Title: 7 Questions About God's Discipline Meta: Hebrews wants us to know our God as a disciplining Father. Recognizing and receiving this truth is extremely important for knowing your God, and for living by faith, and for trusting Him when all the foundations seem to be giving way. Are you ready to accept that your pain is not a result of God’s hatred to you. Your pain, if you’re a Christian, is a result of God’s infinite love toward you. Do you believe this? Do you accept this? Do you believe, in your pain, that you’re not being treated unfairly? Tags:Father,Discipline,spanking,Hebrews 12,chastise 1 00:00:00,857 --> 00:00:08,328 Hebrews chapter 12, I want to read verses 5 through 13. 2 00:00:08,334 --> 00:00:14,568 "And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons? 3 00:00:14,575 --> 00:00:19,535 'My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, 4 00:00:19,541 --> 00:00:22,424 nor be weary when reproved by Him. 5 00:00:22,430 --> 00:00:27,102 For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, 6 00:00:27,108 --> 00:00:39,653 and chastises (KJV, NKJV, NASB, all put scourge. 7 00:00:39,659 --> 00:00:42,742 It sounds a little more severe than chastise, right? 8 00:00:42,748 --> 00:00:45,958 Scourge. 9 00:00:47,038 --> 00:00:54,394 Scourge sounds severe. And that's what this word means.) 10 00:00:54,400 --> 00:01:00,099 God chastises every son whom He receives.' 11 00:01:00,105 --> 00:01:03,828 It is for discipline that you have to endure. 12 00:01:03,834 --> 00:01:07,010 God is treating you as sons. 13 00:01:07,016 --> 00:01:15,993 For what son is there whom his father does not discipline? 14 00:01:15,999 --> 00:01:26,049 If you are left without discipline, in which all have participated, 15 00:01:26,055 --> 00:01:29,593 then you are illegitimate children and not sons. 16 00:01:29,599 --> 00:01:34,533 Besides this, we have had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we respected them. 17 00:01:34,539 --> 00:01:39,501 Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live? 18 00:01:39,507 --> 00:01:46,743 For they disciplined us for a short time as it seemed best to them, 19 00:01:46,749 --> 00:01:51,329 but He disciplines us for our good, that we may share His holiness. 20 00:01:51,335 --> 00:01:58,044 For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, 21 00:01:58,050 --> 00:02:02,188 but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness 22 00:02:02,194 --> 00:02:04,298 to those who have been trained by it. 23 00:02:04,304 --> 00:02:11,661 Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, 24 00:02:11,667 --> 00:02:15,829 and make straight paths for your feet, 25 00:02:15,835 --> 00:02:26,272 so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed."(P) 26 00:02:27,597 --> 00:02:38,385 The title of my sermon this morning is "7 Questions About God's Discipline." 27 00:02:38,391 --> 00:02:46,575 Christian, I want you to think about your heavenly Father. 28 00:02:46,581 --> 00:02:50,563 I mean, you know this, but think about it. 29 00:02:50,569 --> 00:02:53,263 There's nothing hidden. 30 00:02:53,269 --> 00:03:00,152 The deepest recesses of your mind, your soul, your thoughts, they're not hidden. 31 00:03:00,158 --> 00:03:05,001 Every aspect of your life is fully exposed. He knows it. 32 00:03:05,007 --> 00:03:10,417 He is intimately familiar with what is going on in your life and exactly where you're at. 33 00:03:10,423 --> 00:03:13,806 He knows your thoughts, He knows your desires, He knows your struggles, 34 00:03:13,812 --> 00:03:17,116 He knows your maturity or lack thereof. 35 00:03:17,122 --> 00:03:24,098 He knows your vulnerability, He knows spiritually on what level you now are, 36 00:03:24,104 --> 00:03:30,267 He knows your sin, He knows your failures, your levels of worldliness. 37 00:03:30,273 --> 00:03:38,882 And He knows precisely and perfectly. 38 00:03:38,888 --> 00:03:54,822 He knows when, and how hard, to apply pain to your life. Perfectly.(P) 39 00:03:54,828 --> 00:03:56,800 Make no mistake about it. 40 00:03:56,806 --> 00:04:03,051 If you are a child of God, if you are Christian, 41 00:04:03,057 --> 00:04:09,443 you will, and do, and have known God's discipline. 42 00:04:09,449 --> 00:04:12,262 If you are a child of God, it's given. 43 00:04:12,268 --> 00:04:15,036 No Christian escapes it. None. 44 00:04:15,042 --> 00:04:17,298 And I know this from our text. 45 00:04:17,303 --> 00:04:26,526 Verse 6, "The Lord disciplines the one He loves and chastises every son 46 00:04:26,532 --> 00:04:32,426 (and of course, that is a generic son — that's sons and daughters) 47 00:04:32,432 --> 00:04:37,163 every son whom He receives." 48 00:04:37,169 --> 00:04:41,519 Verse 7, you look at the last sentence there, 49 00:04:41,525 --> 00:04:45,164 "For what son is there whom his father does not discipline?" 50 00:04:45,170 --> 00:04:51,469 What's the answer? I mean, he is expecting you to answer it. 51 00:04:51,475 --> 00:04:56,564 What son is there whom his father does not discipline? 52 00:04:56,569 --> 00:04:58,489 None. 53 00:04:58,495 --> 00:05:05,226 Verse 8, "If you are left without discipline," What does it mean? 54 00:05:05,231 --> 00:05:07,633 Illegitimate. 55 00:05:07,639 --> 00:05:14,603 What son is there who does not know the discipline of his father? 56 00:05:14,609 --> 00:05:20,633 If you are left without that discipline, in which how many have participated? 57 00:05:20,638 --> 00:05:22,638 All.(P) 58 00:05:23,570 --> 00:05:35,104 To be a son or a daughter of God, lay it down, is to be an object of God's discipline. 59 00:05:35,110 --> 00:05:40,523 This is God's treatment of all His children. 60 00:05:40,529 --> 00:05:43,851 That is to be treated as a son. 61 00:05:43,857 --> 00:05:47,379 You see that in verse 7, "It is for discipline that you have to endure. 62 00:05:47,385 --> 00:05:52,741 God is treating you as sons." 63 00:05:52,747 --> 00:05:57,105 This is so certain that if it does not happen, 64 00:05:57,111 --> 00:06:01,635 verse 8 says "you are illegitimate children and not sons." 65 00:06:01,641 --> 00:06:07,122 To be a son is to know God's discipline. 66 00:06:07,128 --> 00:06:12,256 But I recognize this: 67 00:06:12,262 --> 00:06:14,802 You know, anytime that we start talking and thinking about 68 00:06:14,808 --> 00:06:19,223 this God that we have come to recognize from Scripture; 69 00:06:19,229 --> 00:06:21,647 Sovereign Lord, they prayed in Acts 4. 70 00:06:21,653 --> 00:06:25,549 We have a Sovereign Lord. This is Almighty God. 71 00:06:25,555 --> 00:06:30,281 When Almighty God has you in His cross hairs, 72 00:06:30,287 --> 00:06:36,147 as a candidate in which He is going to inflict pain, 73 00:06:36,153 --> 00:06:40,228 that tends to cause us to rise up, take notice, and ask questions. 74 00:06:40,234 --> 00:06:42,876 There are always questions that pop up 75 00:06:42,882 --> 00:06:48,682 when we begin to talk about God's discipline upon His people. 76 00:06:48,688 --> 00:06:52,080 It does cause concern. It does cause questions.(P) 77 00:06:52,086 --> 00:06:54,297 So, what I thought I might do this morning 78 00:06:54,303 --> 00:07:00,991 is pose seven common questions regarding God's discipline, 79 00:07:00,997 --> 00:07:06,754 and try to make my best effort to give you a biblical answer from God's Word 80 00:07:06,760 --> 00:07:08,628 as to how to answer these questions. 81 00:07:08,634 --> 00:07:11,967 And the first question is this 82 00:07:11,973 --> 00:07:16,707 (and in our day and age, this is a question that we're posed with): 83 00:07:16,713 --> 00:07:24,442 "Isn't inflicting pain on someone else unloving?" 84 00:07:24,448 --> 00:07:30,383 Inflicting pain on somebody else — and by the way, 85 00:07:30,389 --> 00:07:39,560 I am assuming that discipline involves pain. 86 00:07:39,565 --> 00:07:41,176 I get that from verse 11. 87 00:07:41,182 --> 00:07:52,516 Look at verse 11, "For the moment all discipline seems - what's the word? - painful." 88 00:07:53,838 --> 00:08:01,394 That word (painful) in the original carries the idea of, I mean, it's a full gamut — 89 00:08:01,400 --> 00:08:08,298 pain, suffering, sorrow, grief, affliction. 90 00:08:08,304 --> 00:08:11,962 But in verse 11, "For the moment all discipline seems painful." 91 00:08:11,968 --> 00:08:13,252 We're talking about real pain. 92 00:08:13,258 --> 00:08:16,606 And look at verse 6, and I already said, 93 00:08:16,612 --> 00:08:21,147 "The Lord disciplines the one He loves and chastises..." 94 00:08:21,153 --> 00:08:25,982 This word (chastise) is, like I said, translated in other translations, scourging. 95 00:08:25,988 --> 00:08:35,256 It's the idea of scourge, whip, to beat, to be flogged with a lash or a whip. 96 00:08:35,263 --> 00:08:38,469 I mean, that's the terminology that's being used here.(P) 97 00:08:38,474 --> 00:08:44,015 God scourges, whips, flogs, beats every son whom He receives. 98 00:08:44,023 --> 00:08:46,761 And you say, "Oh, I like the sound of chastise better." 99 00:08:46,767 --> 00:08:50,016 Well, this was written in another language 100 00:08:50,022 --> 00:08:52,221 and if you look at what the word in the original means, 101 00:08:52,227 --> 00:08:55,212 that's why those other translations translate it 'scourge', 102 00:08:55,218 --> 00:08:58,387 and it sounds hard, because it hurts. 103 00:08:58,393 --> 00:09:00,536 It's real pain. 104 00:09:00,542 --> 00:09:05,906 There's a severity in God's discipline oftentimes. 105 00:09:05,912 --> 00:09:11,368 And the question is this: Isn't inflicting pain on someone else unloving? 106 00:09:11,374 --> 00:09:14,243 And of course, the answer is no. 107 00:09:14,249 --> 00:09:18,184 Not in the way described here in Hebrews 12. 108 00:09:18,190 --> 00:09:21,950 Of course, a slave master whipping the slave; 109 00:09:21,956 --> 00:09:27,447 of course, the mother who just, in anger, hits her child across the face with a frying pan, 110 00:09:27,453 --> 00:09:29,648 of course that's unloving. 111 00:09:29,654 --> 00:09:38,399 Jesus Christ, having those soldiers press those thorns through His brow, 112 00:09:38,405 --> 00:09:42,365 and tear His back open; of course, that was unloving. 113 00:09:42,371 --> 00:09:46,492 When He was scourged, that was.(P) 114 00:09:46,498 --> 00:09:51,302 I'm not saying that inflicting pain on another is always an expression of love. 115 00:09:51,308 --> 00:09:55,121 What I'm saying is that inflicting of pain upon another person 116 00:09:55,127 --> 00:10:00,095 definitely can be an expression of love, and is found here in Hebrews 12. 117 00:10:00,101 --> 00:10:04,344 The inflicting of pain is an expression of love because God says so. 118 00:10:04,350 --> 00:10:11,177 Hebrews 12:6, "The Lord disciplines — Who? Who does He discipline? — 119 00:10:11,183 --> 00:10:13,545 the one He loves." Right. 120 00:10:13,551 --> 00:10:17,705 The problem is this, that we live in a day when such an idea, 121 00:10:17,711 --> 00:10:21,654 the idea that you can have love and pain being inflicted, 122 00:10:21,660 --> 00:10:24,749 that idea is vehemently rejected. 123 00:10:24,755 --> 00:10:29,041 And all you have to do is look at the present spirit of this world 124 00:10:29,047 --> 00:10:32,574 with regards to spanking children. 125 00:10:32,580 --> 00:10:39,797 We can look at the prison system and how they handle remedial punishment 126 00:10:39,803 --> 00:10:44,541 (corrective punishment) in the whole legal system.(P) 127 00:10:44,547 --> 00:10:47,555 But just consider children. 128 00:10:47,561 --> 00:10:51,873 I recently had some guy send me an email, 129 00:10:51,879 --> 00:10:56,457 responding to a message that I did on Parenting, where I dealt with spanking. 130 00:10:56,463 --> 00:10:59,692 He told me that I better renounce my position, 131 00:10:59,698 --> 00:11:03,551 or he was going to go public and expose me. 132 00:11:03,557 --> 00:11:06,808 And all I sought to do was bring forth a biblical message on that. 133 00:11:06,814 --> 00:11:11,807 But that's the spirit of the world today. That's where they're at. 134 00:11:11,813 --> 00:11:15,696 But I mean, you tell me, you tell me. 135 00:11:15,702 --> 00:11:19,487 You got a little boy, he's running out in the street, 136 00:11:19,493 --> 00:11:23,992 against his parents instruction (don't run out in the street.) 137 00:11:23,998 --> 00:11:26,965 If dad takes that little boy and takes him in here and paddles him, 138 00:11:26,971 --> 00:11:29,505 is that an expression of hatred? 139 00:11:29,511 --> 00:11:34,928 I mean, doesn't Proverbs 13:24 say "Whoever spares the rod — does what? — 140 00:11:34,934 --> 00:11:36,818 hates his child." 141 00:11:36,824 --> 00:11:42,459 Why? Why is that an expression of hatred to not inflict pain? 142 00:11:42,465 --> 00:11:49,509 Because it is a momentary light pain that is meant to help the child 143 00:11:49,515 --> 00:11:56,933 in protecting them from what is much greater damage and harm. 144 00:11:56,939 --> 00:12:01,031 It's love when it is expressed that way.(P) 145 00:12:01,037 --> 00:12:04,247 I find one of you fathers spanking your child after the service. I ask you why? 146 00:12:04,253 --> 00:12:06,645 You tell me, well your son keeps running out in the street 147 00:12:06,651 --> 00:12:08,711 after repeated warnings not to do so. 148 00:12:08,717 --> 00:12:11,513 Am I going to accuse that father of being unloving? 149 00:12:11,519 --> 00:12:13,765 Of course not. 150 00:12:13,771 --> 00:12:18,118 The pain he's inflicting on his son; hey is it pain? 151 00:12:18,126 --> 00:12:23,213 Yeah, it's real-life, rear-end stinging, I mean, it's pain. 152 00:12:23,219 --> 00:12:25,340 You ask the child, yeah it hurts. 153 00:12:25,346 --> 00:12:27,852 That wailing you hear come from the bathroom sometimes, 154 00:12:27,858 --> 00:12:30,753 that's not because they're tickling them with a feather. 155 00:12:30,759 --> 00:12:33,985 It hurts. 156 00:12:34,985 --> 00:12:40,886 But they're not doing it to harm the child, but to keep the child from real harm.(P) 157 00:12:40,892 --> 00:12:45,704 So, when somebody says, "Isn't inflicting pain on someone else unloving?" 158 00:12:45,710 --> 00:12:46,905 The answer is no. 159 00:12:46,911 --> 00:12:52,760 Not when the pain that's inflicted, remember what Scripture says, 160 00:12:52,766 --> 00:13:01,876 "Momentary light affliction produces an eternal weight of glory." 161 00:13:01,882 --> 00:13:05,499 Does that sound like hatred? 162 00:13:05,505 --> 00:13:09,160 No, that's not what that is. 163 00:13:09,165 --> 00:13:10,493 That's love.(P) 164 00:13:10,499 --> 00:13:18,644 Question two: "What does God use to discipline His children?" 165 00:13:18,650 --> 00:13:20,369 I mean, the question is this: 166 00:13:20,375 --> 00:13:27,225 What form of pain does our Father inflict upon His children when He disciplines us? 167 00:13:27,231 --> 00:13:34,572 I mean, an earthly father, I specifically had (my children know,) there's a specific paddle — 168 00:13:34,578 --> 00:13:40,266 a honey butter paddle that I got from grandma Conway's house when she died — 169 00:13:40,272 --> 00:13:45,227 and they grew up and recognized that was the instrument of correction. 170 00:13:45,233 --> 00:13:51,572 What is the instrument of our Father's discipline?(P) 171 00:13:51,578 --> 00:13:55,663 Now, we need to pay really close attention right here, 172 00:13:55,669 --> 00:13:57,123 because I want you to see something. 173 00:13:57,129 --> 00:14:00,059 Because this is going to help you 174 00:14:00,065 --> 00:14:04,095 not only identify the sort of things you can expect to encounter in your Christian life, 175 00:14:04,101 --> 00:14:06,664 which you are going to if you are a son, 176 00:14:06,670 --> 00:14:09,756 but this helps us determine what sort of God we have. 177 00:14:09,762 --> 00:14:14,402 You know, all this is coming to recognize our God, who He is, 178 00:14:14,408 --> 00:14:17,325 and trusting Him in the way that He is. 179 00:14:17,331 --> 00:14:22,634 And in affliction, it's really important that we have a good feel for what our God is like, 180 00:14:22,640 --> 00:14:27,236 and what His love looks like, 181 00:14:27,242 --> 00:14:31,777 so that we might trust Him in the midst of our sufferings and not kick against Him.(P) 182 00:14:31,783 --> 00:14:35,884 Now notice very carefully what is said in Hebrews 12:3. 183 00:14:35,890 --> 00:14:41,047 We didn't read these to start. We dealt with these in past sermons. 184 00:14:41,053 --> 00:14:42,137 But watch this, 185 00:14:42,143 --> 00:14:51,601 "Consider Him (Christ) who endured from sinners such hostility against Himself 186 00:14:51,607 --> 00:14:55,481 so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted." 187 00:14:55,487 --> 00:15:00,238 So, what's the issue? Hostile sinners. 188 00:15:00,244 --> 00:15:05,274 But notice this: "In your struggle against sin" — 189 00:15:05,280 --> 00:15:07,947 their struggle against sin was likewise. 190 00:15:07,953 --> 00:15:11,198 They were being persecuted, publicly persecuted. 191 00:15:11,204 --> 00:15:13,426 Their stuff was being plundered. 192 00:15:13,432 --> 00:15:17,256 Their struggle against sin is to not rebel against God when that's happening. 193 00:15:17,262 --> 00:15:20,535 That's the problem with these Hebrew people. 194 00:15:20,541 --> 00:15:27,989 They are in danger of falling away because things are getting so hard. 195 00:15:27,995 --> 00:15:32,093 And he says this: "In your struggle against sin, 196 00:15:32,099 --> 00:15:35,259 you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood." 197 00:15:35,265 --> 00:15:39,149 Well, who is it that's going to shed their blood? 198 00:15:39,155 --> 00:15:44,573 Hostile sinners. The same people who shed Jesus' blood.(P) 199 00:15:44,579 --> 00:15:50,885 Now, isn't it interesting our author immediately says in verse 5, 200 00:15:50,891 --> 00:15:53,859 "And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons? 201 00:15:53,865 --> 00:15:56,673 My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord." 202 00:15:56,679 --> 00:16:03,902 What is directly the instrument to which the author is referring us to 203 00:16:03,908 --> 00:16:06,925 that is discipline of the Lord? 204 00:16:06,931 --> 00:16:12,856 These hostile sinners that they have been encountering. 205 00:16:12,862 --> 00:16:15,570 I mean, you don't need to glance back there, 206 00:16:15,576 --> 00:16:18,745 but if you were to look back at chapter 10 verse 32, what do you find? 207 00:16:18,751 --> 00:16:22,251 Public reproach, affliction, plundering their property. 208 00:16:22,257 --> 00:16:26,965 Our author immediately comes right at them and says this is God's discipline. 209 00:16:26,971 --> 00:16:30,041 God is using hostile sinners to discipline His people. 210 00:16:30,047 --> 00:16:33,464 Do you see that? 211 00:16:34,246 --> 00:16:37,379 No, I mean, do you really see what's happening? 212 00:16:37,385 --> 00:16:43,619 God is not passively sitting back, and says, 213 00:16:43,625 --> 00:16:52,407 "Ooop! Angels, gather round. Look what those hostile sinners are doing to My people. 214 00:16:52,413 --> 00:16:56,554 Look what the devil is doing to My people. 215 00:16:56,560 --> 00:17:02,857 Watch this. Watch Me turn this situation for good. 216 00:17:02,863 --> 00:17:05,928 Watch Me do Romans 8:28 here." 217 00:17:05,934 --> 00:17:09,928 That's not what is happening.(P) 218 00:17:09,934 --> 00:17:15,233 God is not passively sitting back and just observing. 219 00:17:15,240 --> 00:17:20,772 God is not reacting to what hostile sinners do to us. 220 00:17:20,780 --> 00:17:27,303 He is the One who is sending them against us. 221 00:17:27,309 --> 00:17:33,605 Read this for yourselves, Hebrews 12:6, Who disciplines? 222 00:17:33,611 --> 00:17:36,842 The Lord disciplines. 223 00:17:36,848 --> 00:17:40,754 Who chastens? The Lord scourges. 224 00:17:40,759 --> 00:17:42,920 Remember that term — whips. 225 00:17:42,926 --> 00:17:48,913 Who is scourging us? Who does the whipping? Who? 226 00:17:48,919 --> 00:17:51,426 Our heavenly Father. 227 00:17:51,432 --> 00:17:58,049 God is not a passive observer in your life and in my life 228 00:17:58,055 --> 00:18:01,428 when sinners and Satan beat us up, 229 00:18:01,434 --> 00:18:09,219 or when providence calls us to walk down the lonely path of pain. 230 00:18:09,233 --> 00:18:13,343 God is not just saying, "Well, okay, I'm going to respond to this 231 00:18:13,349 --> 00:18:16,326 and try to turn it for good. 232 00:18:16,332 --> 00:18:17,843 God designed it. 233 00:18:17,849 --> 00:18:27,803 God is the One who sends it specifically as a Father delivers the rod to His child. 234 00:18:27,809 --> 00:18:31,908 We need to see this. 235 00:18:32,972 --> 00:18:39,440 God Almighty, the Sovereign Lord, He rules over sinners. 236 00:18:39,454 --> 00:18:43,251 He rules over providence. He rules over demons. 237 00:18:43,257 --> 00:18:49,302 Now, they may unwittingly do what they do, and they're responsible for what they do; 238 00:18:49,308 --> 00:18:51,820 but you be sure of it, 239 00:18:51,826 --> 00:18:57,857 that what they do is to fulfill God's loving purposes of discipline in our lives. 240 00:18:57,863 --> 00:18:59,250 Make no mistake about it. 241 00:18:59,256 --> 00:19:03,315 God orchestrates our discipline.(P) 242 00:19:03,321 --> 00:19:07,972 So, are hostile sinners the only rod God uses? I don't think so. 243 00:19:07,978 --> 00:19:10,178 It's one of God's rods, 244 00:19:10,184 --> 00:19:13,668 and it's what He was using on these people to whom Hebrews was written. 245 00:19:13,674 --> 00:19:21,913 But if you look in verse 11, what's really characteristic of discipline is pain. 246 00:19:21,919 --> 00:19:27,939 Remember that's a broad word — sorrow, grief, affliction. 247 00:19:27,945 --> 00:19:34,051 These things are the sort of rods by which our Father disciplines us. (P) 248 00:19:34,057 --> 00:19:36,928 But then, here's the third question: 249 00:19:36,934 --> 00:19:48,108 "How can I tell, as a Christian, if my suffering is actually discipline?" 250 00:19:48,114 --> 00:19:50,587 I think this is a very common question for us. 251 00:19:50,593 --> 00:19:54,172 My car breaks down. I actually had that happen this week. 252 00:19:54,178 --> 00:20:00,374 The first time my truck and my van broke down the same day. 253 00:20:00,380 --> 00:20:05,001 So is that God's discipline? 254 00:20:05,007 --> 00:20:07,384 You know, those are the kinds of things we wonder. 255 00:20:07,390 --> 00:20:11,165 Something bad happens in the Christian life, something bad happens to them; 256 00:20:11,171 --> 00:20:15,459 a lot of times, there's this sense to look and say, "Oh, what did they do?" 257 00:20:15,465 --> 00:20:19,407 I mean, remember Christ's disciples? 258 00:20:19,413 --> 00:20:24,888 Here's a man born blind, and what did the disciples immediately say? 259 00:20:24,894 --> 00:20:30,767 "Who sinned? Was it him or his parents that this man was born blind?"(P) 260 00:20:30,773 --> 00:20:32,984 You know, we think that way a lot of times. 261 00:20:32,990 --> 00:20:37,164 "Uh, something bad happened to them, they must have have been ungodly. 262 00:20:37,170 --> 00:20:41,935 They were getting worldly, they were entertaining something.." 263 00:20:41,941 --> 00:20:50,549 Now look, our understanding of discipline that way 264 00:20:50,555 --> 00:21:02,205 probably has to do with a very narrow understanding of this term 'discipline'. 265 00:21:02,211 --> 00:21:08,367 This word for discipline is like our English word for discipline. 266 00:21:08,373 --> 00:21:14,810 If I use that term with regards to: "Brother, you need to be disciplined in your life; 267 00:21:14,816 --> 00:21:18,055 you need to get up on time; you need to get to work on time." 268 00:21:18,061 --> 00:21:22,413 You see, we tend to look at that term in a positive sense used that way. 269 00:21:22,419 --> 00:21:26,899 Whereas, if you say to the child who you caught in a lie, 270 00:21:26,905 --> 00:21:28,269 "Okay, you're going to be disciplined," 271 00:21:28,275 --> 00:21:30,401 we look at it very negative that way. 272 00:21:30,407 --> 00:21:33,598 In fact, I've even been talking about what rod God uses. 273 00:21:33,604 --> 00:21:35,609 That seems negative. 274 00:21:35,615 --> 00:21:44,312 But this term for discipline has got to do with the whole rearing of a child. 275 00:21:44,318 --> 00:21:49,123 It's got to do with the guiding of a child toward maturity. 276 00:21:49,129 --> 00:21:54,064 The word encompasses training, instruction, discipline; 277 00:21:54,070 --> 00:21:57,411 it's the whole training in education of the child.(P) 278 00:21:57,417 --> 00:22:03,270 And so, when we understand it in the broader sense, we don't just limit it to, 279 00:22:03,276 --> 00:22:10,125 "Okay, something bad came in my life, what bad did I do that I got this from God?" 280 00:22:10,131 --> 00:22:11,812 A lot of times, that's how we think. 281 00:22:11,818 --> 00:22:16,583 "Well, we sinned, this bad thing happened. We sin again, this bad thing happened." 282 00:22:16,589 --> 00:22:20,547 But that's not really the picture that you want to see. 283 00:22:20,553 --> 00:22:24,532 This discipline is not meant just to punish us. 284 00:22:24,538 --> 00:22:26,969 What's it meant to do? 285 00:22:26,975 --> 00:22:32,755 It's meant, you can see it in verse 10, it's for our good. 286 00:22:32,761 --> 00:22:34,148 Do you see? 287 00:22:34,154 --> 00:22:37,820 "He disciplines us for our good." 288 00:22:37,826 --> 00:22:41,404 It's for producing holiness in us (verse 10). 289 00:22:41,410 --> 00:22:46,954 Verse 11, it's for producing peace — the peaceable fruit. 290 00:22:46,960 --> 00:22:49,860 It's for producing righteousness in us. 291 00:22:49,866 --> 00:22:53,199 It's for the overall training, guidance, maturing, instruction of God's children 292 00:22:53,205 --> 00:22:54,437 in holiness and righteousness. 293 00:22:54,443 --> 00:22:56,279 And let me ask you this: 294 00:22:56,285 --> 00:23:08,614 What hour of what day do you not need these things? 295 00:23:08,620 --> 00:23:11,841 There's nothing at all in these verses that lead us to believe, 296 00:23:11,847 --> 00:23:15,995 I mean, if you read all the way down through here from verse 5 to 13 like we read, 297 00:23:16,001 --> 00:23:22,137 there's nothing here that leads us to believe that these folks this letter is being written to 298 00:23:22,143 --> 00:23:26,216 had done some grievous thing for which they are being punished by their Father. 299 00:23:26,222 --> 00:23:27,822 There's no indication there. 300 00:23:27,828 --> 00:23:32,327 They are simply being told, "You need to endure this, and it's for your good. 301 00:23:32,333 --> 00:23:39,026 You need to endure this, it's for your holiness, it's for your righteousness." 302 00:23:39,032 --> 00:23:49,804 This word 'discipline' is much broader than just this response to some sin in our lives.(P) 303 00:23:49,810 --> 00:23:55,392 Now look, God may very well, if you've got some long-standing idol in your life 304 00:23:55,398 --> 00:24:00,809 or some unrepentant sin, God may bring you discipline as a direct result of that. 305 00:24:00,815 --> 00:24:03,002 I'm not saying that that's not the case. 306 00:24:03,008 --> 00:24:12,171 But I have a feeling that this overall need that we have of righteousness and holiness, 307 00:24:12,177 --> 00:24:14,504 can bring God's discipline at any time; 308 00:24:14,510 --> 00:24:22,284 because this discipline, the word itself, does not just deal with responding to specific incidents. 309 00:24:22,290 --> 00:24:25,460 It's got to do with the overall training of God's children 310 00:24:25,466 --> 00:24:28,203 which you and I are in need of, every single day; 311 00:24:28,209 --> 00:24:30,704 every single hour; every single minute. 312 00:24:30,710 --> 00:24:31,934 And you know what? 313 00:24:31,940 --> 00:24:34,714 Even if you are just stuck on that idea 314 00:24:34,720 --> 00:24:37,971 that discipline has got be in response to some sort of wrongdoing, 315 00:24:37,977 --> 00:24:39,073 well let me ask you that. 316 00:24:39,079 --> 00:24:42,135 What day have you not committed some wrongdoing? 317 00:24:42,141 --> 00:24:52,957 I mean, we are candidates for God's discipline, all the time.(P) 318 00:24:54,234 --> 00:25:02,252 Question four, "Since suffering is common to all men, 319 00:25:02,258 --> 00:25:04,952 how can I tell the difference between the Christian's discipline 320 00:25:04,958 --> 00:25:06,617 and the non-Christian's suffering?" 321 00:25:06,623 --> 00:25:10,006 This question really arises from verse 8, doesn't it? 322 00:25:10,012 --> 00:25:11,348 I mean, listen to verse 8, 323 00:25:11,354 --> 00:25:18,867 "If you are left without discipline, in which all (implied God's children) have participated, 324 00:25:18,873 --> 00:25:22,912 then you are illegitimate children and not sons." 325 00:25:22,918 --> 00:25:28,365 And so, that raises the question, "Wow! All men suffer, 326 00:25:28,371 --> 00:25:32,369 how can I tell if I'm not being disciplined by God?" 327 00:25:32,375 --> 00:25:38,490 I mean, if what God uses to discipline us is pain, and all men are exposed to pain, 328 00:25:38,496 --> 00:25:40,886 how is it even possible for me to look at somebody 329 00:25:40,892 --> 00:25:45,686 and say whether they do or whether they don't get the discipline of their Father. 330 00:25:45,692 --> 00:25:47,248 I mean, that's a valid question, right? 331 00:25:47,254 --> 00:25:50,158 That's one of the questions that comes up a lot of times. 332 00:25:50,164 --> 00:25:51,161 How can we tell? 333 00:25:51,167 --> 00:25:56,924 A believer get's sick; is it only believers that get sick where you work? 334 00:25:56,930 --> 00:25:58,775 Believer gets sick, unbeliever gets sick. 335 00:25:58,781 --> 00:26:02,555 Believer loses his job, unbeliever loses his job. 336 00:26:02,561 --> 00:26:05,195 What's the difference? Or is there any? 337 00:26:05,201 --> 00:26:09,290 I mean, Hebrews is written to Christians who had their possessions plundered. 338 00:26:09,296 --> 00:26:11,399 But just look through history. 339 00:26:11,405 --> 00:26:15,102 Thieves have plundered the stuff of unbelievers just as well. 340 00:26:15,108 --> 00:26:18,773 Wartime, unbelievers have been plundered just as well. 341 00:26:18,779 --> 00:26:22,722 And I'll tell you this, if you're a false professor in the church, 342 00:26:22,728 --> 00:26:24,386 and you are identifying with Christ, 343 00:26:24,392 --> 00:26:28,061 you pretty much are going to receive, oftentimes, 344 00:26:28,067 --> 00:26:32,065 the same kind of persecution that everybody else receives.(P) 345 00:26:32,071 --> 00:26:36,384 Look, our author is concerned that some of these people he's writing to 346 00:26:36,390 --> 00:26:38,268 may not turn out to be the real deal. 347 00:26:38,274 --> 00:26:39,754 He's warning them. 348 00:26:39,760 --> 00:26:47,029 If you go on sinning deliberately, there's God's wrath. 349 00:26:47,035 --> 00:26:50,660 He's concerned that there may be some in their midst that are drifting. 350 00:26:50,666 --> 00:26:55,110 You remember where we've come from in this letter. 351 00:26:55,116 --> 00:26:57,885 Well, you know what? They were getting their stuff plundered just as well. 352 00:26:57,891 --> 00:27:00,053 Why? Because they were identifying with Christ. 353 00:27:00,059 --> 00:27:05,033 How can you tell when one is disciplined of the Lord for His children, 354 00:27:05,039 --> 00:27:13,005 and whereas the other are being left without it and are illegitimate? 355 00:27:13,011 --> 00:27:20,821 Well, to answer this, we need to recognize what verses 9,10 and 11 are saying. 356 00:27:20,827 --> 00:27:28,128 Now watch this. Well, let's just read 9, 357 00:27:28,134 --> 00:27:32,660 "Besides this, we have had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we respected them. 358 00:27:32,666 --> 00:27:41,014 Shall we not much more be subject — now that's key — 359 00:27:41,020 --> 00:27:44,754 be subject to the Father of spirits and live? 360 00:27:44,760 --> 00:27:49,115 For they disciplined us for a short time as it seemed best to them, 361 00:27:49,121 --> 00:27:55,270 but He disciplines us for our good, that we may share His holiness." 362 00:27:55,276 --> 00:27:57,999 Now catch that. 363 00:27:58,690 --> 00:28:03,688 When God disciplines us, it's for the sake of producing holiness. 364 00:28:03,694 --> 00:28:06,562 "For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, 365 00:28:06,568 --> 00:28:09,585 but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness 366 00:28:09,591 --> 00:28:11,504 to those who have been trained by it." 367 00:28:11,510 --> 00:28:13,125 There's a yield. 368 00:28:13,131 --> 00:28:16,231 Catch that word 'fruit' in verse 11. 369 00:28:16,237 --> 00:28:21,031 When God's people experience the loving pain, the loving sorrow, 370 00:28:21,037 --> 00:28:30,240 the loving suffering of their heavenly Father's discipline; what's the fruit? 371 00:28:30,246 --> 00:28:32,387 What's the fruit? 372 00:28:32,393 --> 00:28:34,383 It's righteousness.(P) 373 00:28:34,389 --> 00:28:38,284 Now, you just think with me about some place like the parable of the soils. 374 00:28:38,290 --> 00:28:42,241 What happens when you get somebody that receives the word gladly, 375 00:28:42,247 --> 00:28:51,569 and then pain comes—the sun comes out, persecution comes, hostile sinners? 376 00:28:51,575 --> 00:28:54,351 What happens? 377 00:28:54,356 --> 00:28:57,302 They wither. 378 00:28:57,308 --> 00:29:00,975 Did you catch that in verse 9? "Subject to the Father." 379 00:29:00,981 --> 00:29:03,888 Do you know what happens when the world suffers? 380 00:29:03,894 --> 00:29:11,330 Time and again, how does God fault the world at large when He brings calamity on the world? 381 00:29:11,336 --> 00:29:14,214 How does He fault them? 382 00:29:14,220 --> 00:29:17,887 That they do not turn to Him. 383 00:29:17,893 --> 00:29:20,339 Remember what we were talking about on Wednesday? 384 00:29:20,345 --> 00:29:26,597 Jesus saying, "Lean on Me. I have designed your suffering. 385 00:29:26,603 --> 00:29:34,654 I have designed your load to not be bearable, not proportionate to your strength." 386 00:29:34,660 --> 00:29:36,589 Why? So that we might lean on Him. 387 00:29:36,595 --> 00:29:40,790 What does the world do when difficulties come? 388 00:29:40,796 --> 00:29:46,085 You see them there in Revelation 16; they blaspheme the Lord. 389 00:29:46,091 --> 00:29:49,457 They swear, they curse, they kick. 390 00:29:49,463 --> 00:29:54,730 God's people are subject, and what happens? There's a fruit of righteousness. 391 00:29:54,736 --> 00:29:58,780 All it does is compound sin in the unbeliever. 392 00:29:58,786 --> 00:30:04,886 He kicks, he hates it, he complains, he argues, he finds fault with God, 393 00:30:04,892 --> 00:30:09,022 he puts God on the judgment seat. 394 00:30:09,028 --> 00:30:13,499 He brings accusation against God. 395 00:30:13,505 --> 00:30:16,996 And all it does is compound his sin. 396 00:30:17,002 --> 00:30:23,560 You look, watch people suffer, that's how you know. 397 00:30:23,566 --> 00:30:26,902 That's the difference. 398 00:30:26,907 --> 00:30:30,486 How they respond.(P) 399 00:30:30,492 --> 00:30:37,153 How about question 5: "Why me, why now?" 400 00:30:37,159 --> 00:30:40,661 And I know we've kind of dealt with this, perhaps, in others; 401 00:30:40,667 --> 00:30:44,107 but we often get so distraught when the Lord brings discipline. 402 00:30:44,113 --> 00:30:46,929 You know, if you're sitting here and life is pretty much going well, 403 00:30:46,935 --> 00:30:50,222 this message may just be going over your head. 404 00:30:50,228 --> 00:30:53,401 But when the pain comes, even though you can hear this message, 405 00:30:53,407 --> 00:30:58,749 listen, this truth is for you when you are actually suffering. 406 00:30:58,755 --> 00:31:04,680 Because when you are actually suffering, it can be very easy to forget these words; 407 00:31:04,686 --> 00:31:09,329 to forget these realities. 408 00:31:09,335 --> 00:31:15,105 When God brings discipline upon you that's unusually sharp and painful, 409 00:31:15,111 --> 00:31:17,522 we can be tempted like Peter. 410 00:31:17,528 --> 00:31:20,614 You know, Peter is being told, "You're going to suffer Peter." 411 00:31:20,620 --> 00:31:23,039 And he's like, "Well, what about that guy?" 412 00:31:23,045 --> 00:31:26,587 And that's a lot of times; all of a sudden, bang! we're suffering. 413 00:31:26,593 --> 00:31:35,824 It's like we look around, "What about all of them? Why are You singling me out Lord?" 414 00:31:35,830 --> 00:31:38,357 When the truth is He isn't singling you out.(P) 415 00:31:38,363 --> 00:31:42,582 I can remember reading the story one time about one Christian 416 00:31:42,588 --> 00:31:45,250 who came to another Christian and said, 417 00:31:45,256 --> 00:31:49,581 "You know, I've had questions about your salvation." 418 00:31:49,587 --> 00:32:00,783 And the guy said, "Why?" And he said, "Because I never see trial in your life." 419 00:32:00,789 --> 00:32:04,403 And the other man just burst into tears. 420 00:32:04,409 --> 00:32:06,651 And you know why he did that? 421 00:32:06,657 --> 00:32:13,817 Because he was suffering in a way that the first guy couldn't see. 422 00:32:13,823 --> 00:32:15,579 And a lot of times we suffer that. 423 00:32:15,585 --> 00:32:20,262 A lot of times we think, "Oh! we are suffering all alone." 424 00:32:20,268 --> 00:32:25,342 No. Through many tribulations, all of God's people enter that [kingdom]. 425 00:32:25,348 --> 00:32:27,151 Many tribulations. 426 00:32:27,157 --> 00:32:29,989 And sometimes, we can be very shortsighted. 427 00:32:29,995 --> 00:32:34,302 But we get to that place. 428 00:32:34,308 --> 00:32:41,524 We can say, "Lord, why, why me, why now, why is this coming?" 429 00:32:41,530 --> 00:32:42,902 I mean, that's often. 430 00:32:42,908 --> 00:32:46,158 Job was asking the same question. Remember Job, he's asking, 431 00:32:46,164 --> 00:32:48,570 "Why Lord, why?" 432 00:32:48,576 --> 00:32:53,712 And the thing is, we tend to be very aware of our own suffering. 433 00:32:53,718 --> 00:32:57,921 And you know why? Because we're the one that feels the pain.(P) 434 00:32:57,927 --> 00:33:03,783 I can't always look at you, and see, and recognize, "Ooh, something painful." 435 00:33:03,789 --> 00:33:09,967 You know, you lose a child, you lose your job, I can see. 436 00:33:09,973 --> 00:33:11,994 I can put myself in that place. 437 00:33:12,000 --> 00:33:15,523 But there's a lot of things we struggle with that other people don't see. 438 00:33:15,529 --> 00:33:20,055 There's things that happen in the family, there's things that happen in here, 439 00:33:20,061 --> 00:33:22,749 there's warfare that takes place in here, 440 00:33:22,755 --> 00:33:26,466 there's battles demonically other people don't see. 441 00:33:26,472 --> 00:33:27,948 There's ways we get wore out, 442 00:33:27,954 --> 00:33:32,789 there's ways we get discouraged other people don't see. 443 00:33:32,795 --> 00:33:37,499 There's tears that we weep that no one sees but the Lord, 444 00:33:37,505 --> 00:33:40,234 that a lot of times our spouses don't even see. 445 00:33:40,240 --> 00:33:42,621 There's battles we go through. 446 00:33:42,627 --> 00:33:50,477 And so, we can be very bad judges, actually, of other people's suffering. 447 00:33:50,483 --> 00:33:53,565 When it's us, we feel it, we know it. 448 00:33:53,571 --> 00:33:58,609 We can be, quite often, insensitive and ignorant of the tough roads 449 00:33:58,615 --> 00:34:01,776 that others are being called to travel. 450 00:34:01,782 --> 00:34:05,856 And in our ignorance, oftentimes, when the sharp pain is inflicted on us, 451 00:34:05,862 --> 00:34:07,425 we can tend to ask these questions, 452 00:34:07,431 --> 00:34:11,561 "Lord, why me, why me? 453 00:34:11,565 --> 00:34:18,096 I mean, I don't see that other people are being called to walk this path you're calling me to walk. 454 00:34:18,101 --> 00:34:21,603 Why now?"(P) 455 00:34:21,610 --> 00:34:25,591 How do we answer? Well, I'll just answer this. 456 00:34:25,597 --> 00:34:27,192 "Why me?" 457 00:34:27,197 --> 00:34:31,587 Here's the answer: Because God loves you. 458 00:34:31,592 --> 00:34:32,547 "Why now?" 459 00:34:32,554 --> 00:34:37,547 Because God knows of no better time to make you more holy and more like Himself than right now. 460 00:34:37,553 --> 00:34:41,306 I mean, that's the best answer I can give you.(P) 461 00:34:41,313 --> 00:34:49,581 How about question 6, "What does the second half of verse 9 mean?" 462 00:34:49,588 --> 00:34:54,705 Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live? 463 00:34:54,710 --> 00:34:57,502 Did you all notice 'live' in there? 464 00:34:57,508 --> 00:35:08,168 I find that little 'live or die' appended in various places throughout Scripture. 465 00:35:08,174 --> 00:35:11,028 We can tend to miss it. 466 00:35:11,034 --> 00:35:13,392 Do you recognize what's being said there? 467 00:35:13,398 --> 00:35:16,885 It's kinda like in Romans 8:13, 468 00:35:16,891 --> 00:35:23,451 "If by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live." 469 00:35:23,457 --> 00:35:27,351 There's oftentimes in Scripture it sounds very works-oriented. 470 00:35:27,357 --> 00:35:32,156 You know why? Because grace always produces these things, 471 00:35:32,162 --> 00:35:37,595 and if it doesn't, that's an indication of death. 472 00:35:37,601 --> 00:35:41,539 We heard in the first hour, Power! There is power! 473 00:35:41,545 --> 00:35:47,296 There are people that profess this form of godliness but they deny the power. 474 00:35:47,302 --> 00:35:51,113 Well, I'll tell you this, if you're truly saved, 475 00:35:51,119 --> 00:35:54,724 that power is going to reveal itself in how you suffer. 476 00:35:54,730 --> 00:35:56,045 You notice what is being said. 477 00:35:56,051 --> 00:35:59,553 I mean, you could flip this thing on its back. 478 00:35:59,559 --> 00:36:05,102 Be subject to the Father of spirits and live, or taking it from the negative direction, 479 00:36:05,108 --> 00:36:09,431 (you know, if you go back up to verse 5, "Don't lightly regard God's discipline,") 480 00:36:09,437 --> 00:36:12,887 Well, you could lightly regard God's discipline, 481 00:36:12,893 --> 00:36:17,729 rebel against the Father of spirits — and what? 482 00:36:17,734 --> 00:36:22,319 What's the last word? — and die. 483 00:36:22,325 --> 00:36:24,194 I mean, that's the opposite.(P) 484 00:36:24,200 --> 00:36:29,215 The path to life, it's interesting, a lot of times Scripture gives us this path to life. 485 00:36:29,221 --> 00:36:34,534 Like I think right off of Romans 6:22 where you have like this flow. 486 00:36:34,540 --> 00:36:39,711 You know, we're free from sin, we become slaves to God, we bear fruit, 487 00:36:39,717 --> 00:36:44,474 sanctification, the end, eternal life. 488 00:36:44,480 --> 00:36:49,400 By the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you live. 489 00:36:49,406 --> 00:36:55,205 Your mind set on the things of the flesh, you die. 490 00:36:55,211 --> 00:37:01,535 Here, you be subject to the Father of lights, you live. 491 00:37:01,541 --> 00:37:10,344 You lightly esteem the discipline of your Father and rebel against Him in His pain inflicting, 492 00:37:10,350 --> 00:37:12,825 and you die. 493 00:37:12,831 --> 00:37:19,283 And that's what we see. The world just rebelling against God's motions. 494 00:37:19,289 --> 00:37:26,002 God has said in Scripture, He strikes the unsaved that they might flee to Him; 495 00:37:26,008 --> 00:37:27,478 that they might turn to Him. 496 00:37:27,484 --> 00:37:29,250 That's the fault with people. 497 00:37:29,256 --> 00:37:33,943 "I struck them and they didn't turn to Me."(P) 498 00:37:34,705 --> 00:37:40,721 Being subject to God, that's connected to life here. 499 00:37:40,727 --> 00:37:43,469 But do you recognize what's being said? 500 00:37:43,475 --> 00:37:46,972 God may be sovereign over the pain He inflicts upon me, 501 00:37:46,978 --> 00:37:49,554 but what's my responsibility? 502 00:37:49,559 --> 00:37:51,962 It's to submit to it. 503 00:37:51,968 --> 00:37:54,766 That's my responsibility. 504 00:37:54,772 --> 00:37:57,696 And what does it mean to be subject? 505 00:37:57,701 --> 00:37:59,077 To be obedient. 506 00:37:59,083 --> 00:38:06,517 It means when God smites me, though it be ever so hard, 507 00:38:06,523 --> 00:38:11,557 I strive in the power of Christ to continue to walk in the path of obedience. 508 00:38:11,563 --> 00:38:14,970 And that's the temptation, right? 509 00:38:14,978 --> 00:38:20,669 The temptation is all the greater when the pain is all the greater, 510 00:38:20,675 --> 00:38:22,674 to not be subject to my Father. 511 00:38:22,680 --> 00:38:27,175 It's very easy to be a Christian when there's no pain, sorrow, suffering and trial. 512 00:38:27,181 --> 00:38:28,997 When do we get put to the test? 513 00:38:29,003 --> 00:38:32,344 The same way Jesus got put to the test. Right? 514 00:38:32,350 --> 00:38:39,755 I mean, doesn't it say in Hebrews 5 that although He was a Son, 515 00:38:39,761 --> 00:38:42,512 He learned obedience through what He suffered. 516 00:38:42,518 --> 00:38:46,890 Every bit of suffering as it intensified and as it increased, 517 00:38:46,896 --> 00:38:51,580 Jesus is our example of this. I mean, watch Him. 518 00:38:51,586 --> 00:39:00,123 Consider the anguish of a Man who is sweating blood, and what words come from His mouth? 519 00:39:00,129 --> 00:39:04,106 "Your will, not Mine." 520 00:39:04,112 --> 00:39:06,636 That's what we're being called to here, 521 00:39:06,642 --> 00:39:13,200 to follow in our Master's steps when life is hard. 522 00:39:13,206 --> 00:39:19,564 To be subject to the Father of lights, that is the path of life. 523 00:39:19,570 --> 00:39:24,054 Jesus is our all-glorious example. 524 00:39:24,059 --> 00:39:27,496 You see Him learning obedience. 525 00:39:27,502 --> 00:39:35,040 Every time what He suffered increased, He obeyed and He submitted. 526 00:39:35,046 --> 00:39:40,469 I mean, He's there in that garden, and He's being put to it. 527 00:39:40,475 --> 00:39:45,022 I mean, the pain; what pain causes a man to sweat blood? 528 00:39:45,028 --> 00:39:47,116 What anguish of soul! 529 00:39:47,122 --> 00:39:53,640 And yet, He surrendered to His Father's will. 530 00:39:53,646 --> 00:39:57,936 That's the picture we have here. 531 00:39:58,522 --> 00:40:00,820 This is the path of life: 532 00:40:00,826 --> 00:40:08,639 Continuing obedience; subject to the Father when we hurt.(P) 533 00:40:08,645 --> 00:40:12,215 Now here's the last question. 534 00:40:12,221 --> 00:40:18,589 This is one you have to answer, not me. 535 00:40:18,595 --> 00:40:24,027 Are you ready to accept this? 536 00:40:24,033 --> 00:40:39,906 Are you ready to accept the fact that you have a God, who for your own good, 537 00:40:39,912 --> 00:40:45,817 He make take your health, He may take your money, 538 00:40:45,935 --> 00:40:49,036 He may take your house, He may take your wife, 539 00:40:49,042 --> 00:40:55,127 He may take your husband, He may take your children, 540 00:40:55,133 --> 00:41:04,292 He may take your life, He may take your comfort, He may take your ease, 541 00:41:04,298 --> 00:41:10,426 He may require you to walk a bitter painful road. 542 00:41:10,432 --> 00:41:16,014 Are you ready to accept a God like that, 543 00:41:16,020 --> 00:41:20,900 who, for your own good, is going to bring pain into your life? 544 00:41:20,906 --> 00:41:25,603 Are you going to be subject to God when it comes? And it's coming. 545 00:41:25,609 --> 00:41:33,664 If you're a child, it's coming or it's already upon you. 546 00:41:33,670 --> 00:41:42,497 Or are you going to kick, and resist, and fight against this God 547 00:41:42,503 --> 00:41:46,772 and demand that He give an accounting of Himself. 548 00:41:46,778 --> 00:41:53,149 "I'm not going to be subject, I want an answer. 549 00:41:53,155 --> 00:41:59,042 Why? And I'm not content to have no answer."(P) 550 00:41:59,048 --> 00:42:05,579 Hebrews wants us to know our God as a disciplining Father. 551 00:42:05,585 --> 00:42:13,507 Recognizing and receiving this truth is extremely important for knowing your God, 552 00:42:13,513 --> 00:42:14,885 and for living by faith, 553 00:42:14,891 --> 00:42:21,217 and for trusting Him when all the foundations seem to be giving way. 554 00:42:21,223 --> 00:42:30,451 Are you ready to accept that your pain is not a result of God's hatred to you. 555 00:42:30,457 --> 00:42:39,903 Your pain, if you're a Christian, is a result of God's infinite love toward you. 556 00:42:39,909 --> 00:42:42,217 Do you believe this? Do you accept this? 557 00:42:42,223 --> 00:42:47,722 Do you believe, in your pain, that you're not being treated unfairly? 558 00:42:47,728 --> 00:42:53,732 Do you believe that you're not, when you suffer, being treated like a stepchild? 559 00:42:53,738 --> 00:42:59,903 You think of Cinderella. The mother is partial. 560 00:42:59,909 --> 00:43:01,570 Are you not going to fall for that? 561 00:43:01,576 --> 00:43:04,669 Because I'll tell you, when you suffer, you know who's right there at your side? 562 00:43:04,675 --> 00:43:07,337 The devil's there at your side, and he's going to tell you, 563 00:43:07,343 --> 00:43:12,762 "Look at your God. Look how He treats you. 564 00:43:12,768 --> 00:43:17,700 Allah doesn't treat his people so bad as that. 565 00:43:17,706 --> 00:43:20,355 Look what He's putting you through. 566 00:43:20,361 --> 00:43:24,324 You call that a loving Father?" 567 00:43:24,330 --> 00:43:30,065 Are you going to say, "No it is, because God's Word tells me." 568 00:43:30,071 --> 00:43:33,789 Are these passages we're looking at today sufficient for you 569 00:43:33,795 --> 00:43:37,661 when that hour comes, that you'll believe this? 570 00:43:37,667 --> 00:43:39,187 Or are you going to be more led to believe 571 00:43:39,193 --> 00:43:44,517 "He's treating me like an enemy or slave."(P) 572 00:43:44,523 --> 00:43:51,098 These truths are meant to give us that rock solid foundation that when suffering comes, 573 00:43:51,104 --> 00:43:53,973 you're not being treated as an enemy or a stepchild, 574 00:43:53,979 --> 00:44:01,819 you're being treated as one for whom God sent His Son to die. 575 00:44:01,825 --> 00:44:03,787 That's how you're being treated. 576 00:44:03,793 --> 00:44:09,164 One for whom the Father loves with a wonderful love; an incomprehensible love. 577 00:44:09,170 --> 00:44:12,740 The question is: Are you ready to accept this? 578 00:44:12,746 --> 00:44:16,134 Will you let the Word of God in these verses 579 00:44:16,140 --> 00:44:21,248 just settle down into your brain and settle the question for you? 580 00:44:21,254 --> 00:44:24,418 So that when the suffering comes, you don't turn on God, 581 00:44:24,424 --> 00:44:30,018 you don't make Him out to be a monster or a terrorist or unkind. 582 00:44:30,024 --> 00:44:36,402 When your suffering comes, much like with Job, 583 00:44:36,408 --> 00:44:42,332 God is not likely going to tell you why. 584 00:44:42,338 --> 00:44:48,067 You have to suffer right at that time. 585 00:44:48,073 --> 00:44:51,522 Why? It's your turn to suffer. 586 00:44:51,528 --> 00:44:56,970 And why you have to suffer as sharply, as deeply, 587 00:44:56,976 --> 00:45:02,441 and for as long as you're being made to suffer, 588 00:45:02,447 --> 00:45:08,847 Job never did get an answer even though God appeared to Him. 589 00:45:08,853 --> 00:45:17,287 When you don't get an answer, are you going to rest? 590 00:45:17,293 --> 00:45:19,861 Are you going to accept this? 591 00:45:19,867 --> 00:45:27,855 Because what this verse is telling us is what we need to know. 592 00:45:27,861 --> 00:45:37,345 And why? Usually He doesn't think we need to know.(P) 593 00:45:37,351 --> 00:45:43,193 When it happens, when it comes, 594 00:45:44,189 --> 00:45:53,557 are you going to be able to rest in the love of an all-wise Father to His child? 595 00:45:53,563 --> 00:45:55,662 Are you going to trust Him? 596 00:45:55,668 --> 00:45:58,836 And child of God, you need this. 597 00:45:58,842 --> 00:46:05,032 You'll need these words, because if not, you're not a legitimate child. 598 00:46:05,038 --> 00:46:12,785 You need this. You want to pay attention to this.