group of Nazarene missionaries. 369 00:27:23,562 --> 00:27:30,004 The Nazarenes and I could sit down and debate some issues. 370 00:27:30,010 --> 00:27:32,931 We would. 371 00:27:35,712 --> 00:27:43,848 But these were people who knew Christ and knew their sins had been forgiven, 372 00:27:43,854 --> 00:27:52,214 and because I was a preacher in Jesus’ name, willing to risk their life. 373 00:27:52,220 --> 00:27:56,779 There is unity. 374 00:27:57,537 --> 00:28:04,384 Now, theology is extremely important. It is extremely important. 375 00:28:04,390 --> 00:28:11,839 But I'll tell you this: I will not separate and break fellowship 376 00:28:11,845 --> 00:28:15,837 with someone who disagrees with me on some things. 377 00:28:15,843 --> 00:28:21,191 Now I will separate with people who depart from historical Christianity, 378 00:28:21,197 --> 00:28:24,072 who preach another Christ and so on and so forth. 379 00:28:24,078 --> 00:28:28,018 But, you see, there is a unity there. 380 00:28:28,024 --> 00:28:34,624 They knew Christ. They rejoiced in him. 381 00:28:34,630 --> 00:28:37,604 That is what happens when you have a church 382 00:28:37,610 --> 00:28:44,383 and it's a church of people who have been converted; 383 00:28:44,389 --> 00:28:51,613 who have been regenerated by the Spirit of God. 384 00:28:53,136 --> 00:28:55,945 Will there be immaturity? Yes. 385 00:28:55,951 --> 00:29:03,257 Will there be problems? Live with me for a while, you will get your answer. 386 00:29:03,996 --> 00:29:10,348 But will people be able to see there is something different about this group of people 387 00:29:10,354 --> 00:29:12,637 and that something is their love? 388 00:29:12,643 --> 00:29:17,876 Jesus says, “They will know, the world will know you are my disciples 389 00:29:17,882 --> 00:29:21,192 by the love you have for one another.” 390 00:29:21,198 --> 00:29:29,279 Now, he says, “I will give them one heart and one way.” 391 00:29:29,285 --> 00:29:33,791 And then, “that they may fear Me.” 392 00:29:33,797 --> 00:29:37,893 Here is something about us as Christians. 393 00:29:37,899 --> 00:29:44,296 We can make a mess, but there is something that God has done to us. 394 00:29:44,302 --> 00:29:49,223 He has put his fear in our hearts. 395 00:29:49,229 --> 00:29:56,896 In a marriage relationship, my own, sometimes I will act like a jerk. 396 00:29:56,902 --> 00:29:59,472 Do you know what that word is? 397 00:29:59,478 --> 00:30:09,772 And not want to acknowledge it, not want to say to my wife, “I am sorry.” 398 00:30:09,778 --> 00:30:13,970 And I will walk out there and I will go into my office, 399 00:30:13,976 --> 00:30:16,989 I got a book to write, I got a sermon to prepare. 400 00:30:16,995 --> 00:30:22,784 It's like the Lord's there, "That's fine, you are going to be doing it on your own 401 00:30:22,790 --> 00:30:26,269 till you get this matter straight." 402 00:30:26,275 --> 00:30:30,111 But do you know what? There is a fear in me. 403 00:30:30,117 --> 00:30:32,191 There is a fear. 404 00:30:32,197 --> 00:30:38,298 There is an uneasiness, an unsettledness in my heart, a tremor. 405 00:30:38,304 --> 00:30:44,591 And I know I have got to go back and I have got to apologize 406 00:30:44,597 --> 00:30:49,318 and I have got to make this matter right. 407 00:30:49,324 --> 00:30:55,103 You see, you have a group of people who have been given new hearts, 408 00:30:55,109 --> 00:30:57,993 and in that new heart, the law of God has been written. 409 00:30:57,999 --> 00:31:02,634 And not only the law of God has been written, but he has put his fear in us 410 00:31:02,640 --> 00:31:08,888 so that even when we have conflicts, disagreements and problems, 411 00:31:08,894 --> 00:31:13,175 it is the fear of the Lord that causes us once again to humble ourselves 412 00:31:13,181 --> 00:31:20,173 and to acknowledge our wrong and to work for restoration. 413 00:31:20,179 --> 00:31:22,286 That is the Church. 414 00:31:22,292 --> 00:31:27,575 Now, I want us to go for a moment...Again, I said I would have to skip around. 415 00:31:27,581 --> 00:31:34,774 I want us to go to Matthew chapter 28. 416 00:31:34,780 --> 00:31:37,395 You know the great commission in verse 18, 417 00:31:37,401 --> 00:31:39,659 “And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, 418 00:31:39,665 --> 00:31:43,784 ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.’” 419 00:31:43,790 --> 00:31:45,589 Oh this passage! 420 00:31:45,595 --> 00:31:51,939 Last month, I spent like three weeks on "All authority has been given unto Me.” 421 00:31:51,945 --> 00:31:58,037 Oh, man, it just laid me on the floor. 422 00:31:59,247 --> 00:32:02,605 We have very little idea what that means. 423 00:32:02,611 --> 00:32:09,479 But I would encourage you to read Daniel chapter 7 and Psalms chapter 2. 424 00:32:09,485 --> 00:32:12,776 Such authority has been given to him. 425 00:32:12,782 --> 00:32:17,489 He has so much authority that all the kings, 426 00:32:17,495 --> 00:32:22,045 all their actions and decrees are inconsequential. 427 00:32:22,051 --> 00:32:23,197 They don't even matter. 428 00:32:23,203 --> 00:32:26,673 It is as though they didn't even exist. 429 00:32:26,679 --> 00:32:34,025 When his kingdom showed up 2,000 years ago, everything else came to an end. 430 00:32:34,031 --> 00:32:37,133 Oh, he's allowing the kings and the nations to still play, 431 00:32:37,139 --> 00:32:40,509 as though they had life and power. 432 00:32:40,515 --> 00:32:44,964 But they have none. He rules over all. 433 00:32:44,970 --> 00:32:46,976 Now, but it says this, 434 00:32:46,982 --> 00:32:54,695 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations." 435 00:32:54,701 --> 00:33:01,800 I am so glad that he did not put here, “Go therefore and preach the gospel.” 436 00:33:01,806 --> 00:33:04,034 You say, “Well, why, brother Paul? 437 00:33:04,040 --> 00:33:11,346 I mean, on YouTube that is all you talk about, you only have one sermon." 438 00:33:12,498 --> 00:33:23,534 Because it is so easy...now Adolphe Monod the famous French Reformed pastor 439 00:33:23,540 --> 00:33:26,508 he said, “Oh, the cross of preaching the cross,” 440 00:33:26,514 --> 00:33:29,963 meaning that preaching the cross was such a burden because of its grandeur, 441 00:33:29,969 --> 00:33:34,410 because a preacher could never preach the cross as it ought to be preached. 442 00:33:34,416 --> 00:33:40,754 But there is another sense in which the preaching of the gospel 443 00:33:40,760 --> 00:33:44,893 is a lot easier than making disciples. 444 00:33:45,699 --> 00:33:49,744 You see, someone hears a preacher like me on YouTube 445 00:33:49,750 --> 00:33:53,137 or you see me preach right now. 446 00:33:53,143 --> 00:33:56,693 But you don't know me. 447 00:33:57,888 --> 00:34:01,902 Or I know how to make sentences connect together. 448 00:34:01,908 --> 00:34:05,042 But do you really know me? 449 00:34:05,048 --> 00:34:09,063 Do you really know if I am a godly man? 450 00:34:09,070 --> 00:34:13,987 You see in preaching the gospel, I can preach, go. 451 00:34:13,994 --> 00:34:18,897 I can stand in front of people and, boy, look like something very, very spiritual 452 00:34:18,902 --> 00:34:23,168 and then go and you never see my life. Do you see that? 453 00:34:23,175 --> 00:34:25,216 That is so easy. 454 00:34:25,222 --> 00:34:28,514 But he says, “Go and make disciples.” And what does that mean? 455 00:34:28,521 --> 00:34:33,429 To make disciples, that means you are going, at least for a while, 456 00:34:33,435 --> 00:34:37,353 to imitate me as I imitate Christ, to follow me as I follow Christ. 457 00:34:37,359 --> 00:34:40,318 I am going to teach you, not only with my words, 458 00:34:40,324 --> 00:34:45,826 but I am going to teach you as you watch me live 24 hours a day. 459 00:34:45,831 --> 00:34:49,228 That is tough. 460 00:34:50,940 --> 00:34:57,328 That is part of the work of the church. 461 00:34:58,047 --> 00:35:02,668 This has...you know, when I first was a missionary in Peru, 462 00:35:02,674 --> 00:35:05,758 I just discipled, discipled and discipled. 463 00:35:05,764 --> 00:35:13,219 And it was tough because people watched your life. 464 00:35:13,225 --> 00:35:19,015 But I will tell you something that has been even more difficult: 465 00:35:19,021 --> 00:35:24,159 My three children. To disciple them. 466 00:35:24,165 --> 00:35:27,669 Because, you know, they are just... they can, you know, 467 00:35:27,675 --> 00:35:31,825 “Dad, you said this. Why did you do this?” 468 00:35:31,831 --> 00:35:35,117 You see, it is so humbling, but it is so good. 469 00:35:35,123 --> 00:35:44,026 I would rather be crushed so that the hypocrisy would be torn out of me 470 00:35:44,032 --> 00:35:48,900 than to put on a mask and make everybody think I am something I am not. 471 00:35:48,906 --> 00:35:52,827 See, make disciples, it means that you live with people. 472 00:35:52,833 --> 00:35:57,643 You touch people. You get involved in their life. 473 00:35:57,649 --> 00:36:02,620 I was evangelizing one day and boy did I have a rude awakening. 474 00:36:02,626 --> 00:36:05,088 I was out there, man. I was handing out tracts. 475 00:36:05,094 --> 00:36:09,227 And I was preaching and people were throwing the tracts at me, 476 00:36:09,233 --> 00:36:12,795 and I saw this guy kind of look kind of a punk rocker guy, 477 00:36:12,801 --> 00:36:14,694 and he took off kind of one direction. 478 00:36:14,700 --> 00:36:17,489 I walked up there and put a tract on him. 479 00:36:17,495 --> 00:36:20,854 I said, "Here, this is a tract of the gospel about Jesus." 480 00:36:20,860 --> 00:36:26,222 He turned around and he goes, “You don’t care about me.” 481 00:36:26,228 --> 00:36:30,730 And he, I mean, stopped me in my tracks. 482 00:36:30,736 --> 00:36:36,208 He goes, "Do you care enough about me to be my friend, 483 00:36:36,214 --> 00:36:39,009 to come to my house, 484 00:36:39,015 --> 00:36:42,941 to get to know me and my problems and my messed up life, 485 00:36:42,947 --> 00:36:48,754 or are you just out here winning brownie points for God?” 486 00:36:49,536 --> 00:36:51,489 Caring about people. 487 00:36:51,495 --> 00:36:54,448 That is why even be very, very careful in your evangelism. 488 00:36:54,454 --> 00:37:00,030 People can recognize just superficial, I want to just put another notch on my belt. 489 00:37:00,036 --> 00:37:03,474 Look at me, "I am a preacher that everybody persecutes.” 490 00:37:03,480 --> 00:37:05,977 It is not about you. 491 00:37:05,983 --> 00:37:09,773 To disciple people, you have got to enter into relationships with people. 492 00:37:09,779 --> 00:37:11,263 And to have a church, 493 00:37:11,269 --> 00:37:17,373 you are committing yourself to enter into a profound relationship with people. 494 00:37:17,379 --> 00:37:19,681 That is why one of our missionaries said, 495 00:37:19,687 --> 00:37:22,319 “Brother Paul, we need to start a church in this area.” 496 00:37:22,325 --> 00:37:24,801 I said, “Well, why do you feel like we need to start a church?” 497 00:37:24,807 --> 00:37:27,360 “We need to start a church here because if we start this church here, 498 00:37:27,366 --> 00:37:29,129 then we can start this church over here, 499 00:37:29,135 --> 00:37:34,556 and we can use it as kind of a mother or a seed bed to plant other churches over here.” 500 00:37:34,562 --> 00:37:40,946 And I said, “Stop. You don’t plant churches so that you can plant another church. 501 00:37:40,952 --> 00:37:45,482 You plant a church because you care about the people. 502 00:37:45,488 --> 00:37:48,155 And if you have any other idea about it, 503 00:37:48,161 --> 00:37:53,953 you end up using people to fulfill your vision.” 504 00:37:53,959 --> 00:38:04,797 You see, church is for these people. 505 00:38:06,088 --> 00:38:14,844 And I want you to think about some of the greatest writers among the reformers, 506 00:38:14,850 --> 00:38:18,605 the Puritans, the early Baptists. 507 00:38:18,611 --> 00:38:20,898 I want you to realize something. 508 00:38:20,904 --> 00:38:23,798 They never got on an airplane. 509 00:38:23,804 --> 00:38:27,553 They never traveled, some of them, outside of their country. 510 00:38:27,559 --> 00:38:31,681 Some of them even outside of their town. 511 00:38:31,687 --> 00:38:38,221 But as they pastored, and their sermons, their writings, 512 00:38:38,227 --> 00:38:48,224 their life of pouring themselves into a flock has been used to change the world. 513 00:38:48,230 --> 00:38:57,511 Adolphe Monod, the guy was so smart, his head must have been this big. 514 00:38:57,517 --> 00:39:00,366 He could do anything at the university. 515 00:39:00,372 --> 00:39:02,791 He could do critical studies in Hebrew. 516 00:39:02,797 --> 00:39:05,621 Then they'd get him over here, critical studies in the New Testament. 517 00:39:05,627 --> 00:39:07,713 Then over here, history of the world. 518 00:39:07,719 --> 00:39:09,914 I mean, the guy could do everything. 519 00:39:09,920 --> 00:39:12,411 And they wanted him in the university so bad, 520 00:39:12,417 --> 00:39:16,022 and he said, “No, I want to go pastor this little flock.” 521 00:39:16,028 --> 00:39:22,460 And the book that he wrote [?] The Farewell, 522 00:39:22,466 --> 00:39:27,317 are 19 sermons that he preached on his death bed to his flock. 523 00:39:27,323 --> 00:39:30,348 And the last few sermons he laid on his back like this, 524 00:39:30,354 --> 00:39:31,834 and could only look up at the ceiling 525 00:39:31,840 --> 00:39:34,486 because he couldn’t even turn his head to look at the flock anymore. 526 00:39:34,492 --> 00:39:38,605 That book is priceless. 527 00:39:38,611 --> 00:39:44,242 Sometimes we want to do so much that we don’t do anything. 528 00:39:44,248 --> 00:39:48,333 And sometimes we do so much and you can discern in there, 529 00:39:48,339 --> 00:39:52,654 man, you are all about creating a name for yourself. 530 00:39:52,660 --> 00:39:57,909 You're all about some great thing you're going to do. 531 00:39:59,534 --> 00:40:04,516 I was preaching last year in a place and people were coming from everywhere, 532 00:40:04,522 --> 00:40:07,407 but it really wasn’t of the Lord. 533 00:40:07,413 --> 00:40:10,842 It was celebritism and it stunk. 534 00:40:10,848 --> 00:40:14,337 And I walked over in the corner and the pastor came up to me 535 00:40:14,343 --> 00:40:21,185 and he said, “Paul, maybe you just ought to go somewhere and die, 536 00:40:21,191 --> 00:40:23,774 so that no one will hear your name again.” 537 00:40:23,780 --> 00:40:27,635 And what he meant is, maybe you need to walk away from this entire circus 538 00:40:27,641 --> 00:40:31,630 and go pastor a little flock of people and just die there, 539 00:40:31,636 --> 00:40:33,215 and walk away from this mess. 540 00:40:33,221 --> 00:40:36,256 You see, here is what I want you to see. 541 00:40:36,262 --> 00:40:44,639 I am 47. I mean, I am like, I am not as old as these two guys here, 542 00:40:44,645 --> 00:40:48,414 but I am getting older. 543 00:40:48,420 --> 00:40:52,432 I am not as old as him but I am getting older. 544 00:40:52,438 --> 00:40:55,190 I'm over the hill, and I figured out when you get over the hill, 545 00:40:55,196 --> 00:40:57,514 you start going down a lot faster. 546 00:40:57,520 --> 00:41:03,296 I'm getting older and I don't want to waste my life. 547 00:41:03,302 --> 00:41:08,934 And what I see is that a lot of the big stuff and big plans and big ideas 548 00:41:08,940 --> 00:41:16,633 and everything we have about winning the world is nothing but flesh sometimes, 549 00:41:16,639 --> 00:41:23,906 because we want to touch everybody, but we don’t touch anybody. 550 00:41:25,890 --> 00:41:28,138 And so he says, “Make disciples.” 551 00:41:28,144 --> 00:41:29,867 And then he says this. Look at this. 552 00:41:29,873 --> 00:41:33,846 He says, "Make disciples of all the nations, 553 00:41:33,852 --> 00:41:37,777 baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 554 00:41:37,783 --> 00:41:42,709 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.” 555 00:41:42,715 --> 00:41:44,467 Now think about this. 556 00:41:44,473 --> 00:41:48,253 He doesn't just say, "Teach them." 557 00:41:48,259 --> 00:41:54,789 He says, “Teach them to obey what I have commanded you.” 558 00:41:54,795 --> 00:41:59,648 You can’t teach them to obey what God has commanded you 559 00:41:59,654 --> 00:42:03,507 unless you are obeying what God has commanded you. 560 00:42:03,513 --> 00:42:10,683 And so the Church gives us an opportunity to live, to flesh this out, 561 00:42:10,689 --> 00:42:26,660 to live in obedience before other people and to be an influence with our lives. 562 00:42:27,598 --> 00:42:40,476 And so the Church is a community of people who have professed faith in Jesus Christ 563 00:42:40,482 --> 00:42:48,469 and confessed his Lordship and have come together to worship him, 564 00:42:48,475 --> 00:42:56,937 but have also come together that they might mutually encourage one another 565 00:42:56,943 --> 00:43:02,293 towards the goal of conformity to the image of Jesus Christ. 566 00:43:02,299 --> 00:43:05,234 Now it is amazing. I was in Peru several years ago, 567 00:43:05,240 --> 00:43:10,663 and a young American Marine, it was just a freak accident. 568 00:43:10,669 --> 00:43:15,425 He had his gun and he just turned... it went off and he shot himself in the head. 569 00:43:15,431 --> 00:43:19,873 And he laid there in the hospital basically brain dead for three or four days 570 00:43:19,879 --> 00:43:21,746 before they pulled the plug. 571 00:43:21,752 --> 00:43:26,296 And I didn’t know this, but I show up to try to witness to him 572 00:43:26,302 --> 00:43:33,407 and there is these two Marines in full dress standing on each side of the door like this. 573 00:43:33,413 --> 00:43:36,465 I asked somebody, “What is this?” 574 00:43:36,471 --> 00:43:40,915 And the Marine says, “No Marine dies alone.” 575 00:43:40,921 --> 00:43:41,760 Wow. 576 00:43:41,766 --> 00:43:44,681 Well, I started talking to somebody and I found out 577 00:43:44,687 --> 00:43:48,800 if a bunch of Marines are running, 578 00:43:48,806 --> 00:43:52,939 the first Marine arrives when the last Marine arrives. 579 00:43:52,945 --> 00:43:55,947 They arrive together. 580 00:43:55,953 --> 00:43:59,942 So if you are running first, and this guy is last, 581 00:43:59,948 --> 00:44:05,297 don’t think about crossing that line until you get him and bring him with you. 582 00:44:05,303 --> 00:44:09,895 Well, you talk about an example of the Christian life. 583 00:44:09,901 --> 00:44:11,883 "I am growing." 584 00:44:11,889 --> 00:44:20,014 Yeah, what about your brother? What about your sister in Christ? 585 00:44:20,020 --> 00:44:26,943 You see, without a church we can’t do any of this. 586 00:44:27,684 --> 00:44:29,516 You want to have a biblical church? 587 00:44:29,522 --> 00:44:31,422 Why do you want to have a biblical church 588 00:44:31,428 --> 00:44:34,311 so that you can say you have a biblical church? 589 00:44:34,317 --> 00:44:37,384 Do you want to have a biblical church so that, you know, I mean... 590 00:44:37,390 --> 00:44:41,362 so that you can start a bunch of biblical churches? 591 00:44:41,368 --> 00:44:45,371 Or do you just want to honor God and love people, 592 00:44:45,377 --> 00:44:50,092 whether anything happens or not? 593 00:44:50,098 --> 00:45:05,959 Now, it goes on, and I want us to go for a moment just to Ephesians four. 594 00:45:05,965 --> 00:45:11,636 I want to talk about leadership for a moment, chapter four. 595 00:45:11,642 --> 00:45:14,212 Speaking of Christ in verse 11, 596 00:45:14,218 --> 00:45:16,775 "And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, 597 00:45:16,781 --> 00:45:20,280 and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 598 00:45:20,286 --> 00:45:24,268 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, 599 00:45:24,274 --> 00:45:26,451 to the building up of the body of Christ." 600 00:45:26,457 --> 00:45:35,239 Now, this is both a beautiful text and a very dangerous text. 601 00:45:35,245 --> 00:45:37,998 What do I mean? 602 00:45:38,560 --> 00:45:45,203 He has given gifted men to the Church to do what? To equip the saints. 603 00:45:45,209 --> 00:45:48,293 But most of the time when this is preached, 604 00:45:48,299 --> 00:45:51,942 it is preached in a militant sort of way. 605 00:45:51,948 --> 00:45:53,108 What do I mean? 606 00:45:53,114 --> 00:45:57,923 It is preached to the..."Look, in our church, man, we have got to get going, 607 00:45:57,929 --> 00:45:59,506 we have got to get doing stuff. 608 00:45:59,512 --> 00:46:02,619 Look, I train you so that you can go out and do the ministry, 609 00:46:02,625 --> 00:46:06,756 and that ministry is winning people and making this church grow." 610 00:46:06,762 --> 00:46:08,714 And what am I doing? 611 00:46:08,720 --> 00:46:13,699 I am turning this thing back again into a factory, 612 00:46:13,705 --> 00:46:17,960 into a place where the saints come to labor. 613 00:46:17,966 --> 00:46:20,716 Do you see that? 614 00:46:21,482 --> 00:46:29,622 You are a worker in the beehive, in the anthill. 615 00:46:29,628 --> 00:46:33,564 "We have got to go. We have got to grow. We have got to build. 616 00:46:33,570 --> 00:46:39,913 We have got to do. I train you, you go." 617 00:46:39,919 --> 00:46:42,346 People have asked me several times today, 618 00:46:42,352 --> 00:46:45,601 how is it that some churches start out wanting to be biblical 619 00:46:45,607 --> 00:46:49,640 and then eventually they just kind of go the way of all other churches? 620 00:46:49,646 --> 00:46:52,170 These are the reasons. 621 00:46:52,176 --> 00:47:01,314 They turn church life into almost some kind of a factory, a work house. 622 00:47:01,320 --> 00:47:03,485 Now are we to do works of service? 623 00:47:03,491 --> 00:47:06,105 We absolutely are to do works of service. 624 00:47:06,111 --> 00:47:10,053 But I want you to look at this in a little bit different way. 625 00:47:10,059 --> 00:47:13,779 He has given us gifted men for the equipping of the saints. 626 00:47:13,785 --> 00:47:18,621 Now the equipping of the saints just doesn't mean so that they can go out and work 627 00:47:18,627 --> 00:47:22,500 and bring in more people. 628 00:47:22,506 --> 00:47:34,253 The equipping of the saints means to prepare them, to grow them to maturity, 629 00:47:34,259 --> 00:47:40,786 to help them be able to enter in strongly into a personal devotional life, 630 00:47:40,792 --> 00:47:43,558 into a personal walk with Christ. 631 00:47:43,564 --> 00:47:47,371 It's not just about training them to go out to do something. 632 00:47:47,377 --> 00:47:52,199 It's training them so that they can be something. 633 00:47:52,205 --> 00:47:54,762 To be like Christ. 634 00:47:54,768 --> 00:47:59,420 And also this equipping is for the building up of the body of Christ. 635 00:47:59,426 --> 00:48:03,665 Now, of course, that includes evangelism. 636 00:48:03,671 --> 00:48:10,698 But I need to equip you, not to just go out and win somebody 637 00:48:10,704 --> 00:48:14,727 and bring them in and they remain just as immature as the rest of us. 638 00:48:14,733 --> 00:48:20,811 I need to equip you to be able to minister to him. 639 00:48:20,817 --> 00:48:25,611 To minister to the body also, to help us grow into maturity. 640 00:48:25,617 --> 00:48:33,493 I need to equip husbands to do what? To minister to their wives. 641 00:48:33,499 --> 00:48:38,695 I need to equip fathers to do what? To minister to their children. 642 00:48:38,701 --> 00:48:44,401 I need to equip women to minister to their husbands and their children. 643 00:48:44,407 --> 00:48:50,346 You see how we will just take a verse and automatically assume this is what it means? 644 00:48:50,352 --> 00:48:54,011 Get them all equipped so they can go out there and do a bunch of work. 645 00:48:54,017 --> 00:48:57,209 Get them equipped so that they can be like Christ, 646 00:48:57,215 --> 00:49:01,026 minister to one another, and witness to the world, 647 00:49:01,032 --> 00:49:10,751 but not in a machine, cog in a wheel, factory sense of a beehive sort of thing, 648 00:49:10,757 --> 00:49:17,471 or an anthill where everyone goes out, gathers and comes back in. 649 00:49:18,579 --> 00:49:20,721 You see, again, look at what we are talking about, 650 00:49:20,727 --> 00:49:26,426 relationships, loving one another, caring about one another, 651 00:49:26,432 --> 00:49:29,642 not so concerned about coming across the line first, 652 00:49:29,648 --> 00:49:36,295 but coming across the line with our other brothers and sisters in Christ as a church. 653 00:49:36,301 --> 00:49:42,289 Now, he goes on and he says, 654 00:49:42,295 --> 00:49:44,843 “For the equipping of the saints for the work of service, 655 00:49:44,849 --> 00:49:46,772 to the building up of the body of Christ.” 656 00:49:46,778 --> 00:49:48,956 Now look, you can see. 657 00:49:48,962 --> 00:49:51,530 "Until we all attain to the unity of the faith, 658 00:49:51,536 --> 00:49:54,825 and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, 659 00:49:54,831 --> 00:50:03,124 to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.” 660 00:50:03,130 --> 00:50:12,886 To be a part of a church is to make a commitment to be biblically, 661 00:50:12,892 --> 00:50:20,462 practically concerned for the other people in that body, 662 00:50:20,468 --> 00:50:26,899 that they might become everything that God desires for them to be. 663 00:50:26,905 --> 00:50:28,881 Now, let’s go on. 664 00:50:28,887 --> 00:50:36,492 I want us to go now to 2 Timothy chapter three. 665 00:50:36,498 --> 00:50:42,492 The Church, its doctrine, its practices 666 00:50:42,498 --> 00:50:47,608 must be founded upon the Word of God. 667 00:50:47,614 --> 00:50:53,862 Now, he says here, “That from childhood you have known the sacred writings 668 00:50:53,868 --> 00:50:57,485 which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation 669 00:50:57,491 --> 00:51:01,940 through faith which is in Christ Jesus.“ 670 00:51:01,946 --> 00:51:04,131 How does a person come to know the Lord? 671 00:51:04,137 --> 00:51:08,317 Through the sacred writings, through Scripture. 672 00:51:08,323 --> 00:51:17,023 Let me share with you. We will maybe talk about this tomorrow about evangelism, 673 00:51:18,095 --> 00:51:23,245 but I have seen recently people come to know the Lord, 674 00:51:23,251 --> 00:51:32,592 not as a result of a one time encounter or witnessing through a tract. 675 00:51:32,598 --> 00:51:41,310 I have seen people come to the Lord after eight months of Bible study, 676 00:51:41,316 --> 00:51:43,686 after eight months of the study in Scripture. 677 00:51:43,692 --> 00:51:49,237 My brother-in-law, John Green, from England is a great evangelist. 678 00:51:49,243 --> 00:51:53,618 He doesn’t preach. He shouldn’t preach. 679 00:51:53,624 --> 00:51:58,460 But as far as one on one dealing with people... 680 00:51:58,466 --> 00:52:01,174 And he just recently brought a guy to my office 681 00:52:01,180 --> 00:52:05,480 that he had been dealing with for about eight months, 682 00:52:05,486 --> 00:52:07,672 Bible study after Bible study, 683 00:52:07,678 --> 00:52:11,609 going through the Scripture, going through the Scripture. 684 00:52:11,615 --> 00:52:17,065 Listen to me: Preach on the streets? Yes. 685 00:52:17,071 --> 00:52:20,327 Witness to people, tracts? Yes. 686 00:52:20,333 --> 00:52:24,797 Have you ever thought about entering into a relationship with some of these people? 687 00:52:24,803 --> 00:52:30,357 Inviting to meet them at a coffee shop once a week, twice a week, 688 00:52:30,363 --> 00:52:33,355 going through Scripture, studying Scripture. 689 00:52:33,361 --> 00:52:38,260 Not just hit and miss, like a sniper with a rifle, 690 00:52:38,266 --> 00:52:40,616 giving them one shot to come to know the Lord, 691 00:52:40,622 --> 00:52:48,760 but maybe saying, “I am going to pour my life into that person.” 692 00:52:50,215 --> 00:52:56,282 And then he says, "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, 693 00:52:56,288 --> 00:52:59,713 for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 694 00:52:59,719 --> 00:53:04,847 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." 695 00:53:04,853 --> 00:53:08,373 When I was in seminary several years ago, 696 00:53:08,379 --> 00:53:14,763 my professor, he stood in front of the class one day 697 00:53:14,769 --> 00:53:21,949 and he goes, “Sh... sh, listen.” 698 00:53:21,955 --> 00:53:23,125 “What?” 699 00:53:23,131 --> 00:53:30,492 “Listen. I hear footsteps. 700 00:53:30,498 --> 00:53:40,510 Yes. They are the footsteps of Aristotle walking through these halls 701 00:53:40,516 --> 00:53:44,445 and they are louder than the footsteps of the apostles.” 702 00:53:44,451 --> 00:53:46,758 The point he was making was, 703 00:53:46,764 --> 00:53:52,378 much of what we were doing had more to do with Greek philosophy 704 00:53:52,384 --> 00:53:57,755 than it did with the New Testament, saying it was wrong. 705 00:53:57,761 --> 00:54:02,637 I want you to know something, not only walking through church, 706 00:54:02,643 --> 00:54:13,614 but walking through your mind and your heart is psychology, sociology, 707 00:54:13,620 --> 00:54:24,382 anthropology, doctrines of this age, and they will destroy you. 708 00:54:24,388 --> 00:54:30,069 We do not need to augment the Scriptures with the social sciences 709 00:54:30,075 --> 00:54:32,798 in order to have a church. 710 00:54:32,804 --> 00:54:38,797 A church is founded upon the Word of God, 711 00:54:38,803 --> 00:54:45,727 and it needs no help from any outside source. 712 00:54:45,733 --> 00:54:48,285 I will give you an example. 713 00:54:48,291 --> 00:54:54,380 If I were to teach on, right now, on the father's responsibility 714 00:54:54,386 --> 00:54:58,150 to be the primary educator in the life of his child, 715 00:54:58,156 --> 00:55:04,829 many of you would be going... because that is not practiced here. 716 00:55:04,834 --> 00:55:06,337 Yeah. 717 00:55:06,343 --> 00:55:14,636 Or if I began to teach on the biblical submission of the wife to the husband, 718 00:55:14,642 --> 00:55:18,031 some of you women would probably grow horns and claws 719 00:55:18,037 --> 00:55:23,125 and attack me right now, because that is not practiced here. 720 00:55:23,131 --> 00:55:25,237 It is hated. It is despised. 721 00:55:25,243 --> 00:55:34,189 Years and years and years of training, and all the dark arts you have received. 722 00:55:34,195 --> 00:55:40,460 You went to preschool. They did not teach you Psalms one. 723 00:55:40,466 --> 00:55:42,999 They taught you the ways of the world. 724 00:55:43,005 --> 00:55:47,852 You went to grade school, they taught you all the doctrines of this age. 725 00:55:47,858 --> 00:55:50,799 You went to high school and they did the same. 726 00:55:50,805 --> 00:55:53,988 As a child, every time you turned on the television set, 727 00:55:53,994 --> 00:55:58,562 they taught you in a manner completely contrary to Christianity. 728 00:55:58,568 --> 00:56:06,847 And now you wonder why it is so difficult to live the Christian life? 729 00:56:08,450 --> 00:56:09,652 You see? 730 00:56:09,658 --> 00:56:14,203 There are things that Scripture teaches that if I taught them right now, 731 00:56:14,209 --> 00:56:19,616 maybe some of you would rise up in anger and just jump right through that window 732 00:56:19,622 --> 00:56:22,558 or throw me through that window, 733 00:56:22,564 --> 00:56:25,939 because you can’t even begin to address the issue 734 00:56:25,945 --> 00:56:32,359 because you have been taught the contrary over and over and over. 735 00:56:32,365 --> 00:56:36,739 Do not bring those sciences into the Church 736 00:56:36,745 --> 00:56:42,166 because social sciences are not sciences by the pure definition of science. 737 00:56:42,172 --> 00:56:46,839 And do not bring something into the Church whose major theories change 738 00:56:46,845 --> 00:56:50,871 about once ever three years. 739 00:56:51,286 --> 00:56:56,424 We are to found the Church upon the Scriptures, 740 00:56:56,430 --> 00:57:00,505 and the Church and the Scriptures need no outside help. 741 00:57:00,511 --> 00:57:03,481 Let me give you a perfect example of this. 742 00:57:03,487 --> 00:57:11,545 You go to a Christian counselor who is also a psychologist 743 00:57:11,551 --> 00:57:17,109 and you say, “I need some counseling.” He goes, “Ok.” 744 00:57:17,115 --> 00:57:18,763 You walk in. 745 00:57:18,769 --> 00:57:25,025 You say, “Now, before we get started, I understand you are a Christian psychologist. 746 00:57:25,031 --> 00:57:28,423 What is your basis of authority?” 747 00:57:28,429 --> 00:57:34,376 Now that is a proper question in debate, apologetics, secular philosophy, ok? 748 00:57:34,382 --> 00:57:36,208 What is the basis of your authority? 749 00:57:36,214 --> 00:57:38,798 I mean, you are going to start telling me things. 750 00:57:38,804 --> 00:57:41,846 What is the basis of your authority? 751 00:57:41,852 --> 00:57:45,098 And so you say, “Well, the Bible.” 752 00:57:45,104 --> 00:57:47,892 I go, “What are all these other books?” 753 00:57:47,898 --> 00:57:54,401 “Well, I just... you know, the truth of Scripture, but all truth is God’s truth, 754 00:57:54,407 --> 00:57:58,922 so the truth we also find in these books are true, too.” 755 00:57:58,928 --> 00:58:02,072 “Well, I got a problem.” 756 00:58:02,078 --> 00:58:03,505 “Well, what is your problem?” 757 00:58:03,511 --> 00:58:10,985 “Well, I see there Freud, Rogers and Skinner, 758 00:58:10,991 --> 00:58:16,379 three main guys in the West with regard to psychology.” 759 00:58:16,385 --> 00:58:18,868 “Yes, so?” 760 00:58:18,874 --> 00:58:24,949 “Well, Freud said that Rogers and Skinner were idiots. 761 00:58:24,955 --> 00:58:28,714 And Rogers and Skinner said that Freud was a pervert. 762 00:58:28,720 --> 00:58:31,902 And Skinner said Rogers didn’t know what he was talking about, 763 00:58:31,908 --> 00:58:34,686 and everything Rogers wrote contradicted Skinner. 764 00:58:34,691 --> 00:58:37,315 So now here's my question: 765 00:58:37,321 --> 00:58:40,564 If all three of them contradict each other, 766 00:58:40,570 --> 00:58:46,187 and all three of them contradict the Bible, who is the authority?” 767 00:58:46,193 --> 00:58:50,128 And he goes, “Well, I choose..you know, the Bible, of course, is the authority. 768 00:58:50,134 --> 00:58:55,219 And then I choose out of these men what's true” 769 00:58:55,225 --> 00:58:58,425 “So now you are the authority.” 770 00:58:58,431 --> 00:59:00,534 Do you see the problem? 771 00:59:00,540 --> 00:59:03,029 There is one authority and it is Scripture. 772 00:59:03,035 --> 00:59:13,844 If they speak not according to the Law and the Prophets, there is no light in them. 773 00:59:15,539 --> 00:59:18,272 But it has become the religion of the age 774 00:59:18,278 --> 00:59:24,821 and one of the greatest hindrances to biblical church, a great hindrance. 775 00:59:24,827 --> 00:59:28,060 Now I realize that I may have made people mad 776 00:59:28,066 --> 00:59:30,652 and if I did so by my attitude I apologize, 777 00:59:30,658 --> 00:59:35,539 but what I said, I do not apologize for. It is true. 778 00:59:35,545 --> 00:59:43,360 Churches today are overrun with the ideas of secular anthropology, 779 00:59:43,366 --> 00:59:48,834 secular psychology and secular sociology. 780 00:59:48,840 --> 00:59:52,371 Now, don’t think you are going to have a biblical church 781 00:59:52,377 --> 00:59:57,142 by purging that out of your evangelism. 782 00:59:57,148 --> 01:00:06,632 You have to purge it out of your marriage, your idea of man, your idea of truth. 783 01:00:06,638 --> 01:00:09,765 You have to purge it out of everything. 784 01:00:09,771 --> 01:00:13,209 God’s Word is true. 785 01:00:13,215 --> 01:00:16,974 And if something does not line up with God’s Word, it is not true 786 01:00:16,980 --> 01:00:21,051 and it's not additional truth. 787 01:00:21,635 --> 01:00:22,588 Do you see? 788 01:00:22,594 --> 01:00:26,993 Many of you, let me ask you a question, you would possibly say, 789 01:00:26,999 --> 01:00:30,882 “Yes, brother Paul, I believe in the inspiration of Scripture. 790 01:00:30,888 --> 01:00:35,159 I am a conservative Christian. I believe in the inspiration of Scripture; 791 01:00:35,165 --> 01:00:40,099 that Scripture was God breathed, that it is infallible, inerrant; 792 01:00:40,105 --> 01:00:43,946 that it is a faithful communication of God's truth. 793 01:00:43,952 --> 01:00:46,902 Ok. You believe in the inspiration of Scripture? 794 01:00:46,908 --> 01:00:50,984 You have only won half the battle. 795 01:00:50,990 --> 01:00:52,605 Here is the next question: 796 01:00:52,611 --> 01:00:57,597 But do you believe in the sufficiency of Scripture? 797 01:00:58,025 --> 01:01:03,712 Do you believe that the Scripture is sufficient 798 01:01:03,718 --> 01:01:08,298 to make the man of God adequate for every good work 799 01:01:08,304 --> 01:01:14,527 or does the man of God also need Freud, Skinner, Rogers and everything else 800 01:01:14,533 --> 01:01:18,690 in order to counsel God’s people, in order to teach God's people, 801 01:01:18,696 --> 01:01:20,413 in order to train God’s people? 802 01:01:20,419 --> 01:01:26,840 You see, this is what Scripture is saying. 803 01:01:26,846 --> 01:01:30,698 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, 804 01:01:30,704 --> 01:01:34,637 for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 805 01:01:34,643 --> 01:01:41,343 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. 806 01:01:41,349 --> 01:01:47,750 Every good work that needs to be done in the body, every good work, 807 01:01:47,756 --> 01:01:50,552 the Scripture can adequately prepare us for that. 808 01:01:50,558 --> 01:01:56,252 The Bible says in 2 Peter chapter one, 809 01:01:56,258 --> 01:02:02,437 Everything that we need for life and godliness has been granted to us. 810 01:02:02,443 --> 01:02:07,973 Everything we need to direct our marriages have been granted to us in this book. 811 01:02:07,979 --> 01:02:12,921 Everything we need to raise our children have been granted to us in this book. 812 01:02:12,927 --> 01:02:18,234 It is found there. It is. 813 01:02:19,195 --> 01:02:21,461 And you have to make a decision. 814 01:02:21,467 --> 01:02:27,840 Do you want a biblical church, or do you want a halfway biblical church? 815 01:02:28,375 --> 01:02:31,800 There is no, like the philosopher said, 816 01:02:31,806 --> 01:02:37,638 “What does Jerusalem have to do with Athens?” 817 01:02:37,652 --> 01:02:44,258 What does Christianity have to do with all these doctrines of the age 818 01:02:44,264 --> 01:02:47,486 that give no light and bring no blessing 819 01:02:47,492 --> 01:02:51,332 and kill all fruitfulness in the life of a person? 820 01:02:51,338 --> 01:02:57,738 Now, I want to go to one other thing and then we will bring this to a close, 821 01:02:57,744 --> 01:03:01,988 because I know I have gone on very long. 822 01:03:01,994 --> 01:03:06,137 Let’s just look for a moment at body life. 823 01:03:06,143 --> 01:03:14,308 I want us to go to chapter twelve of the book of Romans, verse 3, 824 01:03:14,314 --> 01:03:17,887 “For through the grace given to me, I say to everyone among you 825 01:03:17,893 --> 01:03:21,477 not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; 826 01:03:21,483 --> 01:03:24,344 but to think so as to have sound judgment, 827 01:03:24,350 --> 01:03:29,236 as God has allotted to each a measure of faith.” 828 01:03:29,242 --> 01:03:34,757 Listen. As you grow in your Christian walk, 829 01:03:34,763 --> 01:03:39,362 you are going to come across true, honest believers 830 01:03:39,368 --> 01:03:44,554 that are not quite as mature, that are rather problematic. 831 01:03:44,560 --> 01:03:47,296 You need to constantly be asking yourself this question. 832 01:03:47,302 --> 01:03:49,618 What do I have that I have not received, 833 01:03:49,624 --> 01:03:53,506 and if I have received it, why do I boast? 834 01:03:53,512 --> 01:03:55,840 Who made you what you are? 835 01:03:55,846 --> 01:03:58,446 By God’s grace you have been saved. 836 01:03:58,452 --> 01:04:03,620 By God's grace, a work of sanctification continues in you. 837 01:04:03,626 --> 01:04:06,680 There is no room for boasting in the Christian life. 838 01:04:06,686 --> 01:04:14,935 And there is no room for comparison of setting one saint against another. 839 01:04:14,941 --> 01:04:20,270 I remember one time a woman who had done a great deal of damage 840 01:04:20,276 --> 01:04:22,760 with her wickedness in the Church, 841 01:04:22,766 --> 01:04:27,173 and one morning she came just running down the aisle. 842 01:04:27,179 --> 01:04:29,842 I was preaching, and she was weeping, 843 01:04:29,848 --> 01:04:33,150 and she just fell on the steps of the platform 844 01:04:33,156 --> 01:04:35,870 and she was crying out to God for forgiveness. 845 01:04:35,876 --> 01:04:40,014 And I looked up and I saw the faces of the people in that crowd. 846 01:04:40,020 --> 01:04:49,358 And I mean, they were like, unbelieving, unforgiving. 847 01:04:50,131 --> 01:04:53,856 The woman had done some bad things. 848 01:04:53,862 --> 01:05:00,795 And I went down and I put my hand on her shoulder and I prayed for her. 849 01:05:00,801 --> 01:05:05,542 Afterwards, some people came up to me and they said, 850 01:05:05,548 --> 01:05:09,509 “How could you touch that woman?” 851 01:05:09,515 --> 01:05:15,425 And I said, “Because if she doesn’t get forgiven, I have to go to hell too.” 852 01:05:15,431 --> 01:05:18,276 You see the point? 853 01:05:18,282 --> 01:05:20,130 Mercy...you know, 854 01:05:20,136 --> 01:05:27,295 if you need evidence that we are not perfected at the moment of our conversion, 855 01:05:27,301 --> 01:05:29,559 if you need evidence of that, 856 01:05:29,565 --> 01:05:33,763 then just listen to this one statement by Jesus Christ. 857 01:05:33,769 --> 01:05:38,807 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” 858 01:05:39,034 --> 01:05:43,167 That shames me, that verse; and I will tell you why. 859 01:05:43,173 --> 01:05:47,545 A man like me who has received such mercy, 860 01:05:47,551 --> 01:05:51,377 I have to be told to be merciful? 861 01:05:51,825 --> 01:05:54,505 I have to be reminded to be merciful? 862 01:05:54,511 --> 01:05:56,329 After the mercy I have received, 863 01:05:56,335 --> 01:05:58,953 after the things I have done and been forgiven. 864 01:05:58,959 --> 01:06:06,473 I have to be reminded to be merciful? That is pathetic. 865 01:06:11,271 --> 01:06:14,921 And so body life is, again, built around humility. 866 01:06:14,927 --> 01:06:17,264 It is built around a mercy. 867 01:06:17,270 --> 01:06:20,951 It's built around thinking more of others. 868 01:06:20,957 --> 01:06:24,497 And he says: "For just as we have many members in one body 869 01:06:24,503 --> 01:06:28,606 and all the members do not have the same function, 870 01:06:28,612 --> 01:06:31,677 so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, 871 01:06:31,683 --> 01:06:34,605 and individually members one of another." 872 01:06:34,611 --> 01:06:41,529 Now, In 1 Corinthians, Paul deals with this in greater length 873 01:06:41,535 --> 01:06:42,705 and I didn’t want to go there 874 01:06:42,711 --> 01:06:51,232 because I didn’t want to spend the entire night having you just sitting here. 875 01:06:54,642 --> 01:06:59,349 Sometimes I look at my wife 876 01:06:59,355 --> 01:07:04,769 and, you know, men are really bad in that we begin to think at times 877 01:07:04,775 --> 01:07:07,802 that our wives are an extension of us, 878 01:07:07,808 --> 01:07:11,349 and our children are an extension of us. 879 01:07:11,355 --> 01:07:16,624 We forget that they are persons in their own right. 880 01:07:17,703 --> 01:07:23,401 There will be things between our wives and Christ that we know not of. 881 01:07:23,407 --> 01:07:27,740 But sometimes I sit there and I try to remember this: 882 01:07:27,746 --> 01:07:32,464 She is God's daughter. 883 01:07:32,470 --> 01:07:35,337 Now I don’t know if any of you have daughters. 884 01:07:35,343 --> 01:07:38,651 But I have a little daughter. 885 01:07:39,221 --> 01:07:44,396 I don't know where my Christianity would go if somebody tried to hurt her, 886 01:07:44,402 --> 01:07:48,561 but I would do everything in my power to stop them. 887 01:07:48,567 --> 01:07:53,949 I mean, If you really don't want to be my friend, 888 01:07:53,955 --> 01:07:57,709 then do something bad to my daughter. 889 01:07:58,342 --> 01:08:01,413 I can't even imagine; someone would have to restrain me 890 01:08:01,419 --> 01:08:04,262 if somebody did something to my daughter. 891 01:08:04,268 --> 01:08:11,286 And I always try to remember my wife in that context with her Father. 892 01:08:11,292 --> 01:08:15,679 She is God’s daughter. 893 01:08:15,685 --> 01:08:19,023 I am going to mess with her? 894 01:08:19,028 --> 01:08:21,435 I am going to hurt her? 895 01:08:21,441 --> 01:08:24,608 If I being evil can love my daughter so much 896 01:08:24,613 --> 01:08:27,005 that I would throw myself in front of a train for her, 897 01:08:27,011 --> 01:08:31,121 or fight any man on the face of the earth at least for two seconds 898 01:08:31,127 --> 01:08:34,509 before he knocks me out, 899 01:08:34,515 --> 01:08:38,770 am I going to suppose that I want to deal with God in that way, 900 01:08:38,776 --> 01:08:40,475 treating harshly his daughter? 901 01:08:40,481 --> 01:08:42,477 Now let’s take that farther. 902 01:08:42,483 --> 01:08:48,189 You see, C S Lewis said this one time and I can’t quote him directly, 903 01:08:48,194 --> 01:08:53,500 but basically he said this, “There are no common people.” 904 01:08:53,506 --> 01:09:05,835 Every person you meet will either be, one day, a monster in the bowels of hell 905 01:09:05,841 --> 01:09:10,602 or will be a creature so splendid and glorious 906 01:09:10,608 --> 01:09:13,796 that if you could see them now in that future state, 907 01:09:13,801 --> 01:09:18,399 you would fall down on your face and have a tendency to worship them.” 908 01:09:18,404 --> 01:09:22,828 All right, now I want you to think that about your brother in Christ for a moment, 909 01:09:22,834 --> 01:09:24,060 your sister in Christ. 910 01:09:24,067 --> 01:09:30,366 Don't deal with this person in a harsh manner. 911 01:09:30,372 --> 01:09:32,915 Realize what they are. 912 01:09:32,921 --> 01:09:36,377 Realize what has been paid for them. 913 01:09:36,384 --> 01:09:39,402 Realize what they are going to become. 914 01:09:39,408 --> 01:09:44,033 Realize the relationship they have with God, 915 01:09:44,040 --> 01:09:46,997 and you will begin to treat them differently. 916 01:09:47,004 --> 01:09:48,287 Do you see that? 917 01:09:48,292 --> 01:09:55,121 They are not just some common little believer who attends church. 918 01:09:55,127 --> 01:10:00,489 They are God’s and one day they will be more glorious 919 01:10:00,495 --> 01:10:05,142 than anyone could even imagine. 920 01:10:06,952 --> 01:10:09,473 That is church. 921 01:10:10,051 --> 01:10:16,832 And he goes on and he says that we are members. 922 01:10:16,838 --> 01:10:19,675 I am told that I am one with my wife 923 01:10:19,681 --> 01:10:24,918 and that only an insane man tears at his own flesh. 924 01:10:24,924 --> 01:10:31,096 Only an insane man practices self mutilation, I mean, we all now that. 925 01:10:31,102 --> 01:10:33,886 You see a man on the side of the street, 926 01:10:33,892 --> 01:10:35,295 and he is ripping his arm off, 927 01:10:35,301 --> 01:10:38,000 you don’t say, “Hey, how is it going?” 928 01:10:38,006 --> 01:10:42,514 I mean, you say, “That is a very troubled person.” 929 01:10:42,520 --> 01:10:52,514 All right, now, to attack my wife is insanity, the worst form, to rip at her. 930 01:10:52,520 --> 01:10:58,493 Brother and sister in Christ, same thing, members. 931 01:10:59,295 --> 01:11:00,555 And just remember this: 932 01:11:00,561 --> 01:11:05,476 You are not just ripping at one of your members. 933 01:11:05,482 --> 01:11:11,627 You are ripping at one of Christ’s members, part of his body. 934 01:11:11,633 --> 01:11:16,705 The Church in Corinth was sternly warned that anyone destroys the body, 935 01:11:16,711 --> 01:11:19,588 God will destroy them. 936 01:11:20,867 --> 01:11:24,267 You see, you need to have a heightened view of God. 937 01:11:24,273 --> 01:11:25,568 You have heard that over and over. 938 01:11:25,574 --> 01:11:27,904 We need to have a heightened view of God. 939 01:11:27,910 --> 01:11:29,747 That's true. Do you know what else though? 940 01:11:29,753 --> 01:11:37,361 You need to have a heightened view of other believers; 941 01:11:38,932 --> 01:11:44,150 of what they are, what they will be, what was paid for them. 942 01:11:44,156 --> 01:11:46,044 And we are members. 943 01:11:46,050 --> 01:11:48,969 Now, gosh, I can do this in America, 944 01:11:48,975 --> 01:11:54,554 but here in Europe you guys are a lot more civilized. 945 01:11:54,560 --> 01:11:56,211 But I am going to do this anyways. 946 01:11:56,217 --> 01:11:59,350 Let’s see. Who has got tennis shoes on? 947 01:11:59,356 --> 01:12:03,728 Who wants to volunteer? Who is really brave? Is anybody brave? 948 01:12:03,734 --> 01:12:06,260 You don’t need tennis shoes, you can do it in socks. 949 01:12:06,266 --> 01:12:08,111 OK, stand up. 950 01:12:08,117 --> 01:12:11,601 And, really, guys, if I am out of line, just realize I am an American, 951 01:12:11,607 --> 01:12:15,138 I am from the South. I have no culture, OK? 952 01:12:15,174 --> 01:12:23,674 Now I want you to run over to that rail as fast as you can, and then run back. 953 01:12:23,680 --> 01:12:25,785 As fast as you can. 954 01:12:25,790 --> 01:12:27,964 Go! 955 01:12:28,932 --> 01:12:33,066 Ooh, I should have got tennis shoes on him. He almost went out the window. 956 01:12:33,072 --> 01:12:38,999 OK, now I want you to grab one foot like this, 957 01:12:39,005 --> 01:12:44,036 and I want you to run over there half way, and then come back. 958 01:12:44,042 --> 01:12:48,142 Halfway? yeah, just half way. We don't want you going out the window. 959 01:12:48,148 --> 01:12:51,863 OK. Slower, right? 960 01:12:51,869 --> 01:12:55,619 All right. Now grab this foot like this, 961 01:12:55,625 --> 01:12:58,214 and grab the other one and pull it back. 962 01:12:58,220 --> 01:12:59,506 All right, thank you. 963 01:12:59,512 --> 01:13:07,585 Now look. I removed one member and he could not move as fast, 964 01:13:07,591 --> 01:13:11,314 as quickly and definitely he wasn’t as graceful. 965 01:13:11,320 --> 01:13:13,214 I removed one member. 966 01:13:13,220 --> 01:13:18,222 I remove two members and I incapacitated him completely. 967 01:13:18,228 --> 01:13:21,055 He couldn't even walk. 968 01:13:21,061 --> 01:13:27,778 Now, do you think every member in the body of Christ is important? 969 01:13:27,784 --> 01:13:31,948 This is not only an encouragement for every saint 970 01:13:31,954 --> 01:13:36,190 to come to understand their giftedness and their part in the body of Christ, 971 01:13:36,196 --> 01:13:41,127 but it is also necessary for us to appreciate every saint 972 01:13:41,133 --> 01:13:45,996 and to encourage them to be a part of the body, because we need them. 973 01:13:46,002 --> 01:13:54,411 Now, if you tell saints, “Look. We need you to minister according to your gifts. 974 01:13:54,417 --> 01:13:59,651 We need you to be a part of this body because, man, we are out to do this.” 975 01:13:59,657 --> 01:14:02,879 Again, that is mechanical. 976 01:14:02,885 --> 01:14:05,642 We just want you to be part of the factory. 977 01:14:05,648 --> 01:14:11,071 But if you say, “We need you in this body to minister to your gifts 978 01:14:11,077 --> 01:14:15,739 because we as a body need you. 979 01:14:15,752 --> 01:14:17,004 We need your giftedness. 980 01:14:17,010 --> 01:14:19,025 We need what God has done in your life. 981 01:14:19,031 --> 01:14:21,818 We need you as a person. We need you.” 982 01:14:21,824 --> 01:14:26,795 That is church, you see, that is church; 983 01:14:26,801 --> 01:14:29,503 that we are members of one another. 984 01:14:29,509 --> 01:14:34,196 And then he goes on and he says this... 985 01:14:34,202 --> 01:14:39,900 I want to just run down to nine because of the lack of time. 986 01:14:39,906 --> 01:14:42,303 He says, "Let love be without hypocrisy. 987 01:14:42,309 --> 01:14:45,202 Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good. 988 01:14:45,208 --> 01:14:48,422 Be devoted to one another." 989 01:14:48,428 --> 01:14:51,168 So you want to have a church? 990 01:14:51,174 --> 01:14:54,739 Are you willing to be devoted to one another? 991 01:14:54,745 --> 01:14:58,419 I am not talking about showing up on Sunday, 992 01:14:58,425 --> 01:15:03,929 listening to a sermon and running away. 993 01:15:03,935 --> 01:15:07,607 I am talking about actually entering into relationships. 994 01:15:07,613 --> 01:15:12,688 You see, Christianity, especially now in reformed circles, 995 01:15:12,694 --> 01:15:18,662 in many ways has become like almost going to the theater. 996 01:15:18,668 --> 01:15:21,987 People got their favorite preacher, 997 01:15:21,993 --> 01:15:25,564 and their favorite worship, and so they go in 998 01:15:25,570 --> 01:15:29,279 and they take their seat in the church. 999 01:15:29,285 --> 01:15:32,109 We ought to get a thing with a popcorn holder 1000 01:15:32,115 --> 01:15:37,549 and a place where you can put your Coke to watch your favorite preacher, 1001 01:15:37,554 --> 01:15:42,806 to watch your favorite worship guy, and then to say good bye. 1002 01:15:42,813 --> 01:15:46,314 And the best part is, it's free. 1003 01:15:46,351 --> 01:15:51,540 Unless you're in a baptist church and then they make you pay a tithe. 1004 01:15:51,546 --> 01:15:53,061 It's free. 1005 01:15:53,067 --> 01:15:54,200 That is not church. 1006 01:15:54,206 --> 01:15:55,948 I hear ministers say all the time, 1007 01:15:55,954 --> 01:15:58,953 "The Bible says you shall not forsake the assembling of yourselves together.” 1008 01:15:58,959 --> 01:16:00,051 And what he is saying is, 1009 01:16:00,057 --> 01:16:02,571 “Listen, you need to come hear me preach.” 1010 01:16:02,577 --> 01:16:05,915 But what it is saying is you don’t forsake the assembling of yourselves together 1011 01:16:05,921 --> 01:16:07,717 so that you can minister to one another, 1012 01:16:07,723 --> 01:16:10,152 exhort one another, encourage one another. 1013 01:16:10,165 --> 01:16:21,903 That is why, at least, there is less obstacles in doing this sort of thing in a small fellowship. 1014 01:16:21,909 --> 01:16:25,571 And if the fellowship grows larger, to either, 1015 01:16:25,577 --> 01:16:29,448 some of the members that are in that fellowship that are from a certain part of town, 1016 01:16:29,454 --> 01:16:31,300 send them over there to start another church, 1017 01:16:31,306 --> 01:16:35,729 or at least break this thing up in some sort of house churches and things like that, 1018 01:16:35,735 --> 01:16:39,490 so that you can actually get involved in ministering to one another. 1019 01:16:39,496 --> 01:16:41,382 Another thing that is very important. 1020 01:16:41,388 --> 01:16:46,800 I was preaching down in a place in Alabama a few weeks ago 1021 01:16:46,806 --> 01:16:49,886 to a group of people in Tharptown, Alabama. 1022 01:16:49,892 --> 01:16:52,477 And I just love these people, they are just wonderful. 1023 01:16:52,483 --> 01:16:58,374 And I was preaching, and it was going a little bit long. 1024 01:16:58,380 --> 01:17:01,521 I know you can’t believe that, but it was going a little bit long 1025 01:17:01,527 --> 01:17:04,245 and I said, “Now, stop that.” 1026 01:17:04,251 --> 01:17:07,183 They all kind of looked up. I said, “I know what you are thinking. 1027 01:17:07,189 --> 01:17:10,096 You are all thinking about leaving here and going to El Rancho.” 1028 01:17:10,102 --> 01:17:16,008 El Rancho is the most favorite Mexican restaurant there near the church. 1029 01:17:16,014 --> 01:17:20,831 As a matter of fact, it is the only restaurant in the whole entire town. 1030 01:17:20,837 --> 01:17:23,063 And I said, “I know what you are doing. 1031 01:17:23,069 --> 01:17:24,941 You're not thinking about church anymore, 1032 01:17:24,947 --> 01:17:27,942 you're thinking about going to El Rancho." 1033 01:17:27,948 --> 01:17:31,301 And they were like, you know, all feeling guilty. 1034 01:17:31,307 --> 01:17:33,713 But I said that because I wanted to teach them something. 1035 01:17:33,719 --> 01:17:43,655 I said, "Now stop. Ask yourself right now. Are you doing church?" 1036 01:17:43,661 --> 01:17:47,104 I said, "I want you to look at something a little bit different. 1037 01:17:47,110 --> 01:17:50,922 Right now, you are sitting under the preaching of the Word of God. 1038 01:17:50,928 --> 01:17:54,764 We have worshiped collectively and we have prayed collectively. 1039 01:17:54,770 --> 01:17:57,716 Now you think you have done something spiritual, 1040 01:17:57,722 --> 01:18:01,589 and then you are going to leave and you are going to go to El Rancho 1041 01:18:01,595 --> 01:18:05,187 and do something not so spiritual.” 1042 01:18:05,193 --> 01:18:08,443 I said, “Actually, the way you need to look at it is, 1043 01:18:08,449 --> 01:18:12,995 you are leaving here to go to church.” 1044 01:18:13,001 --> 01:18:14,746 And they are like, “Well, what do you mean?” 1045 01:18:14,752 --> 01:18:18,569 I said, “Now, if you go there and talk about your favorite football team or something, 1046 01:18:18,575 --> 01:18:20,346 not necessarily.” 1047 01:18:20,352 --> 01:18:24,603 I said, “But do you realize, you are not talking to each other right now. 1048 01:18:24,609 --> 01:18:26,956 You are not ministering to one another. 1049 01:18:26,962 --> 01:18:29,679 You are listening to a sermon, which is necessary, 1050 01:18:29,685 --> 01:18:32,288 you have worshiped collectively and prayed collectively, 1051 01:18:32,294 --> 01:18:34,828 which is all necessary and good and it is part of church. 1052 01:18:34,834 --> 01:18:38,372 But what do you say now that as soon as I dismiss this, 1053 01:18:38,378 --> 01:18:44,385 we all go over to El Rancho and have church?” 1054 01:18:44,391 --> 01:18:51,708 We go over there, sit down at a table with a fellow believer, 1055 01:18:51,714 --> 01:18:54,436 talk to them, get to know them, 1056 01:18:54,442 --> 01:19:01,559 find out what is going on in their life, eat some chips. God is good. 1057 01:19:01,565 --> 01:19:04,500 And just get to know one another, 1058 01:19:04,506 --> 01:19:08,324 to love one another, to bless one another. 1059 01:19:08,330 --> 01:19:12,598 You see, their whole idea of church revolved around coming into that place, 1060 01:19:12,604 --> 01:19:18,255 worshiping collectively, listening to a Bible study and then leaving. 1061 01:19:18,261 --> 01:19:19,607 That is not Church. 1062 01:19:19,613 --> 01:19:22,508 That is a very essential part of Church. 1063 01:19:22,514 --> 01:19:29,062 But see, there you go again just identifying it with a service, a meeting, a meeting place. 1064 01:19:29,068 --> 01:19:33,254 It is you collectively caring for one another. 1065 01:19:33,260 --> 01:19:38,788 There was a pastor down in Argentina, and he had grown the church to about 600, 1066 01:19:38,794 --> 01:19:40,181 and that is the language he used. 1067 01:19:40,187 --> 01:19:43,001 He said, “Because I had grown the church to 600.” 1068 01:19:43,007 --> 01:19:45,021 And he said, “I was miserable.” 1069 01:19:45,027 --> 01:19:49,389 He said, “Finally I came under such... I didn’t even know why. 1070 01:19:49,395 --> 01:19:52,107 I just knew something was wrong; knew something was terribly wrong.” 1071 01:19:52,113 --> 01:19:56,822 So he set aside time for prayer and fasting, and studying the Scriptures, 1072 01:19:56,828 --> 01:20:00,877 and it just seemed that the Lord impressed upon his heart through the study of Scripture, 1073 01:20:00,883 --> 01:20:06,329 that everything he had built was just hay, wood and stubble, 1074 01:20:06,335 --> 01:20:07,688 that he needed to start again. 1075 01:20:07,694 --> 01:20:12,413 He is a really personable guy, a really great speaker, knew how to do things, 1076 01:20:12,419 --> 01:20:15,382 and I mean people were coming to that church in the droves. 1077 01:20:15,388 --> 01:20:17,714 And God was saying... 1078 01:20:18,196 --> 01:20:19,729 So this is what he did. 1079 01:20:19,735 --> 01:20:25,268 The next Sunday, you know, they got the big worship service and everything, 1080 01:20:25,274 --> 01:20:30,494 and the music director goes, “And now, pastor Ortiz,” let’s say, 1081 01:20:30,500 --> 01:20:33,275 “is going to come and give us the Word of God.” 1082 01:20:33,285 --> 01:20:35,343 And he got up and he walked over there, 1083 01:20:35,349 --> 01:20:48,549 and he goes, “Love one another as Jesus loved you.” 1084 01:20:48,554 --> 01:20:50,076 And he sat down. 1085 01:20:50,082 --> 01:20:51,947 And the music director hopped up 1086 01:20:51,953 --> 01:20:55,903 and said, “We will have another song now before the main sermon.” 1087 01:20:55,909 --> 01:21:00,195 So he sings another song and then, “Now our pastor will come and...” 1088 01:21:00,201 --> 01:21:10,359 He goes, “No, really. Love one another as Christ loved you.” 1089 01:21:10,365 --> 01:21:13,726 He said he did that for six weeks. 1090 01:21:13,732 --> 01:21:20,589 And he said on the sixth week, two of the deacons sitting in the front pew; 1091 01:21:20,595 --> 01:21:22,691 one in the front pew, the other one in the second pew; 1092 01:21:22,697 --> 01:21:24,655 the one in the front pew turned around, 1093 01:21:24,661 --> 01:21:27,808 and he said, “As soon as I got through saying, ‘Love one another,’ 1094 01:21:27,814 --> 01:21:31,848 the deacon turned around and goes, ‘Hey, 1095 01:21:31,854 --> 01:21:35,985 I think I know what he is trying to tell us.’” 1096 01:21:35,991 --> 01:21:40,334 And what happened was they started serving one another, 1097 01:21:40,340 --> 01:21:41,846 caring for one another. 1098 01:21:41,852 --> 01:21:45,702 The Spirit of God began to work. 1099 01:21:45,708 --> 01:21:50,608 The deacons started searching out the widows in the church who were alone. 1100 01:21:50,614 --> 01:21:56,785 I mean, just all kinds of things. Do you see? 1101 01:21:57,371 --> 01:22:01,668 This is church. That is church. 1102 01:22:01,674 --> 01:22:11,314 Now, he goes on and says, “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; 1103 01:22:11,320 --> 01:22:16,067 give preference to one another in honor.” 1104 01:22:16,073 --> 01:22:21,758 Boy. We are not a people who know much about honor. 1105 01:22:21,764 --> 01:22:24,599 In America, we pride ourselves, 1106 01:22:24,605 --> 01:22:28,571 "We don’t have a king and we are never going to have a king. 1107 01:22:28,577 --> 01:22:31,133 And I don’t care who you think you are. 1108 01:22:31,139 --> 01:22:34,057 I am just as good as you are." 1109 01:22:34,063 --> 01:22:35,547 That's our mentality. 1110 01:22:35,553 --> 01:22:41,186 Independent spirit - I bow my head to no one. 1111 01:22:41,192 --> 01:22:44,838 That is not Christian. 1112 01:22:46,489 --> 01:22:49,956 He says, "Give preference to one another in honor, 1113 01:22:49,962 --> 01:22:55,471 not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.” 1114 01:22:55,477 --> 01:22:59,459 Look. But this lagging behind, look what it is in. 1115 01:22:59,465 --> 01:23:02,440 Don't lag behind in being devoted to one another. 1116 01:23:02,446 --> 01:23:06,821 Don't lag behind in giving preference to one another. 1117 01:23:06,827 --> 01:23:09,578 “Rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, 1118 01:23:09,584 --> 01:23:14,152 devoted to prayer,” for your brothers and sisters in Christ. 1119 01:23:14,158 --> 01:23:18,819 “Contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.” 1120 01:23:18,825 --> 01:23:23,051 Do you do that? Do you practice hospitality? 1121 01:23:23,057 --> 01:23:30,120 Invite people into your home, feed them? 1122 01:23:30,126 --> 01:23:32,117 Call over other believers? 1123 01:23:32,123 --> 01:23:35,742 Hey, come on over to my house tomorrow. 1124 01:23:35,748 --> 01:23:39,312 I am going to put a pot of stew on and we'll just talk about the Lord. 1125 01:23:39,318 --> 01:23:40,441 Do you open your home? 1126 01:23:40,447 --> 01:23:43,969 Do you know it is one of the qualifications of an elder? 1127 01:23:43,975 --> 01:23:47,840 He has to be hospitable. He has to open up his home. 1128 01:23:47,846 --> 01:23:49,886 And if he doesn’t, he doesn’t qualify. 1129 01:23:49,892 --> 01:23:54,398 I don't care if he is the best teacher on the face of the earth. 1130 01:23:54,404 --> 01:23:55,178 Do you see? 1131 01:23:55,184 --> 01:23:58,730 You can say, “Oh, we can look past that, because he is a great Bible teacher." 1132 01:23:58,736 --> 01:24:01,475 No, you can’t. 1133 01:24:03,749 --> 01:24:06,769 “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.” 1134 01:24:06,775 --> 01:24:12,276 Now, I want you to just think about this for a moment. 1135 01:24:12,282 --> 01:24:17,723 A guy says... I will put this in the context of marriage; 1136 01:24:17,729 --> 01:24:21,390 A guy says, “I can’t love my wife.” 1137 01:24:21,396 --> 01:24:23,673 He is a Christian. He is in the church. 1138 01:24:23,679 --> 01:24:28,725 He comes to the pastor and he says, “I can’t love my wife.” 1139 01:24:28,731 --> 01:24:31,160 OK. You can't love her as a wife. 1140 01:24:31,166 --> 01:24:32,677 "No." 1141 01:24:32,683 --> 01:24:38,380 Can you love her as a fellow believer? 1142 01:24:38,386 --> 01:24:40,402 "No." 1143 01:24:40,408 --> 01:24:45,459 Can you love her as a lost person? 1144 01:24:45,465 --> 01:24:47,259 "No." 1145 01:24:47,265 --> 01:24:51,320 Can you love her as an enemy who persecutes you and curses you? 1146 01:24:51,326 --> 01:24:52,336 "No." 1147 01:24:52,342 --> 01:24:55,708 Christ has commanded you to love her in all those ways. 1148 01:24:55,714 --> 01:24:59,695 See, you are not just called to love your brother. 1149 01:24:59,701 --> 01:25:03,792 You are called to love your enemy who persecutes you and curses you 1150 01:25:03,798 --> 01:25:06,441 and wants your eternal condemnation. 1151 01:25:06,447 --> 01:25:13,786 So if you are called to love that guy, most certainly you can love your brother. 1152 01:25:13,792 --> 01:25:17,475 Do you see that? 1153 01:25:28,761 --> 01:25:33,267 Do you know, honestly, what my goal is in life? 1154 01:25:33,273 --> 01:25:38,203 I mean, I kind of have a little... I figured I wasn’t going to get everything, you know, 1155 01:25:38,209 --> 01:25:40,371 I wasn’t going to be able to accomplish everything, 1156 01:25:40,377 --> 01:25:44,323 so I thought, “I am going to set out one goal.” 1157 01:25:44,329 --> 01:25:50,504 But it is kind of an all encompassing goal. 1158 01:25:52,449 --> 01:26:03,623 If I can grow in my love toward my wife, 1159 01:26:03,629 --> 01:26:12,194 if I can manifest Christlike love toward her, that is my goal. 1160 01:26:12,200 --> 01:26:15,793 You say, “Well, that is kind of puny.” 1161 01:26:15,799 --> 01:26:20,240 Obviously you are not a husband. 1162 01:26:21,928 --> 01:26:23,765 But look at this. 1163 01:26:23,770 --> 01:26:32,539 If I can love the person with whom I have the closest, most intimate relationship, 1164 01:26:32,545 --> 01:26:38,770 she seeing all my flaws, and I having to bear with all of hers, 1165 01:26:38,776 --> 01:26:44,409 then love is not going to be a problem with everybody else, is it? 1166 01:26:44,415 --> 01:26:48,141 I am so tired. I told someone. 1167 01:26:48,147 --> 01:26:50,767 They said, “Why are you going to plant a church somewhere?” 1168 01:26:50,773 --> 01:27:03,614 I said, “I am tired of preaching Christianity. I want to go live it somewhere.” 1169 01:27:04,122 --> 01:27:14,657 You know, guys, if this is a church and if this is not your goal, 1170 01:27:14,663 --> 01:27:17,580 then what you are going to do is, you are going to go out and bring in people 1171 01:27:17,586 --> 01:27:22,961 and make them two fold sons of hell like yourself. 1172 01:27:24,523 --> 01:27:32,955 But this goal is, to be like Christ and to follow him. 1173 01:27:32,961 --> 01:27:35,753 That is the church. 1174 01:27:35,759 --> 01:27:42,847 A group of people devoted to Christ, devoted to one another. 1175 01:27:42,853 --> 01:27:44,325 That’s it. 1176 01:27:44,331 --> 01:27:49,338 So you can have all those other things and elders and everything else, 1177 01:27:49,344 --> 01:27:55,939 but if you don’t have this, then you don’t have a church, OK? 1178 01:27:55,945 --> 01:27:58,311 All right. Let’s pray. 1179 01:27:58,317 --> 01:28:01,279 Father, I come before you and I pray, Lord, 1180 01:28:01,285 --> 01:28:06,665 that you would help us to understand and to apply these truths, 1181 01:28:06,671 --> 01:28:12,794 to be transformed by them, in Jesus name, Amen.